Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/23/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          October 23, 2013      




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As we approach October 31 the veil that separates our world from the spirit world becomes thinner, allowing our ancestors, guides and guardians to communicate with us more easily.


An interesting wrinkle this year is that Mercury is in retrograde from October 21 until November 10. Typically Mercury in retrograde can reflect a time of missed connections and poor communication. The question becomes this. If Mercury is in retrograde during the Thinning of the Veil, does one phenomenon affect the other?


I feel that the Mercury retrograde at this time of year gives us a special heads-up to pay proper attention to the messages we receive. During the weeks that surround October 31 it is very common for us to receive signs, omens and dreams from the spirit world. With Mercury in retrograde we must be careful to pay close attention. We must make sure we receive our messages clearly and understand them fully.


One of the gifts of Mercury retrograde is that it is a time to release that which no longer serves us. Writers find the Mercury retrograde to be a wonderful time for editing, for instance. It’s also a good time to clean out our closets, both literally and figuratively.


As we pay attention to the feelings, signs, symbols, dreams and divinations that allow Spirit to communicate with us, let’s make sure we are listening closely. Let’s make sure we are tuned in to wisdom rather than fear, and to clarity rather than confusion.


The same is true in our day-to-day communications with those around us. Now is a time to grow in wisdom, understanding and compassion for one another. Let’s not let misunderstandings create difficulties. Rather, let’s take the time to really listen to one another.  Let’s be open to each other, and to our guidance from Spirit.







How Spirit Speaks


Spirit is always in constant communication with us. At this time of year that communication may become clearer, or may feel more present.


Often we receive messages simply by paying attention. Sometimes we get a message from someone in spirit through something we observe in nature, such as the shape of a cloud, a beautiful flower, bird or butterfly or an unusual natural phenomenon. The key it to pay attention and be open to what we feel intuitively about what we are experiencing.


Sometimes our dreams allow us to communicate with Spirit. We may receive visits from our loved ones, or we may be given special symbols or messages in our dreams. Not every dream is significant, but some are.


Spirit can speak to us through synchronicity. When we hear an unlikely word, song or idea from numerous sources in a short period of time there may be a message for us.


Spirit can speak to us through intuition and through our own ability to be still enough to hear our guidance. Meditation can often allow us to know the presence of Spirit.


Spirit also speaks through divination – be that tarot, I Ching, oracle cards, runes, pendulum, bibliomancy or any other technique.


The more we are open to guidance from Spirit, the more guidance we will receive.





The Week in Review


This week on our Tarot Topics Community Blog Joanne Matthew shared a lovely poem about two of my favorite topics. I know you will enjoy Tarot and Tea Time.


Inspired by the upcoming Halloween holiday Joanne also wrote a poem about trick or treating!


Remember a few week ago I wrote about my first internet tarot deck trade? Here’s a follow up post about how much I love my new deck!


On my Dark Forest Blog I wrote about a recent event that really upset me, reflecting on what the event says about our society. Read Accountability.


Inspired by my conversation with Jesse Ann Nichols George on the Psychic Café, I spent some time thinking about the way judgment and compassion are related. Read a post on Tarot Trends, my personal blog, about judgment.


From Around the Web


I found this great post on BuzzFeed about the Simpsons. The Simpsons have been a part of my life for years. So has tarot. There actually is some cross-over there; the Simpsons is responsible for the addition of a twenty-third Major Arcana card in some modern tarot decks called The Happy Squirrel. This post isn’t about that, though. It’s about predictions, which is also tarot-related. If you like the Simpsons at all, you’ll enjoy this.


On a much more serious note, Joanna Powell Colbert, author and artist of Gaian Tarot, wrote a wonderful piece about Samhain. Read The Parting of the Veil on All Soul’s Night.


From Rowan Tarot comes this method of using tarot to make a decision. I love the way she describes her situation and her process so clearly. Enjoy A-B-C, Which Will it Be?



Do you keep a blog, or have you found a great post on the web that you think I should share?  Email me a link!





Messages in Tarot


Tarot is a wonderful way for us to experience many types of communication. We can use tarot to communicate our feelings to each other. Tarot helps us communicate with Higher Self. Those in Spirit – our departed loved ones, guides and guardians – will also speak to us through tarot divination.


There are some tarot cards that specifically speak of messages. Sometimes when these cards appear in readings we can pay special attention and acknowledge that Spirit is using the cards to communicate with us.


Traditionally the Eight of Wands can be a card that indicates a message being sent or received. The four Pages are inherently messengers. Judgment can also indicate important communication. The Ace of Swords admonishes us to communicate the truth. The Moon can tell us that Spirit is trying to communicate with us in our dreams.


When we see the cards and feel intuitively that they relate specifically to communication, we need to consider a number of things.


Are we being advised to communicate something to someone? Or, are we being told that someone is trying to communicate with us? So often communication problems in our families, our relationships and our workplaces can cause confusion and conflict. Tarot can help us understand and correct these problems.


Some cards often carry the concept of communication coming directly from Spirit. I often see the Page of Cups as a message of love from someone in spirit. The Empress may indicate the presence of a mother or grandmother in spirit. Judgment may indicate a message from your angels. The Hermit, the High Priestess and the Moon may all tell you to pay attention to the ways in which spirit is speaking to you.


As you work with your tarot deck be open to the possibility that the information you receive in a reading may bear direct messages from those in spirit. On many levels, tarot is first and foremost a tool of communication.







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


Christiana’s Psychic Café is my weekly webcast. I broadcast live on Sunday nights at 9 pm EDT. If you watch the show live you can participate in the chat room. Starting this week Para Encounters Network will be using a new, easier chat room, so try to get there a little early to set up your new chat account!


