Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 8/28/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          August 28, 2013      



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Back to School!


The end of August is traditionally the time for students to return to school.


Whether or not we are enrolled in classes or shopping for young ones, it’s nice to have an annual reminder that learning matters.


Learning is something for everyone, all the time. The more we learn the more engaged we are in life. It’s always good to take classes, read books and watch videos that help us learn new skills.


In a very organic way, the world is our classroom. Whether we know it or not, we are always learning about life.


Whether our learning is conscious and intentional or simply unintentional observations about life, learning is what keeps life interesting and keeps us growing.







Tarot Wants Us to Learn


There are so many cards in tarot that can reference learning.


The Pages are all students, and encourage us to learn about their element. The Page of Cups wants us to learn about love and emotions, for instance. The Page of Swords wants us to learn about truth and communication. The Page of Pentacles wants us to learn about practical matters. The Page of Wands wants us to learn about creativity and spirituality.


Both the Three and Eight of Pentacles can indicate learning in the workplace or on-the-job training.


For me, the Magician, the Hierophant and the Hermit can all indicate education at the university level.


When any of these cards come up in a reading, pay attention! You may be learning some important lessons in life, or it may be time to go back to school!






The Week in Review


I am happy to report that we have a new blogger on our Tarot Topics Community Blog. Please take a moment to read her first two posts - A Humbling Experience and Tarot vs. Oracle. Leave a comment to welcome Amanda Lee to our community!


My contribution to the Community Blog this week included some discussion questions for a class I taught called Defining Ethics and Professionalism. Read the post and see what you think!


On the Dark Forest blog I wrote a piece about today’s Urban Contemporary music. I like a lot of what I’m hearing recently. Read the post and see why!


On my personal blog you can find all the information you need to participate in the upcoming Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit, including the list of presenters.



From Around the Web


Are you interested in reading some earlier writings about tarot? You can find some great ones online on the Sacred Texts website!


Would you like to know the current prevalent theories surrounding tarot history? Here’s the Tarot L History Information Sheet.


Would you like to see images of the oldest known tarot decks? Find them here.






Three Kinds of Learning in Tarot


The Major Arcana cards 0,1,2 – Fool, Magician and High Priestess – each show us a different way to learn.


The Fool is learning by exploring. He is on an expedition. He is naturally inquisitive and is discovering the world around him.


The Magician is learning by focusing on a specific task. He is taking an accounting of his skills and abilities, and learning to use the tools he has.


The High Priestess is learning by looking within. She is on a meditative journey through the subconscious mind.


During this back-to-school time, ask tarot to tell you which way to pursue your learning.


Should you be exploratory, like the Fool?


Should you be focused, like the Magician?


Should you be meditative, like the High Priestess?


Take these three cards only, shuffle them, and pick one at random to find your answer.







What’s up at the Psychic Café?


Last Sunday’s Show, August 25th, was terrific! I really enjoyed my guest Jenifer Sieck of Inner Voice Intuitive.


I was also happy to share a review of Renaissance Tarot, a back-by-popular-demand deck from U.S. Games.


To close the show we enjoyed a side of Robin Renee we hadn’t seen before. I played a video of The Mutant Mountain Boys, which Robin describes as a “Bluegrass Meets Devo” band. In a short interview before the video Robin told us about The Mutant Mountain Boys and their inspiration, the Church of the Sub-Genius.


You can watch the show in archive on the Tarot Topics news site.


The Sunday, September 1st, our show will be all about the Major Arcana. Kim Wilborn will be my guest. We will discuss the upcoming Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit.

I will share some of my insights about the Major Arcana, so grab your tarot cards and get ready to learn something new about tarot!


For more information visit our Show Page and don’t forget to like us on Facebook.





Sign Up Now for the Tarot Telesummit


The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit is fast approaching!


It will begin on September 16 and run through October 1.


This is a rare opportunity to learn from some of the world’s best tarot teachers without even leaving your home!

All you need to do is register – the Telesummit is free to attend!


Don’t miss Wald and Ruthann Amberstone, Brigit Esselmont, Ferol Humphrey, Arwen Lynch and me as we take you on a journey through tarot you will never forget.





Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading this week is Justice.


On a mundane level, Justice can indicate legal matters, appearance in a court of law and issues of fair treatment.


On a more spiritual level, Justice asks us to find balance in our lives.


Justice reminds us that nothing in life is fair, but that we must strive to treat others fairly nonetheless.


Justice admonishes to follow a moral code and to do the right thing, even if no one is watching, and even if it seems that no one else is doing the right thing.





Upcoming Events


Sunday, September 1, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Join me for a show that’s all about the Major Arcana of Tarot!  


Kim Wilborn of the Guardian Gateway will be joining me to discuss her work and unveil a very special upcoming event that honors the spiritual nature of the Major Arcana.


Kim is an intuitive healer who works to help people connect with their personal team of Spirit Beings.


She has presented very popular telesummits and is the host of The Guardian Gateway radio show on Blog Talk Radio.


This September Kim will be hosting The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit, in which I will be presenting Major Arcana 18, the Moon.

I am excited to talk with Kim about the telesummit, and to let you know how to participate, and what you can expect.


During the show I will share some of my understanding of the Major Arcana, and you will get to learn about The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit.



Tuesday, September 3, 7 pm

Premium Webinar

Sharing Wisdom – Reading for Others


Tarot hobbyists, professional readers, and those somewhere in between, all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.


In this online presentation I will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. I will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. I will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.


My virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


For registration and more information, visit the Event Listing on the Continuing Education website.



Sunday, September 8, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I am excited to announce that my guest will be Stephanie Arwen Lynch! Arwen is a well-known tarotist, writer and humorist. She is also president of the American Tarot Association.


Arwen and I were guests together on Aphrododite’s Kitchen this past summer. During that show we discovered we had a lot in common even beyond the tarot.


This is sure to be a once-in-a-lifetime conversation with no topic off-limits! Don’t miss it!


Visit our show page for more information.



Monday, September 9, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Psychic Hour with Christiana


Join us for an hour of free psychic readings with Christiana Gaudet, Tarot Grandmaster and author.


In the on-line meeting room, Christiana will give short readings to all attendees, as time permits. 


You will enjoying being part of the energy, hearing Christiana's readings and receiving an insightful reading for yourself.


For log-in information, visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.



Thursday, September 12, 7 pm

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience, from beginner to professional, are invited to join this webinar to share readings, information and tarot study.


If you have questions about your life, questions about tarot or questions about tarot reading, Tarot Circle is the place for answers!


Log in on your computer, smartphone or tablet, or call in by phone. Log-in information is on the event listing of the Tarot Circle website.







Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 






Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Negatives and Positives


Announcing The Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit