Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Reaching for the Stars

There is a difference between reaching for the stars, and wishing on a star.

Woman on a ladder reaching for the stars

We have all heard the expression, ‘reach for the stars.’ We know this to be an expression of encouragement and hope. What I did not know until recently is that this expression has a literal epic origin.

The Aeneid is an epic Latin poem written by Virgil between 29 and 19 BC. This lengthy poem is regarded as Virgil’s masterpiece, and is considered one of the greatest works of Latin literature. It is within that poem that the expression ‘reach for the stars’ made its first appearance.

Millenia later, we use this expression often in songs and stories, and in our own lives.

To reach for the stars is to try for the very best thing that could happen.

To reach for the stars is to have hope, even when things may look dismal.

There is also within our culture the concept of wishing on a star. I have been thinking about the difference between reaching and wishing. Both are about hope. Yet, there is an energetic and practical difference.

When we wish, we express a desire. When we reach, we actively try to achieve that desire. Reaching requires hope and ambition. Reaching requires a willingness to try and fail, or to try and succeed magnificently. Reaching requires a certain kind of confidence. When we reach for the stars, we are confident that we will either succeed, or survive the failure.

When we teach our children to reach for the stars, we teach them that we believe in them, and that their dreams and desires are valid. When we reach for the stars, we do the same for ourselves.

Wooden sign pointing to Tampa

See Me in the Tampa Bay Area

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area June 23 through June 27. During that time, I am available for house calls, psychic house parties, and private sessions by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel.

We will have a tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz at 3 pm on Sunday, June 26. I hope you will plan to join us if you are in the area!

For more information, and to schedule your session with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

The StaarCon Banner

The StaarCorner

Saskia Jansen attended the ITS Congress in Chicago in 2002 and the Reader's Studio in 2004. That means she is overdue for a tarot conference, and StaarCon 2023 will be a conference that she attends as a presenter.

Saskia is a tarot reader, historian, and collector from the Netherlands. Her area of expertise the Rider Waite Smith Tarot (along with its many clones) and its historical relevance to the evolution of tarot.

Since 2013, Saskia has picked up the research of K. Frank Jensen into the early Rider Waite decks and is closely involved in the development of the associated website (and eventual museum) in cooperation with others from the tarot community.

At StaarCon we are committed to a high standard of educational quality, and an appreciation of tarot art and artists. Saskia’s presentation on the history of the Rider Waite Smith Tarot will help us fufill that commitment in 2023. We are very excited to welcome Saskia to StaarCon 2023.

Saskia Jansen at her tarot table
A hand holding tarot cards with candles on the table

Reaching for the Stars Tarot Spread

If you have a hope or a goal, tarot is a good way to get focused and find the information you need to be successful. Try this tarot spread to help you reach for the stars.

You can arrange the cards in any pattern that you prefer.

Let Card One give you information about your hope, goal, or desire.

Let Card Two tell you about the obstacles and challenges you may have on your journey toward success.

Let Card Three give you insight about how to overcome those obstacles and challenges.

Let Card Four reveal helpful people, tools, or ideas to guide you on your journey.

Let Card Five give you inspiration for your journey.

A crystal ball on a mound of tarot cards

The Week in Review

I was happy to get back to my Palm City office this week, and to my regular schedule of YouTube livestreams. On Thursday we had our monthly Global Tarot Circle, which was fun and enlightening.

You can watch the replays of any of my livestreams at your convenience.

When I am not traveling, I usually do four livestreams each week where I offer free readings. Join me at 9:30 am ET on Monday mornings for the Three-Card Weekly Reading, at noon ET on Thursdays for the Newsletter Recap where we do readings based on the newsletter topic, on Fridays at noon ET for the Friday Weekly Wrap-up, and on Saturdays at 12:30 pm for the Saturday Psychic Sampler. You can find links for all scheduled livestreams and replays of past livestreams on my YouTube channel, Christiana Gaudet Tarot.

From Around the Web

I have become really interested in learning about the current Saturn retrograde. Saturn turned retrograde June 4 and will not station direct until October 23. Check out these resources to help you understand this Saturn retrograde and what it might mean for you.

