Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Welcome 2023!
We welcome a new year of promise and hope!
This is the last newsletter of 2022. Next week you can expect a new feature as we update Tarot Topics for 2023.
I want to thank you for being a part of my world over this past year. I hope it has been a good year for you, and I wish you and your family all good things in the coming year.
I am excited for a new year, for StaarCon 2023, for new offerings on my YouTube channel, and the fulfillment of some long-term projects. I hope that over the course of this new year you and I will have a chance to work together with readings, mentorship, or classes.
I love New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. I love the hope inherent in a new year, the opportunity for a fresh start, and the celebration of the accomplishments of the year gone by.
On New Year’s Eve the entire world does magic together as we all bid goodbye to the old and welcome the new.
May the magic of this time bring you closer to your goals, closer to your loved ones, and closer to your own authentic happiness and wellbeing.
Happy New Year!
The StaarCorner
StaarCon is now only weeks away. I am particularly proud of the wide range of topics our speaks will be covering. Whether you are new to tarot and divination or a seasoned expert, you will learn and grow, and have fun while doing it.
If you are coming in person, considering joining us for an excursion to downtown West Palm Beach Thursday evening. Saturday will be “Tropical Vibes Day”, so wear your Hawaiian shirt, a sarong, or a flower in your hair to express your tropical vibes. You can even have your picture taken with a mermaid!
If you are joining us online, you will be delighted with the immersive experience offered by the Accelevents Events Management Platform. You can hang out in the lounges, chat with your conference friends, and interact with the presenters.
The thirty-day AfterGlow is available to all ticketholders. During that time, you can watch recordings of all the StaarCon 2023 classes, presentations, and workshops. You can also join us in the lounges for special presentations.
Tickets are available for one, two, or all three days. Whichever classes are presented on your ticket days will be available to you during the AfterGlow. The lounge events will be open to all ticketholders.
A conference is a time to make lifelong friends, learn new skills, and find community. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of StaarCon 2023.
Tarot for a New Year
Numerology creates a specific Major Arcana tarot card for each year. 2023 is the year of the Chariot. We will be contemplating what this means during a few sessions at StaarCon 2023. In the meantime, it is good to ask yourself what the Chariot means to you at this time, and how this card can guide you during the year.
A few years ago, I created a process for entering a new year called LEAP, which involves some deep work and introspection. Out of that process comes a tarot spread that I will share with you here.
This is an eight-card spread, based on the letters in the word ‘leap’. Use this spread to help you leap into 2023.
Pull one card for each question.
Learn: What do I need to know about myself and my life as I enter 2023?
Evolve: How can I leave hurtful patterns and shift into a new way of thinking?
Activate: How can I awaken the spiritual gifts within myself?
Participate: How can I show up for myself?
Lighten up: How can I find the healing and power in humor, laughter and letting go?
Energize: What is my source of strength and limitless energy?
Attune: How do I hear my guidance from spirit?
Prosper: How do I create, accept, and expect my success?
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Candle Magick
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Practical Tarot Techniques
Psychic Tarot
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Tarot Beyond the Veil
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Clarity in Every Tarot Card
Tarot Flow Workshop
Making Magick with Tarot
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
The Elemental Major Arcana
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Personal Healing with Tarot
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 52
December 28, 2022
Miracles and Celebrations
This is the season of miracles, and a time to celebrate!
Whatever, wherever, and however you celebrate this time of year, my family and I wish you the best of the season.
The traditions we observe, the people we visit, and the things we enjoy during this time can bring a variety of feelings, including joy, contemplation, hope, nostalgia, and even grief.
We think of this as a season for miracles. Sometimes a miracle is a small moment of calm in a raging storm, sometimes a miracle is an opening for something new, sometimes a miracle is a wish fulfilled.
For me, sometimes life itself feels miraculous. At this time of year, perhaps more than any other, it is easy to see how far we have come, what has changed, and what has endured.
