How Do You Hold Space for Yourself?

“Holding space” is a term we hear often. We hold space for others with acts of service, with prayer and intention, with the support of our company and our empathy. We hold space for others by actively working with energy to surround them with healing light and hold them in comfort. We hold space for others by refusing to judge, and by standing in compassion.

When there is a tragedy or hardship, it’s nice to have others hold space for us. At the same time, it’s really important that we be able to hold space for ourselves.

Even on a daily basis, we need to show up for ourselves in this way.

We hold space for ourselves every day when we practice good self-care. In yoga, there is a physical and energetic process of actually creating space within this body. This can be an excellent way of holding space for yourself, as can other forms of exercise and energy work.
Working with your tarot deck is another great way of holding space for yourself. So is meditation.

Giving yourself the gift of time is another way of holding space. Take time out of your schedule to do the things you enjoy, or to simply rest.
Seeking healing services, such as massage, tarot reading, or Reiki, is another way to hold space for yourself, and to allow others to hold space for you.

Sometimes holding space for yourself means disciplining yourself to do something that is difficult. Sometimes holding space for yourself means just the opposite; cutting yourself some slack.

It’s also really important to practice non-judgment with yourself, and to not hold yourself to standards higher than human.

Holding space for yourself can also mean setting boundaries with other people, without guilt.

When you hold space for yourself, you are showing up for yourself. You are nurturing yourself, forgiving yourself, and believing in yourself. You are being a good friend to yourself.

Holding Space with Tarot

Some tarot cards advise self-care, or that you put your own needs first. Other cards may suggest holding boundaries with others. Here are some specific card interpretations in context with holding space for yourself.

When you see these cards in a reading, recognize that they may be reflecting the need to hold space for yourself. When you need to hold space for yourself, spending time with these images in meditation can help create the space you need.
The High Priestess suggests meditation, looking within, and finding internal spiritual insight and strength.

Strength encourages you to hold space for your anger, and your wild nature, but to keep it under control.

The Hermit tells you to take time apart, and hold space for yourself in quiet solitude.

The Hanged Man advises surrender, to hold space for yourself in a time of discomfort or indecision. This card also advises yoga!

The Star reminds you to avail yourself of healing.

The Four of Pentacles advises self-care, and good boundaries.

The Seven and Nine of Wands can also suggest keeping good boundaries.

The Nine of Pentacles can suggest finding happiness in your own company.

Perhaps every tarot card could be interpreted, in context, to advise some sort of self-care or conscious activity to support well-being. These are some of the cards that most specifically discuss these things for me. Which tarot cards do you see as speaking about holding space for oneself?

The Week in Review

You may notice that a lot of change is happening on my website, That includes a brand new look, and new indexing so you can find stuff better. However, the process takes time, so be patient, and check back often! It will take a while to get all that material sorted and posted!

On my Community Blog this week, I shared some Advice for Pro Tarotists. Do you know who wants tarot readings? Everyone!


From Around the Web

I participated in a survey about Major Arcana 15 on James Bulls’ Tarot website. See what I, and colleagues like Jenna Matlin, Ginny Hunt and Benebell Wen, have to say about this important card. James Bulls has some different views on tarot and spirituality, and does a really good job discussing each person's answers from his perspective. Whether or not you agree with his views, you will find this an interesting exploration of Major Arcana 15.

I’ve just discovered the great website Speak of Secrets! Check out “Shadow Aspects & Tarot”. It’s Part I of what promises to be a very helpful series.

Here’s an article from Heather Plett about holding space.


Song of the Week

In honor of the Autumnal Equinox this week, here is Lisa Thiel with Mabon.

I'm thrilled to welcome Jamie Morris to my growing list of newsletter contributors.

Jame is a writing coach and developmental editor. Check out her website and see how she can help you be the writer you want to be!

For the next five weeks, Jamie will be supplying us with tarot-themed writing prompts.

The connection between tarot and creative writing goes back centuries, to the early practice of composing tarot-inspired poetry, which we believe to be the origin of tarot divination.

Today, many writers use tarot for inspiration and story development. Many tarotists use writing to help understand the cards, and themselves, better.

I'm grateful to Jamie for sharing her skills with us, and hope you enjoy this creative tarot exercise!

Image from Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti


Strength: Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty

The Strength card typically shows a beautiful woman gently closing the jaws of a fearsome lion. With Strength, we talk about taming our inner beast, controlling our impulses, or harnessing our own strength to face challenges. But we rarely talk about how the killer instincts of a lion might preserve us in times of danger or how some people won’t listen to us unless we roar!

For this writing prompt, let’s try turning tarot convention on its soft-and-fuzzy ear. Make a quick list of times you’ve loosed your own inner wild cat. (Aim for five examples.) Now scan that list. Is there one that still makes your hackles rise?
If so, grab that incident by the scruff of the neck and toss it onto a new page. Write about what incited you. Start by describing the scene. Where were you? Who else was present? Who said what to whom? Was there a moment when you felt yourself getting ready to spring? What was the trigger? What happened next?
Finally, after all was said and done, did you feel you used your strength for good? Or ill? Or some nicely complex combination of both?

Tarot Mentorship Packages Available

I have space in my schedule to offer my custom tarot mentorship package to three new students. Your mentoring package is designed for your needs. We can work on simply learning the cards, and learning to give great readings. We can work on building your tarot business. We can use the cards to find deep personal healing, or we can take your tarot study to the next level. We can accomplish whatever you, as a tarot student, need.

Your package must be ordered and paid for by October 3. Your mentorship program must begin after November 10, but before December 15.

The Mentorship Package includes three ninety-minute study sessions with me, by phone, Skype or email. You will be assigned homework. The tuition is $350.

To be considered for this next round of mentorship, please email me, or call or text 561-655-1160.

Image from Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups acknowledges some loss or grief. In the context of holding space, this card can indicate giving oneself some space to grieve.

At the same time, the Five of Cups cautions us against getting stuck in that place of grief.

While three cups have spilt, two remain standing. We must have the strength to remember what good remains, and to make that good our ultimate focus.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, September 25, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL 

Michael Newton-Brown will lead this meeting.
Bring your tarot decks and be prepared for some great tarot games!
You can RSVP on the Meetup, or simply meet us at Panera.


Wednesday, September 28, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle on Facebook Live

Join us online for a free hour of tarot fellowship, readings and study. Simply LIKE my Facebook Business Page, and visit the page to find the video feed at the appointed time. You can chat in the comment section.. 
If you can't be with us for the live feed, you can watch it in archive!

Coming Soon:

October 7 Professional Development Intensive

October 8-9 TarotCon (Florida) 2016

October 14-23 Christiana's Trip to West Palm Beach. Call or text 561-655-1160 to schedule your party, house call or private reading.

About Christiana

Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.
Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

At the Intersection of Tarot and Food


Advice for Pro Tarotists: Everyone Wants Tarot Readings!