Pandora Astrology shares information about the Stations of Saturn in 2022.

Daljeet Peterson on Medium.com suggests that we are waking up from a karmic coma.

Spirit Daughter says that this is a time to empower your life.

A crown on a wooden table

What the Court Cards Want You to Know

On Wednesday, June 29, 7 pm to 9 pm, join us for a hybrid tarot class about the tarot Court cards. You can attend in Person in Palm City or online on Zoom.

The sixteen Court cards, typically called Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings, can be some of the most confusing cards in the tarot deck.

This is because these cards are very versatile. They can reference the people around you. They can also reference parts of yourself. They can behave like any other tarot card and offer advice, comment, and prediction.

In this two-hour class you will learn easy ways to understand and work with these sixteen cards.

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class. Visit EventBrite to purchase your ticket.

The class will be available at cardandcraftacademy.com after July 8th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

The Star tarot card

Guidance on the Journey

Major Arcana 17, the Star, is a card that we associate with hope, with healing, and with satisfaction. Although the image typically includes water, the Star is associated with Aquarius, which is an Air sign. Confusingly, the symbol of Aquarius is the Water-Bearer, which is the inspiration behind the Star image.

What is the Water-Bearer pouring and bathing in, if not water?

What we see as liquid in the images and symbols is starlight. That is, heaven’s healing light is poured upon the earth.

When I think about reaching for the stars, I think of that abundant light which brings healing, and offers hope. To me, this is what I see in Major Arcana 17. That the Star references both hope and healing reminds me that healing brings hope, and we can always be hopeful about our ability to heal.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana posing with Martha Vink in Connecticut

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 24
June 15, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Building Community

When we gather with like-minded people, we grow as individuals, and as a community.

A woman striking a drum

The word ‘community’ can mean many different things. We have online communities and neighborhood communities and business communities.

When we speak of building community, we are usually referring to a community of like-minded people who can offer one another support, encouragement, and inspiration.

We build community when we reach out to one another, spend time together, and share ideas and resources.

To be in community with one another we do not always need to agree or see things exactly the same way. We simply need to be willing to treat each other with respect and listen to one another.

Sometimes participating in community can feel like a chore. Yet, the rewards of building community are always worth the effort.

A sign pointing to Tampa

See Me in the Tampa Bay Area

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area June 23 through June 27. During that time, I am available for house calls, psychic house parties, and private sessions by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel.

We will have a tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz at 3 pm on Sunday, June 26. I hope you will plan to join us if you are in the area!

For more information, and to schedule your session with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

The StaarCon 2023 banner

The StaarCorner

One of the primary reasons we hold tarot and divination conferences is to gather, celebrate, and build community. StaarCon is a unique community builder because we gather in person and online.

Truly, everyone who reads tarot is a part of ‘the tarot community.’ Very often, people do not realize there is a world-wide community of tarot enthusiasts. I remember the joy I felt at my very first tarot conference in the late 1990s. For the very first time, I was surrounded by people who seemed very much like me.
Make sure you mark your calendar for January 20 through 22, 2023. Whether you join us in person or online, you will feel inspired by, and connected to, our StaarCon community.

Michelle Welch and Sasha Marchetti at StaarCon 2022
Cards and Conversation Tarot Meetup at Panera Bread

Building Local Tarot Community

Wherever you live, chances are you have an opportunity to build local tarot community. Everywhere, there are people who are curious about tarot, people who used to play with the cards and want to get back into it, and people who use the cards regularly.

You can use social media platforms to organize an event. You do not need to be an expert or a professional in order to create tarot community. You only need to enjoy the exploration of tarot within a group setting.

There are many books and websites that offer ideas for group tarot activities appropriate for all levels of experience.

You can hold group meetings in cafes, restaurants, libraries, and other public spaces. When you do, you will learn more about tarot, and you will make new friends.

Tarotscopes advertisment

The Week in Review

Check out tarotscopes for June on my YouTube channel. My return to Florida means that my regularly scheduled livestreams on my YouTube channel will begin again!

From Around the Web

Saturn is in retrograde. Here is what that means.

Here is a tarot spread for authentic connection.

Ethony has some tarot spreads for beginners. Try these at a tarot community gathering!

