Tarot Topics Blog
Writing is a passion of mine. Each week, I publish a newsletter on my favorite subject, tarot!
This consolidated blog contains my newsletters and other musings I have blogged here over the years.
Find all my posts, newsletters, reviews, and commentaries here.

Animal Wisdom
How animals share their wisdom with us.

A Divine Mirror
This week's Tarot Topics offers a tarot exercise to help you see and know yourself, a great collection of offerings for the beginning of Autumn and some exciting new classes.

Harness the Power of Spring!
This edition of Tarot Topics offers three great tarot spreads for spring, and information about upcoming events and classes.

Accepting Help
This issue of Tarot Topics contains a great story about what happens when we don't let others help us.

When You Can't Hear Your Guidance
Learn how to listen to your inner wisdom!

The Process of Personal Transformation
Read my latest newsletter, which includes a brand-new tarot spread and lots of great summer classes!

Invincible Summer
Stoke your internal flame with tarot!

Psychic Self-Defense
This week's newsletter includes great information about psychic protection, upcoming classes and my June trip to Connecticut!

The Spectrum of Possibilities
This week's newsletter discusses the possibilities that happen when we reframe perspectives - in tarot, and in life.

Group Behavior: A Tool for Learning and Teaching Tarot
Here are some techniques I will use to teach an advanced Major Arcana class at Dream Angels. Try this at home to improve your understanding of the Major Arcana cards, or sign up for the class!

The Difference Between Goals and Attachments
Tarot Topics is back, with some thoughts on balance and success, and an opportunity to study with me in Tequesta at Dream Angels!