Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Transmuting Energy
Here are some thoughts about how we can handle the ambient energy around us.
An interesting idea came up in a tarot reading the other day.
The person I was reading for told me that he was very good at sensing the energies around him. That is, energies from other people, and the planetary energies which can affect us all.
Clearly, he was someone who identifies as an empath.
There are a lot of energy-sensitive people in the world; empaths, highly sensitive people, psychics and intuitives. Like the person I was reading for, many sensitive people can suffer from the energies of others and the ambient energies around us.
What came up in his reading surprised me because it was something that had never presented quite so clearly before.
His reading clearly said the following.
If you can sense the energy, you can change the energy.
He was empowered by this idea. So was I.
We are certainly not responsible for the energy that other people exude. Yet, once the energy is in the room, it becomes part of the room, and part of our experience of the room. At that point we might try to make it better.
Of course, psychic protection, grounding, centering, and shielding are critically important for any energy-sensitive person.
But what if we take a step further? What would happen if, instead of simply protecting ourselves from unpleasant energy, we actively used our own energy to transmute that energy into something that feels and flows better?
This is a technique of energy healing that we use for the well-being of ourselves and those around us. What would happen if we consciously used it to transform the energies of places?
In the reading I was doing, the place in question was the workplace. Very often we find ourselves working in places where certain people and circumstances can make the ambient energy unpleasant.
Sometimes it feels that the energy of the whole world is a bit unpleasant.
I am not suggesting that a single person can provide the remedy for the entire planet. What I am saying is that we each have the power to make a difference.
So often we train those who are psychically sensitive to simply hide, protect, and avoid. Sometimes that is the best tactic and the only option.
Sometimes, though, we have the power to make the energy better for ourselves, and for others.
The StaarCorner
There is a new episode of StaarCast available, and you are going to love it!
Marion Kirk and I got together to discuss our experiences at StaarCon, and our thoughts about tarot and spirit. It turns out that Marion has been reading tarot and communicating with spirit literally all her life!
You can watch the video on YouTube, or download it wherever you get your podcasts.
We are already making plans for StaarCon 2022, which will be January 21 through 23. Mark your calendar now!
Tarot Meetups and Classes on YouTube
I’ve had my YouTube channel for many years. 2020 gave it a lot of new life. Over the next few months, I will be creating some great new features that I think you will love.
The majority of videos I am adding to my YouTube channel right now are live broadcasts. Some of them are archives of live broadcasts I do each week on Facebook.
Others are broadcast live on YouTube, where you can join live and participate in the comments. Or you can watch the videos after the fact, in archive.
I generally host three tarot meetups and give two tarot classes each month on my YouTube channel. You can find the links for upcoming sessions as well as the recordings of past sessions on the Live Tarot Webinars playlist. If there is an upcoming session you want to attend, you can set it to send you a reminder! If you have missed a class you can watch it at your convenience.
Please subscribe to my channel and join me for free classes and meetups!
A Three-Card Spread for Transmuting Energy
When you are confronted with energy that makes you uncomfortable, try this spread to help you figure out how to change it.
Card 1: Let this card tell you something about the energy and/or its source.
Card 2: Let this card tell you something about the energy you can raise within yourself in order to create change.
Card 3: Let this card give you any additional information that will help you in this moment.
The Week in Review
This week I wrote a blogpost about one of my favorite ways that tarot is magical. Read “Tarot Evolves with our Changing World.”
Make sure you join me on my Facebook business page, my YouTube channel and the StaarCon Facebook page for regular livestream events.
From Around the Web
Over the years I have learned a lot about energy work from Anodea Judith.
Here is an informative introduction to energy work.
Ram Dass wrote about the transmutation of energy.
Cards for Your Consideration
When we think about our ability to create any kind of change, and especially to change the energy around us, I like to consider Major Arcana 13 from the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne.
Major Arcana 13 is Death, which is usually interpreted as a major change or transformation. In the Light Seer’s Tarot, it is called Death – Rebirth.
This is one of my favorite illustrations of Major Arcana 13. It seems particularly appropriate for our topic.
The Death card in tarot can strike a lot of fear in people. Yet, that fear is based on misunderstanding. Major Arcana 13 asks us to push past our fear and embrace the opportunity for change, healing, and transformation.
