Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 9/25/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          September 25, 2013      




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September 22 marked the equinox and the first day of autumn.  There are so many traditions we associate with autumn. It seems that every culture and every geographic area has special foods, stories and activities for this time of year.


The equinox is when the day and night are of exactly equal length. For many people the equinox is a time to focus on finding balance in life. The autumnal equinox is doubly focused on balance because it marks the sun’s move into Libra, the sign of the scales.


Finding balance in a busy world is a hard task for all of us. The resources of time, money and energy are often at a premium. As we begin autumn and enter Libra, let’s remember to be fair with ourselves as we strive to strike the right balance in life.


However you celebrate Fall, may this be a season of wondrous beauty for you!







How Tarot Creates Change


Autumn is a time for change. Tarot is a tool of change in many ways. It would probably be impossible to list all the ways in which tarot can be helpful in creating change, but here are a few to think about. I’ve divided the ways tarot can be helpful into two sections – How a Tarot Reading Creates Change and How Tarot Study Changes Us. Please remember I am available to help you in both pursuits!


What a Tarot Reading Can do for You


A tarot readings helps you understand your identity and your gifts. A tarot reading will also point out your dreams and goals. In a tarot reading you will receive solid Information about steps to take to achieve your goals and honor your dreams.


A tarot reading can also change your perspective. Sometimes we become stuck in a way of thinking that no longer serves us. A tarot reading can reframe a situation and break us out of stale ways of thinking.


A tarot reading can give understanding of the difficult things that have happened and help us have hope for the future. That changes everything!


How Tarot Study Changes Us


As we study tarot we learn universal spiritual truths from each card. Those truths reshape the way we understand life. Those truths help us to find peace, balance and enlightenment.


When we study tarot with others we deepen our friendships and meet wonderful new people. Tarot helps us share of ourselves in ways we have not before.


When we study tarot we learn to use a tool that helps us be more creative and more in tune with our higher self.


This autumn why not invite tarot to bring positive change into your life?






The Week in Review


My Tarot Topics Community Blog is becoming very popular. We have some great writers who regularly contribute.


Joanne Matthew wrote a piece about what we value called The Truth about Being Poor.


Joanne also contributed a seasonal post called Mabon.


Joanne’s insights are very creative, poignant and meaningful. I am so happy to have her as part of our Community Blog.


Amanda Lee is a newer contributor. The truth is, I have known Amanda since she was a child. She has grown into a fabulous writer and tarotist. Amanda has shared two posts about the season. Enjoy The Coming of the Second Harvest and My Take.


I was also thrilled that Amanda took part in our Mabon Blog Hop. Read her entry about the Nine of Swords.


On the Community Blog this week I continued my video series of Answers to Your Questions about Tarot. This time I answered a Question about Questions.


If you have a question about tarot please email me and I will answer it in this series. You can subscribe to my YouTube Channel as well.


On my Dark Forest Blog I wrote a restaurant review about my favorite place to eat in Orlando. It might surprise you!


On my personal blog you can read my contribution to the Mabon Tarot Blog Hop, although I hope you take the time to follow the hop and read all the entries as well!


From Around the Web


The September issue of the American Tarot Association’s monthly newsletter, Reflections, is now available! Check it out and, if you love tarot, consider joining the ATA!


From HuffPost’s The Third Metric I enjoyed this post about finding your calling. I wrote about this topic a few months ago and was excited to read this author’s take.


From the Nightlight Blog I decided to include this post about oracles. Although it is not entirely well-written it is well-researched and offers some great information.





The Next Six Months: An Autumn Tarot Spread


Here is a seasonal spread based on the myth of Demeter and Persephone. In the story, Demeter, Persephone’s mother, caused six months of darkness in her grief that Persephone had to descend to the underworld one month for each of the six pomegranate seeds she had consumed.


While autumn is the herald of the darker, colder time to come, it is also the beginning of a time of introspection, creativity, community and family gathering.


In this spread we will use six cards to symbolize those six pomegranate seeds. You can use tarot or any other oracle to answer these six questions.


  1. How can I develop my creativity over the next six months?
  2. How can I be part of my community over the next six months?
  3. How can I nurture my family over the next six months?
  4. What personal introspection shall be my focus over the next six months?
  5. How can I nurture my own wellbeing over the next six months?
  6. What personal strengths do I need to develop to assist me in the next six months?


