Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Sacred Moments
Sometimes our busy lives do not leave us the time we want for spiritual devotion. This week we discuss how we can connect with the divine in single moments.
Life is busy! There are multiple jobs, school, family obligations, and other commitments. It is difficult to find time for our personal needs.
People tell me they wish they had more time for religious ceremony, spiritual study, and sacred practices. When daily commitments demand our time, these sacred activities often get pushed aside. This leaves us feeling ungrounded and untethered. It can also cause us to feel guilt and shame for abandoning our spiritual and cultural practices.
When I became a mother, I no longer had time to meet my friends for rituals, drumming and chanting, or yoga. I felt this as a profound loss. Then I remembered something my mother had said to me when I was a about six years old. She was talking with me about the importance of regular personal spiritual devotion. To illustrate her point, my mother told me that she prayed when she took out the garbage at night.
My newly formed sense of religious propriety was offended by this. “You talk to God when you take out the garbage?”
My mother believed that God appreciated her busy schedule, and the time she created for her devotion. She explained that her walk to the garbage cans was quiet and solitary. She could see the stars in the night sky. That was enough to turn her thoughts from the mundane to the mystical.
Remembering this childhood lesson eased my transition to my own motherhood. I learned to approach every task as a spiritual ritual.
To this day, I practice spiritual observance in single moments, especially when single moments are all the free time my life offers me. I encourage my busy friends and clients to do the same. A single conscious breath, gratitude for nature around us, a sacred moment of connection is sometimes all our time and energy will allow. These moments are enough for us to recharge, to center, to ground, and to stay in our guidance.
The StaarCorner
Friday, January 19 is Intensive Day at StaarCon. Attendees will be able to choose between intensive sessions in the morning and afternoon. Of course, recordings of whichever sessions you do not attend will be available to you during the AfterGlow.
We are excited to announce that Mary Ellen Collins will teach an intensive Friday afternoon.
Mary Ellen is a West Palm Beach based tarot teacher and reader. She is also a gifted astrologer and practices many types of divination.
Mary Ellen’s intensive is Tarot Plus! Divination Combos. The three sessions of her intensive are Cards and Stars, Cards and Charms, and Cards and Crystals.
In this intensive, you will learn how to combine divination methods with tarot. Whether you are a professional reader, aspiring pro, or simply using divination on your personal journey, these skills will take you to the next level.
Make you plan to join us at StaarCon 2024.
Sacred Moments with Tarot
Some of you know that I am an advocate for longer tarot readings with lots of cards. Sometimes, though, a busy life does not allow us to linger over our cards, ask further questions, or deeply explore the possible meanings of every card combination.
Sometimes a single well-phrased question needs to be enough. Sometimes a single card needs to be enough to answer that question.
If you are not sure how to phrase the right question, you can simply ask “What do I need to know right now?”
What is the best way to interpret a single card in a quick reading?
Often, your first intuitive response to the card you pulled is the most accurate and organic quick reading you can give yourself. However, that first response should not be based on fear or upset.
Make sure you check in with yourself to make sure your interpretation is based on your reading of the card, rather than an emotional response to the image.
It is a good idea to keep a tarot journal and write the date and time and the name of the card you pulled. If you have time, jot down a few of your thoughts about the card. If you do not have time to do this, that is okay. Later, you can come back to your tarot journal and record your thoughts of how the card informed your day, even after the fact.
If you only have a single moment to spend with tarot, you can still make that moment sacred and helpful.
The Week in Review
Members of my YouTube channel enjoyed our members-only livestream last Thursday. Our topic was The Tarot Journey of Self Discovery. We discussed many ways that tarot can help us know ourselves, understand ourselves and heal ourselves.
If you are a member, please check out the replay!
Everyone is welcome to join us tomorrow, Thursday April 20 at 7 pm ET for a class on combining divination tools!
From Around the Web
Do not panic, but Mercury stations retrograde this week. Aliza Kelly at The Cut has some words of wisdom for us about Mercury Retrograde in Taurus.
It is gratifying to see the impact that Rachel Pollack had, not just on the tarot community, but on the world at large. The Washington Post has published a wonderful story about her life. The New York Times has covered Rachel’s passing with an exciting and detailed narrative about her life and accomplishments.
