Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 11/6/2013


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter


November 6, 2013

View the newsletter online at






Recently I found this great quote from author Miles Kington.


“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.”


Most spiritual people seek wisdom. Sometimes wisdom seems elusive, trapped within dusty sacred texts. Sometimes wisdom is hard to understand and open to interpretation. Other times, as with the quote from Kington, wisdom is clever, obvious and easily available in our Facebook news feed.


But what is wisdom, really?


Wisdom is knowing what to say, or what not to say.


Wisdom is being patient when every part of you wants to do something – anything – else.


Wisdom is knowing your priorities.


Wisdom is learning the facts and avoiding the bias.


Wisdom is knowing that your practical mundane life and your spiritual ideals can reflect each other and work together.


What is wisdom to you?






Four Ways to Find Wisdom


Wisdom is everywhere. The more open you are to wisdom the more you will find wisdom, and the more wisdom will find you. Here are four easy ways to bring more wisdom into your life.


1: Read


There are many sacred texts filled with wisdom. There are books of ancient philosophy and modern spirituality. Many sacred tomes hold grains of truth and wisdom. Most people know this.


What some people don’t realize is that most writing holds wisdom. Even comic strips, romance novels and horror stories have something to teach us. Read what inspires you, read what entertains you, read what you enjoy. Find the wisdom that is there for you.


2: Talk to People


Everyone has a story, and everyone has something to share. Young or old, educated or not, wealthy or poor, everyone can teach us something. Hear what everyone has to say and derive the wisdom from their stories and experiences.


3: Inquire Within


A great deal of wisdom comes to us through silence. In meditation we hear the voice of our guidance.  In contemplation we discover our own deep knowledge. In prayer we connect with our sacred source. In nature we learn the way of all things.


4: Perform Divination


The study and practice of divination is a wonderful path to wisdom. As we study tools such as tarot, runes, I Ching and astrology we learn important spiritual lessons. When we practice divination with these tools the wisdom of the Universe is available to us and delivered to us in a custom package.


The more we are open to finding our wisdom wherever it lies the more wisdom we will have. Wisdom is not just for the elders, the educated or the pious. Wisdom is our birthright and our guiding force.






The Week in Review


This week on my Tarot Topics Community Blog Amanda Lee shared a great tarot post, "Samhain Card Jump and Pull."


I added a new video to my “Answers to Your Questions about Tarot” series. Watch "Choosing a Deck and the Mary-El Tarot."


On October 31 we had another Tarot Blog Hop. This time our topic was love! See my post, and follow the links to see what other tarot bloggers had to say.


On my Dark Forest blog I wrote about hope for the future. Read "Rethinking the Good Old Days."


From Around the Web


Did you see this great post from Seth Adam Smith about marriage? I couldn’t agree more! Read "Marriage isn’t for You."


This one is funny, but it actually kind of made me cry. As a woman with curves I could really identify with this post from Elephant Journal about being a fat girl in a hot yoga class.


Here’s an older post from the Satya Center. One of my students sent me the link. It’s a brilliant piece on how Tarot is the Yoga of the West.


If you have a blog or find a great post you want to share, just email me!






Two Wise Tarot Cards


There is wisdom in each tarot card and each tarot reading.  However, there are two Major Arcana cards that typically have “wisdom” as a key word and that encourage us to seek our own wisdom. Those two cards are Major Arcana 2, the High Priestess and Major Arcana 9, The Hermit.


The Hermit and the High Priestess are similar in that they both advocate the search for wisdom in silence and solitude. They both hunger for spiritual secrets.


The methods through which the High Priestess and the Hermit find wisdom are similar in that they are both meditative. However, the High Priestess finds her wisdom through the study of sacred texts and through the journey into the depths of the subconscious. The High Priestess journeys beyond the veil that separates the world of the living from the spirit world and discovers the secrets therein.


The Hermit climbs to the top of the snowy mountain. In solitude and loneliness he finds enlightenment and then holds the lamp of wisdom for others to see.


Other cards, especially other Major Arcana cards, speak of wisdom and enlightenment. The Hierophant is the keeper of the Church’s wisdom. He holds its doctrine and dogma. The Hanged Man finds enlightenment by surrendering to his discomfort. The Moon shows the treacherous path to spiritual truth.


Each tarot card gives us a bit of insight on our search for wisdom. The High Priestess and the Hermit remind us that the journey to wisdom is personal and unique to each of us. They admonish us to take the journey seriously and without fear.


While we can share spiritual fellowship and knowledge with like-minded people, the High Priestess and the Hermit remind us that the path to true wisdom can be a lonely one.  These cards show us that true wisdom is often found in silence, in study and and in meditation.







What’s Up at the Psychic Café?


This past Sunday our Samhain Spectacular was indeed spectacular in every way.


We met Lord Alexian, an Alexandrian Priest and Pagan musician. He shared his clever and danceable music video, “Cool to be a Witch.”


