Tarot Topics 3/4/2015: The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra, or fourth chakra, located in the center of the chest, is our love center. Here is the seat of our vulnerability, our compassion, and our connection to all living things.

We focus on the heart chakra to bring emotional healing and to draw the right relationships to us.

Since the color of the heart chakra is green, green stones such as jade, aventurine, peridot and emerald are considered healing for the heart.

When we pay attention to the heart chakra in meditation, we release our emotional wounds from the past, and open ourselves to fully give and receive unconditional love.

Making the Heart-to-Heart Connection


As we work to develop our intuition, to divine wisdom and to heal each other, we find value in actively making a heart-to-heart connection with others.

When we are with our friends and loved ones, we naturally connect our energy, one with another.

When giving a tarot reading, or other sorts of psychic or healing work, we can actively connect our heart chakra to the heart chakra of the person we are working with.

The heart-to-heart connection allows us to understand each other, and heal each other.  Wisdom, guidance and healing are more easily and quickly available to us when we use our energy to connect in this way.

When the session is done, or the reading is over, it is important to consciously release the connection. It is also important to affirm that we will retain no energy from that connection, except the increased peace and compassion that comes from sharing our healing energy.

The Week in Review

Our March Guest Bloggers Contest is off and running, with two entries on our Community Blog. Read them both, share them, and vote for the ones you like. The winner of the March contest will receive a copy of the new Celtic Lenormand.

From Jules, a wonderful poem about fortune telling called “Fortune Finder.”

From Linda Moore, February’s winner, a piece about the Six of Pentacles called “Open your Soul to Receive Life’s Gifts”.

On my personal blog, I shared a piece about online etiquette. When is it cool to call someone out, by name, online? See what I think!

On my 78 Magickal Tools Blog, I shared a piece about some work we did recently in a tarot class. How do you find Love in the Major Arcana?

From Around the Web

From the Hermit’s Lamp, a great post about using tarot with children.

Here is some detailed astrology information about March 2015 for you!

Did you know that DC Comics has a new set of tarot cards? Read about it here!

Taking Tarot to Heart

Here’s an exercise you can do with your tarot cards to bring the energy you need to your heart chakra.

First, perform a reading about your heart chakra.

Simply focus on your heart chakra, and pull one card at random to tell you about the energy of your heart chakra.

Look at the card you pulled and decide how to interpret it in this context. Is your heart open? Is your heart happy, sad, blocked, or vulnerable? How does the card you pulled relate to the state of your heart chakra?

Now, based on your interpretation of the card you received, choose the energy you need to bring to your heart. Look through your deck and consciously find a card that represents the energy your heart needs.

Take that card and hold it to your heart, with the image facing in. Breathe the image into your heart, and feel its energy bringing healing, joy and balance to your heart.

You can use this technique to bring healing to your heart, or even to manifest a new friendship or love interest!

What’s Up on the Psychic Café?

Have you seen the brand-new episode of Christiana’s Psychic Café, featuring Tabitha Dial? It’s available right now on my YouTube channel, to watch at your convenience.

Tabitha is one of today’s young, fresh tarot voices. She’s a poet, and is included, along with me, in the forthcoming “Arcana: The Tarot Poetry Anthology.”

Tabitha and I shared tarot poetry, along with our thoughts on the ways tarot works to inspire our words and creativity.

Along with writing and reading tarot, Tabitha is also a tealeaf reader, and shared her traditions and techniques.

I think you will enjoy my conversation with Tabitha Dial as much as I did!

Keep up with Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook, and make sure to hit the Like button!

A Tarot Meetup Grows!

The March First meeting of the new Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup was fabulous! We met at Panera. Our group included professional readers, new readers and a few in-between. The brainpower and intuitive ability gathered at the table was astounding!

We discussed different ways to interpret the Court cards by rank and by element, and shared readings with each other.

We considered ideas for future meetings, and the possibility of larger events.

I think everyone shared my excitement about what we had accomplished together, and what we could do together going forward.

If you are in the Tampa Bay area, please join us!