Check out this article from Entertainment Monthly News about StaarCon presenter and exhibitor Marieke Lexmond. Marieke is the author of a tarot-inspired fiction series called The Madigan Chronicles.
Creation and Divination
How can we be creative in our divination when we have very little free time?
Here is a quick exercise for those who have learned tarot well enough to remember at least one image and title for each of the seventy-eight cards.
You can do this exercise at work, upon rising, at the gym, or anywhere else you might find yourself with only a minute to spare.
Take a moment and breathe. Ask your higher self, subconscious mind, or spirit guides to send you a tarot image for your immediate guidance. As you inhale, let a tarot image come to your mind.
Which card is it? What does it mean to you? Why do you think this image is the one that came to you mind at this moment?
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 16
April 19, 2023
The Body Mind Spirit Link
The holistic concept that the body, mind, and spirit are connected is ancient and multicultural. This week we explore how this concept can fit with healing, growth, and divination. We also discuss how this concept can help and potentially hurt us.
These days we hear about the connection between body, mind, and spirit everywhere. Our medical doctors, our yoga studios and fitness centers, our self-help gurus, and our spiritual leaders all stress this important philosophy.
The body, the mind, and the spirit do not function independently of one another. The more we can focus our self-care practices and lifestyle choices to integrate the needs of these three aspects of self, the happier and healthier we will be.
At least that is how the theory goes.
But how did this concept begin?
While we may believe this is a crunchy ideology borne of the 1980s New Age movement, this concept is far older.
There is evidence of understanding of the Body, Mind, Spirit link that dates back to early Greek philosophers, and that appears in the languages of many lands.
In Japanese, the word ‘kokoro’ describes the heart energy of a person who has their body, mind, and spirit working in harmony.
Is it true that there is benefit in understanding ourselves as being made up of three important parts, body, mind, and spirit? I think there absolutely is. I think wellbeing involves finding as much balance in life as possible. If we understand the parts that need balancing, finding that balance point becomes much easier.
I also think it is possible to take this sort of thinking to an unhealthy and impractical extreme. For example, we know that creative visualization is an important technique for manifestation and healing. We know that positive thoughts can attract positive things. Yet, we also know that it can be hard to have positive thoughts when we are not feeling well. It is easy to get into a loop of feeling shame for feeling sad for feeling unwell, and then believing that those feelings will block healing. The truth is that a lot of unwell people are sad, angry, depressed, and upset. Many of them heal, nonetheless.
When we consciously explore the link between the body, the mind, and the spirit, we discover power that can lead us to self-understanding, personal healing, and clarity on goals, abilities, and options. We can do this successfully without holding ourselves to greater-than-human impossible standards.
To acknowledge that our physical wellbeing is tied to our mental and spiritual wellbeing does not necessitate perfection of mind and spirit. Acknowledging the connection between the different parts of self allows us new ways to address our healing. At the same time, as imperfect beings on an imperfect planet, we need to remember that whatever we do to bring connection, healing, and understanding is a help. There are some things we cannot bring because grief, pain, and practicalities get in the way. This lack should never be our focus, nor our fear.
The StaarCorner
I am sad to report that this week, after a long illness, StaarCon 2022 headliner Rachel Pollack has left her earthly form. The entire StaarCon community extends their love, appreciation, and condolences to Rachel’s wife Zoe, and to all who will feel the absence of Rachel in their lives.
Rachel Pollack and Mary K. Greer have been the tarot mothers of several generations of modern tarotists. I first met Rachel and Mary at tarot conferences in the 1990s. I was honored to have the privilege of presenting with them at the Masters of Tarot Conference at the Omega Institute in 2021.
It is the opportunity to learn from each other, and to become friends with each other, that makes our conferences so special, and so necessary.
Rachel Pollack was one of a kind. Beyond her accomplishments in the tarot world, she was an award-winning science fiction author, as well as a creator for DC Comics. Her life story reminds us that we tarotists can be multi-talented. Her life story continues to inspire us to work toward inclusion and visibility for our diverse tarot community members.
That there are so many wonderful divination creators, authors, and teachers to share their wisdom at StaarCon 2024 is a testament to the decades-long legacy that Rachel leaves us.
