Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 4/3/2013


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013




Ralph Waldo Emerson told us that "life is a journey, not a destination."


But what is the purpose of a journey? Sometimes we journey to discover and to learn. Sometimes we journey to connect with people; sometimes we journey to pursue our passions. Sometimes we journey simply for fun.


A journey can have specific goals, but achieving those goals is not the whole of the journey.


When we are able to view life as a journey we are able to enjoy more, learn more and be more passionate about life. We worry less about things that don't really matter, and pay more attention to the things that do. We worry less about the plan, and more about experiencing each detail along the way.

Your Journey Tarot Spread


Here is a four-card spread about your personal life journey. You can use a tarot deck, or any card oracle.


Lay the cards out from left to right.


Card One: Where I am now.


Card Two: What I have learned so far.


Card Three: Where I am going.


Card Four: What I need to know about my journey.




What's Up at the Psychic Café?



As you probably know, Christiana's Psychic Café is a weekly webcast on the Para Encounters Network. Each Sunday at 9 pm EDT I interview guests, play music videos, teach tarot, perform readings and chat about things of interest to the metaphysical community. Since the show began in December my guests have included a comedian, a tarot artist, a tantric healer, musicians, a hoop dancer, Pagan leaders, diviners, authors and more.


All our shows are archived on the Tarot Topics News website. We have a show page on Facebook; please stop by and give us a "Like."


This past week our show fell on March 31, which was Easter Sunday and the day before April Fool's Day.  We had a wonderful time celebrating healing, dance, music and the tarot Fool. Our guests included Michelle and Ron of the Gong Temple, who told us a bit about using gongs to add in meditation and relaxation.


We enjoyed a video about Eric the TranscenDancer.


Anita Perez joined me for a discussion about the Fool and special one-card tarot readings.


You can join the fun by watching the show in archive.


This coming week, April 7, our guest will be outspoken Pagan and professional psychic Helene Martz. People enjoyed her so much when she was a panel guest for our St. Patrick's Day show I thought it would be great to have her back on the show!


We will also have an interview with Eric the TranscenDancer, and enjoy a Kirtan video from Michelle Angel.


To tune in, please visit the Show Information page.

Check out the Tarot Translator


Many of you know Val Sherrill from Facebook, Global Tarot Circle and other on-line events. Val is a tarot professional in her own right, and keeps a great blog called Tarot Translator.


Last week Val was so excited by a tarot spread we did on Christiana's Psychic Café that she wrote a blog post about it! Thanks, Val, for showing the Psychic Café some love!


Now check out Val's post on Tarot Translator and let's show her some love!



The Week in Review


This week Christiana enjoyed a nice French restaurant. Read her UrbanSpoon review on The Dark Forest.


On the Tarot Topics Community Blog Christiana celebrated April's Fools Day by Celebrating the Fool.


Also on the Tarot Topics Community Blog Robin Renee posted about the Philadelphia Zombie Run. Read Transformation by Zombies.


On Tarot Trends, Christiana's Personal Blog, Christiana contemplated the word "should." Read Should is a Funny Word.


Also on her personal blog, Christiana reacted to some recent news stories with a post entitled Science and Faith.



Your One-Card Weekly Reading


You One-Card reading this week is the King of Pentacles.


The King of Pentacles can refer to a particular person in your life. Typically the King of Pentacles is an adult man who is very stable and responsible. He may be good in business and he may be wealthy.


The King of Pentacles may also represent a woman who is a strong business leader.


This card may appear when you need to focus on your own stability and your own business matters.


This card may suggest an atmosphere of stability and prosperity for you, and may advise you to pay special attention to your responsibilities.






Signed Copies of Christiana's Books Now Available


I've just received a shipment of both my books; Fortune Stellar: What Every Professional Tarot Reader Needs to Know and Tarot Tour Guide: Tarot, The Four Elements and Your Spiritual Journey.


Fortune Stellar is a great book for any metaphysical professional or aspiring professional who counts tarot amongst their tools. It includes eight lessons designed to help you get your business going and prospering, as well as essays on tarot, tarot spreads and great tips for the spiritual entrepreneur.


Tarot Tour Guide is a tarot book for every tarot enthusiast. In includes tarot divination, tarot magick, tarot interpretation and tarot spreads. Most importantly, it helps you to use tarot in every aspect of your life.


If you would like a signed copy of either, or both, of these books, simply call 561-655-1160 to order yours!



Upcoming Events


Sunday April 7 9 pm EDT

Christiana's Psychic Café


Helene Martz will be our guest.


Helene joined us for our St. Patrick's Day Show and impressed everyone with her energy and wit.


Helene is a Pagan teacher and psychic tarot card reader. Helene is outspoken, funny and dedicated to her craft.


You may not agree with everything she says, but you'll love the way she says it!


Join us on the Para Encounters Network.



Monday April 8 7 pm EDT

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Join us for a free, online, informal tarot gathering appropriate for tarot enthusiasts of all levels of experience.


Each month we gather to share readings, interpretations, knowledge and fellowship.


In honor of April Fool's Day, our topic will be the Fool. We will discuss our favorite Fool images, ways of interpreting the Fool and our own experience of the Fool's Journey.


To join the fun, visit the Event Page on the Tarot Circle website.



Sunday April 14 9 pm EDT

Christiana's Psychic Café


Professional tarot reader and radio show host Tidal Miller joins us on the café to discuss tarot, magick, and paganism and the world of on-line radio.


We will also have special musical guests and other surprises as well!


Tune in to Para Encounters Network each Sunday night at 9 pm.



Sunday April 21 9 pm EDT

Christiana's Psychic Café


Our guest on the café will be freedom facilitator Marina Bajscar.


Marina is a teacher and healer who works with a variety of modalities to help her clients and students find true emotional freedom. One of her modalities is "FasterEFT."


We will learn about Emotional Freedom Technique, and about what makes FasterEFT so effective!


Join us Sunday night on the Para Encounters Network!



Thursday, May 23, 7 pm EDT

Premium Webinar

Sharing Wisdom - Reading for Others

(Please note this event has been rescheduled from April 11)


Tarot hobbyists, professional readers, and those somewhere in between, all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.


In this online presentation, Christiana Gaudet will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. She will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. She will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


For more information and to register, visit the Event Page on the Continuing Education Website.





The New Issue of Attune Magazine


Attune Magazine is a free digital quarterly magazine published by Mary Nale. Each edition is chock-full of great information from members of the on-line metaphysical community.


The April edition is now available. Its theme is "The Moon." It contains articles about the Moon card in tarot, poetry, tarot deck reviews, information about moon magick and more!


Some well-known writers have contributed to this edition, including Stephanie Arwen Lynch, Bonnie Cehovet, Joanne Matthew and me!


Enjoy this great edition of a wonderful community resource, Attune Magazine!



Tarot by Christiana Gaudet



561-655-1160 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)




Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Tarot in My Life: "Getting Back to YourSelf" Tarot Spread


Science and Faith