I performed this spread for myself and was delighted with the amount of information I received. The cards that came up supported my current projects and gave me a heads-up to avoid a few pitfalls along the way!







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


On Sunday, September 22nd we enjoyed an encore presentation of the Psychic Café featuring Mary Nale, founder and editor of Attune Magazine. Mary is delightful, insightful and funny! You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics News site.


This Sunday, September 29, my guest will be Jordan Hoggard. Jordan is a tarot reader and the artist of Tarot from the land of Mystereum. He has also recently rolled out a new website, Divination Studio. Jordan and I have something in common in that we both come from theological families and we have both found our way to tarot. In our conversation Jordan will share his unusual tarot deck (available from Shiffer Publishing) along with his thoughts on tarot, divination and spirituality.


We’ll also have a great music video from our friends at Live Bands Touring. Robbie Jam is a singer and guitar player for String Band. We have a classic video of Robbie playing an original song with a meaningful message from the mid 1990s!


For more information visit the Show Page and don’t forget to Like Christiana’s Psychic Café on Facebook!





The Spiritual Path of Tarot


The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit continues.


You can register now and catch the remaining calls for free, including my presentation on The Moon this Friday, September 27.


For a small upgrade fee you can purchase all the recordings for your permanent library.


Don’t miss this chance to deepen your understanding of tarot as a tool for your personal growth and healing.





The 2013 Mabon Tarot Blog Hop


The Tarot Blog Hop is a group of tarotists who keep blogs. Eight times a year, on the equinoxes, solstices and cross-quarter days, we agree to blog on the same topic and link to each other’s pages. Mabon is another name for the Autumnal Equinox.


For each blog hop one member volunteers to be “wrangler". The wrangler sets the topic and hosts the Master List – the list of all the participants and links to their blog offerings. This time was my first time as wrangler!


Because so many cultures have mythology about the autumnal equinox and because tarot is connected to myth in so many ways I chose the topic “Divination and Myth.” It was so exciting to see how twenty-five people (and a few others not actually participating in the Hop) chose to address this topic in their posts.


I am honored to be in a group of such smart, interesting and funny tarotists, diviners and writers.


If you want to explore this “online anthology” you can visit the Master List and start reading. If you are a tarotist and a blogger you can join the Tarot Blog Hop on Facebook. Our next hop will be on Halloween!





Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is the Three of Cups.


I was happy to see the fruits and the pumpkin that surround the dancers in this image from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. The women are actually dancing in a circle of the harvest. That this is our “Autumn” newsletter and I drew this card at random is so fitting – as tarot usually is. Sometimes we can interpret a card simply by really looking at the image and seeing the ways in which the image pertains at that moment.


Traditionally, this is a card of celebration, song and dance, community and friendship. It encourages us to be social, to be creative and to share of ourselves within community. Now is not the time to be reclusive.


Today this card has a special meaning. It invites us to join in the celebration of the harvest. What are you harvesting, and how will you celebrate it?





Upcoming Events


Wednesday, September 25, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana – Spiritual Enlightenment


The final seven cards of the Major Arcana, cards Fifteen through Twenty-One, hold the secrets of the Fool’s Journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


This online presentation will focus on these seven important cards. Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card.


Students will contemplate the lessons of these seven cards, and discover how they point the way to enlightenment.


Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.


To register and for more information, visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.



Sunday, September 29, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


My guest this week will be Jordan Hoggard.


Jordan is a well-known tarotist, poet and artist, and designer of the Tarot in the Land of Mystereum deck and book set.


We’ll also have a classic music video from Robbie Jam!


For more information visit our page on Facebook!



Thursday, October 3, 7 pm

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot.


This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot.


You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association.


You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements.


This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log-in info visit the event listing on the Tarot Education website.



Saturday October 5, 10 am

Blog Talk Radio Appearance

Christiana on Attune Radio


I will be Mary Nale’s guest on her Blog Talk Radio show, Attune Radio. Our topic will be Cord Magick.


I will be giving instruction in ways to use string, yarn, cord and rope in rituals of personal healing.


Please join us for what promises to be a very interesting hour!






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 



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Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot in My Life: Always Trust Your Cape


Mary Nale on the Psychic Cafe