Apart from the scary name of the card, most people are uncomfortable with change. When discussing changing the energy around us, there is another source of fear.
Very often, we fear the energy that we need to transmute. We don’t like “bad vibes”. We judge others as being “low vibration”. Yet, as soon as we sit in that sort of judgment, we are lowering our own energy.
When we can accept the things that don’t feel good without fear, we have the opportunity to change them in profound ways. When we can recognize the near for change, and the value of change, we become change-makers in the world.
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 8
February 24, 2021
Finding the Meaning
We can use spiritual tools to find meaning in the mundane.
We are always searching for meaning, in a lot of different ways. In the big picture, we search to find the meaning of life.
As spiritual people we seek an understanding of ourselves and our existence on a deeper level. Often, we do this through divination, study, prayer, and meditation. These are all good ways to explore our inner world, the outer world, and the world of spirit.
Yet, we can also find spiritual meaning and understanding in our mundane day-to-day interactions.
That is because, by nature, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
That means that there is spiritual meaning, and an opportunity for spiritual growth, in each and every encounter and activity.
We also seek meaning in the communication we have with others. We wonder what someone meant when they said or did a certain thing. Sometimes we jump to an untrue or unfair conclusion because we don’t understand someone’s communication style.
When we study tarot, we first seek to find meaning in the cards. Then we use the cards to find meaning in life. We do this in a couple of different ways. In the study of tarot, we find that the lessons inherent in each of the cards help us find meaning in life. In divination, we are able to find answers to specific questions. This can bring us to new understanding, and new meaning.
The spiritual adage ‘as above, so below’ has many applications. One important understanding of this expression is that we can find spiritual meaning in the mundane world. We can also use spiritual tools and spiritual thought to help us find meaning even in the most mundane aspects of our lives.
The StaarCorner
In the first StaarCast since StaarCon, Amie Mouser and I share some stories, laughs, and thoughts about the first-ever StaarCon, and what will come next for the StaarCon community.
You can watch this episode on YouTube, or find it wherever you get your podcasts.
Join Us Tomorrow for a Tarot Class about Personalities and Relationships
There is still time to sign up for tomorrow evening’s tarot class! Tomorrow, Thursday, at 7 pm EST I will present ‘Tarot Reading for Personalities and Relationships’ live on Zoom.
How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?
In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.
This class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.
Class fee is $37.50. Register now!
What Does This Card Mean?
So often tarot students, and even experienced readers, will struggle to find the meaning of a tarot card. Here are a few things to do when you are not sure what a card is trying to tell you.
First, look for how the card speaks to the context of your question, or the spread position. If you are working with more than one card, how do the other cards influence the card in question?
What do you see, and how do you feel, when you look at the card? What comes to your mind?
Say the name of the card aloud. Often this will bring the card into focus for you.
Think about everything you know about the card. Sometimes this will help you make the connection you need.
Look up the card online. There are so many references, blogs, and videos for tarot cards on the internet. You might find something there that makes sense.
Remember that, in a reading, a card can mean more than one thing at the same time.
If you need to, draw another card to clarify the card in question.
The Week in Review
This week I presented a free class on my YouTube channel, “Love in the Cards”. This class is about the way we use tarot in relationship readings. You can watch it in archive!
Each week I do at least four live broadcasts on my Facebook Business Page. Visit me there and hit ‘Like’ so you can be notified when I go live there next. You can also see the archived videos of my past broadcasts there, and on my YouTube channel.
From Around the Web
I love this article about self-discover and tarot from The Lily.
From the Llewellyn blog, a sweet Magic Broom Tarot Spread from Pamela Chen.
Here is a Daily Check-in Tarot Spread from Little Red Tarot.
Cards for Your Consideration
In the search for meaning, I consider each of the seventy-eight tarot cards essential. Beyond that, I consider the study of more than one tarot deck helpful. When we see different traditions of tarot, and the perspective of different artists, we have an opportunity to find greater meaning within each card.
There are other card decks of divination we can consider as well. While Lenormand and Kipper speak of mundane circumstances and situations, they can certainly help us understand our journey through life.
Oracle cards of all types are designed to help us as we seek meaning and understanding.
When it comes to our need to find meaning in life, the more tools we have, the better!
Events and Tours
Connecticut and Tampa Tours Resume Fall 2021. I will be providing online alternatives to our usual schedule of in-person meetings until social distancing is no longer prudent.
