Upcoming Events
Sunday May 19, 9 pm EDT
Christiana’s Psychic Café

Our guest will be Bill Lutz, humorist, writer, historian and ghost-hunter!
We will also have more information about the tarot exhibit at the Salvador Dali Museum.
Join us on the Para Encounters Network.
Thursday, May 23, 7 pm EDT
Premium Webinar
Sharing Wisdom - Reading for Others
Tarot hobbyists, professional readers, and those somewhere in between, all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.
In this online presentation, Christiana Gaudet will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. She will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. She will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.
Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.
For more information and to register, visit the Event Page on the Continuing Education Website.
Sunday, May 26, 9 pm EDT
Christiana’s Psychic Café
Theresa Reed, “The Tarot Lady,” will be joining us for a discussion about tarot, professional readings and metaphysical business. Theresa is well-known, unique and fun.
Don’t miss a chance to get The Tarot Lady’s perspective on the cards.
Join us on the Para Encounters Network.
Tuesday, May 28 7 pm EDT
Free Webinar
Global Tarot Circle
Tarot Circle is the free, fun way to learn more about tarot and enjoy tarot fellowship.
Everyone with an interest in tarot is welcome to participate.
Our topic this month is “Tarot and Relationships.”
For log-in and other information, visit the Event Listing on the Tarot Circle website.
Sunday June 2, 9 pm EDT
Christiana’s Psychic Café
We will hear a panel of musicians, artists, healers, writers and spiritual people all answer the same question – What is something we can do to create a better world?
Join us for a unique and inspiring show on the Para Encounters Network.
Tuesday June 4, 7 pm EDT
Premium Webinar
An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana – Spiritual Enlightenment
The final seven cards of the Major Arcana, cards Fifteen through Twenty-One, hold the secrets of the Fool’s Journey toward spiritual enlightenment.
This online presentation will focus on these seven important cards. Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card.
Students will contemplate the lessons of these seven cards, and discover how they point the way to enlightenment.
Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.
Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.
For information, registration and log-in visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.
Sunday June 9, 9 pm EDT
Christiana’s Psychic Café
Jeanne Fiorini of TarotWorks will be our guest.
Jeanne is a well-known tarot reader, teacher and author.
Tune in on the Para Encounters Network.
Wednesday June 12, 7 pm
Free Webinar
Magick with Symbols and Images
For centuries, symbols and images have been used by many cultures in magick to create healing, prosperity and other positive results.
Join us for an exploration of magickal symbols and images.
You will learn to find magickal symbols and images around you, and use them to manifest wonderful things in your life.
If you have tarot cards, runes or other symbolic tools, have them handy for this workshop.
Some of the topics we will cover include tarot magick, bindrunes and creating your own magickal symbols.
For log-in information visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website