Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 1/15/2014


Tarot by Christiana

  Newsletter 1/15/2014  



Sacred Space


We use the term “sacred space” to refer to a sanctuary where the only activities that take place are of a spiritual nature. We might also use the same term to describe how we feel about our home or our favorite places – that our space is holy and sacred because it is ours, and because we have created it so.


Many spiritual traditions go through a process of “creating sacred space” prior to a ceremony, healing session or divination. Many times sacred events take place in locations that typically host more secular activities.


Sacred space is essential to our spiritual and emotional well-being. We create sacred space with our attention and intention. We create sacred space through prayer, meditation, music, décor, incense, candles and poetry. There are many ways to create sacred space, from a simple and quick breathing and meditation exercise to an elaborate ritual with censors, crystals and robes.


Being in sacred space helps us be well and at peace. Creating sacred space in which to do healing work creates an atmosphere where that work is likely to be most effective.


Part of keeping sacred space in your life is having boundaries and claiming your space.  Holding space for yourself is just as important as smudging with sage or placing flowers on the altar.


When we spend time in the protection and connection of sacred space we are better able to manage the stress of the mundane world.





Creating Sacred Space with Tarot

I often say that a tarot deck contains all the magickal tools you will ever need!  Each card, each number set and each suit has special energetic uses. I like to use the aces to create sacred space.


Whether I am clearing the energy in my home or preparing a space in which to do readings, I often use the four aces as symbols of the Four Elements in creating sacred space.


This is easy to do. As with all meditation and ritual it is helpful simply do what feels right to you. Here are the basics to get you started.


To create sacred space with the four aces you can take each ace, one at a time, and carry the ace throughout your home, or around the area where you are preparing to do spiritual work.


Start with the Ace of Swords. As you walk, hold the card high and focus on bringing the Air energy to come and cleanse all of the stale and negativity energy away. Ask the Air to blow throughout your space and cleanse it.


Then do the same thing with each ace, one at a time, in this order.

As you walk with the Ace of Wands, aks the energy of Fire to purify your space, to protect your space and to make your space a place of inspiration, spirituality and healing.


As you walk with the Ace of Cups, ask the energy of Water to cleanse your space, and to bring to it the energy of compassion, love, forgiveness and healing.


As you walk with the Ace of Pentacles, ask the energy of Earth to bring the blessings of safety, security, and resources to your space.


You can return the four aces to the deck when you are finished.





The Week in Review


I enjoyed Joanne Matthew’s smart ideas in her post “Let’s Get Practical” on the Tarot Topics Community Blog this week.


My post on the Community Blog this week is an example of an advanced reading technique using number sets. Read “A Tarot Story Told in Twos and Fives.”


On my personal blog I was inspired to write a piece about techniques for energetically cleansing your home. What inspired me was a question a friend asked on Facebook. The funny thing is, I had already decided on the “Sacred Space” topic for this week’s newsletter! Enjoy learning about Five Tools to Cleanse the Energy in your Home without Fire.


On my Dark Forest Blog I wrote about a hip new language construct. Read “A Grammar Cop Turns in her Badge.”


From Around the Web


Check out Give it 100! This is a great website that encourages you to learn something or build something by doing it every day for 100 days. You videotape your efforts and share them with the world. Visit the site and see what people have been able to accomplish in only one hundred days.


From Caitlin Matthew’s blog “Soundings,” reading “Praying with the Tarot.”


From Toko-Pa comes this insightful piece, “Dreamspeak: Ancestral Healing.”





Read for your Home with Tarot


House readings are fun, and are a good way to keep tabs on the energy of your home.


The basic principle is simple. Draw one card at random to represent each room of your house. Lay the cards out as the home is laid out. If you have more than one story you will lay out each floor plan as a separate “spread,” but you can do it all at once.


All these readings will be done the same way, with one card for each room.


First, why not check in and just read the house’s energy? Let each card tell you the energy of the room it represents. The cards might suggest what the family might enjoy doing in each room, what sort of activities the room might easily support or simply how the room feels energetically.


If a particular room gets a negative reading you can do something to improve the energy. For instance, you can rearrange the furniture, put fresh flowers in the room, burn incense or do other energy-clearing exercises to change the energy of the room.


If you want to rearrange your furniture or have people in your family switch rooms, you can use the same technique to show you the arraignments which will be best for everyone.


If you have misplaced an item in your home you can read the rooms using the same technique to discover the room most likely to contain you item.


If you want to know if you have spiritual “hotspots” in your home – places where spirits gather – you can use the same technique to show you the places that are most attractive to spiritual energy.


What other kinds of questions can you think of to try with this house-reading technique?





