Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.

Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Waiter! There is a Problem with My Order!

Life doesn't always serve us what we want, but it always serves us.


We spiritual folk often reference the Law of Attraction and the power of prayer as a way that we can speak what we want into being. There is real truth in the idea that we can state our needs and desires and become co-creators with the Universe in achieving them.

Some people even call it ‘putting in an order with the Universe.’ Yet, the Universe isn’t Santa, or a genie, or even Amazon Prime. My mother used to say that God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is ‘no’.

When we clearly visualize, ask for, and work for our goals, they become easier to attain. There is no doubting this spiritual truth. Sometimes, though, it can feel that we are at the restaurant of life, and all our friends have gotten their orders, and our plate is still empty. Other times it feels that we ordered a fine French meal and ended up with a greasy burger.

Why is that that we sometimes feel that what we received is not what we ordered, or that everyone else has received something that we have yet to attain?

No matter how positive and prayerful we are, sometimes things don’t go the way we want.

Some people are quick to think that they are being punished by Higher Power or paying off some karmic debt from an evil prior life. I think the likely truth is far less nefarious.

Creative visualization, prayer and the Law of Attraction help us to create possibilities and achieve goals. Yet, there are other powers at play. Sometimes we just need to be patient. Our order will come in the right time, not in the time we specify. Sometimes the Universe seems to have a different lesson for us, or another way for us to serve a greater purpose.

Prayer, visualization and the Law of Attraction are only pieces of the energy that creates our lives.

There is no way to get the kitchen in the restaurant of life to bring us our order more quickly. If we don’t like what we get, we can’t send it back and order something else.

Life requires us to be patience, proactive and prayerful, all at the same time.

We must be patient to wait for the opportunities we are working to manifest.

We must be patient with the things in life that are beyond our control.

We must be proactive in doing the best we can with what we have.

We must be proactive in working to create what we want, even if we have been disappointed in the past.

We must be prayerful, even when are prayers are not fully answered.

And, even when our prayers are not answered, we must look to find the gifts in whatever the Universe has brought to our table. In time, we can always discover those gifts if we are willing to see them.


The StaarCorner

We are excited to welcome Serena Fox to our StaarCon roster of presenters.

Serena (Bean) is an intuitive reader, artist, herbcrafter, designer, homesteader and inspirational spirit. She offers courses, workshops and Sharing Circles—in person and online. Her style is holistic and personal, using correspondences to guide, initiate and empower. She manages a spiritual website where you can book readings, a personal website and blog, and a homesteading blog. She is a writer and designer having contributed to The Cartomancer and American Tarot Association.

Learn more about StaarCon on our website!

StaarCon Presenter Serena Fox Intuitive Holistic Reader, Artist & Designer

StaarCon Presenter Serena Fox
Intuitive Holistic Reader, Artist & Designer


Join me on Zoom for Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

On Wednesday, July 29, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be teaching a live webinar on Zoom.

Would you like to develop a more personal relationship with your tarot cards? Would you like to learn to find special meanings in the readings you do for yourself?

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself is a class designed to help you get the most out or your self-readings.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.

Did you miss Psychic Tarot on June 30th?
Watch it now at Card and Craft Academy!
All class materials are included.


Tarot for the Lemons of Life

We all know the expression ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. Tarot is a great tool to help us figure out how to do that.

Tarot can also warn us when things might not go with way we had hoped.

The way to deal with an unfortunate prediction is the same as the way to deal with an unfortunate situation. We simply ask questions to help us prepare, learn, process and mitigate.

What sort of questions help us handle disappointment and difficulty? Here are some ideas.

What can I learn from this?

How do I prepare for this?

What gift will come out of this?

How can I help others get through this?

What can I do to heal from this?

What can I do to make this better?


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost about Major Arcana 18, the Moon.

To catch any of the many live broadcasts I do each week, or to watch them in archive, make sure you like my Facebook business page and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

From the archives of my blog, here is a Creative Visualization Tarot Spread, and here are some of my thoughts on the Law of Attraction.

