Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 12/26/2012


Tarot by Christiana Newsletter                                                                                      12/26/2012

Happy New Year!



As we say goodbye to 2012 and welcome 2013 I wish you a fun and safe New Year's celebration and a joyful and prosperous year! Use you energy and focus to manifest your vision for  2013, for yourself and for the world.


People all over the world have special New Year's traditions. Some traditions, like fireworks and champagne, are simply traditions of celebration. Other traditions, like making resolutions or eating "Hoppin' John" on New Year's Day are meant to actually help us create our fortune in the New Year.


Many cultures celebrate a spiritual New Year at another time on the calendar, like the Hebrew New Year, the Chinese New Year or the Witches' New Year that is celebrated on Halloween.  Nonetheless, on January 1st the entire planet comes together to celebrate our calendar New Year all across the world.


May the love and unity we feel as the clock strikes midnight become the spirit that guides us forward into 2013.

Reading For Your New Year

Many tarot readers do a New Year spread to see what the coming year may hold. You can do this with tarot cards or any other oracle.


One technique is to simply pull a card for each month of the year, making it a twelve-card reading. Another technique is to do an eight-card reading, one for each turn of the Pagan Wheel of the Year. You can even try a simple four-card reading, one for each season. If you prefer four cards can be one for each fiscal quarter of the year.


If any card seems unclear you can pull other cards to clarify it.

You can also use cards to manifest what you want to have happen in the New Year by choosing cards cognitively, rather than at random. Choose the cards that represent what you want, and then spend some time in meditation with them.


Whether you are predicting, manifesting or both, it is great to start the year with your cards!

Christiana Gaudet's Predictions for 2103

The end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012 really captured our imagination. Over the past decade it was easy for some people to believe that the tragedies we saw during that time, both natural and manmade, we part of an orchestrated run-up to some major event.


The truth is probably this. In any decade there are tragedies. We live in a volatile world. The weather changes, wars happen and people do unpredictable things.


But this doesn't mean that a huge change didn't happen on our planet in December of 2012. Spiritual change is not always reflected in ways that we can immediately see.  Just because we didn't see fire in the sky for three days (as one of my peers predicted we would) doesn't mean that a spiritual change didn't occur.


Spiritual change is often slow, like a gentle shift. In 2013 we have the opportunity to keep the energy of planetary evolution going. Now more than ever the way we treat each other matters, not only to each other but to the entire planet.  We must each work to transform lower energies such as anger, fear and greed into higher energies such as faith, love and compassion. I am not predicting that we will indeed do this - I am saying the opportunity is ours if we choose to take it.


As we move into the early part of 2013 the American economy is a priority issue. It is very likely that the compromises needed to create long term policies and solutions will not happen as quickly as they need to. Short term temporary solutions are likely to be implemented immediately. It may take until September 2013 for real agreements for strategies for fiscal recovery to be reached.


Meanwhile, the American economy for the first half of 2013 is not likely to see much recovery. In the second half of 2013 we should begin to see some signs of returning prosperity.


While the Chinese economy may falter slightly, it will not suffer the sort of crash the US and other countries have experienced.


2013 will be the first year of Obama's second term.  In his dealings with Congress we will see many of the same stalemates that have become the hallmark of his presidency. While he will offer many compromises, and while the American people will desire compromises, few compromises will be made and little will be accomplished. 


The new Secretary of State will find similar problems abroad. Very few leaders will be interested in compromising their authority in the interest of a more stable planet.


Militarily there will be many problems in Afghanistan, with a high risk of loss of life. There will be wars in many countries in the Middle East. Israel is likely to be more aggressive. Middle Eastern countries will continue the trend toward extreme religious governance.


Domestically, the trend toward ending marijuana prohibition will continue. Marijuana will be promoted as a solution to our financial issues. While these financial benefits won't be seen in 2013, the seeds will be planted (pardon the pun) this year.


The Supreme Court's decision to rule on same-sex marriage may not result in a decision that will please advocates of marriage equality.


Forest fires may be a particularly big problem in the US in 2013. There may also be a new health epidemic scare in the news.


Socially, in 2013 we may trend even more toward on-line activities rather than in-person activities. This will be the result of better technology, people feeling safer at home than out and about, and people having less discretionary income.


The laptop computer and the desk model computer will start to become tools of business, creativity and serious gaming, as most people opt for smaller hand-held devices.


And, as much as we complain about it, Facebook will dominate the social media world for another year.


In the celebrity world John Mayer and Katy Perry went public as a couple in December 2012. While they may produce a successful musical collaboration I do not foresee their relationship being as successful.


Amongst our older celebrities, both Cher and Barbra may have some health problems this year.


This may be Seth Meyers' last year on SNL. He might need to lay low for a while to take care of some personal problems.


