Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 10/2/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          October 2, 2013      




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So many things in life aren’t trustworthy!  And yet, it is imperative that we are able to trust. This is a fundamental principle in our spiritual development and our emotional wellbeing.


In a world where terrible things happen every day, how do we learn to trust that all will be well? How can we be hopeful and joyful?


My mother used to say “If you worry that means you aren’t trusting God.”


However we see Higher Power, I think Mom had a good point. Part of our ability to trust comes from an understanding that nothing happens that isn’t part of a greater plan – even if we don’t understand that plan.


Another aspect of trust is simply learning to trust ourselves. Since we all make mistakes that can be hard to do. But if we allow ourselves to learn from our mistakes we can see that our mistakes make us more trustworthy, not less.


Part of trusting ourselves and trusting Higher Power is trusting our intuition. The more we can follow our internal guidance the easier life becomes.


There will always be hurts, disappointments and difficulties we didn’t expect. If we are able to live in a state of trust we will navigate those difficulties and continue on our hopeful, joyful journey.







How to Find a Trustworthy Tarot Reader


A tarot reading can help you sort out your worries, set priorities and be proactive in your life. But let’s face it, there are a lot of readers out there. Some are terrific, some are well-intentioned but not very good at what they do and some are flat-out scam artists.


Of course I am happy to give you a reading by phone or Skype anytime – or in person if we can arrange it. But many people who enjoy readings will occasionally seek other readers while on vacation or at a special event.  I encourage my clients to get a new perspective once in a while, but I want to make sure you always have a positive experience with tarot.


So, if you are looking for a reader, here are some things to keep in mind.


A trustworthy reader will be able to give you a price up front. Any reader who says “We will have to see what you need before I can tell you what it will cost” is a scam artist.


A trustworthy reader will have credentials, membership in respected organizations and a good reputation within their community.


A trustworthy reader will neither scare you nor sugar-coat what they see.


A trustworthy reader will give ways to be proactive in your life. You should feel empowered after a reading, not doomed.


A trustworthy reader should understand your spiritual belief system and be able to work with ideas and images that are comfortable and understandable for you.


With all the great readers from which to choose there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy the benefits of a tarot reading.  I hope that you take the time to explore and find the readers that work best for you. And, I hope you always keep me at the top of you go-to list!






The Week in Review


The Tarot Topics Community Blog is growing every week! Remember, if you would like a place to share your thoughts about tarot you can set up an account for free!


This week we have a post from Linda Moore’s “Tarot in my Life” blog. Linda and her fiancé travel the Caribbean in their sailboat Troubadour. Linda reads tarot for the people she meets along the way.


I really enjoyed her post, Always Trust your Cape. I think you will too!


Joanne Matthew was inspired by my contribution to the Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit. During the telesummit I talked about the significance of the number 9. Joanne took that and ran with it.


Read what Joanne has to say about the Number Nine in her life.


Can you believe that after working with tarot for more than twenty years there was something tarot-related I had never done? I remedied that this week. Check out my post and see what it is!


On my Dark Forest blog I wrote about my anger with the people who don’t treasure Florida wildlife as much as I do. Read Be Kind to the Animals.


On Tarot Trends, my personal blog, I shared my notes from my presentation of The Moon for the Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit. I had a great time being part of the telesummit! If you didn’t get to participate or if you want to read my thoughts on the Moon I think you’ll enjoy this post.


From Around the Web


Olivia Destrades quoted me in her piece about the Five of Cups on her First Earth Tarot blog. I was honored to be quoted, and enjoyed the piece she wrote a great deal. I think you will too.


Nancy Hopping, one of our Tarot Circle members from the Poconos, took some great pictures of a bear and a beaver. Nancy is a wildlife photographer and a professional fly fishing instructor. Check out these great photos on her blog.


I love to read, and I love my Kindle. But I also loved this piece on BuzzFeed, Ten Reasons Real Books are Better than EBooks.





Trust Tarot Spread


Sometimes it is so hard to know what to trust! A tarot reading can help bring us clarity and can help us listen to our inner guidance.


Here’s a six tarot spread designed to help us find the truth we need when we need it. You can arrange the cards in a three row pyramid, with card one on the top.


Card 1. What best describes the question or situation?


Card 2. How do I perceive the question or situation?


Card 3. What is the filter through which I perceive the truth about this question or situation?


Card 4. If I remove that filter how does my perception of the question or situation change?


Card 5. What does the Universe want me to know about this question or situation?


Card 6. What action could I take that would bring the highest good in this question or situation?


