Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter October 3, 2012

Tarot by Christiana's Weekly Newsletter  

October 3, 2012 

Psychic Hour a Success!

This past Sunday, folks gathered from all over the world for an hour of psychic readings with me on Webex.  What fun we had!  As is usual with psychic galleries, many people listening received messages not only in answer to their own questions, but also from the information received by others.

While I was reading for each individual, the chat room was busy as participants read for each other, adding insight to the messages I had given.
Tarot readers added to their own repertoires as I shared some special tips from my tarot career.
I will hold another Psychic Hour on December 30. Check out the event listing and download a recording of the September 30th event on my website Celebrate Spritual Growth. You will need the free webex player in order to listen to the recording.


The Week in Review

Four Simple Ways to Master the Tarot Suits

Biddy of Biddy Tarot shares Four Simple Ways to Master the Tarot Suits on the Tarot Topics Community Blog.


Claiming the Queen of Wands

Christiana answers the Tarot Translation Group question "Which Card is Your Significator and Why?" on her personal blog, Tarot Trends. Read Claiming the Queen of Wands.

Joanne answers the same question on the Tarot Topics Community Blog. Read her post Why I Am The Nine Of Pentacles.


A Review of Tarot Foundations: 31 Days to Read Tarot with Confidence

Christiana reviews Brigit "Biddy" Esselmont's new e-book, Tarot Foundations, on the Tarot Topics Community News website. Read her review of this important new resource.

Tarot Foundations cover art


Rock October with a Reading!


October is a special time to have a psychic reading. The veil between the world of the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. While I am able to make contact with your dearly departed throughout the year, October is particularly potent.

We are also fast approaching the holiday season. That makes it a good time for a love reading. If a break-up is coming you are best to do it now and avoid the dreaded "Turkey Dump."  If you're single, there is one important question; will you find love in time for NYE? If you have a great partner, it's time to plan the shopping list! I can help you come up with gift ideas that can't be beat!
Whatever your reason, I am just a phone call away, this month and always.
Call 561-655-1160 to book your October reading.


October Waning Moon  

We ended the month of September with a lovely full moon. Now we enter October with a waning moon.

The waning moon is a time to examine what no longer works in your life. What habits, thoughts or sorrows are you ready to release? Let that which you need to diminish wane along with the moon.


The Sun Tarot CardOctober Events 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012 (Today!) - 7 pm Eastern
Please join us for the premium webinar An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - Spiritual Enlightenment. You will learn a great deal of information about the final seven cards of the Major Arcana, and how they point the way to your own spiritual enlightenment. This class is appropriate for tarot readers of all levels of experience, including beginners. Visit tarotbychristiana.org for more information and to register.


Magickal ImagesSunday, October 14, 2012 - 4 pm Eastern

October features the debut of a new free webinar Magick with Symbols and Images. In this webinar you will learn to find magickal symbols and images around you, and use them to manifest wonderful things in your life. If you have tarot cards, runes or other symbolic tools, have them handy for this workshop. Some of the topics we will cover include tarot magick, bindrunes and creating your own magickal symbols. Find all the details including the password needed to join the webinar at celebratespiritualgrowth.com.


Global Tarot Circle

Sunday, October 21, 2012 - 5 pm Eastern

Don't miss October's Global Tarot Circle! This is a free on-line event. If you are interested in tarot, you will love Global Tarot Circle. In this informal workshop, we work together to share readings, fellowship and tarot study.  For more information about this Global Tarot Circle event visit tarotcircle.org


Christiana GaudetTuesday, October 23, 2012 - 7 pm Eastern
Please join us for the premium webinar Personal Tarot - Reading for Yourself. You will learn the techniques you need to know to be able to use tarot as a tool for personal divination, soul-searching, and decision-making. You will learn to identify the cards that speak to you in a personal way, and that help you to understand yourself and your core identity. For more information and to register, visit tarotbychristiana.org.

Ace of WandsYour Weekly One-Card Reading 

Your one-card reading for the week is the Ace of Wands.

The Ace of Wands is the essence of the fire energy. It is the birth of new passion, new creativity, and new motivation. In today's vernacular, we might say that this is the card that "lights a fire under your butt."
Are you in need of healing, motivation or energy? The Ace of Wands brings all that, and more. Are you ready to start a new project? The Ace of Wands will provide the inspiration. The Ace of Wands tells you that you are now ready to start something new. It's time for more passion, more creativity, more fun and more spirituality in your life!


Who are You?

Tarot and the Search for Identity: Five Ways Tarot Can Help You Discover Yourself

Who are you? I mean, really - who are you?
Our search for personal identity is as ancient as it is illusive.
The computer age has perhaps made matters worse. Each social network asks us to profile ourselves; to describe the essence of our being in four hundred characters or less. Many of us have different profiles for each hobby, professional goal and personal achievement. We become fragmented. Who am I as a drummer, a dancer, a tarotist, a naturist, a writer and a mother? How should my Facebook profile be different from my profile on LinkedIn?
As we age, our sense of identity changes. As children, our identity is formed by family. As young adults, we strive to create an identity separate from family. We want to be unique individuals. When we partner, we become part of a "we" instead of a singular identity.
Is there something at the core of each one of us that remains constant? Is there something that makes each of us unique?
So often in professional tarot reading I see that my client is struggling to understand and express his or her identity.
As it turns out, tarot can not only identify the problem, but also help us find the solution...

Tarot Tour Guide cover artTarot Tour Guide Available Now!

Get your copy of Chistiana's Tarot Tour Guide in large format paperback or eBook format for most readers, tablet and PC. Available on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, Smashwords and from the publisher, Jupiter Gardens Press.



Buy It Now    Reviews    Excerpt

Tarot by Christiana


To schedule a reading or for more information call 561-655-1160
Toll free call 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Where we Find Higher Power


A Review of Tarot Foundations: 31 Days to Read Tarot with Confidence