Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 12/25/2013


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

December 25, 2013

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Glad Tidings


Many of us who grew up celebrating Christmas at home and in church have indelible memories of Christmas pageants and family celebrations. I remember itchy costumes, frosted cookies in the shapes of stars and reindeer, the smell of pine mixed with the smell of hot chocolate, and a sense of holiness and silliness somehow magically wrapped into a single moment.


Every year the Biblical Christmas story would be read in church, even as “The Night before Christmas” was read at home before bed. As a small child, I resonated with the angel in the Christmas story who said “Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy which will be for all the people.”


The part I sometimes thought about was “Be not afraid.” I still think about it. It is a wise angel indeed who instructs us not to fear. So often wonderful things happen in our lives and our first reaction is one of fear. In the Bible story the angel’s glad tidings are of the birth of Jesus.


As a child, and now, I think that angels often bring us glad tidings of many things large and small. And often we react with fear. Sometimes we don’t listen to those messages from Spirit.


As we celebrate the holidays and welcome a near year, let’s make the job of the angels easy! Let’s be on the lookout for glad tidings, and greet them boldly and with joy, rather than with fear!



Be Not Afraid


I often think of the Christmas Angel who told the people not to fear. As a child I would wonder, why would people be afraid? I guess sometimes our connection to the Divine can become scary. The journey to enlightenment is scary. Learning new things is scary. Living in a way that is authentic can be scary.


Tarot is full of messages meant to take away our fears, and is another way we hear the message of the angels.


The Fool card inspires us to begin our journey without fear.


The Chariot gives us the force of will to master our destiny without hesitation.


The Hermit reminds us not to fear loneliness.


Both the Wheel of Fortune and Death work to prepare us for this unavoidable fact – everything changes.


Justice tells us that all wrongs will ultimately be put right.


The Tower and Judgment offer us the opportunity to begin again.


The Sun helps us find our inner courage.


So often we fear our own voice, our own success, our own power and our own spiritual destiny. We can look to the lesson of tarot to discover ways to overcome those fears.



The Week in Review


It’s Tarot Blog Hop time again, this time in celebration of the winter solstice. You can start with my post and follow the links from post to post to find out what twenty-four tarot bloggers had to say on the topic “Turning Darkness into Light.”


There’s lots going on at the Tarot Topic Community Blog this week. Our own Linda Moore has shared another entry in her “Tarot in my Life” blog. Follow Linda’s tarot adventures as she spends her life sailing the Caribbean on Troubadour! Enjoy “A Gift of Another Sort.”


Joanne Matthew is keeping the Yule log burning with some fabulous posts. She has shared her holiday wreath as well as a holiday tarot spread.


My contribution to the Community Blog was another in the “Answers to your Questions about Tarot “series. This time I made a video about the Two of Swords.


On my Dark Forest blog I wrote about winter gardening in Florida and the propagation of my favorite plant. Read Everyday Miracles.



From Around the Web


So many bloggers wrote about the winter solstice, even beyond those who participated in the blog hop! Here are a few of the winter solstice pieces I enjoyed most.


From Joanna Powell Colbert, designer of Gaian Tarot, comes “How I Celebrate Winter Solstice.”


From Beth Owl’s Daughter, here’s “Solstice Blessings, Merry Yule.”


From Amy Zerner’s blog, designer of Enchanted Tarot, here’s Winter Solstice.



Glad Tidings Tarot Reading


What glad tidings does the Universe have for you? Let’s find out!


Simply shuffle and ask the Universe, “What good news do you have for me today?”


Pull just one card at random and see what you get!


The answer may be obvious. It may be that you need to spend some time thinking about the card you received in order to interpret it in the context of the question.


It’s funny that so often people fear the idea of a tarot reading because they don’t want to hear any “bad news.” Here, we see that the cards are a source of good news, and that’s something we always need!



What's Up at the Psychic Café?


On December 22nd Robin Renee joined us for a celebration of Yule, and the one-year anniversary of Christiana’s Psychic Café. We enjoyed conversation and a special Yule tarot spread. Robin share two original holiday parody songs, “Have a Hare Krishna Christmas,” and “The Yule Song.”


It was great to catch up with Robin and spend some quality holiday time with her!


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News site.