Celebration is as amorphous a concept as miracles. A celebration can be a formal party, a gathering of friends, or a simple private moment of appreciation.
I wish you all the miracles of the season. I celebrate your presence in my life and work.
The StaarCorner
You may know Frank Kwiatkowski as my co-host on The StaarCast Variety Show. You may remember him as “The Beatles Guy” from StaarCon 2022.
At StaarCon 2023, Frank will present “Creating a Personal Sacred Tarot Practice”. This is a great session for tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience, from beginner to adept. You will learn ways to create a personal sacred tarot practice of your own!
Plan to join us for StaarCon January 20-22, in person in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents. Tickets are available now!
Multi-Day Tarot Practices
At this time of year there are several multi-day holiday celebrations. Hanukah is eight nights. There are twelve days of Christmas, beginning December 26 and ending January 6. There are seven days of Kwanzaa, beginning December 26 and ending January 1.
It is easy to imagine a daily tarot practice during these sorts of sacred times. You could pull one card a day and focus on the card to help you understand the spiritual energy of that day.
Tarot is a natural addition to any season of celebration!
The Week in Review
Join me on my YouTube channel this evening at 7 pm for a Seasonal Tarot Celebration.
May sure you check out my recent Rant about Crystals as well.
From Around the Web
I am so excited that Benebell Wen will be publishing book called I Ching, The Oracle: A Practical Guide to the Book of Changes early in 2023. I Ching was the first divination tool I took seriously. I am sure that Benebell’s book will be fabulous! I am hoping that it will inspire me to return to some I Ching readings.
Last year, Spiral Sea Tarot shared Tarot Through the Holidays. I love seasonal tarot practices. In 2019 I shared a blogpost on Holiday Inspired Tarot Activities.
Do you still need a gift for a tarot lover on your list? Writualplanner.com has some ideas for you!
Guidance on the Journey
There are two specific tarot cards I think about when I think about celebrations. They are the Three of Cups and the Four of Wands.
What are the differences and similarities of these cards?
Both can indicate gathering with friends and family. Both can indicate specific fun events. Both can speak of creativity and inspiration. Both cards can predict good fortune.
The Three of Cups can sometimes speak of over-indulgence.
The Four of Wands is the traditional card of marriage, and can indicate an engagement, a wedding announcement or invitation.
When we look at the associations for each card, we see the subtle differences between the two.
Three is the number of production. That is, something is or has been created. Cups is the element of Water, so is related to emotions and relationships.
The Three of Cups, then, can be about creating time with people who matter to you.
Four is the number of stability. Wands is related to Fire, which is creativity and passion. With the Four of Wands we can see the hearth-fire, the happy home and family.
When we look at these two cards in this way, we can see the Three of Cups perhaps referring more to gatherings with friends, while the Four of Wands might more often refer to family celebrations.
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 51
December 21, 2022
We all need a break. We all need time to ourselves. We so often feel guilty for taking the time we need. This holiday season, let's not feel guilty for our downtime!
The modern word ‘downtime’ was coined to describe time when machines, especially a computer, is unavailable for use. In the United States, we also use that same term to describe time that people take to relax.
When speaking about computers, downtime is undesirable.
When speaking about humans, downtime feels undesirable because we are not getting things done.
But people are not machines.
We require rest, recreation, and even time to stare into space and daydream.
We sometimes call the novels we read, and the trash television we watch our ‘guilty pleasures’.
What would happen if we normalized not feeling guilty for taking some downtime?
All people need downtime. It seems to me that creative people and intuitive people especially need to take that mental space to ponder. Sometimes it feels good and necessary to simply empty the head of productive thought for a few moments. Some of our best ideas and solutions come when we aren’t trying to be brilliant.
During the holiday season we are often extra-busy. Yet, we often have some vacation time at this time of year as well. Perhaps it is not only okay, but beneficial, to spend some of that time on the couch, or in bed, or being idle wherever we are most comfortable.
