Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Wishing on a Star
The concept of “wishing on a star” is ingrained in popular culture. The funny thing is, no one is really sure of its origins.
We all know the song, “When You Wish Upon a Star” from the 1940 Disney production of “Pinocchio.” That song has since become Disney’s theme song.
The idea of wishing on a star may have originated in Europe. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy wrote that the Gods themselves caused shooting stars when they peered down at the earth.
Many cultures have myths that suggest that stars convey luck to those who wish upon them.
There are two primary beliefs about wishing on stars. From England comes the rhyme we must say to make a wish on the first star of the evening, “Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight,
I wish I may; I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight”.
There are also many legends and myths around the origin of shooting stars, and the luck they can bring us. Of course, now we know that shooting stars, or falling stars, aren’t stars at all, they are meteoroids.
It may be that the beauty of the night sky simply inspires us to believe that our wishes can come true. When we hold nature in appreciation, we attune to the power of the natural world. There is inherent power in making a connection with nature. There is also power in making a wish and visualizing its fulfillment.
Whatever the origin of the star-wishing tradition may be, if we find power it in, that power is real.
The stars appear every night. That means that every night can be an opportunity to set your goals and visualize yourself achieving them.
The StaarCorner
This week I started live broadcasts on the StaarCon Facebook page. On Tuesdays you can catch me there with the StaarLight Tuesday Tip, where I will share a quick spread or reading technique. On Wednesdays you can join me for StaarLight Wednesday Wonders, where I will offer readings using a tool I don’t normally use.
On Sundays we will have a special treat. Join Amie Mouser for a special meditation!
For more information about StaarCon, make sure you visit the StaarCon website. Tickets to StaarCon are available now!
Two Zoom Tarot Classes in September
This month I am offering two different tarot classes on Zoom. Feel free to take one or both.
On Thursday, September 24 at 7 pm EDT, join us for The Meaning and Magic of Tarot Reversals. Whether or not you typically use reversals in your readings, this class will be helpful for two reasons. First, it will help you understand the spectrum of meanings within each card. Second, it will teach you ways to add active manifestation work to your tarot readings.
On Wednesday, September 30 at 7 pm EDT, join us for a beginner-level tarot class about the Major Arcana. Journey Through the Major Arcana will introduce you to the twenty-two most important cards of the tarot deck. You will learn ways to interpret them in a tarot reading, ways to do a reading with just the Major Arcana, and the spiritual lessons these cards teach us.
Sign up now for one or both of these great classes! Class fee is $37.50 each.
Wishing on a Star Tarot Spread
If you have a specific wish, here is a tarot spread you can try to get clear on how the wish might manifest, whether it is a wise wish, and what you need to do to help it along. Arrange the cards in the shape of a five-pointed star. Have card One be the top point and lay the next four point-by-point in a clockwise direction.
Card One offers insight about the wish itself.
Card Two predicts how or if the wish will easily manifest.
Card Three suggests what life would be life if the wish were to come true.
Card Four gives ideas about what you can do to make the wish come true.
Card Five suggests energies that might be helpful to you in making the wish come true.
The Week in Review
This week I was excited to present a class on the suit of Wands on my YouTube channel.
Do you collect tarot decks? A lot of us do. You might enjoy my new blogpost which offers justification for having a massive tarot collection.
This week I began offering live broadcasts on the StaarCon Facebook page as well as on my Facebook business page.
From Around the Web
Read what three different tarotists have to say about Major Arcana 17, the Star.
From Maddie Elruna, The Star, navigating to your wish.
From a Little Spark of Joy, The Star Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More.
From Lisa Boswell, Future Tarot Meanings: The Star.
Cards for Your Consideration
There are two cards in the tarot deck that are associated with wishes. One is the Nine of Cups, the other is the Star.
The Nine of Cups is a card of happiness and fulfillment, so it is easy to see why we might call it the card of wishes fulfilled.
The Star is a card of healing and satisfaction. It may be that its association with wishes is a more modern construct, based on that concept of wishing on a star. Might this even have been inspired by the popularity of the Disney song?
The esoteric title of the Star is “Daughter of the Firmament”.
A.E. Waite found the idea of the Star being a card of hope somewhat tawdry. He encouraged readers to find a more spiritual understanding of this card. In divination he saw it sometimes as a card of loss and abandonment, as well as a card of hope and bright prospects.
It is clear that, over time and since the popularity of that Disney song, the Star as become more often associated with hope, and with wishes fulfilled, than it might have been earlier in its history.
