Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

How the Light Gets In

A Leonard Cohen song that I had never heard before stalked me this week. It got me thinking about the spiritual meaning of light, and how we are never truly broken.

You probably know that I think it is very important to pay attention to synchronicities. That is, when you hear a specific phrase or see a symbol more than once in a short time it is likely that Spirit is trying to tell you something.

This happened to me this week. The phrase I heard repeatedly is from the Leonard Cohen song, Anthem. The phase is, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in”.

I heard those words spoken by various people on podcasts and radio shows with no attribution. Each time I heard the words they struck me as significant. Then I saw I meme on Facebook which used the quote and attributed it to Cohen. That is how I learned those profound words are a song lyric.

So often I speak with people who feel that they are broken. I do not believe that people can be broken. Yet, we sometimes feel that way. When we do, we can think about how those broken places can let the light in.

What does this mean?

The term ‘light’ is widely used as a spiritual metaphor. In mundane and spiritual terms, light is what allows us to see. It is the root word of ‘enlightenment’. Sometimes healers call themselves ‘lightworkers’. One of my favorite tarot decks is Light Seer’s Tarot.

We may be scarred by the things that seemed to break us, but those scars can also bring us enlightenment.

The word ‘light’ in this context refers to intelligence, holy presence, and deep understanding. This concept of light transcends religion and denomination since it is understood this way by many cultures and schools of thought.

Beyond illumination, the word ‘light’ also speaks of something that is the opposite of heavy. Heavy is how we feel when we are sad, overburdened, and depressed. Light is how we feel when we are free, in control, and in the space of peace and joy.

These two aspects of light, what allows us to see and what is easy to carry, make the spiritual concept of light an obvious description of spiritual connection, healing, and awakening.

When we can embrace our flaws, our hurts, and our scars, as the hard parts of the journey that allow us to ultimately feel lighter, we understand how those cracks do indeed let the light in.

The StaarCorner

We are so excited to have Sasha Graham as a headliner at StaarCon 2022. Recently Sasha and I had a conversation about her tarot career, her tarot origin story, and how she became a tarot author and deck designer.

You can watch this most recent episode of StaarCast in video form on YouTube or listen wherever you catch your podcasts.

To enjoy Sasha’s presentation at StaarCon, you need a ticket for Sunday, or for the full conference. If you have questions about StaarCon ticketing, please email me, or call or text 561-655-1160.

Tarot Lets the Light In

Tarot is certainly a tool of healing, and a tool of enlightenment. Here are some questions to ask tarot when you are feeling broken, and ready to let the light in.

What can I learn from this situation?

Why am I feeling this way?

How can I feel better immediately?

How does this difficulty serve me?

How will this situation bring me healing?

How can I heal from the pain of this situation?

What must I do to feel at peace?

The Week in Review

Did you catch our Oracle Card Workshop on YouTube? Make sure you watch the replay if you didn’t see it live.

It is a new month! Look for December Tarotscopes on my YouTube channel. This month I am doing a three-card reading for each sign.
I have recently joined TikTok. Follow me @christianagaudettarot.

From Around the Web

In case you didn’t know the song that inspired this newsletter topic (I didn’t) here is the original version, and here is a fun cover.

A tarot museum has opened in Japan! Who wants to take a trip?

From the Omega Institute, some thoughts on what it is to be a lightworker.

Cards for Your Consideration

Major Arcana 16, the Tower, is one of the most feared cards in the tarot deck. This card is understood to mean devastation, destruction, and the life events that bring permanent change.

Yet, we can see that the lightening that strikes the Tower down is enlightening and from a holy source.

That which is built on a flawed foundation cannot stand forever. When the Tower is destroyed, it makes way for something new.

The process we see in this card is a wonderful illustration of the painful and terrifying cracks that ultimately allow the light in.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!



About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 48
December 1, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

How Gratitude Heals Us

Gratitude is a daily practice. Even when things are difficult, we can find gifts in our struggles. Tarot can help us find those gifts.

I have been publishing a newsletter every Wednesday for many years. That means that for many years I have written a day-before-American-Thanksgiving newsletter. Often, the topic I land on is the obvious one, gratitude.

Gratitude is not a once-a-year event. Gratitude is a daily practice. Yet, it is nice to have a holiday that emphasizes the importance of being thankful for our blessings.

There are times when our blessings feel easy to count, and other times when we must dig deep to find the gift in a challenging time.

Yet, when we find that space in our hearts for gratitude, we find our strength, and our hope.

When we can understand and appreciate our blessings, it seems our blessings increase.

