Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Connecting with Your Inner Child

Inner child work helps us to heal from early trauma. When we connect with our inner child, we can remember who we are, and move forward with the energy that made us joyful in your youth. We can move forward without the burden of our traumas. Tarot can help us in this process.

An older woman blowing bubbles

In modern psychology, ‘inner child work’ is an approach created by Carl Jung. With inner child work we recognize childhood trauma in order to heal as adults.

Most people realize that many of our fears, difficulties, and unpleasant patterns in our adult lives stem from what we learned, witnessed, and experienced during childhood. I often say that many of us spend most of our lives recovering from the first twenty years.

Those who grew up in seriously dysfunctional families, or who had health issues or upheaval due to tragedy are aware of their childhood trauma. Those who had more idyllic childhoods often do not recognize that they, too, have childhood trauma. They, therefore, may find it harder to do the inner child work that could help them in their adult lives.

I also believe that we can connect with our inner child to find our sense of personal identity, authenticity, and purpose by identifying the things we naturally did and enjoyed as children.

So many people I speak with are longing to understand who they are, what makes them happy, and what makes them feel that they are living a meaningful and purposeful life. I believe that inner child work can help all of us remember who we are.

There are many ways to do inner child work. You can engage a therapist to help you. You can write your inner child a letter. You can do a meditation where you communicate with your inner child.

Many of us in the divination community are exploring ways that divination can assist us as we work to connect with, and give voice to, the inner child.

A wooden Tampa directional sign on a post.

See Me in the Tampa Bay Area

I will be in the Tampa Bay Area June 23 through June 27. During that time, I am available for house calls, psychic house parties, and private sessions by appointment at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel.

We will have a tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz at 3 pm on Sunday, June 26. I hope you will plan to join us if you are in the area!

For more information, and to schedule your session with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

StaarCon 2023 banner

The StaarCorner

StaarCon 2023 is excited to welcome Jen Sankey as a presenter!

Jen is a tarot reader, author, and teacher. She writes for The Cartomancer. She is currently creating two tarot decks, Stardust Wanderer Tarot, and Enchanted Forest Felines to be published by Llewellyn Worldwide.

Make sure you mark your calendar for January 20 through 22. Whether you join us in person in West Palm Beach or online on Accelevents, StaarCon 2023 will be the best tarot and divination conference ever!

Jen Sankey in a flowing white dress holding her tarot cards
A hand holding a tarot card.

Giving Voice to Your Inner Child

One way to do inner child work with tarot is to allow your inner child to speak through tarot.

You can do this simply by asking the right questions and interpreting the card that appears in the context of that question.

Here are some questions to get you started.

What is a childhood trauma that needs to be healed?

What is something my inner child wants me to know?

What is something I enjoyed as a child that has become an important part of my identity?

How can I be more playful?

How can I honor my inner child at this time?

Image of Hartford Connecticut from an airplane

See Me in the Northeast

I will be available for private readings by appointment in Madison, Connecticut, and house calls and psychic house parties in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York, beginning May 26 and ending June 5. To schedule with me, please call or text 561-655-1160.

On June 5th at 6:30 pm I will be teaching a tarot class at True Bikram Yoga. This class is available in person in Madison and online on Zoom. You can learn more and sign up for this class online on the True Bikram Yoga website.

Webinar advertisment

The Week in Review

This past week we had two great live classes on my YouTube channel. You can watch class replays, catch live reading sessions, and explore rants and reviews, all on Christiana Gaudet Tarot on YouTube.

From Around the Web

There are many tarot spreads for inner tarot work. Here are three. Try different tarot and oracle decks to see how your inner child speaks through the cards.

Healing Your Inner Child

Embracing Your Inner Child

A Spread For Your Inner Child

A graphic of people sitting at a table learning tarot

Join Me For Class This Sunday!

On Sunday, May 22, 7 pm to 9 pm, please join me for a hybrid tarot class.  If you are local, you can join in person in Palm City. Or you can join online on Zoom from anywhere in the world.

If you have every asked “Is there a spread for that?” this class is for you. If you have ever wondered about the best way to get answers from a tarot reading, this class is for you.

Whether you read for yourself or others, whether you are a beginner or experienced reader, this class will give you a set of tools that will help you use tarot effectively and efficiently.

In this class you will learn what makes a great tarot spread. You will learn when a custom spread is the best technique. You will learn to quickly create small spreads to answer immediate questions. You will learn to create and interpret elaborate spreads to handle multiple issues in a comprehensive tarot session. You will learn to create and interpret spreads for specific purposes such as healing, relationship-building, mediumship, and dream interpretation.

