Happiness is Always an Option

Happiness is an elusive thing. The American Declaration of Independence states our right to pursue happiness. Eleanor Roosevelt had something different to say about happiness. She said that “happiness is not a goal; it’s a by-product of a life well-lived.”

Many people get caught up pursuing the mythical beast of happiness. They set up specific goals without which they feel they simply cannot be happy.

“If I have to sell my house I will never be happy again!”

“I can’t be happy without a wonderful girl in my life.”

“I don’t have enough money to be happy.”

If you really believe that happiness comes from a specific building, or a relationship, or a bank account, you probably still won’t be happy when you have those things.

That’s not to say that a great relationship doesn’t matter, or that a beautiful home doesn’t inspire the spirit. However, happiness, as they say, is always an inside job.

Happiness is not the same as being happy with something. You can be a happy person who is unhappy with their current job, for instance.

Happiness does not have to wait for a goal. You can be a happy single person who is actively pursuing the possibility of a new relationship.

Being happy doesn’t mean that things in life are perfect. There is never a time to feel guilty for being happy, even in the midst of sad happenings.

Happiness is a choice we make to keep our perspective positive and our mood light-hearted.

Sometimes it’s easier to feel happy when we acknowledge our sadness and laugh at our frustrations. Happiness and sadness can exist in the same moment. What happens next depends on which we focus on.

Even when things are going wrong, and perhaps especially when life feel hard, happiness is always an option.

Find Your Happiness in Tarot!

Which tarot cards suggest happiness to you?

Some cards can show us things that make us happy. The Ten of Cups may suggest a wonderful love relationship, the Empress may suggest pregnancy, the Ten of Pentacles might show us a new home, the Chariot might reveal a new car!

Those things might make us happy, but none of those cards are specifically about happiness.
My primary cards of happiness are The Sun and the Nine of Cups.

When we look to these two cards, we can discover some secrets about how to nurture happiness in our own lives.

When we look at the Sun, we see the child sits on the horse with no saddle or reins, but also has no fear of falling off. This tells us that fear and happiness might not exist in the same place.

In the Nine of Cups, we see satisfaction and wishes fulfilled. Sometimes being happy with what we get is not the same thing as getting what we want. I think the Nine of Cups can speak to either type of happiness.

If you need to find your happiness, shuffle your deck and look through it until you find the Sun and the Nine of Cups. Look at the cards that come directly before and after each card, and interpret those four cards as your path to happiness!

News and Notes

Beyond the second editions of Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide that I am working on, I did a fair amount of writing and publishing over the past few weeks.

I joined a new tarot blog hop just in time for Valentine's Day, for which we contemplated Major Arcana 6, the Lovers. See my post, and follow the link to see what the other bloggers had to say about this interesting card.

Also on my Personal Blog, here's an article about a problem that happens for many professional and would-be professional readers. Is there a shadow on your throne?

On my Dark Forest Blog, here is an article about Mirror Magic. Find your true self when you look into a mirror!

On my Community Blog, here is some tarot reading advice, What do you do when your final outcome card is a dud?

I keep a blog on PaganSquare called "78 Magickal Tools". Check out my recent post there about how to use tarot for time magic!

On my YouTube Channel, you'll find a new video where I interpret a viewer's reading. Make sure you subscribe while you are there!

Is It Time to Have a Reading?

Sometimes a tarot reading is exactly what you need to find your happiness, set your goals, reframe your problems, and create solutions.

I am available for readings by phone, Skype, FaceTime or in person in my Palm City office. I work seven days a week to be available at your convenience.

If you are ready for clarity, understanding and motivation, call or text me at 561-655-1160.  I’ll look forward to working with you!

Upcoming Events

Sunday, February 19, 4 pm
Tarot Circle of the Treasure Coast Meetup
Court Card Workshop
Panera Bread, 2894 Southwest Town Center Way,  Palm City, FL, 34990

Our first meeting at Panera in Palm City last month was wonderful! We had twelve people, and enjoyed sharing readings and insight with each other.

This month we will be focusing on the 16 Court Cards.I’ll be teaching this free, informal workshop appropriate for tarotists of any level of experience. You can RSVP on the meetup site or simply join us at Panera. 

Wednesday, February 22, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join tarot enthusiasts from around the world for an hour of readings, study and conversation. Simply visit my Facebook business page, hit LIKE, and click the live feed at the meeting time.  We use the comment section as a chat room!

March 23 - April 5
Christiana's  Northeastern Spring Tour

I'll be in Connecticut for two weeks. I am available for house parties in Connecticut and surrounding states. I'll also be doing private readings by appointment at True Bikram Yoga in Madison.

Please call or text 561-655-1160 to book your party or private reading now!


About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, #102B
Palm City, FL 34990


Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, 772-353-4657, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Giving Life to Art


Learning to Love