A crown on a wooden table

What the Court Cards Want You to Know

On Wednesday, June 29, 7 pm to 9 pm, join us for a hybrid tarot class about the tarot Court cards. You can attend in Person in Palm City or online on Zoom.

The sixteen Court cards, typically called Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings, can be some of the most confusing cards in the tarot deck.

This is because these cards are very versatile. They can reference the people around you. They can also reference parts of yourself. They can behave like any other tarot card and offer advice, comment, and prediction.

In this two-hour class you will learn easy ways to understand and work with these sixteen cards.

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class. Visit EventBrite to purchase your ticket.

The class will be available at cardandcraftacademy.com after July 8th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

Tarot card Three of Cups on a flowery cloth

Guidance on the Journey

Which tarot cards can speak of community? My favorite is the Three of Cups, perhaps because of my personal preference for communities that include song and dance.

The Four of Wands, though traditionally a card about weddings, can also refer to community gatherings.

I sometimes see the Emperor as a reference to community leadership.

A tarot reading might reference community for many different reasons. Sometimes there are stressful community issues that we need to sort out. Sometimes we need to assess what our role should be within a community, or whether a community is the right place to be. Sometimes a tarot reading might encourage us to find our community because we need a sense of support, and people with whom we feel connection.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana Gaudet and Pamela Phillips

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 23
June 8, 2022

Read More
Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Always a Journey

This week I share some thoughts as I travel throughout the Northeast on Tarot Tour. Life is always a journeys and never a destination.

A woman walking down a grassy path

We use the word ‘journey’ to talk about travel. We also use this word to discuss a metaphoric journey, such as our educational journey or our journey with an illness.

Poets, philosophers, and songwriters have written about life as a journey.

I think this is a good way to think about life. Rather than cataloging our mistakes and heartbreaks, we can see each difficulty and each joy as an important part of our journey.

Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with the well-known expression, “life is a journey, not a destination”. While setting goals is good, the only goal we are sure we will meet is to be present on the journey.

When we remember that life is always a journey, we remember that travel is sometimes arduous, sometimes smooth, sometimes fun, and sometimes educational. We can be prepared for whatever we might encounter on the road ahead.

A street sign pointing to Tampa

See Me in the Tampa Bay Area

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area June 23 through June 27. During that time, I am available for house calls, psychic house parties, and private sessions by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel.

We will have a tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz at 3 pm on Sunday, June 26. I hope you will plan to join us if you are in the area!

For more information, and to schedule your session with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

The StaarCon 2023 banner

The StaarCorner

We are excited to welcome Arwen Lynch-Poe, the Professional Joy Seeker, to StaarCon 2023 as a presenter. Arwen’s tarot journey began in 1985 with one deck. Now Arwen is a tarot consultant, medium, psychic, writer, teacher, and more. Arwen has authored many decks including the Fairy Tale Lenormand, Secrets of the Mystic Grove, the Gift of Tarot Pack of Three Envelopes, Elle Qui, Practical Tarot Wisdom, Bianco Nero Tarot, the Field Guide to Garden Dragons, and Gentle Creatures Wisdom Deck.

Arwen will be presenting an interactive tarot workshop to help readers of all levels of experience find deeper meaning in their tarot interpretations.

Mark your calendar now for StaarCon 2023, January 20 through 22.

StaarCon 2023 presenter Arwen Lynch-Poe
The Fool tarot card

The Fool’s Journey is Your Journey

When we learn tarot, we often speak of the cards as “The Fool’s Journey”. This term was coined by Eden Gray in the late 1960s. The concept that the Fool is the star of the story told by tarot, and the other seventy-seven cards represent the experiences and lessons along the Fool’s Path is now considered a primary way of understanding tarot.

We can learn a lot about our own journeys in life by studying the Fool’s journey.

Sometimes divination and study can go hand in hand.  

Shuffle your tarot deck. Ask for a card that helps you understand something about your journey in life. Pull one card at random. Think about what the Fool learns from that card. Then consider how that card makes sense on your own journey.