Get your tickets now on EventBrite!

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class.

You can purchase the recorded class with access to the class literature after May 30th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

Tarot cards on the table

Cards from the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck Centennial Edition, copyright 2015 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Guidance on the Journey

Which tarot cards might instruct us to work with our inner child, to honor our inner child, or to listen to our inner child?

In context, any tarot card might give voice to the feelings and needs of the inner child. Yet, there are a few cards that could appear in any reading, at any time, and beckon you to do the work to connect to your inner child.

Here are some of them.

The Fool asks you to honor your inner child.

The Sun asks you to be fearless in your joy, just as a child does.

The Pages ask you to remember the desires of your youth, and who you have always been.

The Six of Cups asks you to remember and revisit your childhood.

The Ten of Cups and the Ten of Pentacles can speak of your family, and your childhood home.

Upcoming Events and Tours

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 20
May 18, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

When You Feel Lost

There are so many reason we can feel lost. Tarot can help us understand what we are feeling specifically. Then, tarot can help us find solutions.

A woman with stars circling her head.

“I feel lost” is something people say at the tarot table quite often. A good tarot reading is a great remedy for that unsettling feeling.

When someone says they feel lost I like to probe a bit, with questions and with the cards, to figure out what is going on.

Clearly, the word ‘lost’ is a figurative term for something else. They are not lost in any literal sense.

It is sometimes true that when people say they feel lost what they are feeling is depression, either clinical or situational. Other times, that lost feeling comes from being unsure about what step to take next in life. The feeling may relate to career or relationships. Perhaps we feel spiritually lost, unsure about what we believe, or where to put our faith. We might feel lost in the search for self-understanding. We might feel lost in reaction to a trauma or personal loss.

When someone we care about expresses that feeling of being lost, it is important to help them define what they are truly feeling. Then, they can find a path toward healing and direction.

When we are feeling lost, we need to take the step to first understand the source of that feeling. That is where tarot and other forms of divination can be so helpful.

Sometimes the way forward may include therapy, or other sources of healing work. Sometimes the way forward may include the courage to make a significant change.

There are times we need to feel adrift for a while before we can find a new direction. In that untethered space we can often find creativity and spiritual understanding while we wait for a course correction.

StaarCon 2023 banner

The StaarCorner

Did you know that we will have mermaids at StaarCon 2023? Dame Darcy, creator of the mermaid tarot, is a performing mermaid. Dame Darcy will be a presenter and vendor at StaarCon 2023.

We are also happy to welcome Amy Forman to our list of esteemed presenters of StaarCon 2023. Amy is a performance artist. She works as a dancer, model, and mermaid. Her favorite performance work is tarot reading and lip print reading. Amy will give a workshop at StaarCon for tarot professionals and aspiring professionals about working as a tarot performer at corporate and agency jobs.

If you come to StaarCon 2023 in person in West Palm Beach, you will also get to see Amy as a Mermaid!

StaarCon 2023 is January 20 through 22. Tickets will be available soon!

Performing mermaid collage.
A young woman reading tarot cards.

Mapping The Spiritual Path with Tarot

Very often, when we feel lost, it is because we need new grounding and new focus on a spiritual level. My book, Tarot Tour Guide, includes an original twelve-card spread for mapping the spiritual path.

Positions in this spread ask questions such as “What did I come here to learn?” and “How do those lessons manifest in my life”? The spread goes on to ask questions that give action steps for the way forward.

When you are feeling spiritually lost, this tarot spread, or a spread like it, can be very helpful.

You can create a tarot spread to help you find meaning in your life, and to help you find your spiritual grounding.

When you take the time to work with a larger tarot spread, your divination becomes a time of contemplation, meditation, and communication with spirit.

Christiana teaches a class at True Bikram Yoga in Madison Connecticut.

See Me in the Northeast This Month

I will begin readings, house calls, and psychic house parties in Connecticut on May 26. I will be in the area through June 5. I can travel to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.

I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT, by appointment.

Now is the time to reach out and schedule your party, house call or appointment with me! Please call or text me at 561-655-1160.

On Sunday, June 5, at 6:30 pm I will teach a tarot class at True Bikram Yoga in Madison. The class is called “Techniques for Tarot Healing”. If you have an interest in tarot, please plan to join us. Tickets are available directly through True Bikram Yoga, at (203) 350-0343.

Tarot Circle advertising graphic.

The Week in Review

This week we had a wonderful time at Global Tarot Circle on YouTube Live. If you missed it, you can watch the replay, and make sure you join us for the next one!

