The Yule Song


  I work as an artist model sometimes.  It gives my brain lots of time to come up with things while I'm in the midst of all that physical stillness.  The other day, my love of parody came to the fore. So here's one for the Pagan folk.  Hope you like it.  And of course, Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, and Joyous times to all!

The Yule Song
- to the tune of The Chanukah Song by Adam Sandler 
  Lyrical adaptation by Robin Renée 
It’s gonna be so cool again, time to celebrate Yule again
Why not play the fool again and have some fun at Yule again 
Yule is the holiday of returning light
The sun gets stronger after the year’s longest night
If you feel like the only one with no Nativity,
Here are some Pagan people just like you & me:
Robin Gibb’s wife Dwina was a Druid Priestess
Alice Walker knows what the Sabbat feast is
Do you wanna hear a Pagan while you’re driving in your car?
Tune in to Margot Adler on NPR
Not sure if his mom served tofu pups or brisket
But who was raised a Wiccan? Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit! 
You don't need Silent Night or The Chanukah Song
‘Cause you can rock with George Takei around the fire all night long (Oh, myyy!)
It’s gonna be so cool again, time to celebrate Yule again
It’s like a shiny jewel again, the sacred time of Yule again
Barack Obama – not a Pagan - It’s easy to perceive it
He’s not a Muslim either, but some people won’t believe it
And yes, she spent a lot of time speaking out for PETA
‘Cause Chrissie Hynde’s one badass vegan Pagan mamacita
Not everyone’s a Pagan who holds nature dear,
But I think Captain Planet is, and every Planeteer! 
There are so many holidays that people find pleasin’
But remember Winter Solstice is the reason for the season
So don’t be a hooligan
Just spread the love at Yule again
And tell the kids at school again
It’s the lovely time of Yule again
I’m like a stubborn mule again
Determined to do Yule again
So feel the inner fuel again
And sing the songs of Yule again
The season is so cool
So have a happy, happy, blessed, happy Yule!  
Robin Renée    December 2012 



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Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 12/12/2012