Many of you know that Tarot Circle began in 2000 in Central Village, CT. Its goal then, as now, was to foster fellowship, study and growth around the tarot. The concept is that we can all learn from each other.
Another goal of Tarot Circle is to serve the community at large. Over these many years we have raised food, money and toys by donating our skills to those in need.
Over the years, we have met in towns throughout Connecticut, Pennsylvania and South Florida.
Now that so much of my business is on-line we are meeting on-line using Webex. The great thing about meeting via Webex is that we have people from all over the world at our meetings...
Harvest Psychic Gallery at Pearl Rauberts'
Pearl Rauberts is a respected spiritual teacher in South Florida and beyond.
Her home sits on ten acres in wild Loxahatchee. Part of her home and property is dedicated to classes, workshops and ceremony. She has an elite cadre of teachers who work with her to present an impressive calendar of events.
Four times a year I am on that calendar presenting my Psychic Gallery. This past Saturday was our Harvest Psychic Gallery, held on Mabon, the Autumnal Equinox. We had a full house of 25 lovely people in Pearl's sacred room...
Read the full article at
Welcome Autumn!
This past Saturday we celebrated the Autumnal Equinox, also known as Mabon. This marks a time of gratitude, when we consider our good fortunes; our personal harvest. It is also a time to consider what we would like to harvest in the coming months. What about you? For what are your grateful? And what would you like to manifest in your life in the upcoming months?

Don't Miss the First-Ever Psychic Hour with Christiana on Webex
For many years I was the Resident Psychic on a few broadcast radio and TV stations. Typically, we would have "Psychic Hour" which was a time when anyone could call in, ask a question, and get a free psychic reading with me. This provided an hour's entertainment for listens, and free readings for those who called. Now, I spend more time doing Psychic Galleries, which are gathering of seekers who come together in sacred space to receive messages from Spirit. What I propose to do this Sunday is a combination of those two energies. For one hour on Sunday, September 30 starting out at 4 pm I will be available on Webex for the first-ever Psychic Hour with Christiana. Log in, ask your question, and stick around to hear the readings of others and participate in the chat room! It's totally free, and I think it will be totally fun - and enlightening! For more information, and for log-in instructions, visit the event listing on

Your Weekly One-Card Reading
Your one-card reading for the week is the Four of Swords.
The Waite Rider Smith Four of Swords pictures the sleeping knight in a death-like pose. Other decks depict the card character recovering from an illness or injury. Still others portray a character clearly in meditation.
This card can be about taking a much-need rest. It can be a time out, and a time to recover. This card can indicate the need for meditation, and the need to quiet the mind.
The Four of Swords can advise you to create sacred space, and stay away from the craziness of mundane chatter. It gives you permission to take time for yourself. It reminds you of the importance of rest and rejuvenation.
If you are obsessing about something, this card is a clear directive to give it a rest!

Check Out the Tarot Blog Hop!
I didn't realize that tarot blogging was such a "thing" until I started doing in myself, and reading other tarotist's blogs. Tarot blogs can contain a lot of useful information, from musings to spreads to card interpretations to recipes and jokes.
Now I am part of the Tarot Blog Hop. The Tarot Blog Hop blogs together eight times a year. We all agree to write on a particular topic, and to link to the person before us, and the person after us, in a chain. We all post our blogs at the same time, all across the word.
This past Saturday was the Mabon Tarot Blog Hop, in honor of the Autumnal Equinox. Twenty-eight tarot bloggers wrote on the topic of The Power of Transformation. We each had to choose a tarot card, deck or spread to describe the process by which we are transformed, just as grapes and honey are transformed into mead.
Tarot Tour Guide Available Now!
Get your copy of Chistiana's Tarot Tour Guide in large format paperback or eBook format for most readers, tablet and PC. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Smashwords and from the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press.
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