Tarot Topics 3/18/2015: Symbols


Often, the Universe speaks to us in symbols. In our dreams, in our intuition, in the clouds in the sky, symbols appear. Most spiritual systems and divination forms work with symbols. On both a psychological and spiritual level, our symbols are important.

When we learn a divination tool like tarot, we begin to recognize symbols and their meanings wherever they appear in our lives.

When worn, we believe symbols afford us strength and protection. In many systems of energy work, we visualize symbols to bring healing.

The mundane world understands the power of symbols well; consider the importance of corporate logos!

What symbols are important to you? This week, pay attention and see the ways in which your symbols make themselves known to you.

By Caroline Léna Becker (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

By Caroline Léna Becker (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons.

Key Words

When we study divination, we find ourselves learning the meanings of our symbols. Sometimes it’s hard to keep all the information straight. Each tarot card, each astrological sign, each Element, each planet and each number has so much depth to it.

One way to make learning and remembering easier is to learn key words and short key phrases for each symbol. Once you have your key words memorized, it become much easier to access the deeper meanings, and to access your intuition during divination.

Key words are particularly helpful in certain kinds of divination because they combine with each other to create meaning. For instance, if a key word for the number 2 is “balance” and a key word for the suit of Swords (Element of Air) is “thoughts”, it’s easy to interpret the Two of Swords as finding a balance between more than one idea, perhaps making a decision or a compromise.

Memorizing key words is an easy way to get a handle on many styles of divination. Once you have the key words memorized, it is much easier to give an amazing reading!

The Week in Review

This week, on my personal blog, I wrote about the ways the internet has helped the world of professional tarot, and the ways it hasn’t. Read “Internet Tarot Teaching: Let the Buyer Beware”.

On my Dark Forest Blog, I posted a rant about a recent Upworthy article that claimed that all diviners are frauds. You can imagine I didn’t like that article very much. Read my rebuttal.

From Around the Web

I found a wonderfully comprehensive site on Numerology on Café Astrology. Here you can learn key words for the numbers, and see how numbers carry a prophetic value.

I have always enjoyed the work of Mary K. Greer. In fact, I lovingly call her “the Tarot mother of us all.” This week, Mary’s blog is very interesting. Read “Stephen Hawking on Prediction and Astrology”. Why does tarot really work? Here’s a theory.

From Ashes and Wine Tarot, here are three tarot cards that can refer to superstition.

Symbols in Tarot

Your tarot deck is chock-full of sacred symbols. Of course, each card is a symbol, itself. Within each card are many other symbols. Some decks include astrological glyphs as well as suit icons and Elemental glyphs. Depending on your particular deck, you may find any number of symbols and images within each card.

As an exercise, pick a particular symbol and look through your deck and find all the cards that depict it. For instance, what if you found all the cards with pictures of people using tools? What about all the pictures of people wearing hats? What about finding all the cards that feature birds, or white flowers, or ferns?

When you look through your deck in this way, you will notice things about each card that you had never seen before. Within the card images you may find new meanings and new understanding as you look at each image with new eyes.

As you separate your cards into groups containing particular images, you can find correlations between specific cards bearing the same images. For instance, in the Waite-Smith Tarot, both Justice and the Six of Pentacles include a scale in their images. Does the symbol of the scale tie these two cards together for you in some way?

Let the symbols in your tarot deck help you find new ways to connect meaning to your cards!

What’s up at the Psychic Café?

This week I am featuring an episode from March, 2014 about “Finding your Tarot Voice.” My featured guests are Beth Henry and Tarot Tidal. Beth took the tarot scene by storm fairly recently with her funny and insightful YouTube videos.

Tidal is a tarot reader and internet broadcaster who has also found his tarot voice recently.

You can watch this fascinating episode of the Psychic Café at your convenience on my YouTube channel. Perhaps it will give you some ideas to help you find you tarot voice!

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Learning Tarot: Page of Pentacles

Traditionally, the Page of Pentacles might represent a young girl, perhaps a daughter born under an Earth sign.

When the Page of Pentacles appears in a reading, this card might indeed indicate a young person (of either gender) in your life. 

Alternatively, the Page of Pentacles may represent a person of any age who is in the process of learning something new, particularly something pertaining to job training, business skills or financial management.

The Page of Pentacles may refer to the querent (that is, the person being read) and may suggest that the querent will be involved in some education related to work or business.

Typically, the tarot Pages refer, not only to youth, but to learning and communication.  The Page of Pentacles may appear to tell you to learn something, or to communicate something. Generally, what you will be learning or communicating will be related to the Earth element, that is, something material, practical or related to your financial or physical well-being.

The Page of Pentacles may also give you a prediction. The Page of Pentacles may be an indicator that you will soon receive an important message regarding business, health or finance. This is the traditional card of “money in the mail.”

Next week we will meet the Knight of Pentacles.

Guest Blogger Contest

Would you like to win a copy of the brand new Celtic Lenormand? Write a post for our Community Blog. Share some thoughts about a tarot card, a spread, or a reading you’ve done.

Once your post is published, share the link and get your friends to vote for it. At the end of March, the person with the most stars wins!

It’s easy to submit your post and share your thoughts with our Community Blog!

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is Strength.

Strength appears to remind you that you are enough. You are strong enough, you are good enough, and you are capable enough.

Strength reminds us to conquer our problems with compassion and gentleness.

Strength asks us to honor our fierce, wild, nature, but to remember to keep that part of ourselves under control and in balance.

This week, respond to difficulty with patience. Be confident in your own abilities.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 pm (Tonight!)
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL, 33549

This is a special class with Katrina Wynne, M.A.

Lenormand is a cartomancy system of 36 cards popularized in the French court of Napoleon. Combined in unique ways they create understandable messages used to enhance your reading.

By the end of this 2-hour class you will be ready to start reading for yourself and others.

Bring your Lenny deck for fun activities. There will be a few to practice with if you do not have one. Great handouts are provided. The slide show offers a wealth of visual information.

The class includes helpful handouts. All levels of interest are welcome!

Katrina is traveling from Oregon, and will be in the area only a short time. We are asking for a $20 donation to help defray her travel expenses.

RSVP on the Meetup site, or just join us at Panera!


Monday, March 30, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Do you have burning questions about tarot, or about your life? Would you like to deepen your tarot practice and make new friends?

Join us for this free monthly exploration of tarot! You can join on your computer, tablet, smartphone or by calling in.
Simply visit the event listing for log-in and call-in information.

Sunday, April 19, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559

Join us for fun, food, fellowship and tarot! We’ll share our thoughts about tarot, and our experiences with the cards. We’ll perform readings for each other, and enjoy sharing energy with tarot friends new and old!

Visit the Meetup site for more information.


Wednesday, April 22, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Join us for this 75-minute long free tarot webinar with Christiana Gaudet. You’ll learn about the Four Elements and their relation to the Minor Arcana.

Wherever you are in your tarot journey, this exciting webinar will give you a new understanding of your cards, and new insight in your readings.

Simply visit the event listing on my website, and follow the links, or call the telephone number, to participate.

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Twenty-First Century Tarot


Lowdown and Unworthy: Upworthy Takes on Psychics and Misses the Point