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 7
February 17, 2021
Faith, Hope, and Love
We know the importance of faith, hope and love. Here are some things to consider about these three essential values.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, our thoughts usually include love and romance.
Whenever the conversation turns to the topic of love, I try to remember the spiritual nature of love.
Romantic love is a wonderful gift. However, not everyone wants, has, or needs a romantic love relationship. Yet, everyone needs love.
Regardless of our traditions and belief systems, we can often find great wisdom in sacred texts. From 1 Corinthians 13:13, comes one of my favorite quotes.
"So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
There is a lot to unpack in that statement. That’s because it is really easy for us to get it wrong when it comes to faith, hope, and love.
We can easily put our faith into things that aren’t real. We can believe things that aren’t true. We can embrace false hope which hurts us and wastes our time and energy. We can mistake manipulation for love.
Yet, without faith, hope, and love there would be very little joy in life.
Faith is important, yet we must make sure we put our faith in something real.
Hope is necessary, yet we must hope for something realistic and support our hope with action.
Love is the most important thing. We must be able to find love everywhere. We must love ourselves, we must love one another, and we must seek meaningful relationships with those worthy of our love.
On Valentine’s Day, we think of love. Yet, love matters every day, not only on February 14th.
The StaarCorner
We have been having so much fun on the Accelevents platform as we review our StaarCon classes and meet in the lounges for conversation and community. We have access to this platform through February 21.
We have changed the name of our Facebook Group to “StaarCon Community.” Please join it if you haven’t already.
We are making plans for StaarCon 2022! We will have some important announcements for you soon!
Join Us for Tarot Class on Zoom
On Thursday, February 18, 7 to 9 pm EST, join me on Zoom for a special tarot class,
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships.
How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?
In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.
This special Valentine’s Day inspired tarot class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.
Class fee is $37.50. Register now!
Faith, Hope, and Love Tarot Spreads
Everyone loves three-card tarot spreads.
How many three-card tarot spreads can you create from the concepts of faith, hope, and love?
Try making a tarot spread to discover the places you shouldn’t put your faith and hope, and where you should be careful about whom and what you love.
Then make another three-card tarot spread about the places where you can find faith, hope, and love in your life.
Perhaps you can make a spread about your relationship with yourself. How can you have more faith in yourself? What can you hope for your future? How can you be more loving toward yourself?
As you play with your cards and these three important words, you can find a great deal of insight, and learn a lot about yourself, your life, and your cards!
The Week in Review
This week I wrote a blogpost about my new favorite tarot deck, the Light Seer’s Tarot.
Join me on my Facebook business page, my YouTube channel and the StaarCon Facebook page for regular livestream events.
From Around the Web
Did you see this video about Dior’s new collection, featuring and inspired by tarot?
Nancy Hendrickson shares some thoughts about which tarot deck might be best for ancestral tarot work. We all enjoyed her workshop at StaarCon!
Brenda Elizabeth, one of our presenters, vendors and sponsors at StaarCon, is creating new Lenormand decks, and has a very helpful website complete with Lenormand meanings! Check it out!
Cards for Your Consideration
There are many tarot cards which speak of concepts like faith, hope, and love. Today let’s focus on the most obvious ones from within the Major Arcana.
The Hierophant is a very important card as we consider faith. In fact, in some modern decks Major Arcana 5 has been renamed “Faith”.
The Hierophant is all about our belief systems, our doctrine and our dogma.
When what we believe is based on something real, our faith serves us. When our faith is based on fear or misinformation, the power structures based on that faith can become very dangerous.
Major Arcana 6 is the Lovers. In this card we learn how important it is to choose wisely when it comes to who and what we want to be present in our lives. The Lovers card is all about what we integrate into our lives and how we do that. This card can advise caution in our relationships. From this card we learn that our relationships are a delicate balance which rely on our good communication and good choices.
Major Arcana 17 is the Star. In this card we find all healing, all fulfillment, and all hope. Yet, we must make sure that our hope is based on something real, rather than on a fantasy, or illusion.
We also cannot let fear cause us to give up hope. We can only embrace the hope and healing we are willing to allow into our lives.
In these three Major Arcana cards we see and learn the important lessons inherent in faith, hope, and love.
