The Power of Setting Your Intention

Have you ever heard the expression, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”? This old cliché reminds us that what we do matters more than what we intend to do.

However, intentions have power, when we use them the right way.

When we set a goal or state an intention, we set an energy in motion. Of course, that energy will never manifest without our follow-though. Nonetheless, in the single moment we state a clear intention, we begin the journey toward manifesting something new and desirable in our lives.

When we state our intention to the people we care about, they hold us accountable to that intention. This motivates us to do the work we need to do in order to achieve our goal. When we allow others to support our intentions our forward momentum increases.

When we state our intention to the Universe, or pray to a Higher Power, we invoke a powerful force to help us on our journey.

Sometimes, the struggle is to discern what it is we really want; what our intention should be. We may have a hard time determining what is possible to achieve. We may set our sights too low, or try to take on the impossible.

There are many ways to state an intention. We can write it down, we can create a formal ritual, we can tell our friends.

An important part of this process is visualizing our eventual success, and imagining the moment when our intention becomes reality. We have to be able to see a possibility, and believe in that possibility, in order to more easily turn that possibility into a reality.

Three Ways Tarot Can Assist your Intentions

Tarot, as a tool for introspection, helps us communicate with our higher self to determine our true desires. As a spiritual tool, tarot helps us communicate our intentions to the Universe. Tarot can help us visualize our success, and can keep us on track when we become distracted.

1. Divination: Use tarot to help you decide on your intention by divining on this question, “What is it that I really want/need to manifest in my life right now?” As you move forward, use divination to help you stick to your goal, by asking questions such as, “What more do I need to do to achieve my goal?”

2. Communication: Look through your deck and cognitively (not at random) find cards that represent your goals, and your pathway to success. As you find these cards, spend time with the images. Use these images to communicate your intention to yourself, and to the Universe. State your intention aloud as you look at the images you have chosen.

3. Meditation: Find cards, either cognitively or drawn at random, that represent your goal. Meditate with these cards, and imprint their images into your mind. As you hold the images in your mind’s eye, visualize yourself achieving your goal.

From my Desk to Yours

This week, on my Community Blog, I wrote about the crossing card in the Celtic Cross spread. Tarotists of all levels of experience will enjoy this in-depth exploration into tarot reading.

I also joined, where you can follow me to see a growing list of presentations and tarot study materials.


From Around the Web

Have you heard about “hugging meditation”? See an article on that describes what Zen Buddhist Teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has to say about this!

Here is a light, fun, informative article about tarot history from Atlas Obscura.

From Deepak Chopra, here are “5 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions”.


Song of the Week

I found a video of Frank Sinatra singing “High Hopes” with a group of children. Priceless!

The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit 3 - Tarot Wisdom Begins Monday!

Register for The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit 3 - Tarot Wisdom now!

20 Tarot teachers are coming together July 25 through August 5, for two one-hour calls every weekday, to show you how to access your wisdom & higher guidance through deepening (or re-energizing!) your understanding of the Tarot.
Host Kim Wilborn has asked every teacher to speak about the tarot topics they find most meaningful, with each presentation focused on helping you engage with the wisdom of the Tarot in a deeper way.
I’ll be speaking about tarot as a tool of healing.
I chose this topic because, over the years, I have seen so much healing come out of tarot readings, tarot study, and other tarot techniques. I am so excited to share the ways tarot heals us with you.

Each call will be like a mini-class, complete with guided meditations! You’ll be able to listen to live calls online, by phone, or via Skype, and free 48-hour replays will allow you to listen at your convenience. (Low-priced recordings are also available to make it even easier!)
If you would like to deepen (or refresh!) your alignment with a spiritual tool that can bring you clarity and insight while it lights your way to joyfully fulfilling your personal Soul Purpose, register today for our telesummit!

Image from Crystal Vision Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Your One-Card Weekly Reading



This week, your card is Major Arcana 8, Strength.

Never doubt your own strength, nor your ability to manifest what you need in life.

Recognize that you are strongest when you are willing to be fierce, but temper that fierceness with love, compassion and gentleness.

This week, find your balance between your wild side and your gentle side.

Determine when it is best to be quiet and patient, and when it is best to roar and show your teeth, for both of these energies are needed to create success.

Upcoming Events


July 25th - August 5th
The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit 3 - Tarot Wisdom

Sign up now to participate in this amazing opportunity to explore tarot, for free!

Wednesday, July 27, 7 pm
Global Tarot Circle
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively Online!

Join us for our monthly tarot study! Whatever your level of tarot knowledge, you will learn, grow and have fun as we share readings, questions, thoughts and ideas.

You can call in, or log in, by following the instructions on the event listing on my website.

Coming Soon:

I will be available for private readings and house parties in Connecticut and surrounding areas from August 3 to August 17. Call 561-655-1160 to get on the schedule now!
TarotCon (Florida) 2016 will take place October 8th and 9th, with a special Professional Development Day on the 7th, in Palm Beach Gardens. Make your reservations now!

About Christiana


Christiana Gaudet
Origins Spa and Wellness Center
1537 N Dale Mabry Highway #102
Lutz, FL 33548

Private telephone, Skype and in person readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text or call 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

Star Trek Beyond Absolutely Is


Exploring The Crossing Card