Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 2/27/2013


Tarot by Christiana

Newsletter February 27, 2013




When we are little sharing is about playing nicely with others. As we get older sharing becomes more about communication. We share thoughts and ideas as well as resources. Sometimes we overshare by revealing too much information about ourselves to the wrong people.


In a community setting we sometimes share by volunteering our time, energy and expertise to worthy causes. In a business setting we often need to be careful about not sharing proprietary secrets.


In a spiritual setting we can share energy, ideas, healing and wisdom. This forms the bonds of the community. When we share of ourselves in the context of charity, spirituality and friendship we make others stronger as we strengthen ourselves.




Sharing in Your Community



Most of us are members of many communities - spiritual communities, work communities, creative communities, on-line communities and recreational communities. And of course, there are the communities in which we live.


The more we share of ourselves within our communities, the better our communities will be.


Sometimes sharing is about helping those in need by raising money or food. Sometimes we share our talents by teaching others new skills. Sometimes we share of ourselves by simply being present at community events.


Tarot offers so many opportunities for sharing. In the tarot community we teach each other about the cards and about ways to use and interpret them. We share readings with each other. Often we volunteer our services to entertain at charity events or to raise money for worthy causes.


Creative communities tend to do the same kinds of things by crafting items to donate to charities or to be sold to raise money. Social and recreational communities often engage in similar activities


When we work together for a common goal we experience fellowship. We make friends, have fun and feel a sense of purpose.


Sometimes people feel that their contributions aren't good enough, or don't make a difference. Really, that is simply never true. Everyone has something to contribute, and everyone's contribution makes a difference.


Too many people feel lonely and isolated, and there is simply no reason this needs to be. There are communities to suit every interest. Even if you live in a remote area you can be a meaningful part of an on-line community.


We all have something to share, and we all benefit from sharing within a community.


Sharing Spread


Here is an original tarot spread about sharing within a community. It is appropriate to use with any tarot or oracle deck.


Card 1. In what way do I benefit from being part of this community?


Card 2. What skills and resources do I normally share with this community?


Card 3. What more could I share with this community?


Lay the cards out left to right. Interpret the card in each position to help you understand and expand your role within your community.




What's up at the Psychic Café


Last Sunday, February 24, Marcy Currier returned to the Psychic Café to show us two new sketches from her upcoming Mystical Frog Tarot, and to discuss a third card.


We saw her Three of Cups and her Five of Cups, and discussed her vision for her Hierophant.


Then I posed some controversial questions of tarot ethics to Marcy. A fun and interesting conversation ensued.


We ended the show with opinions from listens and call-in psychic readings. If you missed the show or want to see it again, you can watch it in archive.


For our first show in March we will have Aliandra Starre as a guest. Aliandra is a Shamanic Astrologer. I am really excited to learn about Shamanic Astrology and how it differs from astrology as we typically understand it.


We will also see a video clip of Ariana Lightningstorm's band, Kiva, performing at the Maryland Faerie Festival, complete with dancing faeries and hoopers.


I will also be performing psychic readings for callers, so get your questions ready!


It all happens Sunday evening, March 3 at 9 pm Eastern, on the Para Encounters Network


Visit our Show Information Page on Facebook for more information.




A Reading with Christiana
You can have a reading with Christiana by Skype or phone, or by special arrangement in person in South Florida. In a reading with Christiana you can expect some of these things to happen.
You may gain insight into your own personality, identity, skills, talents and spiritual purpose.
You may receive a new perspective on your relationships and smart advice about ways to improve and understand those relationships.
You may receive information about your own healing journey, along with ideas for enhancing your personal healing.
You may receive messages from those who have passed into Spirit.
You may receive helpful information about business and career.
Each reading with Christiana is a unique experience designed to give you exactly the information you need at that moment. You will have the opportunity to ask questions about your life, your decisions, your spiritual path and your loved ones.
You can schedule your reading with Christiana by calling 561-655-1160.


Your One-Card Weekly Reading



Your One-Card Reading this week is Strength. Strength is often pictured as a woman with a lion. In a contest of psychical strength the lion could kill the woman, but the woman has tamed the lion. Somehow, as frail as the woman is, she has conquered the lion. She controls his wild nature, and subdues his anger. Her ability to do this comes from her loving, gentle nature.


This card reminds us that love is the greatest strength. We must temper anger and keep our baser nature under control.


This card affirms that we have the strength we need to conquer whatever we must, as long as love is the source of that strength.




