Slicing Up the Ace of Swords


I love the Ace of Swords. It’s one of my favorite cards. Archetypically I see the Ace of Swords as Excalibur.

I have nicknames for some tarot cards. My nickname for the Ace of Swords is the “Anti-Bullsh*t Device.”

The Ace of Swords can mean so many things, both upright and reversed.

I thought it would be fun to make a list of some the things the Ace of Swords could indicate in a reading. If you have additional ideas please add them in the comments.

When we look at the Ace of Swords we see the Ace as the root, essence or new beginning. The Swords are generally associated with the element of Air. We see Air as related to the powers of the mind. Air is communication, trust, integrity, intelligence and information. Air can be curiosity, insight and inspiration as well.

The Ace of Swords, therefore, is the essence of the powers of mind. In a reading the Ace of Swords can indicate new information, new communication or the root of trust.

The Ace of Swords can indicate writing, or beginning a writing project. The Ace of Swords can indicate becoming aware of something you did not know before – new information coming to light.

The Ace of Swords can encourage schooling. The Ace of Swords can encourage us to face the truth.

The Ace of Swords can tell us to speak our truth and to engage in honest communication.
The Ace of Swords can indicate the throat chakra as the seat of communication. The Ace of Swords can also indicate the brow chakra as the seat of vision and psychic knowing.

With the Ace of Swords we express our vision and our truth.

With the Ace of Swords we honor our integrity.

With the Ace of Swords we do the right thing.

With the Ace of Swords we cut away what no longer serves us, leaving only the light of truth.

When the Ace of Swords is reversed in a reading, the energy changes. The Ace of Swords reversed can indicate dishonesty, or mistrust. The Ace of Swords reversed can show denial – an unwillingness to see the truth. The Ace of Swords reversed can suggest that we are avoiding necessary communication, or that there is someone with whom we really don’t want to speak.

Since the Ace of Swords represents clear truth, the Ace of Swords in reverse can express a corruption or misunderstanding of what is true.

What is true about the Ace of Swords for you?

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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