Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Creative Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is an art that requires creativity, inspiration, and flexibility.


Often at the tarot table the energy of creativity is very apparent in a person’s cards. For those who write, sing, dance, paint, draw, decorate, or craft, this is a no-brainer.

Occasionally, though, I will see the energy of creativity strongly in someone who does not see it in themselves. What becomes clear is that the person is a creative problem-solver. We do not often think about problem-solving as a creative endeavor, but it certainly is. Solutions do not typically create themselves; we must create them.

Life is full of problems big and small. Some problems must be endured, others can be mitigated, some can be fully resolved.  Whatever the possible options, creativity can help us reframe difficulties, find resources, pull in helpful people, arrange logistics, execute quick recoveries, and do whatever else is necessary.

An important part of creative problem-solving is flexibility. The more rigid we are in our thinking, the less able we are to see the creative way forward.

I often think of the willow tree as a metaphor for this. Willows bend in the storm to survive. We must do the same thing. We must bend to avoid breaking. We must turn toward what will support us, and away from what does not.

Another ingredient in creative problem-solving is the ability to find inspiration in the face of challenge. When we approach problems in life as an artist approaches a canvas, we find inspiration to carry on, to fix what is broken, and to work around an obstacle.

Flexibility and inspiration in the face of challenge will always allow us to find the creative solutions we need.


The StaarCorner

We are getting excited for StaarCon 2022, to be held in person in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, and online on Accelevents. StaarCon will be held January 21 through 23, followed by a thirty-day ‘Afterglow’ when recordings of classes, and a few live events, will be available on the Accelevents site for all ticketholders.

At my very first tarot conference in the late 1990s I had the pleasure of meeting author and deck designer Diane Wilkes. I am very excited that Diane will be presenting at StaarCon 2022. Diane will be leading us in a workshop on tarot journaling. This is a very important topic for tarot beginners and experienced readers alike. Please plan on joining us for StaarCon 2022!


YouTube Channel Members-Only Livestream

I do many livestreams on my YouTube channel. Weekly livestreams feature live readings for viewers. Monthly livesteams feature tarot classes and meetups. All of these events are free, and open to anyone who wants to join us, either live or in replay.

On September 14 at 7 pm I will host an hour-long livestream that is available only to members of my YouTube channel. This event will focus on some deep-dive readings that will allow members to experience a live reading, and, at the same time, to learn some advanced tarot reading techniques.

The livestream and the replay will be available to members at all three levels, Aces, Stars and Suns.


Problem Solving Tarot Exercises

Are you looking for a creative solution? Here are some things to do with your tarot cards to help you find one.

First, is the solution a new perspective, a fix, or a mitigation? Pull one card for each of those possibilities and see what you learn.

Next, pull cards in answer to these questions.

What, exactly, is my challenge at the moment?

How can I be flexible in dealing with this challenge?

How can I find inspiration in this challenge?


The Week in Review

I am pleased to be a nominee in the World Divination Association Awards, in the “Best Tarot Reader” category. Voting is happening now through September 15. Please cast your vote for me today!

The Autumn edition of the Cartomancer is out. I am pleased to have contributed an article entitled, “Your Tarot Friends are Your Best Friends”. You can order your copy of the Cartomancer as a digital ezine, or as a printed magazine.

Now that I have completed my tours, I have resumed my regular schedule of live appearances on my YouTube channel. I will hope to see you there!

From Around the Web

The New Moon in Virgo happened this Monday. Theresa Reed has tarot readings for each zodiac sign.

Do not use this link if you are uncomfortable with off-color language! Interrobang Tarot has “Salty Tarot Spreads for Chaos and Plague”.

Here are twenty-five creative problem-solving questions.


Cards for Your Consideration

My favorite card for finding solutions is Temperance. This is because, in this card, the angel is literally creating a solution! I like to think about the two meanings for ‘solution’ and what they have in common. Within that thought process I find my understanding for Major Arcana 14, Temperance.

However, when I think of creative problem-solving, the card that I like to consider is the Seven of Swords.

The Seven of Swords often gets a bad rap, as it is known as ‘The Thief’s Card’. The Seven of Swords can speak of dishonesty, treachery, and theft.

Yet, the Seven of Swords can also speak of necessary craftiness; the sort of craftiness that is paramount when we endeavor to find creative solutions. Sometimes we need to try something that is a bit unorthodox to get the results we need, given the constraints of the situation at hand.

Years ago, while on a road trip in a very old Valiant, the car developed a radiator leak. Our creative solution was to get lots of pepper from fast food restaurants to put into the radiator. This allowed us to drive all the way across the country before we had to get the repair work done.

