Review of Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck


Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck

Kim Dreyer

Published by US Games

Review by Christiana Gaudet

There has certainly been an onslaught of interesting new oracle decks in the past few years. It seems that oracle cards are having a bit of a coming of age.

I haven’t always been happy with the concept of non-structured card oracles. Tarot has a specific structure. So does Lenormand. Other random token divination systems that have been published as cards, such as runes and I Ching, also have a specific structure. A card oracle has only the structure the artist creates. There is no tradition and there are no specifications. Compared to what it takes to create a tarot deck, or even read with a tarot deck, oracle decks sometimes seem a bit lazy.

I have had only a few positive experiences with oracle cards. I have used an angel oracle with a group of assisted-living senior citizens, and I really enjoy Ciro Marchetti’s unique and beautiful Oracle of Visions. So when I say that the new Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck by Kim Dreyer, published by U.S. Games, excites me, challenges me and takes my breathe away you know my head isn’t turned by every pretty picture that comes my way.

Conscious Spirit Oracle deck contains forty-forty cards. The cards are large and squarer than a usual tarot deck. The enclosed Little White Book is the same size as the cards.  The Little White Book is well-written and informative. I like the first paragraph very much.

 “Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck was created to honor, celebrate, and reconnect to Nature, Spirit and the Divine Feminine in all her forms: the angle, fairy, goddess, the maiden, mother and crone”.

I am sure that one of the reasons I like this deck so much is that I resonate so well with nature, and with the divine feminine. When I first looked through the deck and saw there was a card for each of the seven chakras, as well as a card each for Maiden, Mother and Crone and for each of the Four Elements, I knew instantly this was a deck for me. Since I am certainly not alone in enjoying these images and traditions I think this will be a popular and beloved tool for many.

In the booklet we learn that the order of the forty-four cards is not random. The cards are arraigned to form a sequential journey, much like tarot. These cards will take you through the steps to “awaken and discover your own unique path.” Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck has a clear structure and purpose.

Each card has a written affirmation on the bottom. For instance, Card 39 Flames of Wisdom – Crone reads “I am open to all of life’s wisdom and share it with gratitude”. Each affirmation is well-written and clear.

Although the cards are structured in a particular order, the first thing I did was separate them into groups. There are four angel cards, seven chakra cards, three cards for Maiden, Mother and Crone, four cards for spiritual entities (Sun Goddess, Moon Goddess, Spirit Guides and Nature Spirit). There is an Elemental card for each of the Four Elements. The other twenty-two cards are things to do, be, focus on or attain. For instance, Balance, Meditation, Release, Celebrate Life, Find your Bliss, Spark of Life and Abundance.

The passage in the Little White Book for each card is thoughtful, challenging and meditative. No spreads are included in the book. These are cards of study, meditation and contemplation. One card contains so much wisdom and insight that any more than a “card of the day” reading seems like overkill.

Most oracle decks boast excellent artwork. Kim Dreyer’s images are colorful, evocative and meaningful. I truly feel these powerful images will open us to wisdom simply as we gaze on them.  Even the card backs are wonderful; combining the chakras, a tree, sacred geometry and moon cycles.

If you like oracle decks you are sure to love Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck. Even if you are not a fan of most oracle decks I think you will find there is great value in the sacred images, affirmations and meditative quality of Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck.

Christiana Reviews Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck

Video of Christiana Reviews Conscious Spirit Oracle Deck

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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