Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 12/18/2013


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

December 18, 2013

View the newsletter online at











Many of us are still looking for the perfect gift to give someone we love. Some of us are caught in the obligatory exchanging of gifts whether we want to be or not.


The word “gifts” is also a word we use to discuss our blessings – the things in our life that we see as a gift from Higher Power. That can be our family, our home, our friends, our health and our good fortune.


We also use the word “gifts” to refer to our talents. The sad thing is, some of us aren’t aware of our talents, or can’t find the motivation to use and develop our talents.


Sometimes the best gift we can give to ourselves and those around us is to acknowledge and develop our own gifts. Sometimes focusing on being grateful for the gifts we have is a way to live more gracefully.


Finding the perfect gift for a loved one is a fun and sometimes frustrating pursuit. Appreciating the gifts around us and developing the gifts within us are ways of making the holidays, and life in general, more fulfilling.



Find the Perfect Gift with Tarot


This is a great exercise to help you learn to think outside the box with tarot, and to interpret cards within a narrow context. It is also a very helpful way to find the perfect gift for the hard-to-shop-for person.


Think about the person you need to get a gift for, and simply pull one card at random from the tarot deck.


How can you interpret the card to indicate an appropriate gift? Use your intuition and your imagination. Here are some ideas to give you a sense of how this works.


Ace of Cups: Perhaps a coffee mug, wineglasses, tea set or martini set, or a gift card to Starbucks or Teavana.


Nine of Swords: Perhaps something comforting for nighttime, such as slippers, a robe, lavender room scent or a relaxation CD.


Ten of Pentacles: This card might indicate something decorative or useful for the home or garden.


Five of Wands: How about a video game or a craft project?


The High Priestess: Maybe a book, or something related to meditation?


The Hermit: Try a lamp, a flashlight, a book or ski equipment.


The answers you derive can connect with the traditional meaning of the card or simply what you see in the picture. You will be amazed at how helpful tarot can be in finding the perfect gift!



The Week in Review


Our Tarot Topics Community Blog has been busy this week! Joanne Matthew has shared a few great stories and spreads as a special holiday treat for us.


I saw Mommy Read for Santa Claus” is a fun tarot-inspired holiday song.


The Tarot Night before Christmas” will cause all tarotists to chuckle.


Tarot readers should try Joanne’s Yule Spread. It’s been getting great reviews in the Facebook Tarot groups.


Here’s another Holiday Spread using just three cards.


Also on the Community Blog I’ve posted another “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” video. This time it’s about keeping short readings short.


I got such a positive response to my post on my personal blog, Tarot Trends, last week about taking tarot to the next level. A few people asked me for examples of “advanced tarot books.” Here they are. Read Tarot Books for the Next Level.”


Spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson is running for Congress! See what I think about that in my Dark Forest blog post “What Marianne Williamson might mean for us.”



From Around the Web


I enjoyed this post from Matthew Schuler “Why Creative People sometimes make no Sense.” If you are a creative person, or have a creative person in your life (so that’s probably all of us) this is a good read.


Here is a great post from Carrie Paris, “A Holiday Tree for Nonconformists.”


From Shift is Now here is a really helpful guide to spotting fake gurus and spiritual teachers.



Personal Gifts Tarot Spread


What are your gifts? How can you develop them and share them?


Try this easy three-card spread to find out.


Simply lay out three cards at random. The first card will represent a gift you possess that you may or may not know about. See this as the gift that the Universe really wants you to focus on right now. The second card will help you discover ways to develop that gift. The third card will give ideas of how you can and will share your gifts.


Use this spread to claim your talents and abilities, and to motivate yourself to develop and share them with the world!



What's Up at the Psychic Café?


Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast, airing on the Para Encounters Network every Sunday night at 9 pm. Each week I have interesting topics and guests. Just like a real-life café, you never know who will wander in.


Our December 15th Holiday Review was fabulous! Into one hour we packed gift ideas, recipes, ideas for healthy eating over the holidays, instructions on spiritual cleansing from Helene Martz and an interview with Bonnie Cehovet, author of “Surviving the Holidays.”


Bonnie had some great stories, and some really good ideas to help us keep our holiday season stress-free.  Our conversation really pointed out the connection between tarot and personal empowerment.


Amy Forman shared some ideas for ways to keep to a healthy diet at family holiday meals. I shared recipes from two friends (available on the Psychic Café Facebook Page). I also gave some great metaphysical gift ideas based on Donnaleigh’s tarot-based version of the song “Santa Baby,” which opened the show.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


Our next show, Sunday, December 22 will be the one year anniversary of my webcast, Christiana’s Psychic Café. One year ago my first guest was Robin Renee. She’ll be back to celebrate with us. We’ll continue our holiday theme with a celebration of Yule, the winter solstice.


For more information, visit the Show Info Page, and don’t forget to Like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Learning Tarot



In most tarot decks Justice is card 11 in the Major Arcana. In some decks Justice switches places with Strength and becomes card 8.