If you are not in the area, or if you just can’t get enough, please join us for the online version, Global Tarot Circle.

Learning Tarot: Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles is an excellent example of the way tarot card interpretations change to reflect current culture.

Traditionally, the Nine of Pentacles shows a woman alone in her garden. Originally, this card spoke of family wealth, and the way family wealth and power conveyed security and privilege. That the woman in the image was unguarded yet safe spoke of her family’s ability to provide protection, even at a distance.

Traditionally, the Nine of Pentacles speaks of family money, protection and inheritance.

In modern tarot decks and books, the Nine of Pentacles has moved away from the idea of safety gained through wealth alone, and speaks more of a sense of security overall.

Today, the Nine of Pentacles is often interpreted as being comfortably alone, comfortable in oneself, and personally and emotionally secure. While the Nine of Pentacles is still a card of financial security, we also now interpret this card to include the concept of emotional security as well.

Often, the Nine of Pentacles will appear for a person who is happily single, self-determining and confident.

Sometimes, this card can be associated with pursuits such as gardening, love of nature and animal care.

Next week we will explore the final pip of the Minor Arcana, the Ten of Pentacles.

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Guest Bloggers: February’s Winner and March’s Contest

The winner of our February Guest Blogger contest is Linda Moore, with her wonderful piece on the Tower.

Linda will receive a copy of the new Japaridze Tarot.

We had a late entry on the very last day of February from Jules, which I’ve decided to keep in the running for our March contest.

March’s contest winner will receive a copy of the recently released Celtic Lenormand, an exciting new deck from U.S. Games.

The competition for March is already fierce, with an offering from Jules and a new piece from Linda!

If you would like to share your tarot musings on our Community Blog, simply submit your piece and you will be in the running to win March’s contest.

Once your piece is posted, get your friends to vote for it by rating it at the bottom of the post. The person with the most stars at the end of the month wins!

The more we share our ideas and knowledge, the more wisdom we ourselves attain. Share with us on the Community Blog!

Make sure you check the Community Blog regularly, and vote for your favorite entries!

Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your one-card reading this week is the Eight of Cups.

While this seems like a sad image, it offers a path to healing, resolution and closure.

This week, take the opportunity to release yourself from old sadness and grief. Forgive those whose weakness caused them to fail you.

Now is the time to walk away from relationships, places or memories that no longer serve you.

Once you release the things that weigh you down, you will be free to explore an exciting new chapter in your life!

Crystal Visions Tarot Copyright Jennifer Galasso Image used with permission.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, March 18, 6:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Rd 54, Lutz, FL, 33549

This is a special class with Katrina Wynne, M.A.

Lenormand is a cartomancy system of 36 cards popularized in the French court of Napoleon. Combined in unique ways they create understandable messages used to enhance your reading.

By the end of this 2-hour class you will be ready to start reading for yourself and others.

Bring your Lenny deck for fun activities. There will be a few to practice with if you do not have one. Great handouts are provided. The slide show offers a wealth of visual information.

The class includes helpful handouts. All levels of interest are welcome!

Katrina is traveling from Oregon, and will be in the area only a short time. We are asking for a $20 donation to help defray her travel expenses.

RSVP on the Meetup site, or just join us at Panera!

Monday, March 30, 7 pm
Free WebEx Webinar Available Exclusively On Line
Global Tarot Circle

Do you have burning questions about tarot, or about your life? Would you like to deepen your tarot practice and make new friends?

Join us for this free monthly exploration of tarot! You can join on your computer, tablet, smartphone or by calling in.
Simply visit the event listing for log-in and call-in information.

Sunday, April 19, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera Bread, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559

Join us for fun, food, fellowship and tarot! We’ll share our thoughts about tarot, and our experiences with the cards. We’ll perform readings for each other, and enjoy sharing energy with tarot friends new and old!

Visit the Meetup site for more information.

About Christiana

Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.

Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. 

Call 813-948-4488, toll free 866-99TAROT,
or text 561-655-1160
for more information or to schedule your event.

Agent inquiries are welcome.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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