The Biblical book of Proverbs provides us with the concept that the devil finds work for idle hands to do.
I believe that creating time when our minds are not busy allows the angels to bring us some healing and inspiration, often when we least expect it, but need it most.
The StaarCorner
Did you know that the StaarCast Variety Show is available as a podcast from your favorite podcast platform? You can also enjoy the StaarCast Variety Show in video on YouTube.
While you are there, subscribe to our YouTube channel and see interviews with StaarCon presenters past and present.
Episode 4 of the StaarCast Variety Show has just dropped. This episode features a discussion of the Fool with Ciro Marchetti, and panel discussion on favorite tarot books, and a classic tarot spread for you to learn. Watch Episode 4, or get it from your favorite podcast platform.
StaarCon 2023 is now literally just weeks away! Get your ticket to join us in person or online, for one day, two days, or for the full three-day conference.
Practice and Recreation
Most spiritual practices encourage daily and/or weekly times of personal devotion. There are many daily spiritual tarot practices that include divination, meditation, study, and manifestation with the cards.
If you don’t have a daily or weekly tarot practice, you might consider committing to one for 2023.
Beyond our spiritual devotional practices, tarot can also be something we play with during our downtime.
One of the things I love about tarot is that it is as deep as the ocean, but also can be as light as a cloud. We can play with tarot as easily as we can study it and find deep meaning within it.
How do we play with tarot?
We can enjoy lighthearted readings on our own, and with friends.
We can find tarot images that appear in our world throughout the day. For example, you might see a person or an animal in a particular stance and be reminded of a certain card. Or you may hear a song that reminds you of a card. Then you can consider what meaning that card might have for you in that moment.
We can make up stories about tarot characters. We can use tarot cards to illustrate classic stories and poems. We can create a tarot card by drawing, or by using collage.
There are many ways to have fun with tarot, just as there are many ways to use tarot for deep personal growth and spiritual knowledge.
The Week in Review
This week I started a new interview series on my YouTube channel entitled “Who Reads Tarot?”
The concept is to present people who work with tarot who are inspiringly different from the stereotypes that surround tarot and tarot readers. My first interview is with Katie Condo. Check it out!
Did you catch our livestream YouTube tarot keyword class on Monday? You can watch the replay!
From Around the Web
Metro has an end-of-year tarotscope for each of the twelve signs. Discover what life lessons you learned in 2022!
What happens when superheroes, video games and tarot collide? It seems that tarot is increasingly finding its way into pop culture!
Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady, has a fabulous holiday gift list for all your favorite people!
Guidance on the Journey
Which tarot cards might talk about taking time for oneself, or for needing some rest, or some downtime?
The Four of Swords is the most obvious choice as a card that discusses rest, recovery, and retreat.
The Hermit can certainly advocate taking alone time.
The Three of Cups can advise recreation with friends.
Any reversed Wand card can speak of a need to recharge.
When we think of downtime spent in a delightful environment, while at ease with the world, I like to consider the Nine of Pentacles. In this card, the subject is alone, content with her surroundings and her activities.
Which cards speak of downtime to you?
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 50
December 14, 2022
The Tincture of Time
Is the best action no action? Perhaps time is what you need.
Doctors use the expression ‘the tincture of time’ as a way of advising a patient to wait and see if a medical condition changes or gets better on its own. I think it is such a clever expression that we in the metaphysical and spiritual community should adopt it. There are many times it makes sense to be present, attentive, and clear about your goals while doing nothing.
We live in a society where the most normal and comfortable solution to any situation is to take intentional action. It is important to remember that there are times when the best action is no action.
It takes wisdom to discern when the tincture of time is best applied, and for how long. It also takes patience. Anxiety can drive us to want to do something right now, when the best action is to wait.
A conscious decision to let some time pass and then reevaluate is not avoidance. In some circumstances, the strongest and smartest action is non-action.