What's Up at the Psychic Café?


This past Sunday, January 12, I was traveling in Daytona. On my weekly webcast, Christiana’s Psychic Café, we enjoyed an encore presentation from March 3, 2013. My guest was Shamanic Astrologer Aliandra Starre. We featured music from Kiva as well.


You can see the show in archive on the Tarot Topics new site.


This Sunday, January 19th, I am looking forward to a conversation with Rhianna Mirabello of The Dreaming Goddess. We will talk about Paganism, the upcoming Pagan holiday of Imbolc and the importance of ceremony.


For more information visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!





Learning Tarot


The Devil


Last week we finished the second group of seven numbered Major Arcana cards with Temperance. In those seven cards, beginning with Strength and ending with Temperance, I see the lessons of emotional balance and well-being.


I relate the final group of seven Major Arcana cards with the journey toward spiritual enlightenment. That final group of seven begins with card 15, the Devil.


In the Waite version, the Devil holds two human captives, but their hands are free and the chains around their necks are loose. The humans can leave whenever they want, yet they continue their slavery.


The Devil asks us to examine the things to which we enslave ourselves.


The Devil asks us to face our shadow side unflinchingly, and to release the things that do not serve us.


As card 15, the Devil shares its numerological value with card 6, the Lovers. In the Waite deck the human characters are the same in both cards.


I think the connection between the Devil and the Lovers reminds us that many times we enslave ourselves in relationships that serve no one.


In a reading, the Devil can refer to addictions, mental and emotional issues, materialism, lust and greed. Until we recognize and transform these characteristics within ourselves and change the behaviors they create we cannot proceed on the path to enlightenment.


Next week we will continue the path with card 16, the Tower.





Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Four of Wands.


A traditional interpretation for this card is “attendance at a wedding.” The Four of Wands may speak of a happy marriage, a happy home or a special celebration.


The Four of Wands reminds us that love, romance and friendships should create stability. So often we choose relationships that create drama and disruption rather than happiness and stability.


The Four of Wands counsels us that we can have relationships that are passionate and fun but that still contribute to our sense of safety and security.


This week, celebrate the beautiful people in your life who make you feel wonderful, and stay away from the people who don’t!





Rising in to Love Psychic Gallery


On February 8th at 2:30 pm I will make a rare personal appearance in South Florida at the home of Pearl Rauberts in Loxahatchee.

As we prepare for Valentine’s Day and look forward to all 2014 has to offer, I will present a very special Psychic Gallery in sacred space. My focus will be opening the heart to abundant love and healing, and manifesting wonderful things for 2014. Each person will receive a deeply personal reading, and have the opportunity to ask questions. You may even receive a message from a loved one in spirit!

The information that is revealed in my galleries is uplifting, helpful and exactly what you need to know.

Admission is $25 and reservations are required. Seating is limited so email Pearl to make your reservations now!




Upcoming Events


Sunday, January 19, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


My guest will be Rhianna Mirabello of The Dreaming Goddess.


Rhianna is a non-denominational minister. She has coordinated spiritual gatherings and created rituals around the world for over 20 years. We’ll talk about ceremony, community and spirituality.



Wednesday, January 22, 7 pm

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.


This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot. You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements.


This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log in info, please visit the event listing on the Continuing Education webpage.



Sunday, January 26, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


My guest will be the Daily Tarot Girl herself, Kate!


Kate is well known for her Daily Tarot Girl videos on YouTube and her fresh approach to tarot.


We’ll talk about Kate and her work, and we’ll open the phones for free readings!



Thursday, January 30, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

An In-Depth Journeys into the Major Arcana: The Material World


Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet has developed a system for learning and understanding tarot that will help each tarot seeker use the cards not only as potent tools of divination, but also as tools for spiritual growth.


With this system, card meanings are easy to remember, and the lessons of each card are easy to understand.



Beginners will develop a solid foundation for their tarot study. Experienced readers will discover new ways to utilize tarot.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


In this on-line presentation, students will develop an understanding of The Fool, and the first seven cards of The Major Arcana. These cards hold the secrets of career, relationships and personal mastery.


Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card. Students will contemplate the Fool’s Journey through these seven cards, and discuss how the lessons of each card apply to common experiences in modern life.


The first seven cards are a map for mastering the material world. Students will learn the invaluable philosophies inherent in these cards.


Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.


To register, and for more information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet


Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)

Local: 561-655-1160
Email: christiana@tarotbychristiana.com
Website: tarotbychristiana.com

Skype: tarot.radio
Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


A Review by Request: Golden Tarot by Kat Black


A Tarot Story Told with Twos and Fives