From Around the Web

This article from the Wall Street Journal offers interesting advice on how to have a difficult conversation.

Here is a great collection of indie tarot and oracle decks for sale from a trusted source.

Maddie Elruna has a simple tarot spread for tough times.


Cards for Your Consideration

The Four of Cups is the perfect card to describe that feeling of having to make do with something which is different from what you wanted or expected.

Very often in a reading this card can speak of limited options, ambivalence, or boredom.

We can also see an attitude reflected in this card. It may be that the options being offered are adequate, and the character in the card is behaving like a spoiled child, wishing for strawberry ice cream when all that is available is vanilla.

When this card appears, it may suggest taking advantage of the best option possible. It may suggest that it is time to wait for something better. It may also tell you to check your attitude.

This card can serve as a reminder that we need to stay positive in order to make the best of whatever the situation happens to be. At the same time, it may be appropriate to hold space and create healing for disappointment.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 29
July 15, 2020

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

It is Fine to Be the Tie-Dyed Sheep

Be who you are!


Very often people at my tarot table, and in tarot classes, tell me that they are the ‘black sheep’ of their family. Usually this is not because of any terrible wrongdoing they have committed. Most people I meet seem to earn their family’s ire simply by being different.

Those differences might include spiritual exploration, an interest in personal healing, creativity, and thinking outside the box.

A long time ago I decided that such people aren’t the black sheep in the family, they are the tie-dyed sheep.

I’m a tie-dyed sheep, too.

The feeling of not fitting in with our families of origin, or not meeting their expectations, can cause a lot of unhappiness. Our upset at not fitting in can hurt our ability to fully enjoy our unique qualities, and to follow our individual calling.

I was lucky in that my family accepted my differences. There are many others whose paths are more difficult.

Even when we have acceptance from our family members, we may feel socially out of place at work. Our performance may be exceptional, but we still may notice that we aren’t like our co-workers in many ways.

The thing we have to remember is this.

Being different isn’t bad.

The more we embrace our unique talents, the more others will appreciate our contributions. The more we live our colorful lives out loud, the more others will embrace us for who we are.

The more we commit to walking our unique path, the more confident we will be.

Another important thing to remember is that we always have the ability to find our chosen family. The communities we build with like-minded folk become our support systems and bring joy to our lives. Our meetups, circles and online groups provide us with a sense of belonging and fellowship. We discover that there are people who love us for who we are, rather than in spite of who we are.


The StaarCorner

At StaarCon, we are happy to be featuring workshops about many types of cartomancy. Of course, there will be plenty of tarot. We will also have workshops on Lenormand, Kipper and oracle cards.

I am pleased to announce that the publisher of the Cartomancer will be one of our vendors. Did you happen to see that the cover of the most recent issue of the Cartomancer features art by Kristine Gorman? Her portrait of Rachel Pollack serves as the World card in her tarot deck.

Kristine will be one of our presenters at StaarCon.

Visit our website to see all of the amazing people who are planning to share their wisdom with us at StaarCon.

StaarCon Presenter Kristine Gorman Tarot Intuitive & Artist

StaarCon Presenter Kristine Gorman
Tarot Intuitive & Artist


Join me on Zoom for Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself

On Wednesday, July 29, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT, I will be teaching a live webinar on Zoom.

Would you like to develop a more personal relationship with your tarot cards? Would you like to learn to find special meanings in the readings you do for yourself?

Personal Tarot: Reading for Yourself is a class designed to help you get the most out or your self-readings.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now on Zoom.


Find Your Unique Qualities with Tarot

Being diviners, cartomancers, and tarotists is usually enough to have many people think we are a bit unusual. Sometimes it is hard to tell people about our passion for divination because we worry about their judgment of us.

Yet, being card readers probably is not the only wonderfully unique thing about us!

Why not ask tarot to tell you something that is unique about you?