When we see the Nine of Cups and the Star together in a tarot spread, we are very likely dealing with specific wishes. The reading may indeed be about what it will take to make those wishes a reality.
Upcoming Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 37
September 9, 2020
Out of the Blue
Sometimes unexpected change brings us something wonderful.
Life is full of surprises. It doesn’t matter how psychic or intuitive we are, or how good we are with our tarot cards. There will always be things that catch us by surprise.
Sometimes we can intuitively feel that something new is coming. Sometimes the cards will give us a heads up about a new job, a new home, or a new relationship, when we had no plans for a such a thing.
Sometimes at the tarot table I will see something entirely new coming in for someone, and they seem very resistant to the idea. “I just can’t imagine myself meeting someone interesting”. “I’ve never taken a big trip before”. “I’ve always been overweight. I don’t think that will change now”.
Many times, people have a hard time imagining something good coming for them. When the cards reveal it and they resist it, I always enjoy the calls and messages that come in later to tell me of the new relationship, or the great travel plans, or the new diet that actually worked.
We all know that sudden misfortune can strike at any time, and we always pray that it never strikes too close to home. Yet, sudden fortune can strike as well. Out of the blue, something good can happen. A prayer can be answered. Help can come from unexpected sources.
There have been times in my life when I felt stuck in a situation. I was intuitive enough to know where things could be heading, and smart enough to know I didn’t want to go there. Yet, I couldn’t see a logical way out. My intuition and my tarot cards told me things would be fine, but I couldn’t’ see exactly how. Then, out of the blue, something would happen that changed everything for the better.
People who don’t understand how psychic ability works often thinks that a psychic’s life would include no surprises. Nicely, that isn’t the case. To be psychic, or intuitive, is not to be all-knowing, thank goodness.
One of my favorite words is ‘pronoia’. It’s the opposite of ‘paranoia’. Pronoia is the secret suspicion that the Universe is conspiring on your behalf.
No matter what we know, or how we divine, or how stuck we might feel, wonderful surprises can come to us out of the blue. Difficult surprises can sometimes do the same.
We live best when we nurture our strength to shield us in times of difficulty. At the same time, we must keep ourselves open to the idea that, sometimes, something wonderful happens out of the blue, and life changes for the better.
The StaarCorner
The first episode of StaarCast, our podcast celebrating StaarCon, is live on your favorite podcast outlet. We also have our own YouTube channel, where you can watch the video presentation of each episode.
The first episode features a conversation with Mitchell Osborn.
Watch the video on YouTube.
Listen on Apple Podcasts.
StaarCast is also available on Google podcasts, Stitcher, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Anchor.fm, Breaker, Spotify and RadioPublic.
Please listen and Like!
We are very grateful to our StaarCast producers, Ryan and Amie Mouser.
When Tarot Surprises Us
Very often, when reading for a specific situation, there are cards we will expect to see. When those cards quickly appear in the reading, we feel a sense of gratification, and validation.
But what happens when the cards show up differently than expected?
This is a great opportunity to challenges our expectations, not so much about tarot, but about the situation we are exploring.
When this happens, ask yourself why the cards are coming up the way they are, rather than what you expected to see.
There can be a tendency to reject those unexpected cards, to appreciate only the readings that reflect things the way we expected them to. Yet, tarot’s power is sometimes to show us a new perspective, or to give us a heads-up that things are not what they seem.
The Week in Review
My website, ChristianaGaudet.com, is getting a facelift! Check back there later this week to see its new look.
Last week’s blogpost about the tarot Pages was so popular that this week I wrote about the tarot Knights.
September brings us a whole new list of free webinars and tarot meetups on my YouTube channel. Find them in the Live Tarot Webinars Playlist. You can check out ones you might have missed as well.
The next time you visit Facebook, make sure you Like my business page, Christiana Gaudet. There, you can see upcoming events, and catch my four live broadcasts every week.
You can also follow me on Instagram.
From Around the Web
Here are Theresa Reed’s horoscopes for September.
Need a special gift for a metaphysical friend? The Yatzuri Shop has always done a great job for me.
From Elyssa Heyman, here is “How the Tarot Can Predict and Warn of a Surprise.”
Cards for Your Consideration
There are so many tarot cards that can speak of a surprise, or something unexpected. That this is true should be a lesson for all of us to expect surprises now and then.
Which cards speak to you of surprise? Of course, the Tower can be an unpleasant surprise, or a groundbreaking change. The Wheel of Fortune can speak of unexpected change. Both Death and Judgement can speak of endings and new beginnings, which are often unexpected. The Fool can ask us to intentionally leap into the unknown.