Making space for gratitude in good moments, and in difficult ones, always brings us closer to a sense of peace. From that peace, we can find our way toward healing.

The StaarCorner

Did you know that five of our StaarCon 2022 presenters won World Divination Awards for 2021? Nancy Hendrickson’s book, Ancestral Tarot, was named Best Divination Book of 2021.

Jamie Sawyer was awarded Best Artistic Endeavors of 2021.

Mitchell Osborn was named the Best Teacher for 2021.

Michelle Welch was named Best Divination Contributor for 2021.

I, Christiana Gaudet, received the award of Best Tarot Reader for 2021.

If you want to see this award-winning team in action, make plans to join us for StaarCon 2022, either in person in Palm Beach Gardens or online on Accelevents.

Visit the StaarCon website for more information.

This week our podcast episode, StaarCast, featured my conversation with Fred West. It turns out that he and I both began our tarot journey in the Awesome Eighties!

To enjoy this fun and insightful conversation, you can watch the video or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth Hybrid Class

Our next ‘Zoom and Room’ tarot class will be Tuesday, November 30, from 7 pm to 9 pm ET.

Tarot is a tool of communication. With tarot, we can communicate and understand our feelings. We can build our relationships. We can brainstorm our projects. We can understand the needs of our body. We can connect with Spirit.

Whether we are reading for ourselves or others, the secret to clarity and depth in tarot readings is to understand how tarot communicate with us, and how tarot helps us communicate with others.

In this class you will learn solid techniques for using tarot to communicate your own feelings, understand what is going on with your body, work well within a group, communicate with spirit, and connect with your creativity. You will also learn how to do these things effectively when reading for others.

Class fee is $40. Sign up now!

Tarot Gratitude Exercise

Here is a simple-yet-profound tarot gratitude exercise. This exercise will stretch your ability to read tarot cards in context. It will also stretch your ability to view everything in life through a lens of gratitude.

Shuffle the cards and ask this question.
“For what shall I be grateful today?”

Pull a single card. Take a moment to think about how this card might reflect your life. When you see yourself in the card, figure out what in this circumstance offers you an opportunity for gratitude.

Hold that perspective of gratitude in your heart all day.

The Week in Review

Did you attend the Oracle Card Workshop on YouTube on Monday? If you did not have a chance to catch it, make sure you watch the replay.

The YouTube meetups and free classes for December are already scheduled. Make sure you subscribe and hit the bell to be reminded to join us live for class.

From Around the Web

This week we will check in on some StaarCon presenters on YouTube.

Jenna Matlin is just beginning to do live broadcasts on YouTube. I will be her guest on December 10.

Mitchell Osborn has been sharing great videos for years on his YouTube channel.

Maria Luisa Salazar will be coming all the way from Peru to join us in person in January. Her YouTube channel is all in Spanish. You can set up English subtitles to enjoy her tarot wisdom. At StaarCon, her presentation will be in English.

Cards for Your Consideration

The Nine of Cups is often called “The Wish Card”. When it appears in a favorable position, we often interpret it to say that our wishes will come true.

Yet, the Nine of Cups can be a card of happiness, success, and satisfaction in the present time as well. Some of our desires may already be fulfilled.

When the Nine of Cups appears, consider this card as a reminder to count your blessings and be grateful for what already is, and what wishes have already been fulfilled.

From this place of gratitude for what is, let this card give you hope for what will be.

Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classes www.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 47
November 24, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Inside and the Outside

People are sometimes different on the outside than on the inside.

People can appear very differently on the outside than they are on the inside.

This can be tricky in dating when someone seems like a potential partner on the outside. When we see what is really on the inside, we may be delighted, or disappointed.

Social media causes us to see other people’s outsides in ways that can make us unnecessarily envious. We should never compare other people’s outsides with our own insides.

The process of aging creates another difference between the outside and the inside. So often older people feel just like they did when they were twenty, until they look in the mirror!

Sometimes we must intentionally put on a good face and show a stronger outside than we what we are feeling on the inside.

When thinking about the relationship with self, we must be clear about what is happening on the inside, and what we want to project to the outside world.

When thinking about relationships with others, we must remember that what we see is not everything that is there. Sometimes intuition and divination can fill in the missing pieces.

Even more importantly, our spiritual tools can help us develop our inner strength, compassion, and courage. When we make the effort to develop on the inside, that growth will ultimately be visible on the outside. This will allow us to be more present and authentic in the way we interact with others.