Of course, this was not the best way to handle such a situation. Yet, it worked for us, and was the best we could do at the time. This is a great example of a Seven of Swords solution.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 36
September 8, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Where to Begin

There is a hidden first step for all new beginnings.


How many times have you wondered how to begin something? Whether it is learning a new hobby or craft, cleaning up a mess, or creating personal change, we are often stumped as to what our first step should be.

When it comes to learning something new, or creating change, being a beginner means not judging our proficiency as if we were already expert. That can be difficult! So often, we want to be perfect from the very beginning.

Different tasks require different first steps. It does not seem that there is universal first step for all things. Yet, all things require a first step.

Sometimes the first step is to collect tools and materials. Sometimes it is to collect knowledge. Sometimes it is to simply dive in somewhere, anywhere, and see what happens.

Does not knowing where to begin something keep you from doing something?

I have heard the expression, “I wouldn’t even know where to begin” used as a reason, or an excuse, as to why a change has not been made, or a desired activity has not commenced.

I think very often this is because there is, indeed, a hidden first step. That hidden first step is to get over the fear of change, or the fear of failure. From there, we can figure out what we need to know, gather, and do, to make our start.


The StaarCorner

StaarCon strives to honor our tarot artists. We are excited that we will have presentations from a number of tarot and oracle designers at StaarCon 2022. Some of those designers have created many decks. Others, like Claire Lily, are publishing their very first deck.

Claire Lily is the creator of the very family-friendly, modern, and delightful Aunt Lily’s Tarot. Claire will present her new tarot deck at StaarCon. We are excited to meet her, and to learn about the process that brought this amazing new tarot deck to life.


YouTube Channel Members-Only Livestream

I do many livestreams on my YouTube channel. Weekly livestreams feature live readings for viewers. Monthly livesteams feature tarot classes and meetups. All of these events are free, and open to anyone who wants to join us, either live or in replay.

On September 14 at 7 pm I will host an hour-long livestream that is available only to members of my YouTube channel. This event will focus on some deep-dive readings that will allow members to experience a live reading, and, at the same time, to learn some advanced tarot reading techniques.

The livestream and the replay will be available to members at all three levels, Aces, Stars and Suns.


Tarot Spread for Getting Started

Here is a tarot spread to help you find wisdom and inspiration for your new beginning.

Let Card One represent your vision for your goal.

Let Card Two offer insight about who or what will help you on your journey.

Let Card Three speak about any fear or resistance you might have about this journey.

Let Card Four offer insight about your first steps on this journey.


The Week in Review

I had such a good time this week during my Tampa Bay Area Tarot Tour. I am grateful to everyone who hosted parties and classes, and to those who came to see me in my AirBnB, or had me visit their home for a house call.

I am planning to return to the Tampa Bay Area sometime this autumn.

Now that my summer tours are finished, you can look forward to my regular schedule of livestreams on YouTube.

From Around the Web

From Medium.com, here are ten ways to start the thing you have been struggling to start.

Joan Bunning has a free online course to help you learn tarot.

We are beginning a new month! Here are your horoscopes for September.


Cards for Your Consideration

One beginning we might consider is that of a tarot journey. So often I speak with people who have a tarot deck (or two or three) but do not know how to begin the journey of learning tarot.

Here are some ideas for beginning, or restarting, your tarot journey.

A great study technique is the Card of the Day (COTD). Every day, pull one card. This is not a reading; it is a focus for study. Research the card’s classic interpretations and associations. Spend some time thinking about what you see in the card, and how you react to the image. Write about your findings, and your experience with the card.

At the end of the day, see how the card might have manifested in your day.

Another way to begin is to simply take a few tarot classes. The more teachers you study with, the more opportunity you will have to find your own way into tarot understanding.

A third thing to try is to find basic tarot interpretations, along with elemental and numeric associations, for each card. From there tarot becomes easier to understand.

One thing that is important when you begin your tarot journey is this.

Do not worry if you are good at tarot. Rather, think about how tarot is good for you.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 35
September 1, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

The Courage to Create Change

Changes happens whether we want it or not. Why not create the change we want?


The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “The only constant is change”.

Centuries later, this wise statement is still true. Change happens, whether we want it or not.

It takes courage to accept and make the best of the changes that come our way.

Sometimes change is up to us. It also takes courage to recognize that we need change. It takes courage to find a way to make change happen.

To create change is to come out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. To create change is to have the self-awareness to know that we want and need change, and to know what change would be right for us.

Sometimes the change we need is to remove something from our life. Sometimes it is a change in behavior or in the way we think. Sometimes the needed change is to welcome something new.

When we make the decision to create change, we affirm our value. We affirm our ability. Then, we summon our courage and throw ourselves into the unknown. Sometimes it seems that the greater the risk is, the greater the reward will be. 

Change will always happen. When we become a creator of change, we become a creator of our own best destiny.