Please make your plan to be a part of the sacred community and join us January 19-21, either in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents.
Body Mind Spirit Card Spread
My favorite three-card spread is ‘Body Mind Spirit’. You can do this spread with tarot, or with any oracle deck.
The basic premise of this spread is easy. You have one card for Body, one card for Mind, and one card for Spirit.
The spread becomes complex when we consider the question we are asking as we lay out these cards. Is this a general check on wellbeing? Are we asking where we need to turn our attention? Are we asking what we need to know to be better at self-care?
When you perform the Body Mind Spirit spread, take a moment to focus on why you are doing this spread, and what you hope to learn. You might phrase a specific question around your overall wellbeing before you pull the cards.
There are many techniques for pulling the cards for this spread.. You can shuffle and pull the first three cards after your final cut. You can fan the cards out and pick the three that call to you. Or you can divide the deck into three piles and turn over the top card of each pile.
You can designate that the first card or pile is Body, the second is Mind, and the third is Spirit. Or you can hold your left hand over each card or pile to determine which card should be read in which position. The card or pile that has the densest energy is Body. The card or pile that has the most tingly energy is Spirit. The card or pile that has the airiest energy is Mind.
If you use the three-pile method you can also look at the second card of each pile, and the bottom card of each pile, to expand the reading.
Some tarot readers are vocal about eschewing readings that concern health. The Body Mind Spirit spread is very popular, though obviously a spread can touch on health issues. This is one of the reasons that it is important to be clear about your overarching question or intent before performing this reading.
I think there is a difference between dangerously reading about medical issues and helpfully reading about issues of wellbeing.
Divination can be so useful in navigating our journey of self-care and wellbeing. This three-card spread is a great tool for that journey.
The Week in Review
Did you catch our free livestream tarot class last night? Tarot Aces and Pages did a deep dive into eight tarot cards that are often confused with one another. You can watch the replay at any time.
From Around the Web
Here is an article about the life of Rachel Pollack from GamesRadar.com. Although I am sad to think of a world without Rachel’s physical presence in it, I am so gratified to see the number of communities who claim Rachel as one of their own, and who mark her passing with grief and respect.
I love it when local readers are featured in their hometown papers. Here is a recent article from Carmel, Indiana about a professional tarot reader who opened her business in 2021.
MindBodyGreen wants to take you step by step through a basic tarot reading for yourself or a friend. While I do not agree with everything in this article, it does cover a lot. If you are a nervous reader or a curious beginner, you may find this helpful.
Creation and Divination
Here is a creative way to connect mind, body, and spirit with a tarot card.
Find a tarot card which embodies an energy that you feel you need more of in your life, or that illustrates a problem in your life which you are now ready to solve.
Your goal in this exercise is to embrace the energy of the card by becoming the card character.
You can do this simply in meditation by breathing with the card and visualizing yourself within the image.
To get the full benefit of this exercise, you need to embody the tarot character, literally. You must move your body as you imaginee the character would move. If you are Temperance, you might balance on one foot and mix your solution from cup to cup, for example.
If you are the Eight of Swords and are working to become unstuck, you might wiggle your way out of the ties that bind you and remove your blindfold.
If you are the Fool, you might leap into the unknown.
You may choose music appropriate for your card and turn your moving meditation into a full-on dance. Get your tarot friends to dance with you!
The process of bringing your fully physical presence to tarot is profound. This practice will strengthen your understanding of the card. Most importantly, the energy of the card you embody will move within your life to create the change you need.
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 15
April 12, 2023
The Conscious Breath
The conscious breath brings us to our intuition, our healing, and our ability to work with energy.
We did an exercise during my members-only livestream on my YouTube channel last week that I want to share with you.
The topic of the livestream was Tarot and Intuition. The exercise was about tapping into your inner voice.
The trick with intuition is this. Our intuition is always right. Yet, we may not always be able to distinguish the voice of intuition from the voices of fear and desire.
The simple exercise we did uses the power of breath to help us find an inner truth.
Here is the exercise for you to try.
Focus on your breath. Breathe as deeply and fully as you can. As you exhale, release worry and anxiety. As you inhale, let your breath bring you to your center.
Now, ask your inner guidance to tell you something you need to know.
Hear what comes to you and write it down.