My long-time friend Amanda Lee read her Samhain story, which was awarded second place in the Gaelsong.com contest.


Another old friend, Joanne Matthew, read a Samhain poem and shared two original tarot spreads.


We talked with Psychic Café regular Helene Martz, a priestess of the Sacred Feminine, and saw pictures of her Samhain altar.


Kim Wilborn joined us to tell us about her new Guardian Gateway Telesummit happening this month.


The Samhain Spectacular was a creative, fun and meaningful show. I am so grateful to all the people who participated.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News Site.


This coming Sunday, November 10, I am happy to welcome James Ricklef to the Psychic Café.


James is very well-known in the world-wide tarot community. As "Knighthawk," earlier in his career, he published amazing tarot readings for historical, mythical and fictional characters. Those readings were influential in my own development as a tarot reader!


We'll be talking about his brand-new book, “The Soul’s Journey: Finding Spiritual Messages in the Tarot.” 


For more information, visit the Show Info Page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!







Learning Tarot


The Hierophant


The Hierophant is Card 5 in the Major Arcana. Like all five cards, the Hierophant can convey a bit of a struggle. That’s because the number five is about pushing out of the comfort zone and expanding into something greater.


In early tarot the Hierophant was called “the Pope.” Some modern decks have renamed him as well. One of my favorite renamings is in Ciro Marchetti’s Legacy of the Divine Tarot, where the Hierophant is called “Faith.”


To think of the Hierophant as the Pope gives us some clear ideas about what this card can symbolize. The Pope is the leader of the Roman Catholic Church. In that religion he is seen as God’s chosen representative on Earth. He is the keeper of the dogma and the wise spiritual teacher.


Others, though, may see the Pope as a symbol of oppression. It is here we see the struggle inherent in the Hierophant. The Hierophant represents spiritual teachings, tradition, dogma and doctrine. The Hierophant represents authority and rules. Clearly there are times when tradition, authority and teachings are very valuable. There are other times when dogma and doctrine oppress us.


In a reading the Hierophant can indicate higher education and authority. The Hierophant can indicate becoming or seeking an authority in a particular field. Any profession that carries the weight of authority can be indicated by the Hierophant – doctors, attorneys and police officers, for instance. So the Hierophant can support your decision to become a doctor, or can encourage you to seek medical treatment.


Because the Hierophant is a priest and the sacrament of marriage is a tradition, the Hierophant’s appearance can indicate a marriage.


In a reading the Hierophant can mean leadership. The Hierophant can speak of those who have authority over us, or can refer to our own positions of authority.


The Hierophant asks us to consider the importance of authority, rules, training and tradition in our lives. When do we need to seek authority? When do we need to nurture our own authority? When is it time to question authority? When is tradition important, and when it is a burden that no long serves us?


In a reading, and in our spiritual study of the cards, the Hierophant may not answer these questions. Rather, the Hierophant teaches us to ask these questions and to find the right doctrine, authority and traditions for ourselves. The Hierophant empowers us to study and learn from authority, to become an authority, but also to question authority.


Next week we will continue our studies with Major Arcana 6, the Lovers.







The Guardian Gateway Telesummit II


I am excited to share with you a free event I’m going to be a part of: The Guardian Gateway Telesummit II.


A group of wonderful teachers are coming together to show you how to connect and work with the high-vibrational Beings—Angels, Unicorns, Mermaids, Stone Beings, Dragons, Flower Spirits, Saints, Egyptian Animal Guardians, Spirit Guides, and more—who are guardians and supporters of your gifts and soul purpose.


My colleague Kim Wilborn will be interviewing me, along with several other powerful teachers who will show you how to work with the Guardian Energy that is all around us, wanting to help each one of us, and the world. There's no cost to attend, and even if you can't attend the talks live, you'll get access to each replay for 48 hours.


I cordially invite you to be my guest at this life-changing event. You'll learn how to work with the High-Vibrational Beings who are waiting to


~ Bring solutions to your everyday problems


~ Assist you in everything you do


~ Give you the wisdom and support you need to live your best life


~ Help you discover and live your life purpose


~ Raise your vibration and improve what you attract into your experience


~ Assist you in manifesting your heart-based desires


~ Provide an unshakable support system


Join us and experience:


Theolyn Cortens – Your Guardian Angels Needs You!


Calista – Wonder of Unicorns


Christine King – Connecting With the Animal Guardians of Ancient Egypt


Smadar Lorie - The Secret Hidden Power of the Crystal Guardians


Christiana Gaudet – Flower Power! Guidance, Inspiration, and Support from Flowers


Ferol Humphrey – Full Presence: Learn How to Channel Archangels


Judika Illes – Saints: Miracle Workers From Beyond the Grave


Melissa Kitto – 3 Secrets to Communicating With Your Angels: How Angels Will Help You Experience the Pure Joy of Living Your Life Purpose


Dr. Monique E. Hunt - I Work With Spirit Guides, and You Can, Too!