As I was designing this spread a situation came up where I was unsure what my best action would be. It gave me an opportunity to try this spread. The enlightenment I received about the situation, my perception and my best action was very helpful.







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


Our September 29th show was fabulous! Jordan Hoggard and his Tarot from the Land of Mystereum joined me for a conversation about spirituality, art, architecture, publishing and tarot reading. We played a video featuring many of the cards from his deck and discussed two in particular; the High Priestess and the Ten of Wands.


We also had a classic video of Robbie Jam playing an original song. The show was truly a celebration of art and creativity. You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News site.


On October 6th I am happy to welcome Theresa Pridemore to the Psychic Café. Theresa is the artist of the new Portland Tarot. We’ll discuss her deck, her art, the city of Portland and the ins and outs of crowd funding.


For more information visit the Show Info page, and don’t forget to Like us on Facebook!




Learning Tarot


Each week we will explore one tarot card in numeric order. This will help new students learn the cards and will give advanced students some new concepts to consider.


We’ll start with the Fool. The Fool is unique in that he is numbered Card 0. Every other tarot card is part of a specific numeric order. The Fool is free to travel throughout the deck, although is often placed at either the beginning or the end of the Major Arcana.


The term “Major Arcana” means “Greater Secrets” and refers to the suit of twenty-two cards within the tarot. Each Major Arcana card carries a spiritual truth; a lesson along the path of life. Each Major Arcana card is an archetype. That is, each Major Arcana card is a universal character, theme or experience that we all understand.


Generally the Fool is pictured on a journey, about to walk off a cliff. Despite possible danger, his attitude is merry. The Fool is the hero of the epic story told by tarot. We can compare him to any protagonist of any epic tale. The Fool is Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Don Quixote or Percival, for instance.


The Fool is also each one of us, on our journey through life. The spiritual lesson the Fool teaches us is to approach our journey without fear, even if we don’t know what comes next. The Fool reminds us that we are each the star of our own story.


In a reading, the Fool can indicate travel, or decisions to be made. The Fool can remind us to honor our inner child or to take a leap of faith.  The Fool may signify the beginning of a wonderful new adventure.


When reversed or poorly dignified (based on surrounding cards) the Fool could indicate immaturity, ill-advised risks or choosing not to have fun.


Tarot is often called “The Fool’s Journey.” As we explore tarot together let’s be like the Fool – ready to learn, experience and discover!


New week we will meet Major Arcana 1, the Magician!




Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Nine of Cups.


This is often called “the wish card” and might indicate that your wishes will come true. Although this card is in the suit of Cups which is the suit of emotion and feelings, some call this card “the happy merchant.” This card can indicate success in an entrepreneurial enterprise.


I often call this the “fat and happy” card. The Nine of Cups can indicate a moment of appreciation for all the good things in life.


In general the Nine of Cups suggests happiness and satisfaction. As with many Cups cards, though, that happiness is conditional on your ability to keep a positive attitude.





Upcoming Events


Thursday, October 3, 7 pm

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.


This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot.


You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association.


You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements.


This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log-in info visit the event listing on the Tarot Education website.



Saturday October 5, 10 am

Blog Talk Radio Appearance

Christiana on Attune Radio


I will be Mary Nale’s guest on her Blog Talk Radio show, Attune Radio. Our topic will be Cord Magick.


I will be giving instruction in ways to use string, yarn, cord and rope in rituals of personal healing.


Please join us for what promises to be a very interesting hour!


Sunday October 6, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I am excited to announce that Theresa Pridemore, artist of the new-and-in-progress Portland Tarot will be my guest on the Psychic Café!


Portland Tarot is a self-published, crowd-funded Majors-only tarot, based on life in Portland, Oregon.


Theresa and her deck are part of the newest generation of tarot. Watch the show and discover what’s coming next in the tarot world!


Visit the Show Info page for more information.



Sunday, October 13, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Jim Cummins, internationally known pianist and astrologer, and founder and president of the Astrological Association of Saint Petersburg will be joining us to discuss just what’s going on with the planet from an astrological perspective.


Visit the Show Info page for more information.



Tuesday, October 15, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Spend an hour with tarot! If you are interested in tarot please join us for readings, discussions of the cards, fun and fellowship!


Together we share our insights into tarot interpretations, tarot uses and tarot readings.


For more information and to log in visit the event listing on the Tarot Circle webpage. 






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 



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Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Rambling thoughts of trees


Jordan Hoggard on the Psychic Cafe