Out of the Broom Closet


Out of the Broom Closet ©


So many articles are written about coming out of the closet and admitting our beliefs, our orientations, and our chosen lifestyles. Well, in recent years, you might say, I have come out of the “broom” closet in respect to my religious beliefs, and recognizing my abilities. I have gained much confidence  as a tarot reader.  I feel that my tarot readings come from an intuition that resides deep in my soul. The cards are my guides, but the definition of these cards comes from within.  Each reading is unique. The very same three or four cards that are turned over for one person can mean something completely different for another.  Relating these definitions to the recipient is a gift---partly learned, partly intuitive.


Tarot has also awakened my spiritual side—a side of me that always had doubts and questions. A side I never completely understood. Perhaps it is not actually the cards that awakened me, but that they have given me the confidence to be myself, and to accept who I really am, and to find my place in the universe.


I am proud to admit that I identify with paganism and Native American beliefs.  I feel I am a very spiritual person, with a true, honest, and loving soul. One does not have to belong to an organized religion to understand kindness, respect for all living creatures, appreciation of nature and the beauty of the world, and still feel sorrow, empathy, and humility. Being spiritual is about that love and kindness, and striving to see and promote beauty and equality to all life—both to our fellow beings, and to all that exists in nature. If we feel this in our souls, we are spiritual beings. Everyone who marvels at the beauty of  nature---a flower, a baby animal, a raindrop, or ocean waves flowing to the shore, is exhibiting a bit of pagan belief.


This brings me back to tarot. Don’t hide in the closet—open the door and come into this beautiful world. Learn the lessons the Major Arcana teaches. Follow the spiritual journey of the Major Arcana, and the world opens the door to your heart and soul.


Joanne Matthew (2013)

Photo: The World, from the Golden Tarot


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 11/13/2013


Five Ways to Feel Energized After Tarot Reading