Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 7/31/2013



Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

          July 31, 2013      




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What is Your Passion?


Passion is a word that can describe anything from romance to doll collecting. It describes a deep feeling of joy, connection and motivation.


In metaphysics, passion is related to the element of Fire, and therefore connected to our creativity, our spirituality and our desire for romance.


Some people are lucky enough to be passionate about their careers. Others at least have hobbies and interests about which they are passionate.


Some people have yet to discover their passion.


Our passions are connected to our sense of identity and individuality. It is important to give yourself permission to discover your passions and pursue them.






Tarot Spread to Discover and Persue Your Passion


This tarot spread can help you discover a new passion and pursue it.


It is a three-card spread.


Card one will describe something that can be a new passion for you.


Card two will give advice about how to pursue it.


Card three will describe the way in which this will benefit you.


Three-card readings are a helpful way to work with tarot. This three-card reading is a simple way to motivate yourself to bring more passion into your life.






The Week in Review


This week we have two great contributions from Joanne Matthew to our Tarot Topics Community Blog.


Enjoy Tarot Cards Plan a Vacation and Major Arcana Job Applications or Careers. In addition to being really fun to read, Joanne’s posts help us to understand the Major Arcana cards on a deeper level.


This week I answered a question about Court Cards in my Answers to You Questions about Tarot series. Read the post and watch the video to get some ideas of ways of interpreting Court Cards.


On my Dark Forest Blog I wrote about my new hobby, gardening. Read My Accidental Garden.


On Tarot Trends, my personal blog, I wrote about the frustrations that surround making positive changes in behavior. Read Ready to Heal.



From Around the Web


On The New Age Review Barbara Graver writes a fascinating piece about attending a mediumship intensive, called Connecting with Spirit: Taking a Closer Look at my Spirit Guide Team.


Arwen Lynch wrote a great piece about the tarot Eight of Cups called Stagnation Makes me Giddy. I love Arwen’s writing style, and her take on the cards.


Do you know James Ricklef? He is a well-known reader with a style like no other. Check out some of his Pithy Tarot Meanings.





How Passions Are Revealed in Tarot


The tarot suit of Wands is associated with the element of Fire, so each Wands card in some way speaks to passion.


There are other cards that we can interpret to discuss our passions, hobbies and spiritual and creative endeavors. Here is a list of some of them.


The Three of Cups can indicate a passion for music, dance, party planning or entertaining.


The Three of Pentacles can indicate passion for one’s career.


The Six of Pentacles can indicate a passion for charity and community involvement.


The Six of Wands can indicate a passion for sports and athletics, or a competitive nature.


The Six of Swords can indicate a passion for science and discovery.


The Nine of Pentacles and the Seven of Pentacles can indicate a passion for gardening.


The Ten of Pentacles can indicate a passion for one’s home and décor.


The High Priestess can indicate a passion for studious and meditative spiritual development.


The Chariot can indicate a passion for vehicles and travel.


The Moon can indicate a passion for occult studies.


The World can indicate a passion for ecology.








What’s up at the Psychic Café?


On July 28 we enjoyed an encore presentation of our March 10th show, featuring an interview with Dax Carlisle, founder of Tarot Guild.


This coming Sunday, August 4, will encore our show from February 17th, with fiber artist yogini Kianga Jinaki and music by String Band.


Since beginning Christiana’s Psychic Café in December of 2012 I have enjoyed sharing a diverse group of talented people with my growing audience. We have enjoyed hoop dancers, astrologers, energy healers, musicians of all types, tarotists, artists and writers at the Psychic Café.


I will return on August 18th with a live show and a very special guest, Jennifer Seick.


Visit the Psychic Café Facebook page for more information, and don’t forget to hit the Like button!








Christiana in Connecticut and Pennsylvania


I will be in Connecticut from August 2 to August 11.


I will be traveling from July 31 to approximately August 15.


During that time I will continue to be available for phone readings.


My ability to do Skype readings while traveling will depend on the day. I assume I will have internet access at certain points during my trip.


Wherever you are in the world, please do not hesitate to call me at 561-655-1160 to schedule your reading by phone or Skype.





Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading for the week is the Ten of Wands.


In the Waite version of this card we see a person carrying a heavy load. A town is in the distance.


Some people see this as a card of oppression. It can certainly describe feeling overwhelmed and over-burdened.


This card asks you to consider the burdens you are carrying.


Are you carrying emotional baggage from the past that no longer serves you?


Are you taking on responsibilities or worries that are not really yours?


Do you unavoidably have a lot on your plate?


Are you working on a major project?


If you are carrying something you don’t need to carry it is time to let it go.


If what you are carrying is appropriate, know that you will have the strength to do what you need to do, and that the situation will not last forever.




Upcoming Events


Sunday, August 4, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


This week our encore presentation will feature Kianga Jinaki and String Band.


First aired on February 17th, this show remains one of my very favorites. It’s about creativity and following your dreams.


Visit the Psychic Café page for more information.



August 5th – 8th

Private Readings in Connecticut


During my trip to Connecticut I have a limited number of days where it would be possible to schedule a private reading or house call.


If you would like to have a reading while I am in Connecticut please call me at 561-655-1160 and we will make it happen!



Sunday August 11, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


Our final encore show will be “Creating a Better World.”


This show first aired on June 2nd, 2013. I asked twelve people to tell me one thing we can do to create a better world.


Their answers are poignant, smart, and doable.


Visit the Psychic Café page for more information.



Sunday August 18, 9 pm

Christiana’s Psychic Café


I’m back with a live show and a very special guest!


Jennifer Seick will be joining me for an interesting conversation. Jennifer has a master’s degree in counseling, and is an intuitive empath.


She works with tarot and the Four Elements, and designs sacred jewelry.


This promises to be a fascinating show.


Visit the Psychic Café page for more information.






Tarot by Christiana Gaudet






866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)
Skype: tarot.radio


Private readings and instruction are available by appointment. 






Tarot parties and private readings at your home or office are available throughout Florida. Call for more information or to schedule your event.




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Lammas Tarot Blog Hop: My Harvest Table


Ready to Heal