Stormy Weather

As I write this newsletter, Tropical Storm Hermine is on its way to Florida. So far, it’s not expected to be too much of a problem.

Preparing for a storm is natural behavior. Animals do it, just as humans do it.  Often, when we go about our storm preparations, we do it in an almost jovial way. We are serious about protecting our family and our property, but we are excited for an adventure. We make plans to do special activities together. I’ve been to many hurricane parties, and snow day parties. And, it’s no surprise that birth rates jump nine months after every major storm. As long as the situation does not become dire, we make do with inconveniences and let nature take its course.

This gives us an interesting insight when we think about weather as a metaphor for life.

Every life gets stormy from time to time. The storms may be relationship issues, health issues, financial issues or other problems. Certainly, some storms can be deadly. However, more times than not, we will live to see the sun rise again.

What would happen if, during our personal stormy times, we choose to bond with others and find meaning in the moments of the experience, just as we do with hurricanes and snowstorms?

Can You Predict the Weather with Tarot?

There are many tarot cards that make specific weather references. Often, I’ve seen these cards come up in anticipation of special events, such as weddings, camping trips, air travel, carnivals, and festivals.

Sometimes we really want to know what the weather might be.

Of course, as you approach the event, modern meteorology will give you an hour by hour prediction that is fairly reliable. However, when you want to know about an event that is months or years away, tarot can give you a hint about what sort of weather you might enjoy.

My method of predicting weather with tarot is pretty simple. Some cards, like the Sun, the Tower and the Three of Swords, in the Waite-Smith deck, all show specific weather. If you wonder about the weather of your wedding, the Sun would predict something very different than the Tower.

Other cards, such as the Nine of Pentacles, Three of Cups or Four of Wands might give a sense of outdoor activities, and predict fair weather.
Cards that take a defensive or reclusive posture, such as the Four of Pentacles or Seven of Wands might suggest the need to find an indoor venue.

Many people use tarot to predict their personal storms in life. Tarot can help us navigate, mitigate and prepare for whatever weather may lie ahead, metaphorically.

While by no means a scientific measure of barometric pressure, the tarot images can uniquely express possibilities for actual weather, as well.

The Week in Review

I am happy to be back at my desk, blogging again, after my travels. I have a brief rest before October makes me really busy again, so look for some new posts and videos!

This week, I shared a post on my personal blog called “When Common Wisdom has no Place at the Tarot Table”. It’s about ethical theories regarding divination, and getting the best information possible out of the cards that present.


From Around the Web

It’s September First, and Jenna Matlin has your Tarot Scopes for the month!

Florida tarotist and artist Brenda Nickolaus has a new coloring book available on her Etsy shop! Check out the Super Soul Flow Adult Coloring Book!

From Shelby Melissa, here is “Why books don’t fulfill spiritual growth.” This is a short, poignant post from a tarot reader trying to find her own sense of spiritual rightness. Perhaps you will identify with her journey.


Song of the Week

I couldn’t decide, so here are two. The lover of old-school classics in me is excited to share Etta James’ version of “Stormy Weather”.
My Hip-Hop side can’t stop thinking about Rhianna’s “Umbrella”. Here’s the official video with Jay-Z.

Card Reading Magic Free Telesummit


No matter where you are in your card reading journey, there is always more to learn about this art that none of us can ever truly perfect.

From feeling confident from the moment you sit down in a reading, to creating a consistent, powerful experience for clients, there is so much we can share with each other.

So my friend and colleague Tori Hartman, creator of the best-selling Chakra Wisdom Oracle Cards, has put together a free virtual intuitive festival so that you can benefit from rarely-heard insights in conversations with well-known groundbreakers and up-and-coming experts.

Card Reading Magic, an online event with 18 speakers including myself will take place September 14-18.

This event is perfect for you if:

- You’re new to card reading and want to start a business

- You’ve been at it for years and want to step your game up

- You want to join a community of top card readers

During this virtual intuitive festival, you’ll discover:

- How to gain more specific, in depth information from your readings

- The 5 essentials of card reading

- How you can use your intuition more effectively and naturally

- Mistakes that keep you from accurate readings

- How you can shift into the zone of being a card reader quickly and easily

- Simple techniques to move away from the guidebook

- How to put the story together for your clients by linking cards

- The insider secrets of self-publishing decks from experts who have done it

So if you’re ready to get more accurate readings, join me for this virtual intuitive festival:

Card Reading Magic

September 14-18

 Reserve Your Spot Now (FREE) 

The AMPL Approach to Stormy Predictive Readings

When we see something difficult in the cards heading our way, or when a dream portends something dark ahead, we may feel that divination has done all it can to warn us. Sometimes we forget that our connection to divine knowledge can also help us weather that approaching storm.
The next time you get a prediction that something unfortunate is coming, use your cards to make the very best of a difficult decision, by using my AMPL Approach.

AMPL stands for “Avoid, Mitigate, Prepare and Learn”.

Simply pull a card, or a few cards, for each action, like this.

Is there something I can do to AVOID this?

What can I do to MITIGATE this?

How shall I PREPARE for this?

What can I hope to LEARN from this experience?

You’ll find that the AMPL Approach gives your ample information to help you bravely and safely face the storm ahead!

Image from Gilded Tarot by Ciro Marchetti

Your One-Card Weekly Reading


The High Priestess

Your one-card reading this week is the High Priestess.

Amid the swirl of storms around her, the High Priestess finds peace by looking within.

Sometimes storms rage within us – the High Priestess demands that we quiet ourselves, and bring balance to our inner being.

Through meditation, study, and spiritual thought, we, like the High Priestess, must find our wisdom, and our serenity.

This week, seek to make your inner world a peaceful place.

Upcoming Events


September 14-18
Card Reading Magic Tarot Telesummit with Tori Hartman

Discover the 5 essentials of card reading, mistakes that keep you from accurate readings, and how you can use your intuition more effectively during this FREE virtual intuitive festival, Card Reading Magic, where I’ll be one of 18 featured experts. Sign up now! 


Coming Soon:
October 7 Professional Development Day (PreConference Intensive)

October 8-9 TarotCon (Florida) 2016

October 14-23 Christiana's Trip to West Palm Beach. Call or test 561-655-1160 to schedule your party, house call or private reading.

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Dating as a Shopping Experience: How Online Dating Can Make It Hard to Build Relationships


When Common Wisdom Has No Place at the Tarot Table