Events and Tours
Connecticut and Tampa Tours Resume Fall 2021
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 6
February 10, 2021
Reflections on Mercury
Here is some practical advice for surviving Mercury retrograde.
From January 30th until February 20th, the planet Mercury will appear to go backwards in its orbit, as viewed from Earth. We refer to the astronomical optical illusion as the dreaded ‘Mercury retrograde’. This phenomenon happens three times a year.
All planets ‘go retrograde’. Each planetary retrograde can bring its own challenges to us.
We hear about Mercury retrograde more often because Mercury is the fastest moving planet, and therefore goes in and out of retrograde more often than the other planets.
The planet Mercury is aptly named for the Roman god, whose Greek counterpart is Hermes, and Egyptian corollary is Thoth.
We see this god pictured with winged feet to symbolize his swiftness. He is the messenger god, in mythology often tasked with bringing important news.
A statue of Mercury sits atop Grand Central Station in New York City, since Mercury is also the god of travelers.
In modern astrology, the planet Mercury rules the Third House, which is the house of communication, transportation and local community.
An easy way to think about Mercury retrograde is this. Mercury is about connections. When Mercury is in retrograde, we need to be more careful about the connections around us. That means making sure that electronics are charged, backed up, and making their necessary electronic connections. That means making sure that our communications are received the way we intended them. That means double-checking our written work, our contracts and our computations. That means allowing extra time for travel in case of delays and missed connections.
Some people become so concerned about the effect of Mercury retrograde that they avoid any kind of communication, travel, or technical activities during the three weeks of Mercury retrograde three times a year.
That kind of vigilance is impractical for some, and impossible for others.
These concerns point out a larger misunderstanding that happens around astrology.
Our awareness of astrology should not generally cause us to avoid certain things and should not excuse certain behaviors. Rather, our understanding of astrology gives us a heads-up, and can help us avoid costly problems and mitigate unfortunate behaviors.
We will still breathe a sigh of relief when Mercury goes direct, of course. Some people can feel the energy of planetary retrogrades in a way that is palpable and unpleasant.
Mercury retrograde can provide positive assistance for certain things. Mercury retrograde asks us to take time to reflect, to review, and to revisit.
This is a great time to think about the stories we tell ourselves about our history and revise them in a way that brings healing.
Mercury retrograde allows us time to retreat, and time to heal. When we use Mercury retrograde as an enforced time of healing, its regrettable effects are somewhat mitigated, and its advantages become clear.
The StaarCorner
If you attended StaarCon, or if you buy a ticket now to watch the class replays, you can also take part in some online meetups in the StaarCon lounges. These are only open to StaarCon ticket holders.
February 3rd 8-9 pm EST (TONIGHT!): Christiana Gaudet will be in the StaarCon Bar and Coffee Shop. Bring your cards and get ready for some conversation, readings and impromptu tarot learning.
February 6th 1-2 pm EST: Benebell Wen will be in Benebell's Shamanic Tarot Talk lounge. This is the fireside chat she was hoping to have with everyone!
February 7th 10-11 am EST: Kim Danbert will be in Kim's Tarot and Bible Pairings lounge. She is ready to answer your questions about the bridge she has built between the Tarot and the Bible.
February 10th 8-9 pm EST: Mary Greer will be in the Tarot lounge! She is excited to connect and continue discussion with everyone!
February 13th 12-1 pm EST: Amie Mouser will be in the StaarCon Bar and Coffee Shop. Bring your questions and discussion about the Moon, Manifestation, Cartomancy, or Biz Dev.
