Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 3/6/2013


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter


March 6, 2013



Body, Mind and Spirit


When we hear the words "Body, Mind and Spirit" we think of holistic healing. That is the idea that all well-being comes from nurturing all aspects of self. We cannot focus on healing the body without also nurturing emotional/mental health and spiritual health. It is difficult to be emotionally healthy if we are not also spiritually and physically well.


Throughout our lives we all suffer imbalances, but our goal is always to nurture and be well of body, of mind and of spirit. This means that, for instance, diet can impact spiritual well-being, or mood. Great sadness can cause physical illness.


It is also true that if we are physically unwell a positive attitude can help us heal. If we are depressed physical exercise can help us feel better. If we stay spiritually centered our mental and physical health will be improved.


Body, mind and spirit are inextricably connected within each of us. As we learn to take care of ourselves we learn to honor our physical health, our mental well-being and our spiritual growth.




Body, Mind and Spirit in Tarot


If you've read my book Tarot Tour Guide  or if you've taken any of my premium tarot webinars then you know I like to see the numbered cards of the Major Arcana as a journey toward wellness of body, mind and spirit.


I see cards one through seven (Magician through Chariot) as the lessons we need to learn to master the material world, or "body".


I see cards eight through fourteen (Strength through Temperance) as the lessons we need to learn to find emotional balance, or "mind".


I see cards fifteen through twenty-one (Devil through World) as the lessons we need to learn to find spiritual enlightenment, or "spirit".


Each group of seven cards is a journey. Each card teaches a lesson. Each lesson builds on the previous lesson.


When we study tarot we learn not only what cards can mean in a reading. We learn the lesson of each card, and have the opportunity to heal and grow as a result of each lesson.


Through the study of tarot we are able to embrace the universal wisdom that brings us to the place of wholeness, integration and completion; the place of balance and wellness of body, mind and spirit.




What's Up at the Psychic Café?


On March 3rd Aliandra Starre was our guest. Aliandra is a Shamanic Astrologer. She explained Shamanic Astrology and even performed a few readings!  It was fascinating to learn about the origin of this exciting practice. Aliandra also shared some images from her Alchemical Tarot deck as we discussed the About.com Reader's Choice Awards for tarot decks.


Do you remember Ariana Lightningstorm, the Lip Print Reader from our Valentine's Day special? This week we featured her band, Kiva. We enjoyed watching them perform at the Maryland Faerie Festival, complete with dancing and hooping faeries.


If you missed this episode or want to see it again you can watch it in archive.


For our next Psychic Café on March 10th Dax Carlisle will be our guest. Dax is the founder and president of Tarot Guild, one of the world's largest tarot organizations. Dax and I will discuss tarot community, metaphysics, marketing in the computer age, ethics for spiritual business and more! Join us Sunday night at 9 pm Eastern.




The "Body, Mind and Spirit" Tarot Spread


A popular three-card tarot spread is the "Body, Mind and Spirit" spread. You can perform this spread with any tarot or oracle deck. This spread is a good check of your overall wellbeing, and may offer advice for you to improve your health and happiness.


There are many ways to perform this spread - here's one of my favorites.


Shuffle your deck until it feels ready.


Cut the deck three times into three face-down piles.


Rub your hands together to open the palm chakras.


Hold your left hand over each of the three piles. Decide which one feels the most airy, which one feels the most tingly and which one feels the most heavy.


The most airy is the "Spirit" pile.


The most tingly is the "Mind" pile.


The most heavy is the "Body" pile.


Turn over the top card on each pile. First look at how the three cards relate to each other. Do they have anything in common? Is one obviously more positive than the others?


Interpret each card to answer these questions.


What is the present state of my (Body, Mind, Spirit)?


Is there something more I can do to nurture my (Body, Mind, Spirit)?


If you need more information, look at the second card in each pile to answer this question.


What more do I need to know about my (Body, Mind, Spirit)?


You can also look at the very bottom card of each pile to give indication to "What is at the bottom of all this?"



Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your One-Card reading for the week is the Devil! Don't worry, it's not as scary as it seems. The Devil asks you to consider the ideas, habits and priorities to which you have attached yourself.


Are these things healthy and helpful? Or are you attached to addictions, negative thoughts and things that hurt you?


Have you made a priority of material things when spiritual things should be more important?


