Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Pouring From an Empty Cup

This time of year can be demanding. Boundaries and self-care are essential, now more than ever.

We’ve all heard the expression “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. As we begin a full season of events and obligations, and a time that can trigger loneliness and sadness, we must remember the importance of self-care.

Self-care isn’t selfish.

I like to use the term ‘self-full’ to describe the mindset that allows us to attend to our own needs. The world is full of traditions and training that shame us for having needs, let alone attending to them. Yet, we serve others best when we are whole and well ourselves.

Sometimes tending our own needs is scary because it causes us to focus on things that have hurt us. We escape into the service of others to hide from our own need to heal. Yet, we can only avoid our own needs for a certain time before our needs overwhelm us.

We are taught to place great value on our ability to power through difficulty. Sometimes, this is exactly what we need to do. Other times, we need to be vulnerable enough to ask for help, or to take a break, or to pay attention to our own needs.

It can be hard to know how far to push ourselves and when that extra push is required. Divination is a quick and easy way to discern our capacity. And, when our capacity is reached, divination can help us figure out how to heal

The StaarCon 2023 Banner.

The StaarCorner

Have you seen the new La Santa Muerte Lenormand? The lovely new deck is illustrated by Callie L. French, who will be presenting at StaarCon 2023! Callie is also the designer of the Rana George Lenormand.

At StaarCon, Callie will be presenting on the fascinating topic of Sigils. Sigils are traditional magical symbols. Callie will guide you through the process of creating a sigil for your own magical purpose. You will also learn how to use your divination card decks with your magical sigil.

StaarCon will be here in less than two months! Get your tickets now to attend online or in person.

Callie L. French snapshot next to her deck La Santa Muerte.
A woman sitting on the floor reading tarot cards.

How Can I Replenish?

It is one thing to know that we need to rest. It is something else entirely to know what we must do to replenish, or to heal.

Sometimes all we need is a nap. Sometimes we need a day off, or a bit of fun. Sometimes we need to have an important conversation, or to engage in learning something new, or a new hobby.

Sometimes we are in need of true physical healing. Sometimes we need a new creative project.

This is where tarot can be very helpful.

Simply shuffle and ask the cards this question.

What must I do right now to replenish my energy?

Pull a single card, or a few. Interpret the card or cards to give you a direction, or some action items, to recharge your energy and replenish your spirit.

December 2022 Tarotscopes banner.

The Week in Review

The last month of the year is here! Check out my tarotscopes for December 2022 on my YouTube channel.

Members of my YouTube channel are invited to a members-only livestream tonight at 7 pm ET.

I have added a new weekly livestream to my schedule of live readings on YouTube. Join me at noon ET each Tuesday for Tuesday Tarot, where the theme is general readings and messages from the universe.

From Around the Web

Do most tarot readers enjoy reading novels? I know I do, and most of my friends seem to, as well. What is better than a novel about tarot? Here are five fiction books about tarot. Perhaps one of these would make a nice gift for the tarotist on your list this holiday season!

Soul and Spirit Magazine is doing a Tarot Advent Calendar! Here is the card and message for tomorrow, December First.

Want to know what is happening in the heavens this month, and how the planets might affect you? InStyle has December Horoscopes.

The Four of Swords at the top of a pile of tarot cards.

Guidance on the Journey

There are many tarot cards that can let you know that it is time to recharge your energy. My favorite of these is the Four of Swords.

I like to think of all the Four cards as reminding us to have good boundaries. When it comes to how we use our energy to serve others, boundaries are essential.

The Four of Swords is generally a scary-looking card. The knight in repose looks like a sarcophagus and can make us think of death.  While this card does not generally have such a grim interpretation, the stark image can remind us of how important it is for us to take care of our well-being.

Typical keywords for the Four of Swords are rest, retreat, and recovery. When we see the Four of Swords, it may be an indicator that our cup is empty. While this card does not tell us what exactly we must do for our self-care, the appearance of this card demands that we rest, and take time to heal and replenish.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet with her grandchildren.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 48
November 30, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

What Feeds You?

At Thanksgiving we give thanks for what feeds our bodies. It is also a time to discover what feeds us at a soul level.

In the United States, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day. Traditionally, this is a time for friends and family to enjoy a meal together and contemplate their gratitude for food, shelter, and one another.

Thanksgiving is also considered the beginning of what I like to call the ‘Winter Festival Season’. Whatever you celebrate, and whatever your feelings about this time of year, I wish you the happiest, merriest, and most blessed holiday season. I want to you to know one of the things I am most grateful for is you. That is, those of you who read my newsletters, join me on YouTube, have sessions with me, attend StaarCon, read my books, and support my work in whichever ways make sense to you. Without you, I could not do the work I love so much.

