The Power of Self-Care

In medicine, self-care is the regimen a patient must follow on their own.

In personal healing, self-care includes anything you do with the intention of taking care of your well-being, whether body, mind or spirit.

Sometimes I find that my need to take care of my body feels at odds with a perceived need to take care of my spirit with chocolate cake!

In many cultures, and especially here in the United States, people seem to take pride in denying themselves care. Perhaps we feel we appear stronger if we do not admit to needing care.

Often, we pack our lives with so many commitments that we can’t seem to find the resources to focus on our own self-care.

In reality, self-care is good time management. The better we feel, the more efficiently we use our time.

Taking time for self-care is also an enforced break from our routine. That, in itself, has value.

There are many possible self-care activities. Exercise, massage, cooking, yoga, tarot, gardening, meditation, journaling, dancing, socializing, spa treatment, ceremony and playing music could all be considered self-care. As you can see, some activities take time and money, others can easily be incorporated in to daily life.

Whatever you invest in your own self-care will be returned to you many times over.

Body, Mind and Spirit Self-Care Spread

Here’s an easy three-card spread designed to help you understand your self-care needs and habits.

Simply pull one card for Body, one for Mind and one for Spirit.

Interpret the card in each position in context of your need for self-care in that area.

Perhaps a card might indicate a self-care activity that would be helpful. Perhaps a card my reveal a particular resistance to self-care. Maybe a card would congratulate you on your approach to self-care in that area.

Perform this spread on a regular basis as a way of making sure you are showing up for yourself.

The Week in Review

This week, I shared a new video on my YouTube channel. It’s a guided meditation to heal the heart and attract love.

On my Dark Forest Blog, I shared some thoughts about online dating. Read “Dating as a Shopping Experience.

From Around the Web

From Jamie Morris, here is a tarot-based writing prompt! Why not use tarot and writing together for some self-care this week?

In the mood for something out of the ordinary? The Tarot Cat interviews European musician Zdrada Palki!

Lisa Hunt has created the new Fairy Tale Lenormand deck, with book by Arwen Lynch! Check it out, and come see Lisa at TarotCon

Song of the Week

From Lindsey Stirling, featuring Christina Perri, Here’s Brave Enough.

Card Reading Magic Free Telesummit


No matter where you are in your card reading journey, there is always more to learn about this art that none of us can ever truly perfect.

From feeling confident from the moment you sit down in a reading, to creating a consistent, powerful experience for clients, there is so much we can share with each other.

So my friend and colleague Tori Hartman, creator of the best-selling Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards, has put together a free virtual intuitive festival so that you can benefit from rarely-heard insights in conversations with well-known groundbreakers and up-and-coming experts.

Card Reading Magic, an online event with 18 speakers including myself will take place September 14-18.

This event is perfect for you if:

- You’re new to card reading and want to start a business

- You’ve been at it for years and want to step your game up

- You want to join a community of top card readers

During this virtual intuitive festival, you’ll discover:

- How to gain more specific, in depth information from your readings

- The 5 essentials of card reading

- How you can use your intuition more effectively and naturally

- Mistakes that keep you from accurate readings

- How you can shift into the zone of being a card reader quickly and easily

- Simple techniques to move away from the guidebook

- How to put the story together for your clients by linking cards

- The insider secrets of self-publishing decks from experts who have done it

So if you’re ready to get more accurate readings, join me for this virtual intuitive festival:


Card Reading Magic

September 14-18


Reserve Your Spot Now (FREE) 

The Four of Pentacles Urges Self-Care

Many people see the Four of Pentacles as selfishness. Eden Gray called this the “Card of the Miser”.

Modern tarotists often see the Four of Pentacles as depicting a “lack mentality”.

All of these can be appropriate interpretations of the Four of Pentacles.

At the same time, there is another interpretation that works for this card, and can sometimes shed new light into a reading.

Sometimes, we can interpret the Four of Pentacles as advice for self-full-ness, rather than a warning against selfishness.

The Four of Pentacles can advise us to hold better boundaries, or to make our own needs a priority.

Sometimes, we feel selfish when we are really being appropriately self-full. The Four of Pentacles asks us to contemplate this balance in our lives.

Image from Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Your One-Card Weekly Reading



Eight of Cups

Your One-Card reading is the Eight of Cups.

This week, it is time to consider what emotions and hurtful stories you are hanging on to, acknowledge them, and release them.

Recognize that the way you tell your stories, even if factually accurate, may not be the way that allows your history to serve your best.
This process is part of good self-care, and an opportunity to heal.

Upcoming Events


September 14-18
Card Reading Magic Tarot Telesummit with Tori Hartman

Discover the 5 essentials of card reading, mistakes that keep you from accurate readings, and how you can use your intuition more effectively during this FREE virtual intuitive festival, Card Reading Magic, where I’ll be one of 18 featured experts. Sign up now! 


Coming Soon:

October 7 Professional Development Day (PreConference Intensive)

October 8-9 TarotCon (Florida) 2016

October 14-23 Christiana's Trip to West Palm Beach. Call or test 561-655-1160 to schedule your party, house call or private reading.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

When Death Means Death; What’s Your Tarot Theme Card?


Dating as a Shopping Experience: How Online Dating Can Make It Hard to Build Relationships