The StaarCorner

At StaarCon, we have a commitment to tarot art, and the artists who create it. Yet, ‘tarot art’ is a broad term. Beyond the art that creates our tools is the art we can do with our tools, and the art that celebrates our tools.

At StaarCon 2022, you will meet and learn from tarot artists. You will also enjoy tarot theater, tarot improv, and tarot movement and dance. These practices are tarot art.

I once had a tarot teacher tell me that you cannot be a great tarot reader without being a tarot writer. Writing about tarot is also a tarot art.

At StaarCon 2022, we are excited to welcome Amber Highland, the editor of The Cartomancer. The Cartomancer is a magazine about card divination. If you have ever thought about writing for a tarot magazine, Amber has a presentation you will not want to miss. Amber will teach you what you need to know in her presentation entitled “Pitched to Published: Writing for the Cartomancer 101”.

It was at a tarot conference in Wisconsin in 2009 that I got my first opportunity to write for a tarot magazine. That opportunity led to the writing and publication of my first book, Fortune Stellar.

We are excited that Amber Highland is joining us for StaarCon 2022! We hope that you will join us too.


See Me in the Tampa Bay Area this Week!

There is still time to make an appointment for a house call, private reading, or psychic house party with me in the Tampa Bay area. I will be there Thursday through Monday. That is, August 26 through August 30. To make your appointment, or for more information, please call or text me at 561-655-1160. I will look forward to seeing you!


Two Cards for Change

You can create many two-card tarot readings to help you create change in your life. Here are  some possibilities for you to try. I bet you can make up some others as well!


Card One: The change I need.

Card Two: How to find the courage to make the change.


Card One: Why I need change.

Card Two: How change will benefit me.


Card One: What I must release.

Card Two: What I must welcome.


Card One: What I fear.

Card Two: How to overcome that fear.


Join Us for a Tarot Meetup in Lutz, Florida

This Sunday, August 29, we will have a free tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz, Florida. Panera Bread is located at 23388 SR-54 E, Lutz, FL 33549.

Bring your tarot cards! I will also have some cards for sale.

We will meet from 3 pm to 5 pm. During our meeting we will share readings, and we will do some informal tarot exploration and study. Whether you are a tarot beginner, professional, or anywhere in-between, you are welcome to join us as we explore the cards together.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost about skepticism at the tarot table.

Did you catch my free class on YouTube Live about the Aces and Tens in tarot?

From Around the Web

Have you ever made a bindrune? This week I stumbled upon an online generator that can help you with this process. Remember, too, that John Hijatt will be joining us for StaarCon to teach about the power of Runes.

Are you ready to make a change in the way you use tarot? Liz Worth has some tips for those who want to read tarot professionally.

What tarot cards do you think speak specifically about change? Here is a take from Uma Tarot.


Cards for Your Consideration

Divination can foster courage. Divination can help us navigate and create change. The I Ching is called “The Book of Changes”. This reminds us that all divination helps us foresee, understand, and create change in our lives.

There are many specific tarot cards that speak of change. Perhaps that is because change is so prevalent in life. Change can be a new beginning like an Ace, or an ending, like the Tower. Change can be a shift in thinking or behavior. Change can be a move to a new home or job. Tarot speaks of these sorts of changes in every reading.

In any tarot reading, you may see cards that encourage change, cards that predict change, and cards that help you understand the changes that have happened.

You may also see cards that inspire you to be courageous as you face the changes in your life.

When we consider tarot, we can think of it as a tool for understanding and creating change.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 34
August 25, 2021

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Growing Toward the Light

This week we discover what we can learn from sunflowers.


I am sad to admit that I am not much of a gardener. My few experiments with both indoor and outdoor plants made it clear that, at least for now, I do not have the time to properly tend plants. Yet, I love helping living things grow, and I love learning from that process.

I love to notice plant behavior, and let plants be my teachers.

One plant behavior that feels informative is called ‘phototropism’. Sunflowers, and certain other plants, will turn to face the sun. If they are situated in a place where the sun is not easily available to them, their stems will twist and lean as they strive to find the sunlight.

Growing toward the light is a good metaphor for a certain way of living. It reminds me of that story of two wolves that battle within each of us. One wolf is mean, egotistical, and fearful. The other is joyful and loving. Which wolf wins the battle? Whichever wolf we feed.

Growing toward the light is the same as feeding the joyful wolf.

When we choose to grow toward the light, we, like the sunflower, turn our face to the sun. We seek out what nurtures us. We turn to what illuminates us. We keep our focus on the positive and lean in that direction, even when that causes us to have to twist and turn.

This does not mean that we ignore the unpleasant things in our lives, or that we pretend that everything is sunny when it is not. We must acknowledge what is dark and difficult. We gather strength to face that difficulty as we lean toward what is light and helpful.