The StaarCorner
StaarCon 2023 will be our third annual conference. Each year we have grown, and StaarCon 2023 will be our biggest and best event yet. We have fifty presenters for StaarCon 2023. Most of them will be presenting from the hotel in West Palm Beach.
This year we are taking our tech to the next level. For those joining us online or in person this will mean fewer technical difficulties. This will mean better recordings during the AfterGlow.
Those attending StaarCon in person will experience better sound and better visuals than ever before.
Many conference teachers use a presentation that is projected on a screen. So often, even with the room lights dimmed, the screen is a bit washed out and hard to see.
We are using digital screens at StaarCon 2023 so that all presentations will be crisp and clear, whether you are attending in person or from home.
Since we are a hybrid conference, a few of our presenters will be teaching from their homes, rather than presenting at the hotel. We are excited to show those presentations in full detail on our digital screens.
We are happy to give you an exciting, immersive conference experience, whether you join us in person in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents.
Act or Wait?
Is it best to use the tincture of time? A simple tarot reading can help you decide.
Think about your situation. Shuffle your cards. Say, this is what happens if I do nothing right now and pull a card. Then say, this is what happens if I take an action right now and pull a card.
Which card seems better to you? What other information about your situation can you glean from these two cards?
If these two cards do not offer enough information, ask the same questions again, and pull two more cards, making two piles of two cards each. Combine the meanings of the two cards in each pile and see if you have more clarity. You can do this a third, or even a fourth time, if necessary, always combining the cards in each pile. Eventually the answer will become clear.
The Week in Review
Global Tarot Circle meets tonight! Did you know that Global Tarot Circle has been meeting online for a decade? We began on Webex, moved to Facebook Live, and now we meet monthly on YouTube Live.
Join us tonight at 7 pm ET for live tarot readings and some informal tarot study.
From Around the Web
Tarot author Liz Worth has some great non-advice. Read You Don’t Always Have to Be Working on Yourself.
Tarot author Barbara Moore helps us prepare for the holidays with the Ten of Cups. I love to use the cards to help celebrate and plan holiday observances!
Beth Owl’s Daughter is doing an online Advent Sun Wheel Wreath Ceremony. She started at the end of November, but you can join in this Sunday.
Guidance on the Journey
Which tarot cards might suggest that the best solution is the tincture of time?
There are many tarot cards that reference time, and that speak of a quality of time. That is, cards that advise quick actions and cards that say that things need to go slowly.
For me, the card that most clearly suggests the need to wait patiently is the Hermit.
The Hermit can be a card of loneliness. This card can reference advanced education.
The Hermit is the archetype of Father Time. We usually see the Hermit holding a lantern. Yet, the original Hermit held an hourglass.
The Hermit may caution us to use patience. The Hermit may suggest that we use time wisely. The Hermit may tell us that things will take time to resolve.
When you see the Hermit in a reading, ask yourself if the tincture of time is an appropriate solution.
Upcoming Events
Card and Craft Academy
Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!
Christiana’s Eleven-Card Celtic Cross
Finding Meaning in the Minor Arcana
The Major Arcana, Magical and Mundane
Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others
The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals
Journey Through the Major Arcana
Your Journey Through the Minor Arcana: Numbers, Elements and Truth
Your Journey Through the Tarot Court
Tarot Stories, Trends, and Blends
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships
Fearless Wisdom Tarot Workshop
Tarot Keywords and Interpretations Workshop
Tarot Spreads Tools and Techniques Workshop
Tarot for Magic and Mediumship
Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth
Weaving the Tarot Reading Story
Minor Arcana Numbers, Elements, and Truth
Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads
What the Court Cards Want You to Know
How Spirit Speaks Through Tarot
Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!
About Christiana Gaudet
Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.
Christiana Gaudet
3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Zoom parties and group instruction available almost everywhere!
Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.
Agent inquiries are welcome.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 49
December 7, 2022