Without the process of examining what binds you, of confronting your shadow self, you will never be able to advance in your journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


The Devil offers an opportunity to recognize and release the things that hold you back.




The Week in Review


This week Linda Moore posted in her blog "Tarot in my Life" on the Tarot Topics Community Blog. Read Tarot in my Life: Eight of Pentacles.


All tarotists are invited to keep a regular blog on the community blog site as Linda does, or to post their articles of interest to the tarot community from time to time.


Also on the community blog this week Christiana posted about perspectives on card interpretation. Read Neither Good nor Bad.


On Christiana's personal blog, Tarot Trends, Christiana discusses tarot cards that teach us lessons about getting along with each other. Read Getting Along.


This past week one of Christiana's favorite bands came to town. Read her post about it on the Dark Forest, Dark Star Orchestra at Revolution Hall.




Upcoming Events


Sunday, March 10, 4 pm Eastern Time

Free Webinar

Magick with Symbols and Images


For centuries, symbols and images have been used by many cultures in magick to create healing, prosperity and other positive results.


Join us for an exploration of magickal symbols and images. You will learn to find magickal symbols and images around you, and use them to manifest wonderful things in your life.


If you have tarot cards, runes or other symbolic tools, have them handy for this workshop. Some of the topics we will cover include tarot magick, bindrunes and creating your own magickal symbols.


For log-in info visit the Event Listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth Website.


Sunday March 10, 9 pm Eastern Time

Christiana's Psychic Café


Dax Carlisle, founder of the Tarot Guild and BTR Radio Host, will join us to discuss tarot in the 21st Century.


We'll talk about building an international tarot organization, internet radio and the ups and downs of professional tarot.  Tarot ethics, business solutions for metaphysicians, and the future of tarot are only some of the exciting topics we will address! 


Visit the Show Information page to join us!


Tuesday, March 12, 7 pm Eastern Time

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot.


You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements.


This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log-in information please find the class information on the Continuing Education website.


Sunday, March 17, 9 pm Eastern Time

Christiana's Psychic Café


It's Saint Patrick's Day on the Psychic Café!


We will have a variety of guests discussing Saint Patrick's Day from a spiritual and secular perspective. Is it all about honoring Ireland? Is it all about drinking green beer? What are the Pagan and Christian influences, and who exactly was Saint Patrick?


As a special treat, Ambika Devi will be joining us to teach us how to use a wonderful psychic tool - the "True Pendulum of the Heart." 


Join us on the Para Encounters Network.


Monday, March 18, 7 pm Eastern

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome to join us!


Bring your burning questions about tarot, and for the tarot! Our topic this month will be fate, luck, karma and destiny!


For log-in information please visit the Event Listing on the Tarot Circle website.


Sunday March 24 2:30 pm

Springtime Psychic Gallery with Christiana Gaudet

At Pearl Rauberts' in Loxahatchee, FL


Celebrate the renewal of spring with Psychic Christiana Gaudet! Christiana will be returning today for a special Springtime Psychic Gallery.


During this presentation, Certified Tarot Grandmaster Christiana Gaudet will deliver an important message to each participant. You will be encouraged to ask questions, but also to be open to whatever the Universe wants you to know. As you open yourself to rebirth and renewal, take this opportunity to receive some inspirational guidance. Find out what is ready to bloom in your life!


As those who have attended Christiana’s galleries know, the energy of fellowship, enlightenment, knowledge and empowerment is always profound. Come be a part of it and experience this exciting opportunity for healing and growth. You may even receive a message from a departed loved one!


The gallery will take place at the home of Pearl Rauberts in Loxahatchee. You must reserve your seat with Pearl. Email her to RSVP and for more information at pearlrauberts@hotmail.com.


Sunday March 24 9 pm Eastern Time

Christiana's Psychic Café


Joining us will be Barbara Magro, author of the fabulous cookbook Recipes to Remember. 


When her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's it became part of Barbara's spiritual journey to preserve her mother's traditional Italian cooking and raise awareness regarding this devastating disease.


Join us on the Para Encounters Network.


Tuesday, March 26 7 pm Eastern Time

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot - Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.

This online presentation will teach you good practices for self reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies.


Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need.


For more information and registration visit the event listing on the Continuing Education Website.


Tarot by Christiana Gaudet


561-655-1160 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)


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Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Don't Put Your Angry Foot Forward


Aliandra Starre on the Psychic Cafe!