Tarot Topics 10/22/2014: Synchronicity



Tarot Topics

Christiana's Weekly Newsletter






October 22, 2014




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Pay attention! Sometimes you will see, or hear, or notice a unique thing that will suddenly appear more than once in a short period.
We call this phenomenon “synchronicity.” Make no mistake; this is how the Universe gives us important messages. 
A synchronicity can tell you to make something a priority, or encourage you to explore something new. A synchronicity can tell you that something that might appear ordinary actually has a real spiritual significance.
Sometimes these moments of synchronicity come to us in mundane ways, through songs on the radio, street signs and billboards. Sometimes they come to us through the natural world, as we observe plants and animals that hold special meaning for us.
If you are interested in developing your intuition, you must pay attention to these synchronicities. Interpreting their messages to you will help you become more aware of your natural psychic ability. More importantly, the messages you receive will give you important guidance on your journey through life.


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Coincidence and Synchronicity


We’ve all heard people say, “There are no coincidences.” This is a way of pointing out the importance of synchronicities. When we write off synchronicity as coincidence out-of-hand, we are missing an opportunity to gain important information.
At the same time, sometimes a coincidence is just that. Sometimes we use the concept of synchronicity to convince ourselves that something is meant to be, when it really doesn’t work. Just because you share the same birthday with a famous artist, for instance, doesn’t mean you are also destined for fame.
Meditation, divination and common sense help us sort out coincidence from synchronicity. As with all intuitive work, the important part is to release your own fears and attachments so you can hear the truth.


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The Week in Review


This week I went to “Time Lord Fest” in Tampa. If you want to know my impressions of this Dr. Who convention, read my review on my Dark Forest Blog.


On our Community Blog, I wrote about the tarot cards that stalk us.


On my personal blog, Tarot Trends, I wrote about a card that has been stalking me, the Wheel of Fortune.



From Around the Web


I hope you don’t need this post, but, if you do, this information is extremely helpful. From Love Dove Tarot, here are “10 Signs you are in a Toxic Relationship.” She includes a tarot spread on the topic to try!


From Passages, here is a fabulous tarot spread I stumbled across. It’s really more of a tarot technique than a spread. Try it and let me know how it works for you!


Here’s a quick post on Tarot Salve that fits in with the theme of this week’s newsletter. See the synchronicity Bonnie found on her Kindle!




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Synchronicity and Divination


In many ways, forms of divination such as tarot, which I call “random token divination,” rely on the energy of synchronicity. Sometimes one card will recur in order to drive home a message. Sometimes we will see messages in divination that reflect messages we have recently received from the world around us. 
Sometimes, in divination, we may receive a message that says, “Look for the synchronicities around you, and pay attention to them.”
It also happens that we notice the synchronicities, but don’t know what they mean. In that case, divination can help us discover the message. We can turn to our cards and ask question like, “Why is the symbol of the elephant important to me right now?” or “What is the significance that the past three people I met all have the same name?” Or “What should I discern from the esoteric symbol that has been starring in my dreams?”
The more we pay attention to synchronicity, the better our skills at divination will become, and the more in tune we will be with the flow of the Universe.




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What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


We’re celebrating the next generation of tarot readers on Christiana’s Psychic Café!

On Sunday, October 19th we enjoyed an encore presentation of my conversation with Olivia Destrades. Olivia reads both tarot and Lenormand. We discussed the Lenormand trend, and the ways Lenormand is helping us to re-claim the concept of “fortune-telling” as a good and helpful practice.


If you missed this show, make sure you check it out in archive on my YouTube channel. Hit “Subscribe” while you’re there!


This coming Sunday, October 26th, we will enjoy a conversation with another young tarotist, Fiona Benjamin. Fiona lives and works as a tarot reader and teacher in Okinawa. Recently, she traveled to attend TarotCon in Dallas. Now that she’s back home, we’ll revisit my conversation with her from earlier this year.  Tune in on PEN or watch it on YouTube. If you have any interest in becoming a tarot reader yourself, Fiona has a lot of wisdom to share!



Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. It airs on the Para Encounters Network, each Sunday at 9 pm Eastern.


Archived webcasts available on my YouTube channel.


You can also see the archives cataloged on the Tarot Topics News Site.


For up-to-date information about Christiana’s Psychic Café, visit our Show Info page and like us on Facebook!



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Learning Tarot: Six of Swords


In the Six of Swords, we see a journey toward smoother waters. The battle of the Five is over, and we move on to something more peaceful.
The Crowley key word for the Six of Swords is “science.”
The traditional fortune-teller would call the Six of Swords the card of “travel over water.”
Often the Six of Swords image includes a boat on the water. In the boat are swords, standing upright.
In the language of tarot, water represents our emotions.
The swords in the boat represent clear, logical thought. The swords rise above the emotion of the water.
The card of “science,” then, is the card of logic. The Six of Swords promises better days ahead if we can only rise out of the mire of emotional thinking and keep ourselves rooted in rational thinking.
The Six of Swords may predict overall improvement after a difficult time. The Six of Swords may discuss travel or relocation. The Six of Swords may refer to the study of scientific topics. The Six of Swords advises a logical approach in all things.
Next week, we will explore the “Thieves’ Card,” the Seven of Swords.


Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Used with permission.


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Global and Local Happenings
Global Tarot Circle met online last Wednesday. Together we explored some Halloween-themed tarot study. We discussed ways to communicate with Spirit using tarot. We thought about the harvest themes associated with this time of year and did some work with tarot manifestation to create the harvest we most want in our lives.
Finally, to celebrate Halloween as “The Witches’ New Year,” we did a two-card Halloween spread for our new year. 
Our next Global Tarot Circle happens on November 19th. We will be working on Tarot Reversals. Join us!
On Saturday, October 18th, I participated in Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative’s “Homegrown in Hillsborough” festival, at the Seminole Heights Library in Tampa. I was one of thirty presenters. I presented “History of the Tarot,” and sat at an author table to sign books and answer questions about tarot. 
Other programs included local history, yoga, dance, music and art. It was wonderful to be a part of such a creative, exciting community event.


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Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Queen of Wands. 
The Queen of Wands asks you to consider what burns within you. Are your creative? Are you motivated?
The Queen of Wands empowers you to fuel the fires of your creativity and productivity. If you would like to learn a new craft, start a new project or move forward in your career, the Queen of Wands makes this a great week to get started.
The Queen of Wands reminds us to be passionate, but also to have fun. It’s possible to be driven toward success and filled with mirth at the same time.
This week, nurture your passions! Be creative, be motivated, have fun, be playful, and don’t forget to laugh!



Tarot card  images from The Gilded Tarot Royale by Ciro Marchetti.

Used with permission.


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Upcoming Events

Sunday, October 26, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
Fiona Benjamin is one of the youngest successful tarot readers on the planet. From her home in Okinawa, Fiona reads and teaches tarot professionally. Fiona just travelled to Dallas to attend TarotCon. Now that’s she’s back in Okinawa safe and sound, we’ll enjoy an encore presentation of a conversation with Fiona from March, 2014.
Sunday, November 2, 9 pm
Christiana’s Psychic Café
Earlier this year, I asked a number of metaphysical professionals to share their philosophy on giving free offers and services. We’ll revisit this conversation. If you are a metaphysical professional, or considering beginning a career, this show is for you.
Sunday, November 9, 3:30 pm
Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup
Panera, 23388 State Road 54, Lutz, FL 33559
If you live in the Tampa Bay area, or Central Florida, please join the brand new Tampa Bay Area Tarot Meetup. This will be our very first meeting. Come meet some new tarot friends and help us chart our course for the future!


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Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida.
Call 813-948-4488 or toll free 866-99TAROT, or text 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Phone or Text: 561-655-1160
Tampa Phone: 813-948-4488
Skype: tarot.radio
Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot: Try it Standing Up!


Olivia Destrades on the Psychic Cafe