Friday Recorded Sessions
Creating and Managing Energy in a Tarot Reading – Christiana Gaudet
How the Seventy-Eight Cards Behave in a Tarot Reading – Christiana Gaudet
Tarot Reading Techniques – Christiana Gaudet
Delivery is Everything – Christiana Gaudet
Closing and Setting Intentions – Christiana Gaudet
Saturday Recorded Sessions
All-Day Divining – Using the Tarot to Practice and Play to Create a Divine Work/Life Balance – V
Blissful and Deep Meditation – Brenda Elizabeth
The Magic of Connection: Using Divination to Transmute Unwanted Energy Instead of Running From It – Michelle Welch
Planetary Lithomancy: Reading Crystals in an Astrological Structure – Micki Klein
Styles of Tarot – Beverly Frable
Manifesting by the Light of the Moon – Amie Mouser
Astrology Basics for Tarot Readers – Mary Ellen Collins
Have Faith in How Far You Will Go with Tarot – Fast Horse
A Journey as the Companion of Fools – Ciro Marchetti
Ciro Answers Your Questions – Ciro Marchetti
Shamanism and the Tarot – Benebell Wen
Dancing with Angels – The Art of Oracle “Word Tango” – Kevin Lee
Considerando Las Cartas de la Corte como el “Cómo” en Cada Situación – Maria Luisa Salazar
Mix and Match: Playing with Two Decks – Jaymi Elford
Bindrunes: Rune Sigils for Today – John Hijatt
The Great Epic: The Mahabarata Oracle – Gita Rash
Sunday Recorded Sessions
Tarot Pairings: Tarot and the Bible – Kim Danbert
8 Keys to Practicing Tarot for Spiritual Awakening – Frank Kwiatkowski
Considering the Court Cards as the “How” in Every Situation – Maria Luisa Salazar
Online Oracle Offerings – Jenna Matlin
Psychic Development – Brenda Elizabeth
Composing Your Tarot Soundtrack – Marion Kirk
Kipper Cards – A Situational Gem in Your Tarot Read – Toni Puhle
Life Art and Story Medicine – Serena Fox
Mediumship with Tarot – Madame Zee
Lenormand Catchy Phrases – Anne Walner
Diving Deep into the Hanged Man – Mary K Greer
Mantra Managed – Kristine Gorman
Tarot Spreads and Simple Rituals to Connect with the Witch’s Year – Rose Robinson
Pathworking: A Qabalistic Tarot Meditation for 14 Temperance – David Zunker
How to Use Tarot to Identify and Work with Destructive Family Patterns – Nancy Hendrickson
Healing & Transformation with EMT & Tarot – Mitchell Osborn
Exorcisms, Demonology, and Their Relevance in Contemporary Times – Benebell Wen
Join Us for Tarot Class on Zoom
On Thursday, February 18, 7 to 9 pm EST, join me on Zoom for a special tarot class,
Tarot Readings for Personalities and Relationships.
How do tarot cards speak of people, their personalities and their relationships? How can we use tarot to better understand ourselves and each other?
In this class you will learn how to give helpful relationship readings and couples readings, and how to determine the nature and needs of an individual simply by understanding the cards that appear for them.
This special Valentine’s Day inspired tarot class is appropriate for readers of all levels of experience.
Class fee is $37.50. Register now!
A Tarot Spread for Mercury Retrograde
Here is a tarot spread to help you use the energy of Mercury retrograde productively and avoid some of its pitfalls.
Arrange the cards any way that feel right.
Card 1: What can I do to avoid miscommunication during this Mercury retrograde?
Card 2: What is something that no longer serves me that I can release during this Mercury retrograde?
Card 3: What is something from my past that I have misunderstood?
Card 4: What is a new way to process this thing from my past?
The Week in Review
Check out this week’s blogpost, How Tarot Brings Us Hope.
I have a lot of great free meetups and workshops coming up this month on my YouTube channel. Make sure you check out the StaarCast channel as well, it’s our podcast about all things StaarCon!
I do six live broadcasts a week on Facebook. Four are on my Facebook business page, and two on the StaarCon page.
From Around the Web
StaarCon headliner Benebell Wen has a PDF download for astrology beginners to help you learn about your Moon sign.
The Tarot Lady has your February astrological forecasts.
Everything you need to know about Mercury retrograde is on Tarot.com.
Cards for Your Consideration
During a Mercury retrograde, the most obvious card for us to consider is Major Arcana 1, the Magician. The Magician is ruled by the planet Mercury and is associated with communication and connections.
We often think of keywords for the Magician such as tools, skills, abilities and power. The Magician is associated with learning and knowledge. The Magician is also associated with trickster energy.
This is a way of helping us understand Mercury retrograde. Imagine the Magician as a trickster, making our connections and communications more difficult.
Anything, or anyone, that can make something smooth also has the ability to do the opposite.
When direct and well-aspected, Mercury, and the Magician, help us with smooth communications and easy connections. When poorly aspected, the opposite may be true.
Events and Tours
Connecticut and Tampa Tours Resume Fall 2021
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 4 Issue 5
February 3, 2021