Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 1/23/2013


Tarot by Christiana

  Newsletter 1/23/2013  


Be Bold!


Helen Keller once said "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."


Sometimes it is difficult to be daring and to take bold steps. But everywhere we turn we see reminders that bold steps are the only path to success, happiness and integrity.


I think courage isn't the absence of fear; it is the willingness to proceed anyway. Part of courage, too, is faith. If we have more faith than fear we will always be inspired to do wonderful things.


To be bold is to push out of the comfort zone. In tarot we look to the Fool, Card 0 of the Major Arcana, to remind us of our need to take a leap of faith once in a while. Tarot is often called "The Fool's Journey." Tarot is an allegory and a guide for our own brave adventure through life.


I often think of another quote from another woman who inspires me, Eleanor Roosevelt.  Her wise advice was this.  “Do one thing every day that scares you.”




Pushing Out of the Comfort Zone with Tarot


Here's an exercise designed to help you understand some Minor Arcana cards and to help you understand what it takes to push out of the comfort zone!


Start by taking the four, five and six of each of the four suits out of the deck. Arrange them in a grid on your table or floor so you can see the cards of each suit in order and the numbers line up in the other direction.


Look at the fours. Each four in some way speaks of safety. Each four reflects a comfort zone of some sort. How does each four describe your own comfort zones?


Now look at the fives. Each five shows a great deal of conflict. This is what happens when we expand out of our comfort zones. Do these five images resonate with you? Do they depict what you feel like when you grow out of the box?


When you look at the sixes you see the victory that always comes after we take the leap of faith that allows us to think outside the box and leave our comfort zone.


To finish this exercise, take the four sixes and shuffle them. Pull one of the cards at random to give insight into the success you are bravely creating for yourself.




Christiana's Psychic Café


Last Sunday, January 20, we had two exciting guests on the show. Tarotist and artist Marcy Currier shared her new tarot deck in progress, The Mystical Frog Tarot. We are so used to seeing decks printed and in their packages - it was fascinating to have a sneak peek into a deck being born.


In the second half of the show we welcomed Tantric Healer Lourdes Starshower. She shared a lot of important information most of us had never heard before. It was a frank and enlightening conversation.


If you didn't catch the show, or would like to see it again, you can watch it in archive on the Tarot Topics News site.


On our next show, January 27, we will welcome Kingsley Guy, spiritual Egyptologist and author of the new novel Queen of the Heavens. Kingsley has a lot to share about Egyptian spirituality with us! Also on the show we will check in with Alicia Dattner to hear new about the Online Spiritual Comedy Festival which will be beginning soon.  This week we will make sure we have time for your psychic readings as well, so plan to call in! You can join the fun Sunday night, 9 pm New York Time, on the Para Encounters Network.




January Global Tarot Circle Recap


Global Tarot Circle gets more and more fun all the time! This time we started our meeting by having each person pull a card at random and use that card as a way of introducing themself. It was a good way to learn about significators and how the cards can describe individuals. It was also a fun exercise of self-discovery.


Our topic was New Year tarot readings. A few people shared spreads they had already performed as well as some favorite New Year spreads. One person shared the idea of counting cards through the deck until you reach your age and interpreting that card to give you an overall energy of the year to come. We all performed this quick and easy reading. We also tried a two-card spread - simply a card for the previous year and a card for the New Year.


As always we did some group readings for folks who had questions about their lives.


The next Global Tarot Circle will meet Thursday February 21 at 7 pm New York time. It's free, it's fun and it's great for anyone with an interest in tarot. Join us by visiting the event listing on the Tarot Circle website.






Your One-Card Weekly Reading


Your one-card reading for this week is the Six of Wands.


I drew this card at random for you and marveled at the synchronicity of it since this newsletter contains an exercise that uses the Minor Arcana sixes!


Tarot is often like that - the cards come up exactly how they should.


The Six of Wands is about victory after battle. It suggests glorious rewards will be yours if only you persevere and stay strong.  The Six of Wands reminds you that you are indeed a winner!



The Week in Review


This week Christiana added a new post to her column on PaganSquare, 78 Magickal Tools. Read Are Some Tarot Decks more Magickal than Others?



On the Tarot Topics Community Blog Christiana continues to explore the value of different decks with Does the Deck Make a Difference?


On Tarot Trends, Christiana's personal bog, Christiana explores the hazards of telling the truth within a community. Read Dirty Little Secrets.


On the Dark Forest Christiana shares some thoughts about religion, spirituality, traditions and kindness. Read The Difference Between Helping and Hurting.


Upcoming Events


Thursday, January 24, 7 pm EST

Free Webinar

The Four Elements and the Major Arcana


The four elements of life are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. They each have metaphysical properties as well as physical properties.


The four elements correlate with the four suits of the Minor Arcana of the tarot. They also correlate with individual cards of the Major Arcana.


This 75 minute webinar will help the tarot student more fully understand the four elements. It will provide a deeper way to comprehend each of the Major Arcana cards. The student will be able to more fully interpret the Major Arcana cards, whether reading for yourself or others.


For more information and to join the webinar simple visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.


Sunday, January 27, 9 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


In our Artist's Corner you will meet Kingsley Guy, author of the new novel Queen of the Heavens. Kingsley is a spiritual Egyptologist. His novel reflects his understanding of the Neters, the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Egypt, as well as he understanding of energy healing. Get ready for a fascinating conversation about writing, spirituality and ancient Egypt.


Sunday, February 3, 6 pm EST

Premium Webinar

Sharing Wisdom - Reading for Others


Tarot hobbyists, professional readers and those somewhere in between all share something in common. We all want to give the best readings possible to clients, family and friends.


In this online presentation, Christiana Gaudet will guide you through each step of performing a great reading. She will help you discover your personal style as a reader, and discuss some common pitfalls and ways to avoid them. She will give you insight in how to derive the most specific information possible from each reading.


For registration information visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.


Sunday, February 5, 9 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


Anita Perez joins us on the show to talk divination, art, magick and more. Anita is the co-host of the new radio show "The Alchemical Artisans Hour."


You will have the opportunity to call in to get your free psychic reading!


Just visit the Para Encounters Network Sunday at 9 to enjoy the show!


Tuesday, February 5, 7 pm EST

Premium Webinar

An In-Depth Journey into the Major Arcana - Spiritual Enlightenment


The final seven cards of the Major Arcana, cards Fifteen through Twenty-One, hold the secrets of the Fool’s Journey toward spiritual enlightenment.


This online presentation will focus on these seven important cards. Students will learn the astrological, numerological and elemental associations for each card.


Students will contemplate the lessons of these seven cards, and discover how they point the way to enlightenment.


Armed with a complete understanding of each card, students will have an easy time learning ways of interpreting the cards when reading for themselves and others.


For registration information visit the event listing on the Continuing Education website.





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Tarot by Christiana Gaudet
Toll Free: 866-99TAROT (866-998-2768) // Local: 561-655-1160
Email: christiana@tarotbychristiana.com
Website: tarotbychristiana.com

Skype: tarot.radio


Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Revolution and Evolution


The Difference Between Helping and Hurting