I have started a new series of prerecorded short videos on YouTube called “Rants from Your Tarot Fairy Godmother”. The first one is about the spiritual power of mirrors.

From Around the Web

Tarot and writing go together! Here is a great article about that on Literary Hub.

Theresa Reed, The Tarot Lady, created this tarot spread for when you feel lost.

Lifehack has some things to remember when you feel lost in life.

A graphic of people sitting at a table learning about tarot.

Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads Class

On Sunday, May 22, 7 pm to 9 pm, please join me for a hybrid tarot class.  If you are local, you can join in person in Palm City. Or you can join online on Zoom from anywhere in the world.

If you have every asked “Is there a spread for that?” this class is for you. If you have ever wondered about the best way to get answers from a tarot reading, this class is for you.

Whether you read for yourself or others, whether you are a beginner or experienced reader, this class will give you a set of tools that will help you use tarot effectively and efficiently.

In this class you will learn what makes a great tarot spread. You will learn when a custom spread is the best technique. You will learn to quickly create small spreads to answer immediate questions. You will learn to create and interpret elaborate spreads to handle multiple issues in a comprehensive tarot session. You will learn to create and interpret spreads for specific purposes such as healing, relationship-building, mediumship, and dream interpretation.

Get your tickets now on EventBrite!

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class.

You can purchase the recorded class with access to the class literature after May 30th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

A man reading tarot cards.

Guidance on the Journey

Are there specific tarot cards that might express a feeling of being lost in life? I can think of a message about what to do when you feel lost in life for any of the seventy-eight cards. But which cards describe that lost feeling?

I think because the feeling of being lost is so amorphous, and the causes of that feeling can be so varied, it is hard to find a single card that embodies this fully.

The Moon can suggest confusion. The Five of Pentacles can speak of feeling impoverished and without opportunity. The Four of Cups can describe not being happy with any of your options.

When you are feeling lost, a great exercise can be to go through your cards, face up, and pull out of the deck each image that seems to describe how you are feeling. Go through the cards you have selected and look at each one. In that process, hold space for your feelings, and take time to understand exactly what you are experiencing.

Then, from the cards that remain in the deck pull a few at random to give you advice for healing and direction.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana teaches tarot in a gallery.

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152
On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com
Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 
Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232 
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 19
May 11, 2022

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

In the Presence of Ancestors

No matter your current family experience, there are generations of ancestors who are with you. They share their strength with you, and their traumas.

A tree with colorful hands in place of the leaves

This Sunday, May 8th, is celebrated as Mother’s Day in the United States. For some, this is a day to show appreciation to the people in our family who gave us life, who nurtured us, and who sacrificed for us. For others this day can be a sad reminder of family loss.

Whatever the current state of your own family, there is something important to remember on Mother’s Day, and every day.

We are each the product of the countless generations that came before us. This is true genetically, and culturally. From our ancestors we inherit our talents and our features.

It is also true that trauma is passed from generation to generation. Generational trauma is carried within our DNA, as well as by example.

Many cultures have special rituals for ancestral healing and ancestral veneration. Many people find comfort in the belief that our ancestors remain with us spiritually. Sometimes it seems that generations of family members are nurturing us and supporting us from the other side.

To feel close to our ancestors, and our family members in spirit, all we need to do is look in the mirror. Within us we can see the features of those who came before us.  We can remember the stories and the wisdom that they shared with us. In this recognition we can feel the strength of their legacy, and the reality of their spiritual support.

It is the responsibility of each generation to do what they can to heal the trauma of the past, rather than allowing that to carry forward into the next generation. Our ancestors are present with us and able to assist us as we face that challenge.

There are many tools and methods available to us as we work to heal generational trauma. Perhaps the first and most important tool is simply awareness. When we understand our family history, we can understand some of the difficulties we face in our own lives. With that understanding comes the opportunity to heal.

The StaarCon 2023 Banner

The StaarCorner

We are very excited to announce that Silver Raven will be a presenter at StaarCon 2023. Silver has been a professional reader and teacher for over forty years. She works with tarot, Lenormand, runes, pendulums, and crystals. You have probably seen her Instagram program, “Sundays with Silver”.

StaarCon 2023 will be January 20 through 22. Mark your calendars now. Tickets will be available soon!

A Photo of Silver Raven
Sisters reading tarot cards in the kitchen

Family Tarot

Tarot is a great tool for family communication. Yes, we can communicate with our loved ones in spirit with tarot. We can also communicate with our living loved ones.

Over my many years of teaching tarot I have had the pleasure of countless mother/daughter teams in my classes. I have also had sisters, spouses, and other family groups. Even young children can benefit from and enjoy using tarot with their family members.

