Tarot News blog has news and information of interest to the tarot community.
Halloween Dreams
Discover two tarot cards that can inspire your dreams!
To me, there are three Halloweens. I love all of them.
First, there’s children’s Halloween, with costumes and parties and trick or treating. When I was a young child in Southold, NY, the children had a Halloween parade in costume down Main Street every year. The parade was hosted by the Fire Department. At the end we would each receive some Halloween treats from the firefighters. I loved that parade almost as I loved trick or treating.
When my kids were young, I enjoyed celebrating Halloween with them; carving pumpkins, finding costumes and taking them to the best trick or treating neighborhoods to collect candy and marvel at the decorations.
In my family Halloween had personal meaning as well because it was my father’s birthday, and my birthday was just six days prior. Along with costumes and candy came cake and presents, making this time of year even more special.
The second Halloween is adult Halloween, featuring elaborate costumes and nightclubs with costume contests and scary-sounding drinks. In my younger years I loved seeing a dance floor rocking with clowns, devils, animals and ghouls.
The third is spiritual Halloween; the day equidistant between the autumnal equinox and the winter solstice when the veil between the living world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. I can always feel the thinning veil this time of year. Part of the way it affects me is in my dreams. About a week prior to Halloween and a week after, my dreams take on greater focus and meaning, and often serve to give me direction and insight.
Tonight, and for the next week, pay special attention to your dreams. If you are struggling to solve a problem, ask that a solution be given you in a dream. If you a missing a departed loved one, ask that they visit you in your dreams. Dreamtime is always powerful, but especially so tonight, and this week.
Whichever Halloween you celebrate, and however you celebrate, I hope you have a marvelous time!
Register for Your Mercury Rx Tarot Healing Session This Week
This year I am once again offering powerful Mercury Retrograde Tarot Healing Sessions during the last mercury retrograde of 2018. This is a great time to let go of old hurts, baggage and beliefs in order to welcome 2019 ready for the best year ever.
You can read more about this special session, and schedule yours online quickly and easily!
The deadline to schedule your session is November 6.
The High Priestess and the Moon
In the Major Arcana of the tarot there are two cards that speak specifically of dreams, of the murky waters of the subconscious, and of traveling beyond the veil that separates the world of the living from the spirit world.
Those cards are the High Priestess and the Moon. These cards can carry very different meanings one from another in tarot interpretation, although they share many things in common. They both have a feminine energy and are both related to the element of water.
In a reading, the High Priestess can speak of perfection, wisdom, balance, meditation and womanhood. The Moon can speak of mysteries, treachery and the use of magic.
These two cards can appear together in a reading more often than you might think. When they do, pay attention to the great spiritual power they evoke when combined.
Each of these cards reminds you to pay attention to your intuition. Each of these cards teaches you to look inward to find truth. Both these cards send you on a journey of spiritual exploration. Both cards can help you hear guidance from your ancestors and loved ones in spirit.
You can use these two images to inspire you, and to invite Spirit into your dreams, by placing them near your bed, or meditating with them prior to sleep.
The Week in Review
This week I shared some thoughts about self-reading on my community blog.
We had a blast at Global Tarot Circle last week. You can watch it in archive on Facebook.
From Around the Web
I found a great post from Ethony this week about working with a stalker card. This is a must-read for every tarot enthusiast!
BBC Travel ran a story this week about fortune telling in Iran!
Heron Michelle shared an amazingly personal and poignant account of her internal tarot reading method on Patheos. Again, required reading for tarotists!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 4, 4 to 6 pm
Tarot Meetup: Cards and Conversation
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL
Join us for fellowship, readings, tarot study and more! The meeting is free to attend, show your appreciation by supporting Panera while you are there.
Bring a tarot deck or borrow one at the meeting.
Wednesday, November 7 through Sunday, November 11
FPG Samhain 2018: A Journey Beyond the Veil
Maddox Ranch 2211 W Bella Vista Street, Lakeland, FL
Join us for a day, the weekend or the entire festival! Visit the FPG website for more information!
Wednesday, November 14, 7 to 9 pm
Special Class: Elemental Magick
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL
In this class you will learn the metaphysical properties of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and how to harness these energies for healing, divination and manifestation.
Visit the event listing on my website to register!
Sunday, November 18, 4 to 6 pm
Special Class: Explore the Tarot Court Cards
Christiana’s Conference Room
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, Suite 203, Palm City, FL
Join us as we delve into the sixteen tarot cards that often confuse us most! The Court cards help us understand ourselves and each other and offer critical information in our readings. This class will clear the confusion and help you get the most out of your tarot readings.
Visit the event listing on my website to register.