Tarot Topics 3/25/2015: Higher Self

Higher Self

Many philosophies argue for the existence of a “Higher Self.” That is, a part of ourselves that is directly connected to the Divine. Many people believe that their Higher Self is always available as a source of guidance.

When we communicate with each other in conscious and compassionate ways, we have the ability to make a connection between our Higher Self and theirs. In this place of spiritual fellowship, we are capable of great insight and healing with one another.

In divination, prayer and dreamwork, we strive to connect with the Higher Self, and to be aligned, not with our own ego and will, but with the direction of Higher Self, which will always be in our greatest good.

Divination and the Higher Self

When you conduct a divination, regardless of the tool you use, you are making a direct connection with your Higher Self. When you go to your tarot cards, or your pendulum, you are asking your Higher Self for guidance.

If you are conducting a reading for other people, your Higher Self is working with their Higher Self to find the information you seek.

It is helpful to acknowledge this, verbally or silently, as you create sacred space and set your intention for your reading. State your intention that your Higher Self commune with your client’s Higher Self, for the greatest good of all.

Likewise, if you are seeking guidance from a dream, simply ask your Higher Self to speak with you in your dream. State your intention to remember your dream upon waking.

Checking in with the Higher Self is a great way to receive guidance, direction and reassurance.

The Week in Review

The first day of spring marked the Spring Fling Tarot Blog Hop 2015. This was one of the most interesting Blog Hop topics yet. You can read my contribution on my personal blog, and visit the Master List to see all the participants.

On my Dark Forest blog, I wrote about my first trip to Ybor City, a wonderfully quirky historic neighborhood in Tampa.

From Around the Web

I made it to Theresa Reed’s Hit List, not only once, but twice! I feel honored to be included. Theresa Reed, AKA the Tarot Lady, has high standards! Check out some of her other great recommendations while you are there.

From Briana Saussy, a wonderful piece called “The Truth about Daily Practice.”

Do you know about the “Audacious Eleven?” It’s a great podcast from Robin Renee and friends. The past three episodes include tarot, seasonal spirituality, and some frank talk on rude behavior in spiritual communities. I couldn’t choose a favorite so I’ll just recommend the show and let you listen to them all!

Answers Anywhere: Meditation with the Higher Self

You can perform a quick and simple meditation anywhere, anytime, to receive the answers you need. Simply take a moment and breathe. Focus on your breath, and on your feet as they touch the ground.

Consciously release any worry or anxiety. As you breathe, focus on feeling calm, grounded and centered.

Address your Higher Self, asking for whatever guidance or answers you need.

In the moments that follow, pay attention to any thoughts, images, symbols or memories that come to you. 

Sometimes, your Higher Self will speak quite clearly. Other times, your Higher Self will speak in symbols.

Whenever you look inward with questions, it is your Higher Self who answers.

What’s Up on the Psychic Café?

This week, I am featuring a show from January 2014, with Maggie Lukowski of Maggie Moon Tarot. I love Maggie’s gentle, compassionate style.

This was a live show, and captures Maggie and I performing readings for the audience. You’ll enjoy the insights and ideas we share!

You can watch this episode at your convenience on YouTube. Make sure you subscribe to my YouTube Channel while you are there!

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Learning Tarot: Knight of Pentacles

Traditionally, tarot Knights refer to young men. Operationally, many tarot readers find Knights may refer to young people of either gender.

The Knight of Pentacles may be a young person born under an Earth sign, that is, Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. The Knight of Pentacles may be a person of any age who is pursuing a career, finances, real estate or other material stability.

The Knight of Pentacles may appear in a reading to advise the pursuit of a new job, or perhaps even a new health regimen. In this context, the Knight of Pentacles advises pursuit of the Earth element, that is, stability, wealth, or resources.

The Knight of Pentacles may also predict business travel.

Of the four Knights, the Knight of Pentacles is considered by most readers to be the slowest. In matters of timing, this card will indicate that things will move forward slowly, rather than quickly.

Next week we will meet the Queen of Pentacles.

Guest Blogger Contest

Would you like to win a copy of the brand new Celtic Lenormand? Write a post for our Community Blog. Share some thoughts about a tarot card, a spread, or a reading you’ve done.

Once your post is published, share the link and get your friends to vote for it. At the end of March, the person with the most stars wins!

It’s easy to submit your post and share your thoughts with our Community Blog!

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Ten of Wands.

This week, look at the burdens you carry. Are you carrying emotional baggage from the past that no longer serves you? Are you taking responsibility for things that really aren’t yours?

Now may be the time to let go of things that weigh you down unnecessarily.

If you are in the process of working toward a long-term goal, the Ten of Wands offers encouragement. Now may be a difficult part of the journey, but hang in there. You will be successful if you simply keep moving forward.

Upcoming Events

Monday, March 30, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Do you have burning questions about tarot, or about your life? Would you like to deepen your tarot practice and make new friends?

Join us for this free monthly exploration of tarot! You can join on your computer, tablet, smartphone or by calling in.
Simply visit the event listing for log-in and call-in information.

Sunday, April 19, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559

Join us for fun, food, fellowship and tarot! We’ll share our thoughts about tarot, and our experiences with the cards. We’ll perform readings for each other, and enjoy sharing energy with tarot friends new and old!

Visit the Meetup site for more information.

Wednesday, April 22, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana

Join us for this 75-minute long free tarot webinar with Christiana Gaudet. You’ll learn about the Four Elements and their relation to the Minor Arcana.

Wherever you are in your tarot journey, this exciting webinar will give you a new understanding of your cards, and new insight in your readings.

Simply visit the event listing on my website, and follow the links, or call the telephone number, to participate.

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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