Simple exercises such as choosing cards to express feelings, or drawing cards at random and discussing them, can bring family members closer together.

Some things are hard to say, or hard to understand. Tarot makes those things easier to talk about.

Christiana teaching tarot in Madison, Connecticut

See Me in the Northeast This Month

I will begin readings, house calls, and psychic house parties in Connecticut on May 26. I will be in the area through June 5. I can travel to Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New York.

I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, CT, by appointment.

Now is the time to reach out and schedule your party, house call or appointment with me! Please call or text me at 561-655-1160.

On Sunday, June 5, at 6:30 pm I will teach a tarot class at True Bikram Yoga in Madison. The class is called “Techniques for Tarot Healing”. If you have an interest in tarot, please plan to join us. Tickets are available directly through True Bikram Yoga, at (203) 350-0343.

Advertisment for Christiana's YouTube live discussion of the Grateful Dead Tarot

The Week in Review

Your May tarotscopes are available on my YouTube channel. This month I used Grateful Dead Tarot, and my new CardCam!

You will also notice that all free tarot classes, tarot meetups and members-only livestreams are scheduled for May and June. Mark your calendars now and hit the bell for each event so you do not miss one!

From Around the Web

Benebell Wen shared an excellent article and video about ancestor work in 2019.

Nancy Hendrickson, author of the fabulous book Ancestral Tarot, has a regular offering called Ancestor Café on Patreon.

Incandescent Tarot has an Ancestral Connection Tarot Spread.

Graphic of people learning a tarot spread

Create and Interpret Custom Tarot Spreads Class

On Sunday, May 22, 7 pm to 9 pm, please join me for a hybrid tarot class.  If you are local, you can join in person in Palm City. Or you can join online on Zoom from anywhere in the world.

If you have every asked “Is there a spread for that?” this class is for you. If you have ever wondered about the best way to get answers from a tarot reading, this class is for you.

Whether you read for yourself or others, whether you are a beginner or experienced reader, this class will give you a set of tools that will help you use tarot effectively and efficiently.

In this class you will learn what makes a great tarot spread. You will learn when a custom spread is the best technique. You will learn to quickly create small spreads to answer immediate questions. You will learn to create and interpret elaborate spreads to handle multiple issues in a comprehensive tarot session. You will learn to create and interpret spreads for specific purposes such as healing, relationship-building, mediumship, and dream interpretation.

Get your tickets now on EventBrite!

You can join us in person or online. Every student will receive access to a recording of the class.

You can purchase the recorded class with access to the class literature after May 30th.

Visit christianagaudet.com for more information!

The Empress and the Ten of Pentacles from the Spiral Tarot Deck

Images from Spiral Tarot, Copyright 1987 U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Used with permission.

Guidance on the Journey

We often feel the presence of the ancestors in tarot readings. Sometimes this happens in mediumship as those loved ones in spirit share knowledge and wisdom with us. Sometimes we gain understanding of our own identity as we become more able to understand those who came before us. Sometimes we can heal from family dysfunction when we understand the ancient roots of those problems.

All these opportunities are available to us when we understand how tarot can speak of our ancestors, and how our ancestors can speak through tarot.

Two cards that often connect me to ancestors are the Empress and the Ten of Pentacles, shown here from Spiral Tarot.

The Empress can be a card of motherhood and can tell us that generations of mothers and grandmothers are present with us.

The Ten of Pentacles can speak of our family legacy. That is, what we have inherited from our forebears, and what we will leave to our children. This card can be more than evocative. It can indicate the presence of our ancestors working in our lives.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana teaching tarot in her office conference room

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 18
May 4, 2022

Read More
Tarot Topics Community News John Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News John Gaudet

In Tune With the Moon

The moon phases teach us and guide us every day.

Image of a woman standing on the crescent moon

There will be a new moon this weekend!

It is amazing to consider how many spiritual traditions reference the moon and its phases. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

In Judaism, each lunar month begins with a special new moon holiday.

Chinese culture celebrates the Moon Festival every autumn.  The dates of many Hindu and Muslim festivals are determined by moon phases.

Ashtanga yoga practitioners refrain from yoga on the new and full moon. Many magical traditions hold ceremony on the new and full moon.

The spiritual teachings of various religions and practices seem to agree on a few things about the moon and its phases. These teachings include a few important concepts.

To be aware of the cycles of the moon is to be in touch with nature.

The cycles of the moon are a metaphor for the cycles of life, and a reminder that everything moves in cycles, and that change is constant.

Each moon phase has its own energy. When we are in tune with the moon, we can feel those shifting energies.