In our national conversation there will be more and more discourse about morality. On television, in social media and with our friends we will be working to define our nation's standards of ethics. This will include conversations about guns, education, wealth, welfare and healthcare, reproductive rights, marriage equality, free speech and more.


By the end of 2013 we may see greater prosperity and new technology, but here in the United States we will still be struggling to define our national identity. Sadly, without great conscious effort, 2013 may not bring us closer to the goal of a more peaceable planet.


Your One-Card Weekly Reading

Your One-Card Weekly Reading for this week is the Three of Cups. This is a very appropriate card for a time of year when we like to have fun, visit friends and relatives and attend parties.


In fact, some people call the Three of Cups the "Party Card"!


The image of the Three of Cups often shows three women dancing together. This is a card that indicates celebrations, friendships, enjoyment and revelry. It encourages fun, creativity, dancing and enjoyment.


Whether you are celebrating the holidays or simply enjoying life, now is the time to be grateful for good things, to gather with people you enjoy, to relax and to have some fun!

The Week in Review

The past week marked the debut of Christiana's internet TV show, Christiana's Psychic Café. The first show included Robin Renee in the Artist's Corner, some holiday chat, Tarot Talk and psychic readings. You can watch the show in archive at your convenience.


December 21st was time for the Yule Tarot Blog Hop. This time the theme for the Blog Hop was simply this: Christmas Present. Twenty-two tarot bloggers wrote about this theme, each interpreting it a different way. See Christiana's post, and then follow the links to read what each blogger did with the holiday theme.


On the Tarot Topics Community Blog Christiana shared a post about the magical nature of a couple of Major Arcana cards. Read The Power of the Magician.


Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 30, 4:00 pm EST

Psychic Hour with Christiana on Webex


Join us for an hour of free psychic readings with Christiana Gaudet, Tarot Grandmaster and author.


In the on-line meeting room, Christiana will give short readings to all attendees, as time permits. You will enjoy being part of the energy, hearing Christiana's readings and receiving an insightful reading for yourself.


Don't miss this exciting online event! Find details and log in info on the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.


Sunday December 30, 9:00 pm EST

Christiana's Psychic Café


On the show this week Christiana will introduce you to a professional hula-hooper who performs slam poetry while hooping. Christiana will share her psychic predictions for 2013 and take your calls for free psychic readings. Browse to PEN to join the fun!


Sunday, January 6, 2:00 pm EST

2013 Psychic Gallery with Christiana at Pearl Rauberts' in Loxahatchee


What does 2013 have in store for you?


Celebrate the New Year with Psychic Tarot Grandmaster and author Christiana Gaudet and find out!


Christiana will return to Pearl Rauberts' in Loxahatchee for a New Year Psychic Gallery. Within sacred space, Christiana will reveal information for each person. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance about all aspects of your life. You may even receive a message from a loved one in Spirit!


Those who have attended galleries with Christiana before describe them as inspiring, entertaining and amazing. Each person’s reading is specific and insightful.


Don’t miss this opportunity to receive the information you need to make 2013 the best year ever! Seating is limited. Email Pearl at pearlrauberts@hotmail.com to reserve your spot. For more information visit the event listing on the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.


Sunday, January 6, 9 pm EST

Christiana 's Psychic Café


On the show this week Christiana welcomes musical guests Mad haPPy, shares some tarot knowledge and takes your calls for free psychic readings. Browse to PEN to watch the show!


Tuesday, January 8, 7:00 pm EST

Candle Magick Webinar


Join Christiana for a free on-line workshop!


For centuries, candles have been used by many cultures to enhance prayer and meditation. Today, many people discover amazing results when they use candles to manifest their intentions. Whatever positive improvement you seek in your life, a simple candle can help you realize your greatest desires.


In this workshop, you will learn about magickal traditions and theories. You will learn simple ways of preparing and burning candles to create healing, prosperity and other positive outcomes. Candle magick utilizes colors, herbs, flowers and symbols to easily help you manifest your highest good. You will also learn ways to use Tarot cards and other images to strengthen the energy of your intentions.


Whether you desire healing, love, clarity or a new job, candles can help make it happen! To join the webinar, find your log- in information on the event listing of the Celebrate Spiritual Growth website.


Sunday, January 20, 7 pm EST

Premium Webinar

Personal Tarot - Reading for Yourself


This class is designed for serious tarot students who want to develop their tarot skills. Self-reading is the best way to learn to understand the cards. It is also an important practice for personal and spiritual growth.


Christiana’s virtual classroom is accessible using your computer or your telephone.


This online presentation will teach you good practices for self-reading. You will be able to identify and interpret your specific personal cards. You will be able to use self-reading to enhance your tarot studies. Christiana will help you explore specific techniques for self-reading that will help you derive all the information you need. To register for this great webinar, visit the event listing on Christiana's Continuing Education Website.


Tarot by Christiana 561-655-1160 866-998-2768



Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.


Time and Tradition


2013 Psychic Predictions by Christiana Gaudet