Colorful graphic image of a person

Join Me for Tarot Class on Sunday

It has been a long time since we have gathered for a tarot class at True Bikram Yoga! Join me on Sunday, June 5, at 6:30 pm for Techniques for Tarot Healing at True Bikram Yoga, 1347 Boston Post Road, Madison, Connecticut, or on Zoom.

Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the workshop.

For tickets and more information, call True Bikram Yoga at (203) 350-0343 or visit their website.

Hartford Connecticut from the window of an airplane

The Week in Review

This week I have been on my journey. That is, my Northeastern Tour. I am so grateful to everyone who is hosting host parties, and everyone who has come to see me at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.

I will be here through June 5. Please reach out to schedule your in-person session in Connecticut, or you session by phone, Skype, FaceTime, Messenger or Zoom.

I will be back in my Palm City office June 7.

From Around the Web

Here is a Spiritual Journey Tarot Spread from Emerald Lotus.

Ryan Hanley has some thoughts on the journey of life.

If you have never studied The Fool’s Journey in tarot, here is a place to start.

A crown resting on a table

What the Court Cards Want You to Know

On Wednesday, June 29, 7 pm to 9 pm, join us for a hybrid tarot class about the tarot Court cards. You can attend in Person in Palm City or online on Zoom.

The sixteen Court cards, typically called Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings, can be some of the most confusing cards in the tarot deck.

This is because these cards are very versatile. They can reference the people around you. They can also reference parts of yourself. They can behave like any other tarot card and offer advice, comment, and prediction.

In this two-hour class you will learn easy ways to understand and work with these sixteen cards.

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class. Visit EventBrite to purchase your ticket.

The class will be available at cardandcraftacademy.com after July 8th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

The Chariot tarot card

Guidance on the Journey

Can tarot cards that traditionally reference travel also be interpreted to represent the journey through life, or any metaphoric journey? I would say yes, though some more than others.

For me, the Chariot is a card that often indicates travel. All four Knights can speak of travel as well. The World can speak of international travel.

Traditionally, some people see the Six of Swords as travel, as well as the Eight of Cups. I am less likely to interpret those cards as a literal trip.

The card that most often will speak to me of the journey of life, or a metaphoric journey, is the Fool.

Which cards often speak to you of travel? Which cards indicate a need to view life as a journey, or to focus on a metaphoric journey? How much overlap exists for you between these groups of cards?

When it comes to how the cards speak to each of us, we all have our own personal relationship with each card. Yet, we will all have cards in our personal tarot vocabulary that reference each aspect of life. Literal travel and metaphoric journeys are often themes in tarot readings, even if the cards that express these things may differ from reader to reader.

When we discuss literal travel in a reading, we might be predicting a vacation, or a business trip. When we discuss a metaphoric journey we may be using the cards to help frame a chapter in life in order to find ways to cope, or ways to make the most of a specific undertaking.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana reads for Allison using a Celtic Cross spread

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 22
June 1, 2022

Read More
Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Wisdom We Keep

What wisdom do you remember from your childhood, that helps you today? Do you also have limiting beliefs from your childhood that hinder you? How do you tell the difference?

Woman meditating on a wall under a tree

If I had a dollar for every time I have quoted wisdom I learned from my mother I would be a wealthy woman. Mom had a knack for memorizing wise idioms long before there was an internet filled with thought-provoking memes. She also had the intuition to know exactly when to share a bit of truth.

I am guessing I am not the only one to have had such a mom. My Grandmother was also a source of great ideas to consider and remember, so I suppose the gift of sharing wisdom may have run in my family.

Now, I am always on the lookout for morsels of truth poetically packaged to share with loved ones, friends, and clients.

Sometimes the best wisdom we receive comes from our higher self, or even from strangers. We read books and scroll TikTok; sometimes something sticks with us and becomes extremely helpful later on.

It is also true that we absorb unhelp narratives from others. We should never confuse outdated cultural perspectives and limiting beliefs with actual wisdom.

We must carefully consider the way we curate our internal wisdom. Some ideas are worth keeping and sharing. Some are fears that pose as truth. It takes patience and nuanced thinking to know what to keep, and what to release.

A sign pointing to Tampa Florida

See Me in the Tampa Bay Area

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area June 23 through June 27. During that time, I am available for house calls, psychic house parties, and private sessions by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel.