We can harness the energies of moon phases to assist our healing and manifestation work.

It is easy to attune yourself to the moon phases. Simply make a point of knowing what moon phase is happening each day. Use a calendar or app to track it. Go outside every evening and look for the moon. Spend a few minutes simply breathing with the moon and taking in its energy.

When you make this a regular practice you will notice some changes. you will become more aware of your own energy, and more able to sense energy around you. You may find that your moods change as the moon changes. You may find that you choose to do certain tasks at each phase of the moon. When this happens, you will feel find harmony in the natural rhythm and cycles that the moon provides for us.

StaarCon 2023 Banner

The StaarCorner: StaarCon 2023

StaarCon 2023 will be January 20 through 22. We will meet in person at the Palm Beach Airport Hilton, and online on Accelevents Event Management Platform.

This will be our third year using Accelevents. Each year Accelevents becomes more robust, and each year we get better at utilizing its features.

If you attend StaarCon 2023 online, you will be able to attend presentations and interact with other attendees in the comment thread of each presentation. You will be able to ask questions of the presenters. You will be able to shop in the online expo and meet your friends in the StaarCon lounges.

If you attend in person, you can use the Accelevents agenda to help you navigate the conference. You can bring a laptop, tablet, or phone to presentations and interact with your friends who are enjoying the conference from home.

Whether you join us in person or from home, you will use Accelevents during the thirty-day AfterGlow. During the thirty days after the conference ends all presentations will be available to view and review on Accelevents at your convenience. We will also have live scheduled lounge events with our StaarCon presenters.

StaarCon is the first and only multi-track fully hybrid tarot and divination conference in the world. Join us and see what the future of tarot conferencing is all about!

Tickets will be available soon.

Accelevents Logo
The Moon tarot card

The Tarot Moon

Major Arcana 18 is the Moon. This is one of the most interesting and confusing cards in the tarot. Older tarot books suggest this card can speak of treachery, mental illness, and deception.

Modern tarot books say that when the Moon appears we need to use our intuition and our spiritual gifts. This is a card that asks us to embrace our magical nature.

Typical keywords for Major Arcana 18 include mystery and confusion, as well as intuition.

When this card appears, recognize that things may not be as they appear. You need to look deeply and use your intuition to solve the mysteries around you. Know the difference between faith and delusion. Be careful where you put your trust.

Remember that every month the moon is born anew. When you see the Moon in a tarot reading, you may be advised to be aware of your own cycles, to allow time for your own growth and rebirth.

Hartford Connecticut from the air

Northeastern Spring Tarot Tour

I will be in Connecticut May 26 through June 5. I will be offering private readings at True Bikram Yoga in Madison, Ct. I am available for house calls and psychic house parties throughout Connecticut. I am also able to travel to Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New York.

As always, my available time will book quickly. Please call or text me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your appointment.

I am so excited to see my northeastern friends this spring!

Ad Panel for Hot Button Tarot

The Week in Review

Members of my YouTube channel enjoyed a free exclusive livestream last night. If you are a member and you happened to miss it, you can watch the replay. If you become a member at any time, you will have access to all the members-only videos.

From Around the Web

Here is a great moon phase tracking website.

Here are tarot spreads for each moon phase.

Here are the traditional names and meanings of each full moon.

Woman's hand holding a tarot card

Join Us for Class Tomorrow

It is not too late to get your ticket to join us tomorrow evening, Thursday, April 28, in person or online, for our tarot class, Personal Healing with Tarot.

There are so many ways we can use tarot as a tool of healing. This class will teach you practical techniques to help you use tarot to find healing for yourself, and to help you facilitate healing for those to whom you give readings.

Class begins at 7 pm. Get your ticket and be there!

Image of the moon over clouds and water

Guidance on the Journey

Each moon phase has its own energy. If you want to use the energy of the moon for manifestation and healing, there is a simple rule that is easy to follow.

Starting with the new moon and ending with the full moon, the moon is waxing. That mean that each day the moon increases in visibility. We see the moon becoming bigger and brighter.

When the moon the waxing is the time to bring energy into your life. What do you want to manifest? What seeds do you want to plant?

After the full moon, and before the new moon, the visible moon is diminishing each day. This is the waning moon. Use this time to release what no longer serves you. This is the best time to remove clutter from you space, to release bad habits, and let go of unhealthy attachments.

Each month you have a natural ally to help you grow in the waxing moon, and to help you heal in the waning moon.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Christiana wearing a stylish hat

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.
Southeastern Tarot Artists and Readers, LLC.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 5 Issue 17
April 27, 2022

Read More