The StaarCorner

StaarCon is just about two months away. If you have questions about StaarCon, call me at 561-655-1160, or email me. Whether you plan to attend online or in person, it is time to get your ticket! Learn more on the StaarCon website.

If you would like to be involved in StaarCon, we still have room for vendors and sponsors. We also have the StaarCon Scholarship Fund, if you would like to donate or nominate a recipient.

Our episode of StaarCast this week was so much fun to make. My conversation with John Hijatt was enlightening and interesting. I cannot wait for his presentation at StaarCon.

You can enjoy this episode on YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth Hybrid Class

Our next ‘Zoom and Room’ tarot class will be Tuesday, November 30, from 7 pm to 9 pm ET.

Tarot is a tool of communication. With tarot, we can communicate and understand our feelings. We can build our relationships. We can brainstorm our projects. We can understand the needs of our body. We can connect with Spirit.

Whether we are reading for ourselves or others, the secret to clarity and depth in tarot readings is to understand how tarot communicate with us, and how tarot helps us communicate with others.

In this class you will learn solid techniques for using tarot to communicate your own feelings, understand what is going on with your body, work well within a group, communicate with spirit, and connect with your creativity. You will also learn how to do these things effectively when reading for others.

Class fee is $40. Sign up now!

Inside Outside Tarot Reading

Here is a tarot spread to help you sort out what is happening inside you, and outside you. Arrange the cards in whatever pattern feels right.

Card 1. What is true about your inner self right now.

Card 2. How you want to present to the world.

Card 3. How you are presenting to the world.

Card 4. How the world is affecting you right now.

Card 5. How you can more authentically be yourself in the world right now.

The Week in Review

This week I posted some musings about tarot on my blog. We had a great class on my YouTube channel, Tarot Context Bootcamp.

If you are on Instagram, make sure you follow me, and StaarCon! I have begun sharing card pulls, live tarot unboxings, and reels.

This weekend is the World Divination Association Virtual Event 2021 on Facebook Live. I will be presenting on Monday. Learn more, and get your tickets.

From Around the Web

Here is a tarot spread to help you reconnect with your inner self.

Here is a recently published article in Religion News about diversity in tarot, featuring Emilie Muniz and her Simplicity Tarot!

Find your inner self in four easy steps.

Major Arcana 18, the Moon, from Ciro Marchetti's Grand Luxe Tarot. Used with permission.

Cards for Your Consideration

One of the most complicated and confusing cards of all seventy-eight tarot cards is the Moon, Major Arcana 18. This is quite fitting, because the Moon can speak of confusion, and the complicated nature of seeking truth in all aspects of life.

When we think about the differences between outside appearances and inner truths, the Moon is a good card to consider.

One thing that is often true when the Moon appears in a reading is that things are not as they seem. This is neither a negative nor positive quality; the context of the situation can suggest that things are truly better or worse than we might think.

The Moon asks us to use our intuition, and to employ spiritual wisdom, to discover what is true about ourselves, about our relationships, and about the world.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!

About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 46
November 17, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Shadow Side of Healing

Healing is a lifelong journey.

When we choose to be self-aware, self-reflective, and to live consciously, life becomes a journey of personal healing. Each one of us has trauma and learned behaviors that we must process and release.

It is also possible that we carry past life trauma, as well as generational and ancestral trauma. Our evolution as a species depends on our ability to heal as individuals. Our ability to be available for positive relationships and meaningful life experiences can depend on our willingness to heal.

Even spiritual people can be resistant to healing. It is easy to get stuck in patterns that make our healing journey even harder. We might engage in spiritual bypassing and use our belief system as an excuse to gloss over our pain. Or we can make our pain the whole of our identity. We might turn our healing journey into an exercise of ego massage.

The healing journey brings us to a place of personal and spiritual growth because it allows us to be present for ourselves and others. Yet, on the way, we need to visit and revisit some difficult things. Much like physical exercise, it is often true that if it is not difficult, we are not working hard enough.

There is a part of emotional healing that is called ‘shadow work’. This refers to our need to look at what Carl Jung called our shadow. That is, the parts of ourselves we would rather not see. Once we can see these parts of ourselves, we have many modalities to help us process, change, and release.

Sometimes the shadow is made of bad habits, or unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it is formed by difficult past experiences. Whatever it is, and whatever caused it, when we can see it, we can heal it.

Tarot divination can help us see the shadow and can point us in directions for healing. Tarot meditation can offer us deeper healing experiences. Very often, energy medicine like Reiki can be useful for our deeper healing work. Meditation, traditional therapy, and yoga are but a few of the practices and modalities available to us.

