Tarot, Tattoos and the Wheel of Fortune


If I were to ever get a tattoo, it would probably be tarot-themed. I know a lot of people with tarot-related tattoos I admire.

Just this past weekend I had a profound experience with a tarot tattoo. I was visiting with a client whom I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. I noticed she had a large, bright round tattoo on her shoulder. I wondered if I had seen the tattoo before, or if it was new. The tattoo really got my attention, so I asked her about it.

She showed it to me, but told me she wouldn’t say anything about it under the reading was under way.

The tattoo was clearly a Wheel of Fortune image, although not from any published tarot I had seen before. It seemed to have elements from a number of different tarot designs.

I remembered that my client had her own deck, and had taken some classes with me.

I began the reading with my usual 11-card Celtic Cross. In the position of “Love and Romance” was the Wheel of Fortune reversed.

The last time I had read for my client she was married. As I looked at the Wheel of Fortune reversed, along with many of the other cards in the spread, it was immediately clear to me that her marriage was no more.

As we went through the reading the Wheel of Fortune appeared two more times.

For my client, it was an instant connection. She had expected to see the Wheel of Fortune. Even though I had just seen her tattoo, I didn’t immediately connect the Wheel of Fortune on the tattoo with the Wheel of Fortune in the spread that indicated the divorce.

When it finally hit me, she told me the story.

During the time her marriage was dissolving, the Wheel of Fortune became what I call a “frequent card” for her. A “frequent card” is one of those cards that just keeps coming up, over and over again.

Inspired by the tarot card that kept coming up for her, my very creative client researched Wheel of Fortune images and designed her tattoo to be part of her healing process.

Sometimes it happens that a particular card becomes emblematic of a life situation. From that card we can find a great deal of courage, understanding and perspective, as well as answers to virtually any question we might have.

So what can my client learn from the Wheel of Fortune in this situation?

The Wheel of Fortune tells my client that some things are out of her control. There is nothing she can do to change the situation.

The Wheel of Fortune tells my client that all things in life are cyclical. The cycle of her marriage is ending, but new cycles will begin.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds my client that, even in the misfortune of divorce, she is a fortunate person, and must be grateful for her good fortune, and anticipate more good fortune in the future.

The Wheel of Fortune advises my client that some relationships are karmic. Perhaps she and her husband were working our past life issues, or completing other karmic pacts together.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds my client that her fate and fortune are her own. There is no need for her to be tied to a difficult relationship.

The Wheel of Fortune imbues my client with the energy of luck and good fortune, even during difficult times.

The Wheel of Fortune reminds my client that revenge is never necessary. What goes around always comes around. For this reason, too, the Wheel of Fortune advises my client to take the high road of civility in dealing with her soon-to-be-ex.

Sometime one card can get our attention by appearing frequently, and can offer a wealth of wisdom and healing at a time we really need it.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


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