When I think about Thanksgiving, I think first about the traditional foods, and our enjoyment of them. Yet, since Thanksgiving is about so much more than food, my contemplation turns to the things that feed us mentally, creatively, and spiritually.

I am grateful that the work I do feeds me so well. Tarot stimulates my creativity, my spirituality, my intellect, and my social needs. I know that not everyone is lucky enough to have a career that engages them on so many levels.

Our jobs do not have to be what feeds the soul as long as they put food on the table. We may have hobbies, fellowships, studies, or other pursuits that feed us more deeply.

One thing I notice at the tarot table is that some people have yet to figure out what feeds them beyond their physical needs. They do not know what sings to their soul or warms their heart.

On this Thanksgiving, give thanks for what feeds your mind and your spirit. If you don’t know what that is, commit to that search. The journey will be as delightful as the discovery.

The StaarCon 2023 Banner.

The StaarCorner

We are happy to welcome Joe Monteleone to StaarCon 2023!

Huffington Post called Joe a "one-man-band of magical-thinking-made reality". He is a tarot master teacher, certified coach, energy healer, occult performer, and modern mystic.

Joe will present a workshop for tarot enthusiasts at all levels of development called “Tarot for Enlightenment”.

StaarCon 2023 is January 20-22. You can join us in person in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents. You can get tickets for one day, two days, or all three days. Get your tickets now!

A photo of StaarCon presenter Joe Monteleone.
Woman chooses a card from a deck of tarot cards.

Finding What Feeds Your Soul

Tarot can be a great tool to help you discover your passions, your talents, and the things that make you happy. You can ask questions of tarot or have a professional reading on this topic.

Here are some questions to your cards, or to ask a reader.

What would make me happy at this moment?

What is a talent I have yet to discover?

What is something I enjoyed as a child that I need to revisit?

How can I find a sense of spiritual joy?

How can I make new friends?

How can I explore my creativity?

A Scrabble block showing a question mark.

The Week in Review

If you missed the tarot class on YouTube, Tarot Questions and Answers, enjoy the replay.

YouTube classes are schedule for the month of December, you can find the links on my YouTube channel.

I also do free reading livestreams on my channel, usually at least four times a week. During this holiday week you can join me on Friday at noon ET for Your Friday Weekly Wrap-up, and on Saturday at 12:30 pm for Your Saturday Psychic Sampler. Watch for the links to appear the day of the broadcast, or the day prior.

From Around the Web

Bianca Tarot on YouTube named me one of her favorite Tarot/Psychic Readers!

When we speak of finding what feeds our soul, we may be looking for our passion in life. Emerald Lotus has a lovely tarot spread for Discovering Your Passion.

Mindbodygreen.com has share 99 Deep Questions to Ask a Tarot Deck During Your Next Reading. These questions are great for learning more about tarot, and about yourself.

Hands shuffle a deck of tarot cards.

Guidance on the Journey

There are so many cards that invite and instruct us to find our passions, consider our desires, and engage our creative energy.

The Nine of Cups is the traditional ‘Wish Card’. This card can ask you what your wishes are and can remind you that your desires are important.

Many readers also see the Star as a card of wishes and wishes fulfilled.

The Two of Wands and the Seven of Cups can both be viewed as cards that ask us what we want to manifest in our lives.

The Ace of Wands seeks to ignite our passions and encourages us to start new projects.

There are also cards that point out that we have not found what we are seeking. For example, the Four of Cups may suggest that we seek out something more engaging, and more exciting, than what we have so far discovered. The Eight of Cups suggests that it may be time to walk away from the past, and journey toward something new.

Judgement, of course, suggests closure to the past, and being open to a reawakening.

The theme of discovery, and the search for soul satisfaction, is inherent in the stories told by tarot, and in the messages of many cards. Perhaps this is because we are all driven to find the things that feed the soul.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet in her reading room.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 47
November 23, 2022

Read More
Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Power of a Question

Never be afraid to ask a question, and never be afraid to look within for answers.

This week I learned two new words. I love adding to my vocabulary. The most usual way for me to learn a new word is to say, “I don’t know that word! What does it mean?”

Asking questions when we do not understand something is vital to our growth. Sadly, many of us are embarrassed to admit we don’t know something. It seems easier to smile and nod and pretend we understand. I’ve done this more times than I care to say. My commitment is to never do it again.

The courage to ask a question gives us the power to learn.

Questions hold power in other ways, too. Sometimes, in a tarot reading, the cards reveal something to consider, to wonder, or to ponder. It is true that we look to tarot for answers. There are times, though, that the best guidance for us is to know what questions we need to ask of ourselves.

Asking the right questions of others is important, too. Sometimes we do not seek the right information because we understand so little about the topic that we do not even know what we don’t know.

There are many sources for information. We can ask questions of divination tools, books of knowledge such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, and trusted experts.