On December 29th I will be joined live by Lynn Merritt. Lynn is a well-known psychic tarot reader and co-owner of the Mystic Horizons shops in Connecticut. We’ll talk about what it takes to keep a New Age retail store afloat. We’ll also do some readings for the New Year, and will be ready to take you calls for readings live on-air!


For more information, visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.




Learning Tarot

The Hanged Man


The Hanged Man is card twelve in the Major Arcana. In most images we see that he is hung by his foot in a very uncomfortable position, but he is not struggling.


The Hanged Man has surrendered to his situation. In that surrender he has found peace, wisdom and enlightenment.


The Hanged Man often reminds me of the Serenity Prayer: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”


Traditionally, the Hanged Man is the card of yoga. I also see him as the card of the Twelve Step Program.

In a reading the Hanged Man can indicate a time of waiting.


The Hanged Man can remind us to find a different perspective. The Hanged Man teaches us that if you can’t change your situation you can certainly change your attitude.


Sometimes the word “sacrifice” is associated with the Hanged Man. Perhaps his being in this uncomfortable position is a result of a sacrifice he has made.


Many times the Hanged Man appears in a reading to help us ascertain whether or not we have any control in a situation, or whether or not we can or should take action.


The Hanged Man cautions us against struggle when struggle would do no good.


The Hanged Man reminds us that through our discomfort we can find enlightenment.


Next week we will explore card 13, Death.



With Apprecation


At this time of year it is traditional for us to express our appreciation for each other. I want you to know how much I appreciate you. You may have readings with me, give readings as gifts, attend webinars, read my blogs or buy my books. However you and I have connected, I want to let you know how much your support means to me.


I work hard to be the very best I can be as a tarotist, a reader, a teacher, a community builder and a writer. My promise to you for the New Year is that I will continue to grow and to work to be worthy of your continued support and confidence.


Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Knight of Swords. The Knight of Swords can indicate a smart young person in pursuit of truth, communication or a career that uses intelligence, integrity and communication skills.


The Knight of Swords also appears to remind us to do the right thing. The Knight of Swords counsels quick action when decisive action is needed. The Knight of Swords encourages us to speak our truth and to write for the benefit of others.


This week, do not hesitate to communicate with the people around you. Call people you haven’t spoken with in a while. If you are a writer, take the time to work on a project. Know the inherent value of honesty – nurture it in yourself and appreciate it in others.


Upcoming Events


Sunday, December 29, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Lynn Merritt will be my guest.


Lynn E. Merritt, MSW LCSW, is co-owner of Mystical Horizons and Mystical Horizons II, New Age stores located in Old Mystic and East Lyme, CT. She is the featured Tarot reader and Astrologer there. In addition, Lynn provides readings by telephone, both nationally and internationally. She teaches metaphysical and self-help courses and conducts spiritual retreats to Sedona, Arizona, Bermuda and Mount Shasta California.


Lynn and I will make predictions for 2014 and will take your phone calls for live on-air readings!

For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Thursday, January 2, 10 pm

Inner State Highways


I am happy to announce I will be a guest on Inner State Highways, Jordan Hoggard’s show on the Para Encounters Network. 


It will be a special New Year episode, complete with psychic readings!



Sunday, January 5, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Maggie Lukowski will be my guest.


Maggie is a tarot reader and the host of Attune Radio show “Personal Empowerment for your Soul.”


We’ll talk about how tarot empowers us, and what personal empowerment really means.



Monday, January 6, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Candle Magick


Join us for a fascinating exploration into the world of Candle Magick!

For centuries, candles have been used by many cultures to enhance prayer and meditation. Today, many people discover amazing results when they use candles to manifest their intentions. Whatever positive improvement you seek in your life, a simple candle can help you realize your greatest desires.
In this workshop, you will learn about magickal traditions and theories. You will learn simple ways of preparing and burning candles to create healing, prosperity and other positive outcomes. Candle magick utilizes colors, herbs, flowers and symbols to easily help you manifest your highest good. You will also learn ways to use Tarot cards and other images to strengthen the energy of your intentions.

Whether you desire healing, love, clarity or a new job, candles can help make it happen!


For log-in, visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.


Tarot by Christiana Gaudet


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot by Christiana Gaudet



561-655-1160 - 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)

Skype: tarot.radio

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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


I am your Grandmother's Tarot Reader


I saw three decks