In the Minor Arcana, the Aces can all speak of something new. The Eight of Wands can speak of swift and unexpected happenings.
These cards can appear to tell us that change is coming. Or, they can appear to help us deal with the changes that are happening, or changes that have already taken place.
Event and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 36
September 2, 2020
Peace and Power
What brings you peace? What helps you know your power?
I was speaking with a friend recently about the ocean. She said that the ocean was a place where she felt both peace and power. I know what she means. I feel that way about the ocean too.
What struck me later, though, was the strength of those two words together, peace and power.
When we put those two words together, they can mean and reference so many things.
We find peace and power in our spiritual faith.
When someone passes away, we pray that they rest in peace and rise in power.
When we seek social justice, we seek both peace and power.
On a more personal level, to be happy and well we need to be at peace with who we are. We need to feel peace within, and, as much as possible, be at peace with those around us.
It is equally important to know our power in the world, and to feel that sense of power within ourselves. We need to use our personal power to live the life we desire, and to help others do the same.
So often we have a hard time finding those two energies inside ourselves.
What must we do to be at peace with ourselves?
What must we do to know our own power?
Sometimes it feels that the world works to take those two energies away from us.
It is important to know where and how to find those energies for ourselves. Connecting with nature, enjoying music, dance, exercise, and yoga are all things many of us do to find our peace and our power.
We need good boundaries, with others and within ourselves, to keep the world from stealing our peace and making us feel powerless.
It seems to me that the more we work to cultivate a sense of peace and a sense of power, both within and without, the better we will feel inside, and the better we will do in life.
The StaarCorner
The first episode of StaarCast, featuring my conversation with Mitchell Osborn, will be released on August 30. You will be able to hear the audio on your favorite podcast platform or watch the video on the StaarCon YouTube channel.
Join us for Class Tonight!
There is still time for you to get your ticket and join us at 7 pm EDT on Zoom for a very special class.
If you read tarot for others, either professional or casually, or if you want to read for others, you don’t want to miss this class.
Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others is a two-hour class designed to help you become a more confident tarot reader. You will learn to develop your own reading style, to handle difficult situations, and to give powerful and empowering readings.
Two Cards for Peace and Power
I love two-card tarot spreads. The concept of peace and power offers itself nicely to creating some two-card spreads. If we like, we can expand that to four or six cards.
How many questions can you think of to ask tarot about your own peace and power?
Here are some to try.
Card One: What brings me inner peace?
Card Two: What helps me find my inner power?
Card One: How can I be a force for peace in the world?
Card Two: How can I best use my power in the world?
Card One: What makes me feel a lack of peace?
Card Two: What makes me feel disempowered?
The Week in Review
This week I shared a blogpost about the tarot Pages.
We had another great tarot meetup on my YouTube channel this past Sunday.
You can find archives of past classes and meetups, and links for upcoming ones, on the Live Tarot Webinar playlist on my YouTube channel.
I do four live broadcasts each week on my Facebook business page. Like and follow my page to receive notifications when I plan to go live!
From Around the Web
Here are horoscopes and tarotscopes to make sure you are ready for September.
Tarot.com is always full of great information, including September horoscopes for every sun sign.
Nicholas Ashbaugh offers detailed tarotscopes for each sun sign for September.
Also, I was thrilled to read some hopeful thoughts about New York City from Theresa Reed, the Tarot Lady, on her monthly Hit List.
Cards for Your Consideration
I find a lot of personal peace and power in my tarot practice. Reading the cards, learning their lessons and divining wisdom for myself and others helps me to feel both peaceful and powerful.
When I think about the seventy-eight tarot cards, the one card that seems to personify the energies of peace and power for me is Major Arcana 2, the High Priestess.
This is, of course, a powerful card. In a reading, the High Priestess can speak of many things. She represents balance, wisdom, silence, secrets, serenity, the subconscious, perfection, and intuition, amongst other things.
In her balance and serenity, I find her peace. In her knowledge and wisdom, I find her power.
Perhaps she teaches us to find peace and power exactly as she has, through study, contemplation, and meditation.
Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 35
August 26, 2020
Good Moments Mean Something
Even in dark times, there are good moments to bring us comfort.
I have often thought that the best way to enjoy life is to pay attention to the good moments.
Good moments can happen sandwiched in between grief, boredom, drudgery and difficulties.
It’s important to have goals. It is gratifying and fortunate when we fulfill our goals.