Knowing the right source for the right question is an important skill. For example, if you need to diagnose a physical issue, begin with your doctor. If you need help with the emotional and spiritual implications of your diagnosis, a good tarot reading can help.

Questions can be a powerful weapon when dealing with an adversary. The right question can help you win an argument or help someone see your point of view.

Never be afraid to ask a question. There are religious leaders who discourage questions as a lack of faith. Any religion, doctrine, or spiritual practice should be strong enough to know that faith and spiritual experience is deepened by our curiosity.

To be curious is to be engaged in life. To ask questions is to seek the power of knowledge.

The StaarCon 2023 Banner.

The StaarCorner

Whether you attend StaarCon 2023 in person or online, you will have access to the thirty-day AfterGlow online. This is like having a three-day conference turn into a thirty-day conference.

During the AfterGlow you can watch recordings of presentations. You can also shop in the online exhibition hall, and text chat or video chat with your StaarCon friends. You can hang out in the StaarCon lounges with friends at any time.

One of the most exciting things about the AfterGlow is the scheduled lounge events, where members of our StaarCon community give live workshops.

We are planning to have more scheduled lounge events than ever before. Mitchell Osborn will teach animal communication. Gita Rash will teach dream interpretation. Christiana Gaudet will share techniques for working with the Celtic Cross. You can expect a lounge event with Maria Alviz Hernando, and other StaarCon luminaries as well.

The AfterGlow is a unique feature of StaarCon. Get your ticket now so you can enjoy the conference, and the AfterGlow!

A photo of an online presentation from  StaarCon 2022 with Birgit Kiemes-Windmill.
A woman sitting on the floor reading tarot cards.

Let the Cards Ask a Question

Sometimes the best answer a tarot reading can give you is a question. Sometimes a tarot reading give you a homework assignment. That is, something to do, or something to figure out.

We can use tarot this way as well.

A great question to ask tarot is: “What should I be asking myself right now?”

You can pull a single card, or a few cards.

You can also let tarot frame your question for a reading. Before a reading, simply ask the cards “What should the focus of this reading be?” Or, think of a question, then ask the cards if that is the right question for today.

When you are using this technique, pulling a single card in answer may be best. Once you have your question set, perform the reading on that question.

Allow tarot to help you ask the right questions, so you can find the right answers.

Hands shuffle a deck of tarot cards.

The Week in Review

This week we had an exciting livestream free tarot class on YouTube. If you missed it, or want to watch it again, check out Finding Yourself in the Cards.

Tomorrow, Thursday, we have another great livestream free tarot class, related to the topic of this newsletter! Join us for Tarot Questions and Answers.

From Around the Web

There are many different opinions on the efficacy and ethics of the questions we ask tarot. As with most things tarot, I believe that we each need to find the practice that works best and feels best for us.

I’ve written a few blog posts over the years about tarot and questions. Check out When the Answer is a Question and this piece about asking tarot if you should do something.

Tarot by Hilary’s take on how to frame questions seems helpful and wise.

Maddy Elruna has some great ideas about techniques and interpretations.

Even Cosmopolitan Magazine has shared thoughts about how to ask questions of tarot.

A woman focusing on her questions as a man meditates.

Guidance on the Journey

With so many different readers, authors, and teachers giving advice on what sorts of questions to ask tarot, or how to phrase questions, how can you know what techniques are right for you?

Each person’s tarot practice is unique. It is great to try different techniques and see what works best for you, and what feels best.

Beware any teacher that tells you that tarot cannot do something, or that there is an overarching ethical framework surrounding the way we use tarot. The only rules that matter are the ones that matter to you.

That said, much like doctors who take an oath to do no harm, we must consider the possibility of the ways we can do harm with tarot. Dire predictions, gossipy information, or questions or interpretations that encourage risky behavior may not offer helpful, healing experiences.

Whether you are reading for yourself or for others, the focus of our readings should be to help rather than to harm. Beyond that, the question you ask, and the way you ask, is up to you.

The only way to decide what will work best for you is to try many techniques, and see what feels best, and what offers the best results. Over time, your practices may change. You may develop new techniques on your own, or learn new techniques from classes, books, videos, and conferences.

A tarot reading practice is never a static thing. Allow your practice to grow and change, just as you grow and change.

Upcoming Events

Consider a Zoom.com party where you can practice Social Distancing and still meet with your friends for a virtual tarot party!
Alternatives to meeting in person are available.
Office appointments and house or office parties are again available by appointment.
Please call to discuss the options.

Christiana Gaudet performs a reading.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 46
November 16, 2022

Read More
Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Balance of Blessings

What does it mean when we say we are blessed? How can we find and create blessings in difficult times?

This week I want to talk about the concept of blessings. I don’t mean the ritual and energetic act of consecration; this week I’m focused the way we process our gratitude for the good things in our lives.

