Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.
Is Silence Golden?
Communication is vital to our existence, and it is so hard to get it right!
I Am Never Doing That Again!
Life happens in cycles, but life is also finite. We dig into that this week.
Are We There Yet?
We all have so many goals in life. Sometimes it feels that we get stuck along the way. The path forward is never a straight line. The secret is to enjoy the journey.
Always a Journey
This week I share some thoughts as I travel throughout the Northeast on Tarot Tour. Life is always a journeys and never a destination.
Digging Deeper
If we want truth and knowledge, we must take the time to look beneath the surface.
Endings and New Beginnings
The calendar change provides us with energetic support for personal change.
What is blocking you?
Tarot helps you remove the things that hold you back!
Tarot Topics 4/1/2015: April Fool's Day
Your weekly Tarot Topics newsletter is here, and ready to help you celebrate April Fool’s Day with the Tarot Fool! Find your inner Fool, and manifest your destiny with the lunar eclipse. Deepen you tarot journey with a free tarot webinar.