Sheelagh Newberry - Everyday Angels


Sue Storm – Angels for Prosperity


Kim Wilborn – Connect to Your Guardian Team and Create a Life You'll Love


Michelle Skye – Merfolk ~ Blessings of Spirit, Balance in Nature


Heather Rodriguez & David Caren – Saint Germain: Alchemy and Transformation – Using the Violet Flame in the Aquarian Age


Raven Many Voices – Dragons


Anayah Joi Holilly – Archangels


The telesummit will take place November 11-22, 2013. I'll be talking with Kim on November 19th at 4 pm about how we can connect with the energy of flowers!


If you would like your life to be easier, more magical, and more in alignment with your Soul Purpose, register today for the Guardian Gateway Telesummit II.







Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Three of Pentacles.


This card indicates wonderful things for career and creativity.


The Three of Pentacles encourages you to become a master of your trade or craft. The Three of Pentacles acknowledges your ability to be successful and to achieve recognition in your work.


Whether you are a student, a worker, a business owner, a craftsperson, a stay-at-home parent or a retired person, the Three of Pentacles assures your ability to be successful in accomplishing your tasks.


If you are considering pursuing a new career, the Three of Pentacles may encourage your bold decision.


The Three of Pentacles reminds us that a job worth doing is worth doing well. The Three of Pentacles reminds us to take pride in our work, no matter how humble, and to be aware of how our excellence impacts the people around us.







Tarot to You!


One of my greatest pleasures in life is bringing the wisdom of tarot to you. Wherever in the world you are, I am available to read for you by phone or Skype.  I can even do psychic parties and tarot lessons through Skype.


I am also available for psychic house parties throughout Florida, and for house calls in the Tampa Bay Area and South Florida. Just call to book a convenient time!


In August 2014 I will again be traveling north. Please let me know if you would like to book a house party in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania or along the route from Florida to New England.


Another way to experience the wisdom of tarot is to learn the cards. I offer many webinars to help you do this. My weekly webcast, Christiana’s Psychic Café, and my YouTube Channel also offer a great deal of tarot information.


My blogs contain a great deal of tarot information, and my two books, "Tarot Tour Guide" and "Fortune Stellar" are also great ways to bring tarot into your life.


Each day I am creating new ways to bring the magick and wisdom of tarot to you!







Upcoming Events


Wednesday, November 6, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot – Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


This online presentation will teach you good practices for self-reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies. Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need.


For more information and registration visit the event listing on the Tarot Education website.



Sunday, November 10, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café

I am excited to announce that James Ricklef will be my guest.


James is a Los Angeles based Tarot professional with well over a decade of experience.  He has presented workshops at major Tarot conferences such as the San Francisco Bay Area Tarot Symposium and the New York Readers Studio.  In addition, he is the creator of the Tarot of the Masters deck and the author of several books including the award-winning Tarot Tells the Tale, which he has re-released as a new edition with the title Tarot Reading Explained


There are almost a thousand posts on his Tarot blog on subjects including card meanings, Tarot spreads, and how to do readings.  Among those posts are over three hundred about Spirituality and the Tarot. His upcoming book (“The Soul’s Journey: Finding Spiritual Messages in the Tarot”) is based on those Tarot Spirituality posts.


For more information, visit the Show Info Page.



Thursday, November 14, 1 pm

Christiana on Blog Talk Radio


I will be joining Jean Maurie Puhlman and Maggie Lukowski on the show “Personal Empowerment for your Soul.”


I’ll be talking about how compassion empowers us.


Join us for an hour of interesting and empowering conversation.



Sunday, November 17, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


My guest will be Nancy Evans Bush.


Nancy has a BA in English is from the University at Albany-SUNY, and a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from St. Joseph College in Connecticut, with additional graduate study at Trinity College and the University of Connecticut. She has three children, seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.


Nancy is a past-president of The International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc. (IANDS) and because of her own distressing near-death experience, has been their go-to researcher on distressing NDEs for 30 years. Nancy is the author of “Dancing Past the Dark: Distressing Near-Death Experiences.


We’ll talk about her near-death experience, her work with near-death experiences and how she has retained her spiritual faith even after a distressing near-death experience.



Monday, November 18, 8 pm

Free Webinar

Basic Psychic Development


Everyone is psychic! The challenge is to figure out what your gifts are, and to learn to develop them.


Professional psychic Christiana Gaudet will share the basics with you. In this exciting webinar you will learn about psychic gifts, psychic tools and simple exercises you can do to strengthen your own psychic abilities.


Whether you are a professional psychic reader or simply want to learn to be more intuitive, you will enjoy this thought-provoking webinar.


To download the class material and log in to the webinar, visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual growth Website.







Tarot by Christiana Gaudet


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment.


Tarot parties at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call 561-655-1160 for more information or to schedule your event.


Agent inquiries are welcome.



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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Word Choice Matters


Rethinking the Good Old Days