Seven Ways to Know it’s Time to go Pro


My book Fortune Stellar offers helpful advice to tarot readers and metaphysical practitioners who are ready to hang their shingle, or already have. But how do you know when it’s time to set up shop?

Today, many people make the transition to professional reading by working for an online service like Oranum, Keen or Spiritum. At some point, though, many professionals want to build a local business. Some read from their homes, others find cafes and restaurants, salons or executive office centers.  There are many ways to build a great local business, you just have find the courage and the inspiration to get started.

Recently I’ve seen some of my peers react to new psychic businesses in their area, and respond to new readers considering starting a business. The conclusion I’ve drawn is this. As a community we are all over the chart when it comes to deciding when the time is right to go pro.

I have seen tarot teachers and community leaders push students whom I am sure simply aren’t ready with statements like “Give it a try, you’ll be great!”

I’ve also seen tarot professional bristle when they discover someone who doesn’t have a lot of knowledge or experience has hung a shingle.

I’ve seen a wide range of reactions in students as well. Some students love tarot and are great readers but have no desire to be professional. That’s terrific – tarot is a wonderful tool for personal use.

Some students long to go pro, are talented and knowledgeable enough to do it, but are afraid to move forward. Sometimes they fear negative reactions from friends and neighbors. Sometimes they fear the business aspect of being a professional. Sometimes they fear they aren’t good enough.

I’ve also had students take beginner tarot classes with the specific idea that in a few weeks they will be able to make some extra money with their cards. These are the ones that worry me the most.

I don’t think any great reader becomes a reader because they think it’s a smart way to make some money. Great readers become readers because they feel called to it.

To the tarot pros who encourage students to take the plunge too soon, I say this. Provide your students with opportunities to read for the public. Teach your students and encourage them. But if you get them out in the professional setting too quickly they will become discouraged and disillusioned.

To the pros who are concerned about the market being saturated with lousy readers, don’t worry about it.  Lousy readers never last, and they give your clients the opportunity to see just how good you are in comparison.

To the great readers with stage fright, try to push out of your comfort zone and share your gifts with the world!

Now, as promised, here are seven ways to know you are ready to go pro.

  1. People seek you out for readings. At work, at parties and at dinner people casually ask you if you happen to have your cards with you.

  2. The friends for whom you do free readings offer recompense without being asked – they bake you cookies, buy you dinner or bring you a beer.

  3. When you read for people, you feel alive, energized and connected.

  4. You are excited to market your business.

  5. When people ask you, you are comfortable saying “I am a tarot reader!”

  6. You know and love your cards without question.

  7. When you lay out the cards you can see stories forming in them.

If these seven statements ring true for you, you are probably ready to get started as a tarot professional. If they don’t ring true and you really do want to read professionally, don’t worry. Spend more time studying and practicing. Tarot has been around for 500 years – it will wait for you.

And, if you need extra money and already have the chops, tarot reading can create a decent income. If you need extra money and just started studying tarot hoping to make a few quick bucks, you may be studying tarot for the wrong reasons.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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