We often say that we are blessed when a good thing happens. We say that that something that has happened is a blessing. But what does this really mean?

Both the Middle English and Proto-Germanic origins of the word ‘bless’ speak of the act of consecration, that is, to make something holy.

The Hebrew concept for the word ‘bless’ is to increase. That is, to increase in joy and peacefulness.

The Greek concept of ‘blessed’ is to describe those who are free from earthly cares and struggles.

In the Bible, the word ‘blessed’ is used repeatedly in the Beatitudes. Here, one understanding of the word ‘blessed’ simply means ‘happy’.

In 1958 Jack Kerouac coined the term “Beat Generation” based on the first four letters of the Beatitudes, saying that to be Beat was the radical act of showing kindness, sympathy, and compassion.

Many people use the term ‘blessings’ simply to mean good things.

Some people inherently feel that the blessings they count in their lives are gifts from a Higher Power, or the product of their own positivity. The danger of celebrating our blessings this way is that when we compare our good fortune to another’s misfortune, we may mistakenly feel that we are more favored. Likewise, when we suffer misfortune, we may feel that Higher Power no longer cares for us, or that we have unwittingly created our own difficulties.

Here is a way I have discovered to find the balance between celebrating our blessings, knowing that we are always loved and favored (even in difficult times), and holding compassion for others.

I believe that gratitude multiples blessings. Even in difficult times, we can always acknowledge and appreciate the good things that are ours. When we focus on that gratitude, our blessings seem to multiply.

When we see the blessings that come along with misfortunes, we often find the comfort and solutions we need to move forward, and to extend compassion to others.

It can be a challenge to find gratitude in the face of hardship. While we must acknowledge every part of a difficult experience, we can make gratitude part of that experience. When we put some attention toward gratitude, we make the best of every situation.

The StaarCon 2023 Banner.

The StaarCorner

We are so pleased to welcome Michelle Welch as a presenter at StaarCon 2023. Michelle’s second book, Spirits Unveiled: A Fresh Perspective on Angels, Guides, Ghosts and More, was recently released by Llewellyn.

Michelle is a talented tarot reader and medium. She is the owner of SoulTopia, and producer of tarot and divination conferences. One of her greatest gifts is her ability to share new ideas and new understanding of the world around us.

StaarCon 2023 will be January 20-22, in person in West Palm Beach, Florida, and online on Accelevents. The StaarCon Afterglow will be available to all StaarCon attendees for an additional 30 days. You can get a ticket for one day, two days, or the full conference. Get your ticket now, and plan to join us in January!

A photo of StaarCon presenter Michelle Welch.
Woman holding tarot cards on a table near burning candles in candle light.

Gratitude and Manifestation

Here is a two-card tarot exercise to help us understand and increase our blessings. You can do this each day, weekly, or whenever you feel like it.

Pull two cards. Let the first card show you a blessing that deserves your gratitude. Take a moment to acknowledge that blessing and sit with your gratitude.

Then, let the second card show you a blessing that you can manifest in your life. It may show you an area in which you need healing, a project you need to begin, or an energy you need to welcome. Take a moment to interpret the card. Make a commitment to your action and energy to bring this new blessing into your life.

November Tarotscopes banner.

The Week in Review

November Tarotscopes are now available on my YouTube channel. See what energies will be available to you this month!

Tonight, Wednesday, November 9, at 7 pm ET, join me on my YouTube channel for a free tarot class, Finding Yourself in the Cards.

From Around the Web

How Gratitude Changes You and Your Brain shares the results of a very interesting university study.

In finding the balance of blessings, we must avoid toxic positivity.

How to Heal a Broken Heart is a helpful article from Healthline.

Woman holding a tarot deck and laying out a spread on a wooden table.

Guidance on the Journey

People often think of tarot as a way to take a peek at your future. Will the future bring fortune or misfortune? Will I be blessed or cursed?

While the cards can be predictive, sometimes in a startling way, many tarot enthusiasts believe the best way to use the cards is as a tool to create your own good fortune, to find solutions, and to mitigate problems.

One way to do this is to ask helpful questions. Open and proactive questions are sometimes better than specifically predictive questions. For example, “What do a need to do to get a great job?” is often a more helpful question than, “When will I get a good job?”.

We can also ask questions that allow us to use difficult cards to mitigate problems. When a difficult card appears in a reading, ask a question like, “What can I do to avoid this, or mitigate this?”

Sometimes questions such as, “What can I do to solve this problem?”, or “How can I heal from this heartache?” will reveal a better path forward.

Upcoming Events

Christiana Gaudet talks about a tarot deck on YouTube.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

Email cgaudet@cardandcraft.com
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 x102
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.
Schedule online at cardandcraft.10to8.com.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 45
November 9, 2022

Read More