Healing is a lifetime endeavor, yet the benefits of healing can become apparent very quickly.

It is important that we be patient with our healing journey, and with ourselves. We must be present for the dark moments, but we also must be ready to emerge into the light at each opportunity.

There are those who feel that to be happy we must only think happy thoughts. There are those who feel like we need to engage in ‘positive vibes only’. While there is certainly power in positive thinking, we must be able to face all things in life with courage and honesty. Not everything feels good, but if we can face what does not feel good, we more easily fill our lives with good things.

The StaarCorner

This week we added two new presenters to our already-stellar list for StaarCon 2022. Tarot artists Lisa Hunt and Ciro Marchetti will both be joining us as presenters and vendors at StaarCon 2022.

Our conference will be January 21 through 23, in person in Palm Beach Gardens and online on Accelevents. Get your tickets now!

Our StaarCon podcast is called StaarCast and is available wherever you catch your podcasts. You can also find it in video form on YouTube.

Our most recent episode features my conversation with author and tarot designer Bernadette King. Bernadette works with animal energies for divination and healing. We are looking forward to Bernadette’s class at StaarCon 2022!

Tarot Communication for Clarity and Depth Hybrid Class

Our next ‘Zoom and Room’ tarot class will be Tuesday, November 30, from 7 pm to 9 pm ET.

Tarot is a tool of communication. With tarot, we can communicate and understand our feelings. We can build our relationships. We can brainstorm our projects. We can understand the needs of our body. We can connect with Spirit.

Whether we are reading for ourselves or others, the secret to clarity and depth in tarot readings is to understand how tarot communicate with us, and how tarot helps us communicate with others.

In this class you will learn solid techniques for using tarot to communicate your own feelings, understand what is going on with your body, work well within a group, communicate with spirit, and connect with your creativity. You will also learn how to do these things effectively when reading for others.

Class fee is $40. Sign up now!

Tarot for Healing

When I had the privilege this past July to teach at the Masters of Tarot Conference at the Omega Institute, my presentation was called “How Tarot Helps Us Heal”.

In this three-hour presentation I discussed many ways that we can use tarot as a healing tool.

One of my favorite ways is to find a card, either at random or by choice. Breathe with the card and, and you stare at the card with a soft gaze, allow yourself to drift into a meditative state.

Now, enter the card in your mind’s eye, and have a conversation with a character that you see in the card.

This meditative technique can be powerful!

Another way to heal with tarot is to design a tarot spread about something that has hurt you, or about the healing process itself. When you perform this spread, you will receive a great deal of direction to help you on your healing journey.

Members-Only Livestream on YouTube: Incoming!

All members of my YouTube channel, Christiana Gaudet Tarot, are welcome to join us for a special livestream event on Tuesday, November 16, at 7 pm ET.

We will work together to help each person design and perform a magical tarot spread. This tarot spread will give insight, energy, and direction for 2022.

The replay of this event will be available to all present and future channel members.

You may become a member of this channel at any time.

To attend, simply be a current member and join us on November 16 at 7 pm.

The Week in Review

I will be teaching a class on Facebook for the World Divination Association Virtual Event, which will be November 20 and 21. You can learn more and register on the World Divination Association website.

Follow me on Instagram, and follow the StaarCon Instagram as well. I am sharing some great pictures and videos on both pages.

Did you catch the Ancestral Tarot class with Nancy Hendrickson this week on my YouTube channel? follow the link to watch the replay.

From Around the Web

Journaling is a good way to work with the shadow. Here are some journaling prompts that can help.

Here are some shadow work tarot spreads.

Dreamwork is another way to heal. Dreamworker Toko-pa shares information about ancestral healing.

Cards for Your Consideration

Every tarot card has a lesson that can help us heal. When we study tarot, we learn the lessons of each card, as well as what the card might mean in a reading.

In tarot, the cards that are associated with the number Five can each offer us a specific opportunity to heal.

As an exercise, look at each Five and find within a healing lesson for yourself. Here are some examples.

The Five of Cups teaches us to hold space for grief, but to also remember that there is still room for joy.
The Five of Pentacles teaches us that it is up to us to find opportunity.
The Hierophant teaches us to know when to trust authority, when to use authority, and when to question authority.

Card Fourteen, Temperance, is also numerologically a Five. It is in this card that we find the solution for all healing. Temperance teaches us that nothing is perfect. Everything requires us to balance and blend to find what we need.

When a Five card appears in a tarot spread, consider that there may be a need and an opportunity for healing.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 45
November 10, 2021

Read More