Once you have returned your breathing to normal, consider the message you have received. A true intuitive message will always be helpful. It may be firm, but it will also be kind. Your guidance may offer you a course correction, but your guidance will not speak harshly to you.
Conscious breathing is the simplest and most profound way to connect to guidance, healing, manifestation, and to the spirit world around us.
Our autonomic breathing keeps us alive. Our conscious breathing allows us to access whatever truth and energy we need.
The StaarCorner
We are very excited to welcome Madam Adam back for StaarCon 2024. Adam will teach daily classes at StaarCon 2024. Madam Adam will also be an exhibitor at StaarCon 2024, with great merchandise and opportunities for you to have a reading with one of TikTok’s biggest tarot influencers.
Tickets for StaarCon 2024 will be available soon. Mark your calendar for January 19-21 and plan to join us, either online or in West Palm Beach.
The Air Cards of Tarot
When we think about the power of the breath, we also think about the element of Air. In tarot, the suit of Swords is related to the element of Air. It is interesting to note that the most brutal and disturbing images in tarot appear in the suit of Swords.
The element of Air is associated with the powers of the mind. This includes communication, intelligence, integrity, and decision-making. It makes sense that thoughts, words, integrity, and decisions would be pictured with upsetting images, since these are the things in life that can cause us a great deal of grief.
The fact that we use conscious breathing to clear the mind, and to engage the powers of the mind, fits nicely with the metaphysical qualities we associate with the Air element.
In the Major Arcana of tarot there are five cards that are related to the element of Air. These cards are the Fool, the Magician, the Lovers, Justice, and the Star.
It is easy to see how the powers of the mind, of communication, and of integrity fit with these Major Arcana cards. The Star may give us pause for thought, until we realize that the character in the card is not pouring water, but rather is pouring starlight onto the earth.
It is in this card that we can see the highest expression of the healing power of Air, and therefore, the healing power that we harness when we implement the conscious breath.
The Week in Review
It’s a new month, so make sure you find your TarotScopes on my YouTube channel! I pull three cards for each Zodiac sign to see what energies will be available for the month. Check out your sun sign, your rising sign, and your moon sign.
Join us tomorrow, Thursday, April 6, for our monthly Global Tarot Circle. We share readings with each other and enjoy some informal tarot conversation and study. Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome.
From Around the Web
Theresa Reed has our monthly astrology forecasts and horoscopes.
Erika Robinson keeps a wonderful divination blog. I was impressed with a recent entry where she frankly discusses some of what it is a be a professional diviner in a world full of shortcuts and trickery.
This article from Refinery29 made me smile. It is a great feature for a lot of reasons. This is the story of a young tarot reader who tried working a psychic hotline. I did the same thing, back in the 1990s. Her experiences were like mine. Neither of us lasted very long.
Creation and Divination
A deeper way to work with the simple exercise I have shared in this newsletter is to try automatic writing.
Have paper and a pen, in a comfortable space. Begin with consciously breathing. This time, ask spirit to communicate through you. You may ask for a loved one in spirit, or for your angelic guardian. Hold your pen to the paper and stay focused on your breath. You may want to hold the pen in your non-dominant hand.
Allow the pen in your hand to move, but do not consciously write anything. You may move your hand in circles, allowing the pen to scribble.
As you continue to breathe, let spirit guide your hand. Do not worry about what you are writing, just write.
When you return your breathing to normal, read what you have written. Does this feel like an authentic message from spirit?
Automatic writing, also called spirit writing, is an ancient practice. There is evidence of automatic writing being practiced in China during the Song dynasty (960-1279). In the West, we see automatic writing as part of Enochian magic during the 16th century.
In 1918 Arthur Conan Doyle wrote that automatic writing could either be the writer’s subconscious, or an outside spiritual influence.
The practice of automatic writing can be a creative form of divination.
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 14
April 5, 2023
The Courage to Bloom
Brave flowers push their heads up through the snow. This week we explore this metaphor. How can we have the courage to bloom?
It is spring in the northern hemisphere. Here in Florida, the changes are subtle, but they exist. People who say that Florida does not have seasons have not spent enough time in Florida.
My favorite images of spring, however, come from my many years in the northeast. In early spring, when there is still snow on the ground, colorful flowers push their heads up through the snow to get to the sun. This feels like such an important metaphor for all of us.