Phototropic plants know that the light is always there, somewhere. They twist and turn to find that light. We need to have faith in that light as well. We must find ways to grow toward it.


The StaarCorner

We are excited that Gita Rash will be joining us for StaarCon 2022. Gita is the designer of the Mahabharata Oracle Deck. At StaarCon 2021 she shared with us this deck, which is based on an ancient epic tale.

Gita is also a tarot reader, and a gifted palm reader. Her father was well-known palm reader. At StaarCon 2022 Gita will teach a class in palm reading! We are happy to welcome Gita back to StaarCon, and to learn this important divination method from her.


See Me in the Tampa Bay Area in August

I will be back in the Tampa Bay Area August 26 through August 30.

On Sunday, August 29, from 3 pm to 5 pm we will have a free tarot meetup at Panera Bread in Lutz, Florida.

During my time in the Tampa Bay Area, I am available for private readings at my AirBnB in Wesley Chapel. I am also able to make house calls for private readings. I am happy to come to your home or office for a psychic house party.

For more information, or to make your appointment, call or text 561-655-1160.


Growing Toward the Light Tarot Spread

Here is a tarot spread that you can arrange in the shape of a sunflower. The trick is that you can use as many cards as you want for the stem, the leaves, and the petals. You may decide to use only one card for each, or many. Let your intuition guide you as you explore the ways you can grow toward the light.

Stem: Let this card, or these cards, help you understand how you need to ground and position yourself in order to be nurtured and strong.

Leaves: Let this card, or these cards, show you what feeds you and helps you grow.

Center of flower: Let this card show you how to keep your focus on what is most helpful.

Petals: Let this card, or these cards, show you the benefits you will receive as you turn yourself to the light, allow the light to nurture you, and share that brilliance with others.


Join us For Class Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Thursday, at 7 pm ET, I am presenting “Tarot Keywords and Interpretations”. This class will help you understand and remember keywords for tarot cards. Even more importantly, this class will help you use those keywords to engage your intuition and give meaningful tarot readings in any context and situation.

There are two ways to attend. If you can come in person, you can purchase a ticket on EventBrite and attend the class in my Palm City office.

If you can’t come in person, you can attend virtually from just about anywhere. Just reserve your place in class on Zoom!

Get your ticket or make your reservation and study with your tarot friends from around the world in this hybrid presentation.


The Week in Review

Did you catch my class on YouTube, “Tarot History and Why it Matters?” You can watch the replay to learn about current historical thinking about tarot, and what that might mean for we esoteric tarotists.

I was excited to join Amie Mouser as a guest on her new podcast, Behind the Magic. In honor of what Grateful Dead fans call “Jerry Week”, or “The Days Between”, Amie and I did a deep dive into my youth, and my continued love of the Grateful Dead’s music and message. You can watch the video, or listen to the podcast wherever you get your podcasts.

From Around the Web

This week’s offerings are all from StaarCon 2022 presenters!

Mary Ellen Collins shared a blog post called “Breaking Free from the Eight of Swords”. This is such a great synchronicity; I led a meditative exercise about this card during my workshop at The Masters of the Tarot conference.

Marion Kirk (Marion K Tarot on YouTube) shared a video about Grief and the Fours in Tarot.

Jamie Sawyer is launching the final deluxe edition of Sawyer’s Path Tarot next month!


Cards for Your Consideration

In the Waite Smith Tarot, there are two references to sunflowers. One is the Queen of Wands. Often when the Queen of Wands appears in a reading and my focus is drawn to that sunflower, I see it as an admonition to grow toward the light.

The other sunflower reference is in a card that often reminds us to grow toward the light, no matter which deck we are using. Major Arcana 19, the Sun, represents the light itself. There are many traditional and non-traditional depictions for this card. No matter the image, the Sun reminds us to find our inner light. We must face the light, we must seek the light, and we must be the light.

I particularly love the Waite image, because the sunflowers have turned to face the child, rather than facing the sun as they normally would. The child shines more brightly than the sun.

This card reminds us that we all have the potential to shine that brightly.

Upcoming Events and Tours

Card and Craft Academy

Classes presented by Christiana are available right now at Card and Craft Academy!

Catch up on your missed Zoom webinars and more!


About Christiana Gaudet

Card and Craft, Inc.

Christiana Gaudet

3559 SW Corporate Parkway
Palm City, Florida 34990-8152

On the web www.christianagaudet.com
Online classeswww.cardandcraftacademy.com
StaarCon information www.staarcon.com

Private telephone, Skype, FaceTime and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.

Call or text toll free 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Palm City 772-301-0232
or call or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 33
August 18, 2021

Read More