In some decks the role of Justice is played by a traditional Goddess associated with justice, fairness and law such as the Egyptian Ma’at or the Grecian Athena.


Along with Strength and Temperance, Justice is a Major Arcana card named for one of the four cardinal virtues.


The spiritual lesson of Justice is deceptively simple. In the microcosm of our lives, life is never fair. We must accept that unfairness will happen, and still do our best to be fair with others. We must trust that everything balances out in the end, even when we have no proof that it does. With Justice comes the expectation and responsibility to do right, to accept that others won’t always do right and to trust that everything balances in the end.


In a reading, Justice can indicate involvement with law and legalities; appearances in court, signing of documents or dealing with attorneys. Justice can also indicate an issue of fairness or unfairness.


Justice in a reading can reference karma, or finding balance. It can remind us to do the right thing.


Justice can come up (especially reversed) to indicate that we feel we have been wronged.


Justice can predict a fair outcome. Sometimes this card says “Justice will be served.”


Next week we will learn about card 12, The Hanged Man.



Creative Ideas for Holiday Giving


For the tarot enthusiast on your gift list, remember my books, "Tarot Tour Guide" and "Fortune Stellar!"


I also sell gift certificates for readings by Skype or Phone, Skype Psychic Parties and tarot webinars!


If you would like to give someone special a gift they will never forget, call me at 561-655-1160 to arrange your gift certificate.


Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading this week is the Ace of Cups.


The Ace of Cups is the card of the open and healed heart. The Ace of Cups represents love in all its forms.


The Ace of Cups can predict a new love relationship. The Ace of Cups can affirm your ability to give and receive unconditional love.  The Ace of Cups reminds us of the love that is always all around us.


This week, let love rule. Be open to new connections. Release from your heart anything that has been hurtful or holding you back. Love yourself, love others and love your Higher Power.

Drawn at random, this is a very appropriate card for the return of the sun at Winter Solstice, and for the holiday that celebrates the birth of a special child.



December Global Tarot Circle Recap


Global Tarot Circle met online on December 15th. We each tried the gift-finding exercise that I’ve shared in this newsletter. It was amazing how helpful tarot could be in giving us gift ideas! It was also such a good way to demonstrate that the cards are not specifically positive or negative. For instance, when a student pulled The Devil it was clear she should buy her sister some chocolate!


Our second exercise was to use tarot magick to give gifts to the world. We each chose a card intentionally (not at random) to be our gift to the planet. While the energy of one tarot card can’t change the world in a huge way, each time we send healing to the planet we make a little bit of difference. We hope and believe that it will all add up!


Global Tarot Circle is open to anyone with an interest in tarot. We meet online, and it’s free. Our next meeting is Tuesday, January 14th at 7 pm EST. For more information visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.


Upcoming Events


Sunday, December 22, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Join us for the one-year anniversary of Christiana’s Psychic Café.


One year ago, Robin Renee was my very first guest. Robin will be back to celebrate our first anniversary with some special holiday songs.


We’ll also have a Yule tarot spread and other holiday festivities, as well as a retrospective of the year!


For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Sunday, December 29, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Lynn Merritt will be my guest.


Lynn E. Merritt, MSW LCSW, is co-owner of Mystical Horizons and Mystical Horizons II, New Age stores located in Old Mystic and East Lyme, CT. She is the featured Tarot reader and Astrologer there. In addition, Lynn provides readings by telephone, both nationally and internationally. She teaches metaphysical and self-help courses and conducts spiritual retreats to Sedona, Arizona, Bermuda and Mount Shasta California.


Lynn and I will make predictions for 2014 and will take your phone calls for live on-air readings!

For more information, visit Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook.



Thursday, January 2, 10 pm

Inner State Highways


I am happy to announce I will be a guest on Inner State Highways, Jordan Hoggard’s show on the Para Encounters Network. 


It will be a special New Year episode, complete with psychic readings!



Sunday, January 5, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Maggie Lukowski will be my guest.


Maggie is a tarot reader and the host of Attune Radio show “Personal Empowerment for your Soul.”


We’ll talk about how tarot empowers us, and what personal empowerment really means.



Monday, January 6, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Candle Magick


Join us for a fascinating exploration into the world of Candle Magick!

For centuries, candles have been used by many cultures to enhance prayer and meditation. Today, many people discover amazing results when they use candles to manifest their intentions. Whatever positive improvement you seek in your life, a simple candle can help you realize your greatest desires.
In this workshop, you will learn about magickal traditions and theories. You will learn simple ways of preparing and burning candles to create healing, prosperity and other positive outcomes. Candle magick utilizes colors, herbs, flowers and symbols to easily help you manifest your highest good. You will also learn ways to use Tarot cards and other images to strengthen the energy of your intentions.

Whether you desire healing, love, clarity or a new job, candles can help make it happen!


For log-in, visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.


Tarot by Christiana Gaudet


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.
Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.
Agent inquiries are welcome.

Tarot by Christiana Gaudet



561-655-1160 - 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)

Skype: tarot.radio

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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Yule 2013 Tarot Blog Hop: Turning Darkness into Light