Here are three great questions you can ask the cards.

What are my hidden talents?

What is something unique and special about me?

What is something about myself that I hide from others, yet would do better to share with the world?


The Week in Review

I have been enjoying doing a lot of live presentations on Facebook and YouTube. Did you catch my class on Tarot Reversals?

Please make sure to join us tonight, Wednesday, at 7 pm EDT for Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live.

This week I shared a blogpost which compares and contrasts the Eight of Cups and the Six of Swords.

From Around the Web

Even Forbes magazine has something to say about being different.

Divination is an ancient and natural behavior. Nancy Hendrickson of Sage and Shadow Tarot shared a fun blog post about how our ancestors interpreted omens.

Try this Compass Spread from Theresa Reed if you are feeling lost on your path.


Cards for Your Consideration

The Fool, card 0 of the Major Arcana, is the star of the story told by tarot. The Fool reminds us to be the star of our own story; the hero of the personal epic adventure that is our life.

Associated with the planet Neptune, the Fool is inherently deviant from the rest of society. The Fool encourages us to do our own thing, and to be who we are.

The Fool encourages us to learn by exploring, and to walk our own path.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 28
July 8, 2020

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

How Much Should I Tolerate?

Patience is a virtue, but where is the breaking point?


There is no doubt that life on planet Earth requires a great deal of patience. We must be patient with ourselves, with others, and with time itself.

But, how patient is too patient?

How much bad behavior should we tolerate from an employee? How patient should we be with a disrespectful child? How much hurtful behavior should we tolerate from a spouse, or a boss?

How much slack should we cut ourselves when we cheat on the diet, or don’t finish the novel we want to writ3?

Every person falls short sometimes. We are all deserving of understanding and forgiveness.

During difficult times, we all need some extra room.

Yet, there comes a time when enough is enough. The trick is in knowing when that time is.

The nature of the relationship, and the relationship history, is important to take into consideration. Likewise, the nature of the problem.

It doesn’t make sense to destroy a good relationship, or to quit a good job, simply because someone is having a bad day.

Yet, many who were raised in seriously dysfunctional households have been inadvertently trained to overlook bad behavior. Sometimes, after years and years of tolerance, something inside them screams ‘Enough’, and begins to demand change.

Sometimes the key is simply to firmly and politely express our feelings. That is, to explain why a certain behavior is hurtful, and can no longer be tolerated.

Sometimes we need to re-evaluate our sensitively to a behavior. Maybe the problem isn’t the specific behavior, but rather our perception of it.

Every situation is different. What each situation has in common is this. We all have a right to express our feelings. We all have a right to feel comfortable in our relationships. And, we all make mistakes.

The more we understand the things we can and cannot tolerate, and the more we can be clear about our needs and expectations, the better our relationships will be.

The more willing we are to make changes for ourselves and for the people around us, the less we will need to do the painful soul-searching as we try to determine the things we should and should not tolerate within a difficult situation.


The StaarCorner

Tickets for StaarCon are now available on the StaarCon website and on Eventbrite. You can choose from a number of packages, depending on your needs and your availability.

If you are interested in a weekend of art, mysticism, divination, cartomancy, fellowship and education, please make plans to join us at StaarCon!

Some of the exciting highlights of StaarCon will include presentations by Mary K. Greer and Benebell Wen, as well as a day-long preconference intensive with me, Christiana Gaudet.

If you have questions about StaarCon, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at 561-655-1160.

StaarCon Presenter Amie Mouser  Tarot, Oracle, Numerology, Life Coach, Vocal & Energy Healer

StaarCon Presenter Amie Mouser
Tarot, Oracle, Numerology, Life Coach, Vocal & Energy Healer


Weigh Things Out with Tarot

So often we find ourselves needing to pick and choose our battles. We wonder how much we should take. Should we make a change? What would be the best way to approach a difficult conversation? What is our partner’s capacity to hear us and understand our frustration?