February Global Tarot Circle Recap


We had a great group for our February Global Tarot Circle, ranging from brand new readers to professionals. In honor of Valentine's Day our topic was Love and Tarot.


We started the meeting with "Introductions and Burning Questions."  Each person had to say where in the world they were, if they read for themselves and/or for others, and how often they found themselves turning to the cards to answer questions about love and romance. Each person was allowed to ask a "burning question," that is, either a question about the cards themselves or a question about their own lives appropriate for a virtual room full of tarot readers.


Interestingly, many of our burning questions really focused us on the topic, since many of the questions were love-related.


Once we worked through all the burning questions we focused on our discussion questions, which were:


  1. What does the Lovers Major Arcana 6 say to you?
  2. What cards predict a happy love relationship?
  3. What are typical questions people ask tarot about love?
  4. How do we avoid bringing our own experiences/lack of experiences to our readings?


Question 2, about cards that predict a happy love relationship, gave us an interesting answer. One person used the Five of Pentacles as a card that predicts a happy relationship. The rest of us had never thought about that before. He explained that in that card he saw "For better or worse." This was a great example of the value of Tarot Circle as an opportunity to share our thoughts and ideas with one another.


The next Global Tarot Circle will be March 18 at 7 pm Eastern time. Our discussion topic will be fate, luck, karma and destiny. Join us by visiting the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.



The Week in Review


This week on the Dark Forest Christiana reviews a great new cookbook. Read Cookbook with a Cause: A Review of Recipes to Remember by Barbara Magro.


On her personal blog, Tarot Trends, Christiana explores some spiritual concepts of our responsibilities to the world. Read her thoughts in Being of the World.


On the Tarot Topics Community Blog Christiana writes a letter to those who are learning to read tarot. Read her thoughts and advice in A Letter to New Tarot Readers.



Upcoming Events


Sunday, March 3, 9 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


In our Magick and Mayhem segment Aliandra Starre will be our guest. Aliandra practices Shamanic Astrology. She is also a tarot student, professional psychic and belly dancer. We are excited to meet Aliandra and to learn about Shamanic Astrology! 


In our Artist's Corner we will see a video of Kiva, Ariana Lightningstorm's band, performing at the Maryland Faerie Festival, complete with dancing faeries and hoopers! 


For more information please visit our Show Info Page on Facebook!


Sunday, March 10, 4 pm EST

Free Webinar

Magick with Symbols and Images


For centuries, symbols and images have been used by many cultures in magick to create healing, prosperity and other positive results.


Join us for an exploration of magickal symbols and images. You will learn to find magickal symbols and images around you, and use them to manifest wonderful things in your life. If you have tarot cards, runes or other symbolic tools, have them handy for this workshop. Some of the topics we will cover include tarot magick, bindrunes and creating your own magickal symbols.


For log-in info visit the Event Listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth Website.


Sunday March 10, 9 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


Dax Carlisle, founder of the Tarot Guild and BTR Radio Host, will join us to discuss tarot in the 21st Century, building an international tarot organization, internet radio and the ups and downs of professional tarot.


Join us on the Para Encounters Network.


Tuesday, March 12, 7 pm EST

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Minor Arcana


Please join us for a 75-minute-long webinar about the Four Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. This class will cover the powers and properties of the four elements, and how they relate to the four suits in tarot.


You will learn ways of interpreting the pip cards and the court cards based on their elemental association. You will learn ways of designing and performing tarot spreads based on the four elements. This class is appropriate for beginners, and readers of all levels.


For log-in information please find the class information on the Continuing Education website.



Sunday, March 17, 9 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


It's Saint Patrick's Day on the Psychic Café!


We will have a variety of guests discussing Saint Patrick's Day from a spiritual and secular perspective. Is it all about honoring Ireland? Is it all about drinking green beer? What are the Pagan and Christian influences, and who exactly was Saint Patrick? All this, and your free psychic readings! 


Join us on the Para Encounters Network.


Monday, March 18, 7 pm EST

Free Webinar

Global Tarot Circle


Anyone with an interest in tarot is welcome to join us!


Bring your burning questions about tarot, and for the tarot! Our topic this month will be fate, luck, karma and destiny!


For log-in information please visit the Event Listing on the Tarot Circle website.





Tarot by Christiana Gaudet
Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768)

Phone or Text: 561-655-1160



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Neither Good nor Bad


A Letter to New Tarot Readers