That’s the thing with goals, though. Sometimes we fulfill them, sometimes something else happens.
When we marry, a lifetime of partnership is the goal. When we take a job, many years of productive and happy work is the expectation.
When those goals and expectations are fulfilled, it is a joyful blessing indeed. When we fall short of those goals for whatever reason, we are often left feeling that we failed, or were cheated out of our happy ending.
Poor health and bereavement are other things that can deny us our preferred outcome. Weather, war, financial instability, and things beyond our control can sometimes change our plans in ways we neither expect nor desire.
Part of the recipe of a happy life is setting goals and working hard to achieve them.
The other part is our ability to recover, and our flexibility as we adjust to something new.
Recovery and flexibility are easier to manage when we cultivate those good moments.
There are good moments to remember in a relationship that has ended. There are good skills and contacts that come from a job that didn’t work out.
The more we remember the good moments of the past, the easier it is to make peace with our hurt and disappointment. The more we appreciate the good moments that happen in between our difficulties, the more we are able to heal, rebuild, and move on.
There are always good moments, even in the darkest of times.
Even in bitter disappointment, there are things we can and should enjoy.
We shouldn’t guilty when we enjoy a pleasant moment in the middle of a crisis. The ability to seize those precious moments is a superpower.
Very often, when something doesn’t go our way, we take it as a personal failure. This makes it even harder to heal. My theory is this. No matter what happened, if you had at least one good moment, you didn’t fail. Things may not have turned out the way you wanted, but the good moments are the moments that matter.
Years later, you may look back at your disappointments and find that the difficult times were an important and necessary part of your path.
The StaarCorner
One thing that most diviners seem to have in common is creativity. We may be creative in the way we work with our divination tools. We may be artists who design divination tools. We may design our own tarot spreads, or blog about the cards, or write books about divination.
Certainly, we all celebrate and appreciate the creativity of the artists who create our cards, and the writers who write the books that help us learn.
StaarCon will gather together some of the most creative people in our industry to share their knowledge and talents with you.
For more information about StaarCon, visit our website.
Join us for a Special Tarot Class on Zoom
Are you a professional tarot reader? Do you aspire to professional reading? Perhaps you would simply like to develop great tarot reading skills to use with your friends and family.
On Wednesday, August 26, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be presenting a live webinar on Zoom called “Sharing Wisdom: Reading for Others”.
This class is designed to help you have more confidence as a tarot reader.
Reading tarot for others, whether professionally or casually, involves a specific skill set that extends even beyond card interpretations and intuitive connections.
In this class you will learn ways of discovering and developing your own unique reading style. You will learn strategies for handling difficult readings. You will discover ways to make every reading you perform an effective and enlightening experience. Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.
Tarot for Good Moments
Whenever you are sad, bored, unhappy, or simply curious, you can use tarot to help you find a good moment, readjust your attitude, or find new hope.
Simply shuffle your tarot deck and say, “Tell me something good!”
Pick a card.
See if you can interpret the card to foretell something good coming your way. Or, perhaps it will give you information on how to heal, or a positive focus for your current situation.
What should you do if you get an unfortunate card when you do this? Consider why this card is appearing. Is it offering you an opportunity to heal? Is it affirming a current problem, but telling you that the problem will soon be resolved?
The Week in Review
If you missed my class on Temperance and the Star, you can watch it in archive.
I offer live readings on my Facebook business page four times a week. Like and follow to be alerted when I am about to go live.
This week’s blogpost is about Sympathetic Resonance in Tarot. That’s the phenomenon that happens when the cards speak to more than one person at once.
From Around the Web
Here is a tarot spread for becoming happy.
There seems to be a tarot deck for every theme imaginable. Here’s a tarot deck about RuPaul’s Drag Race!
Here is a website that every tarot reader needs. It’s Joan Bunning’s Learn Tarot website, offering lots of great free information!
Cards for Your Consideration
The Three of Cups is a card that often speaks of celebration, community, parties and good times.
What happens when the Three of Cups appears in a reading during a time of difficulty?
If the Three of Cups seems out of place amongst its surrounding cards or doesn’t seem to answer a question about your problems, consider the following.
The Three of Cups could be advising you to find the pleasant moments in the midst of dark times. The Three of Cups could ask you to focus on the good moments as you work through disappointment. The Three of Cups could remind you to count your blessings, even when you are feeling the weight of your difficulties.
When times are tough and the Three of Cups appears, you might see it as a reminder to find the good moments in between your grief.
Events and Tours
Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 34
August 19, 2020