Lessons from 2016, Hope for 2017, and Gratitude for It All

It wasn’t just the sorrow of celebrity deaths or the rancor of the political season that made 2016 so stressful. Many people, including me, experienced a lot of change and challenge this year.

As we say goodbye to 2016, it’s important to reflect, not only on the good and bad things that happened, but on the lessons we learned.
Sometimes, when we look at a series of events, we can see a pattern or theme emerge.

For me this year, two themes became really clear. One is that you can’t always plan for, or predict, what will happen. However, every difficult thing that happens always brings opportunity and hope with it. And, when you don’t resist the flow of the Universe, it becomes easy to manifest what you need.

I am starting 2017 in a new home, and a new office, closer to family and many friends, and closer to the beach! My father-in-law, whose health issue precipitated our move, is healing from his surgery. We are grateful for good outcomes, just as we accept that outcomes aren’t always what we hope.

Often, the way we tell our stories and view what has happened has a real role in determining what happens next. Do we focus on our losses and disappointments, or do we focus on our accomplishments, learn our lessons and celebrate our victories?

Sometimes, our greatest victory is simply survival – but even that, or especially that, is something to celebrate.

One of the things I am celebrating is a great deal of professional growth in 2016 – a trend I plan to continue in 2017.

This year I was honored to be a headliner at FPG. Even more recently, I was elated to receive the award of “Tarosophist of the Year” from the Tarosophy Tarot Association, the world’s largest tarot organization.

One thing that happened this year that made me (and a bunch of other people) a little sad is that both my books when out of print when my publisher went out of business. However, that story will have a happy ending in 2017 when I release second editions with author notes and updates of both books, and a brand new book!

Another causality of recent changes is that I have found it too time-consuming to release a lengthy newsletter every week. I do plan to continue my Tarot Topics Newsletter in 2017, but may send it on less than a weekly basis.

If you have particular columns and topics that you look forward to, or that you would like to see me cover, please email me and let me know. How can the Tarot Topics Newsletter serve you best?

Now that I am on the Treasure Coast, I have re-purposed my original West Palm Beach Tarot Meetup site, which is now called Tarot Circle of the Treasure Coast. Please join us if you are in the area!

As we end one year and begin another, I am especially grateful for you – my friends, clients, students and tarot peeps. My work is one of my greatest joys. Thank you for sharing it with me, and making it possible.

May 2017 bring your lessons in the easiest way possible. May it bring you joy, love, peace and prosperity.

Lessons, Hope and Gratitude: Three Cards for the New Year

Here is a quick spread you can do in addition to a larger New Year spread, or simply to gain focus for a positive transition into 2017.

Card 1: What lesson can I take from my experiences in 2016?

Card 2: What is something wonderful I can anticipate in 2017?

Card 3: What is something I can be grateful for as we welcome a new year?

After you interpret each position, consider the three cards as a group or a story. Think about what other messages they hold about the year you are leaving behind, and the year ahead.

New On ChristianaGaudet.com

I was so excited to be able to hold my annual Holiday Open House, even though we moved on December First. On December 18th we gathered readers and healers together to give free services in exchange for non-perishable food items, which we donated to Treasure Coast Food Bank.
You can read the story and see the pictures in the gallery on my website. While you are there, you can also see the pictures from Holiday Open House 2010 in West Palm Beach and 2015 in Lutz.

I’ve published my predictions for 2017, with a little bit of a twist. You can read them on my Community Blog.

On my personal blog, I recently published a post entitled “Five Reasons Not to Be a Full-Time Tarot Professional”.


New on Christiana Gaudet on YouTube

Here’s a short video discussing the tarot suit of Cups, card by card.

A few years ago my friend, Mary Ellen Collins, gave me a special Christmas oracle. Here’s my attempt and a reading for myself with the 12 Days of Christmas Oracle.

While you are visiting my YouTube Channel, hit subscribe!

Upcoming Events

January 7, 2:30 pm
New Year Psychic Gallery
Pearl Rauberts’ Studio
Unity in the Pines
6073 Summit Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL

Join us in sacred space as we receive healing messages and important information for the New Year. Each person will receive a reading from Christiana during this entertaining and informative session.

Seating is limited. RSVP on Pearl Raubert's meetup, or call Pearl at 561-333-3372.

Sunday, Janaury 22, 4: 00 pm
Tarot Circle of the Treasure Coast Meetup
Tarot Tips and Techniques with Christiana Gaudet
Panera Bread
2894 SW Town Center Way, Palm City, FL 34990, Palm City, FL

This will be the first meeting of our meetup in Palm City. We'll have an informal tarot workshop, and plenty of time for readings and fellowship. You can RSVP on the meetup, or just find us at Panera.

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
1025 SW Martin Downs Blvd, #102B
Palm City, FL 34990

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Power, Hope and Fear


A Tarot Reading for 2017: My Predictions