When these are our challenges, tarot can be our best friend, our comfort, and a great tool for creating strategy.

The best technique I have discovered for using tarot in these situations isn’t a specific spread.

Rather, it is often better to make a list of your questions, and pull a single card, or a small group of cards, to answer each question.

If you are deciding whether or not to have a difficult conversation, you can ask questions about the person’s ability to have that conversation, their likely reactions, and the best way to approach the conversation. You can also look at the possible outcomes if you have the conversation, or if you simply wait and keep your mouth shut.

If you are feeling upset about a situation, you can use the cards to check in with yourself to see if you are over-reacting or over-personalizing something. Sometimes interpersonal problems come from within.

You can also use the cards to discover the lessons and opportunities for personal growth that are being presented to you by the difficult situation at hand.


The Week in Review

This week I shared a blogpost on things to do when a tarot card doesn’t seem to make sense.

As always, I shared many live broadcasts on both Facebook and YouTube. Please remember to Like and Subscribe!

Don’t miss my free YouTube class on tarot reversals coming up this Sunday!

You can find all my live YouTube classes and tarot meetups, archived and upcoming, in a single playlist on my YouTube channel. Take the classes you have missed and set a remind for those that are scheduled.

From Around the Web

Here are three tarot spreads to help you check in with your relationships.

Starcana has your July tarotscopes!

From Instyle, here are your July horoscopes.


Cards for Your Consideration

There are many tarot cards that can speak of patience, communication, boundaries, and how we get along with each other. In fact, most tarot readings will give core messages and advice on these very topics.

This week let us consider the message of the Seven of Wands, in the context of considering our tolerance levels.

The Seven of Wands can speak of deftly handling numerous tasks or deflecting numerous assaults. The character is this card is able to deal with everything that he is facing.

This can be a card of multi-tasking. This card can also suggest a person with an overly defensive attitude.

Is it possible that the card might say that, even though the person is able to tolerate all of these attacks, he shouldn’t have to? Does the Seven of Wands ever appear to say that enough is enough?

I think that, within the context of the question, and of the surround cards, this might occasionally be the case.

Just because one is capable of handling something, doesn’t mean they have to, or that they should continue to.

The next time you see the Seven of Wands, consider whether this card is simply confirming your ability to handle your situation, or gently suggesting that enough is enough.

Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 27
July 1, 2020

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Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet Tarot Topics Community News Christiana Gaudet

Feeling Stuck?

Some thoughts on how we can get out of our own way.


It is part of the human experience to feel stuck sometimes. We might be stuck in a job we don’t love, or a housing situation that doesn’t suit us. Sometimes it is hard to find a way out and on to the next thing.

Sometimes we are stuck in a more internal way. We have goals but can’t seem to get out of our own way to do what we think we need to do to achieve them.

Sometimes we are stuck in a way of thinking, or a pattern of behavior, that doesn’t serve us.

Often, when our feelings of being stuck are more internal, and related to our own behaviors, we refer to our stuck state as being ‘blocked’.

We might say that we have a block that keeps us from moving forward, or that something is blocking us.

Sometimes we may think that what is blocking us in an energy that comes from outside ourselves. Sometimes we know it is of our own creation.

Very often, creative people feel blocked from moving forward on their projects. We have all heard of ‘writer’s block’, for example.

If we are stuck in a logistical situation, very often we may feel blocked from finding our solutions.

Sometimes the only way out of a difficult situation is to get through it, patiently and diligently, until the situation changes.

When dealing with internal and creative blocks, very often the solution is to change the way we think.

When considering a stuck situation, it is important to neither catastrophize nor minimize the predicament.

Sometimes it feels easier to stay in a stuck situation because we can blame that situation for our lack of progress or success. We know that, once we are free, we will have no excuse not to work toward success.

Feeling stuck is frustrating. The solutions may be practical, spiritual or emotional. The solution may require us to make a change, release a fear, or step outside of our comfort zone.