We will have a tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz at 3 pm on Sunday, June 26. I hope you will plan to join us if you are in the area!

For more information, and to schedule your session with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

StaarCon 2023 Banner

The StaarCorner

We are pleased to have Anthony Perrotta as a presenter for StaarCon 2023.

Anthony is an astrologer, artist, poet, designer, and curator. He spends his time running his astrological business where he specializes in making the abstract feel more tangible. He has been a practicing astrologer for over a decade and a student of the craft for over 15 years.

Anthony will present a fascinating workshop on astrology and dreamwork that you will not want to miss!

Make your plans to join us January 20 through 22 for StaarCon 2023.

Anthony Perrotta
Tarot cards and candles on a table

Wisdom From the Cards and Spirit

I know I am not the only one who misses being able to get wisdom and comfort from my loved ones now in spirit.

Tarot is a source of wisdom. Tarot is also a conduit to help us connect with those in spirit.

Try this experiment.

Ask the cards, “What wisdom do you have for me?”

Pull a single card and interpret it as wisdom from the universe.

Now, focus on a loved one in spirit. You might want to have a picture of them, or some of their jewelry or belongings present with the cards.

Ask that person to speak through the cards and share some wisdom with you and pull a card.

Think about how those two wisdom-seeking tarot experiences the same, and how they are different.

We can also use tarot and spirit to help us sort out our beliefs. Some of our beliefs are enduring wisdom. Others could be limited and false. We can ask the cards, or ask spirit to speak through the cards, and ask a question such as the following.

“How does this belief of mine affect my life?”

We can assume that helpful beliefs will affect our lives in positive ways, and unhelpful beliefs will hinder us. Tarot, and spirit speaking through tarot, can help us know which is which.

Clouds from an airplane window

While I Am in Town

As you probably know, I will be in the Northeast and available for readings beginning this week, Thursday, May 26, through Sunday, June 5. I am seeing private clients by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT.

I am also available for house calls and psychic house parties. Please call or text 561-655-1160.

I am excited to be teaching a tarot class, in person and on Zoom, at True Bikram Yoga on June 5, beginning at 6:30 pm. For more information and for tickets call them at 203-350-0343.

While I am traveling, I will continue to be available for readings by phone, FaceTime, Skype, Messenger and Zoom. Do not hesitate to reach out!

Advertisment for A Rant about Mirrors

The Week in Review

Did you catch me on the Real Time Wisdom Show this past Monday? We talked about tarot and StaarCon and all sorts of great stuff. Check out the replay!

Your Tarot Fairy Godmother is at it again. I have started a new series on my YouTube channel. I am making short, prerecorded ‘rants.’ There are a lot of things people say and do in the tarot community, and in the metaphysical community, that just do not make sense to me. Are you interested in find out what has me ranting? Check out the new playlist.

From Around the Web

The greatest wisdom my grandmother gave me was the prose poem, Desiderata. She loved this poem so much that she had copies of it to give away to anyone she thought might need it.

One piece of wisdom I remember from my mother was a quote about time she always hanging on our kitchen wall.

Here are 19 Wise Quotes for a Better Life.

Advertisment for Tarot for the Inner Child Workshop

See Me at Sasha Graham’s Spirited Away!

I will be Sasha Graham’s Guest of Honor at her monthly Spirited Away event on May 31. The event runs from 6 pm to 9 pm, and is held at Barrow’s Intense Tasting Room, 86 34th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232. I will be available for short readings on a first come first served basis and will be teaching a class at 7:15. Tickets for my class are limited.

Learn more and get your tickets, and I hope to see some of my NYC friends there!

Tarot cards on a table

Guidance on the Journey

I sometimes think about tarot in the same way I think about my mother and my grandmother, as being a source of much-needed wisdom.

So often when we study tarot, we think only about what the cards might mean in divination. Yet, each card offers wisdom that we can remember and call upon when we need perspective, cheer, and encouragement.

As you continue to learn your tarot deck, learn the cards not only for their divinatory meanings and their associations. Learn the wisdom each card has to offer. Let that wisdom be your guide every day.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana reading her cards

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 21
May 25, 2022

Read More