On October 20th I was delighted to welcome author, speaker and healer Jesse Ann Nichols George to the Psychic Café. Our topic was one that is near and dear to my heart; compassion.


I was thrilled with Jesse’s spiritual and practical approach to this important and often-misunderstood topic.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News site.


This Sunday, October 27, our topic will be all things tarot. My guest will be Tarot Dactyl, aka Mary Brown. Tarot Dactyl is a Certified Angel Card Reader (TM), Tarot Guild Endorsed Tarot Reader and Co-Host of The Angels Monday Show on BlogTalkRadio.com.


We haven’t done on-air readings in a while, so this will be your chance to call in with your questions!


For more information, visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!




Learning Tarot


The Empress


The Empress is Card 3 in the Major Arcana. In tarot the number three will refer to a product; that is, something that is created or produced.


The Empress is pregnant. She is surrounded by symbols of fertility. Although she represents a loving mother and all aspects of motherhood, the Empress enjoys a level of luxury that many mothers do not.


We can see that the pomegranates from the backdrop of the High Priestess are on the gown of the Empress. While the High Priestess is fertile but virginal, the Empress is getting ready to give birth. Her crown contains twelve stars, a reference to the zodiac. We see the symbol of Venus on her throne, symbolizing her luxurious beauty and femininity.


The Empress is Gaia, the Earth Mother and the Mother Goddess. She is the archetypal mother figure and the authority of the home. She is surrounded by fecundity and abundance.


In a reading, the Empress can predict a pregnancy or suggest issues with children or parents. The Empress can appear to tell you that your mother or grandmother in spirit is with you.


The Empress might suggest that a new project will be successfully brought to fruition.


The lesson of the Empress is nurturance. We must take care of ourselves, and we must take care of others. We must nurture what matters to us.


The Empress is the loving authority, the ruler of the home and the giver of life.


Key words for the Empress include womanhood, motherhood, pregnancy, luxury, productivity, nurturance, fertility and abundance.


Next week we will meet the male counterpart of the Empress when we learn Card 4, the Emperor.





Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery


I am excited to announce I will be doing a special psychic gallery at Pearl Rauberts’ in Loxahatchee on Saturday, October 26th at 2:30.


As we move closer to October 31 the veil that separates the world of the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of our secular holiday of Halloween. We will use this energy to help us connect with the spirit world and receive their guidance.


In a psychic gallery I am able to tap in to the energy of each person in the room. I offer a personal reading to each person that may include communication from loved ones in spirit and spirit guides as well as practical information about work, love and life.


When we experience this process as a group we are able to support each other and learn from each other’s experiences.


The sacred space provided by Pearl Rauberts is a special environment in which receive healing and guidance. To do a psychic gallery at this special time of year allows us the greatest access to spiritual wisdom possible.


The fee to attend this event is $20. Seats are limited. 

You can find more information on the Event Listing of the Celebrate Spiritual Growth Website.


Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this special event!




Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading this week is the Nine of Cups. Often called “The Wish Card” the Nine of Cups predicts success, happiness and wishes come true. The Nine of Cups invites you to make a wish and believe that it can be fulfilled.


Some tarotists call the Nine of Cups “the Happy Merchant” and associate this card with success in entrepreneurial business ventures. While the suit of Cups is about emotions, not business, it is true that the happiness of an entrepreneur is reliant on their ability to do business successfully.


While the Nine of Cups does not promise that you will have everything in the world you might want, it does assure enough success to make you happy, and that your most important dreams will be realized.




Upcoming Events


Saturday, October 26, 2:30

Beyond the Veil Psychic Gallery

Pearl Rauberts, Loxahatchee


Join psychic Christiana Gaudet in Pearl Rauberts’ sacred space in Loxahatchee, FL for an afternoon of insight, spirituality and enlightenment.


The end of October is a very special time when the veil that separates the physical world from the spirit world is at its thinnest. This is the origin of the secular holiday of Halloween.


On Saturday, October 26th Christiana will use this special and sacred energy to offer deeply personal readings to each person in the gallery. Messages from Spirit, opportunities for healing and directives to manifest your best future are only some of what you can expect at this special event.


People who have attended Christiana’s galleries in the past are amazed by her accuracy, her wisdom, compassion and humor. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Spirit and to hear the guidance that you need most.


For more information visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



Sunday, October 27, 9 pm

Tarot Dactyl on the Psychic Café


Tarot Dactyl (aka Mary Brown) is a Certified Angel Card Reader (TM), Tarot Guild Endorsed Tarot Reader and Co-Host of The Angels Monday Show on BlogTalkRadio.


She is known for her modern, practical approach to spiritual matters. Tune in for some interesting talk about angels, tarot, and spirituality!


For more information, visit the Show Info Page.



Sunday, November 3, 9 pm

Samhain Spectacular on the Psychic Café


Celebrate Halloween on the Psychic Café!


Traditionally known as Samhain, October 31 is the celebration of the final harvest, the Witch’s New Year and the time of the thinning veil. We’ll check in with a panel of spiritual people to get their thoughts, stories and practices for this sacred time of year.


For more information, visit the Show Info Page.



Wednesday, November 4, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Tarot enthusiasts of all level of experience are invited to join us for an hour of online tarot community!


We’ll share readings, insights and information about tarot in this fun, informal webinar.


For more information, and to view prior Global Tarot Circle webinars, visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle Website.



Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot – Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


This online presentation will teach you good practices for self reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies. Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need.


For more information and registration visit the event listing on the Tarot Education website.






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 



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Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Little Sprite


The Joy of a New Deck