It’s never easy. Yet, it is doable, and definitely worth doing.

Divination, either for ourselves, with a friend, or with a professional, is often the first step toward making that needed change. We can commune with the Universe to discover the root of our problems and embrace possible solutions. Then, breaking free becomes our most likely outcome.


The StaarCorner

If you are interested in metaphysics, divination, and tarot, you will want to consider attending StaarCon! StaarCon will be an annual event, featuring some the best tarot artists, writers, and readers in the world. We will also include rune readers, oracle creators and other practitioners of divination and healing.

Connect with us on our Facebook page, join our Facebook group, and visit our website!

StaarCon Presenter V. Intuitive Mistress, Tarot BFF

StaarCon Presenter V.
Intuitive Mistress, Tarot BFF


Getting Unstuck with Tarot

Tarot is a great tool for any sort of problem-solving. The key is to ask the right questions.

Here are some helpful questions to ask your cards when you are in a stuck situation.

What is the root cause of this stuck feeling?

What is the best way to handle this situation?

What must I do to remove myself from this situation?

How can I change my thinking to bring change to this situation?

What is this situation teaching me?


Psychic Tarot: Live Webinar on Zoom

Join us on Tuesday, June 30, 7 pm to 9 pm EDT for an exciting and unique tarot webinar live on Zoom.

We all know that a great tarot reading is more than a series of card interpretations. In this class you will learn ways to access wisdom and intuition to bring your tarot readings to life.

Students will experience a series of psychic development exercises, and learn some of the many ways to bring intuition into a tarot reading.

Tarot students of all levels of experience, from beginner to adept, will find this class helpful and informative.

Class fee is $37.50. Register now!

Did you miss a premium Zoom webinar event?
Do you want to watch a premium Zoom webinar event again?

Visit Card and Craft Academy to register and take a workshop you missed.
Everyone who attends a premium Zoom Webinar event will receive a complimentary pass to Card and Craft Academy to view the workshop again.
Each course includes the workshop materials you can download and save!


The Week in Review

Did you catch my free class on YouTube, The High Priestess, the Hierophant and the Hermit? If you missed it, you can watch it in archive.

I do at least four live broadcasts each week on my Facebook business page. Watch them live or view the videos after the fact.

I am happy to welcome a guest blogger to my Community Blog. Nancy Hendrickson has shared a fascinating post about using tarot to connect with your ancestors who experienced the pandemic of 1918.

From Around the Web

It’s not often that we find a new, original, helpful product in the metaphysical world. Christine Leiser’s new planner is definitely worth checking out.

I hope you don’t ever need this article in Tiny Buddha. But, if you have been dealing with gaslighting and abuse, you should read this.

Mercury is currently in retrograde. Here are some thoughts on how to use that energy effectively from Tarot.com.


Cards for Your Consideration

There are only a few tarot cards that speak specifically of being stuck. The Eight of Swords is one card that clearly and poignantly expresses this energy. We may see this energy in the Hanged Man as well.

Yet, sometimes when I do a reading, the energy of being stuck is very clearly expressed by a group of cards.

Which cards, other than the Eight of Swords, are most likely to work together to express that stuck energy?

Often present are the Four and Five of Cups, and the Nine and Ten of Swords. The Devil, of course, can indicate a situation in which we have willingly chosen to be stuck.

I also often see the stuck energy expressed in certain reversals. Reversed Aces and Knights can indicate being stuck and stagnant. So can Death reversed, as well as the Six of Swords reversed and the Eight of Wands reversed. When I see Temperance reversed, I think that a solution has yet to be found.

What is interesting is that the feeling of being stuck, stagnant and frustrated is one that can be overwhelming in a reading. It usually takes a number of cards to fully express this energy.

When we see cards working together to tell us about a stuck or blocked situation, we can very often find the solution within those same cards if we look hard enough.

Upcoming Events and Tours


Tarot Topics Newsletter
Volume 3 Issue 26
June 24, 2020

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