My Favorite Restaurant in Orlando: Whole Foods


I love Whole Foods Market. I know it’s fashionable to mock Whole Foods, even while nomming on an organic salad topped with nine-dollar-a-bottle handmade vegan salad dressing.

I know Whole Foods isn’t perfect, but for now it’s the best alternative I have. I have to admit I’m a food snob. But I’m also pretty healthy and I think there might be a connection.

Recently I spent the week in Orlando. Orlando is filled with tourist traps and restaurants. I love fine dining but living in a hotel for a week sends me into a food panic. I don’t want to spend too much money on food, I don’t want to eat fast food and I don’t want to miss out on nutrition or consume too many calories.

I was thrilled to find the local Whole Foods to be the biggest and most complete Whole Foods I had even seen. The salad bar and hot bar were bigger than many, but that’s not all. There was a sushi bar, a shrimp bar, a granola bar (I mean, literally, a place to mix your own granola from a variety of grains, nuts, seeds and fruits), a soup bar, and even a beer and wine bar.

The cafeteria was a lovely place to eat and the food was scrumptious.

Years ago I would shop at Edge of the Woods in New Haven, Connecticut. I remember how strongly I protested that they wanted to start selling meat there (I don’t know if they ever did). I’m no longer a vegetarian but I didn’t try any of the meat products on the hot bar – I was too enthralled with the tempeh, dolmades, salads, eggplant and other veggie offerings.

In the cafeteria I noticed a gentleman really enjoying some ribs while his companion was eating hummus. I decided it’s a good thing to serve a wide variety of foods – there is something for everyone to enjoy. One thing I love about Whole Foods is the meat department. Everything is labeled according to its cruelty-free and free range production techniques.

There are some really fine restaurants in Orlando. But for the savings in money and calories and the opportunity to eat a wide variety of healthy and delicious food I would choose Whole Foods every time.

Whole Foods Market on Urbanspoon

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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