Do you want your face to feel the sun? Do you want people to see your beauty? Do you want to act in hope for the future? Then you must have the courage to bloom, even under a blanket of snow.
This reminds me of an inspirational poster many of us had on our bedroom walls as teens in the 1970s. The quote is from Anais Nin.
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
My inner teenager still loves this quote. My outer adult values the reminder that every time we choose not to blossom, we are making a clear choice to be less.
What does blooming look like for you, at this time in your life?
What are the risks you must face in order to bloom?
These are great questions for contemplation, discussion, and divination.
I often see the seasons as invitations, or even imperatives, to do what the earth is doing. In spring, as the earth is renewed and replenished and blooming, we must look to our own renewal, and we must bloom.
The StaarCorner
We are so excited to announce that Maria Alvíz Hernando will be traveling from Spain to present an intensive at StaarCon 2024!
In her three-part intensive, Maria will teach you her Nine-Card Tarot Tableau. Wherever you are in your tarot journey, Maria will give you an important tool. This tarot reading technique can help you use the cards to find any information you might need, and to answer any question you might have.
Mark your calendar now to join us January 19-21, either in person or online. Tickets will be available soon!
Questions to Ask the Cards
The messages and spiritual lessons inherent in tarot beseech us to strive, and to reach for the stars. If we work with tarot, we know that our blooming is inevitable, no matter how we might try to hide and avoid the responsibility of that success.
What are the right questions to ask the cards as we work to release fear, and normalize the idea of being and doing our best, rather than hiding our light?
We opened this newsletter with two questions.
What does blooming look like for you, at this time in your life?
What are the risks you must face in order to bloom?
This becomes a great two-card spread to help you explore what it will take to allow yourself to bloom.
There are many other questions you can ask. I think questions specifically about fear are helpful.
What am I really afraid of? Is a fabulous question to ask the cards under numerous circumstances.
I believe that we often identify that we feel fear, but do not often enough discover why we are afraid. Knowing that can make all the difference.
The Week in Review
If you are a member of my YouTube channel, please join us tomorrow, Thursday, March 30, at 7 pm ET for a members-only livestream. Our topic this month is Tarot and Intuition. We will discuss what intuition is, how to develop and trust your intuition, and how to read tarot more intuitively. I will perform some examples of intuitive tarot reading and explain my process.
From Around the Web
The Tarot Blog Hop celebrated the first day of Spring by contemplating ‘Dawn’. Visit the Master List, read the topic challenge and see how five tarotists each explored the concept.
I found an old blogpost on a florist website that discusses some fortune-telling traditions associated with flowers. This includes instructions for divining with a pansy blossom!
The vernal equinox was last week, but it is not too late to perform a tarot spread for the season. I love this new spread from Almanac Supply Co.
Creation and Divination
There are so many ways to get creative with flowers and divination.
Plants and flowers provided many of us with our first divination experiences. Perhaps we were plucking petals off a daisy one at a time to determine whether he does, indeed, love me. Maybe we were blowing on a dandelion to make our wishes come true. I remember bouncing seeds on my hands to determine how many children I would have and twisting an apple stem to predict the first letter of my husband’s name.
Now, I look for flowers to speak to me. If flowers are anywhere in my field of vision, I allow my intuition to come out and find messages from the flowers. It may be their color, their shape, or their placement that helps determines the message.
Most tarot decks have flowers and foliage entwined in the images. It can be a good practice to go through your favorite working deck, find the flowers in the images, and see how the flowers might inform or enhance your interpretation of the cards.
We can include flowers in our divination rituals. Floral incenses, flower essences, and fresh flowers can all enhance the divination experience. Each flower has a magical energy and purpose, so include the flowers that have potential to fulfill your goals.
There are many divination tools that are based on flowers. Because flowers inherently have symbolic meaning, they are easy to incorporate into oracles.
While actual physical flowers many have limitations in terms of divinatory uses, flower images can convey the energy of the flower without its physical fragility.
If you were to create a flower oracle, what flowers would you include, and what would they mean?
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
YouTube @YourTarotFairyGodmother
Instagram @christianatarot @staarcon
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 13
March 29, 2023