Milestone Birthday Pull


I figured I've been off the grid for long enough! Haha!!!

I'm hoping this is finding everyone well, and in good spirits?!

I took a little hiatus from life recently, and upon further reflection...have gotten quite a few signs, symbols, what have you. I believe the card I pulled is just reiterating what I have felt I needed this past year or so.
I decided to do a pull for myself this year, for the first time, and for a birthday pull!

Oh my here we go, as I sit here and wonder how time has passed this quickly(some of you are older, and yes, wiser), and while I know 30 isn't that crazy of a is for me!
A mid-life crisis of sorts, but obviously I am not itent on aging myself or putting an expiration date either, hahaha!!!
Nonetheless...a HUGE deal for me!!! 

So, that being said...I won't bore you with any more details. I decided to do a pull, and for the day following my birthday. I believe it's a great card and speaks mountains in and of itself. 
In most decks I believe it is void of any human representation, on mine however, that's not the case. I pulled from my "Fantastical" deck for this one.

"A person standing with a dog, and the wands coming out of the corner(possibly planted there), and a forest in the background."

This has a few special meanings to me and also makes sense in the aspect of, "everything relative to nature and country", I live and love the country.
Don't get me wrong the sea is also a deep seeded meaning in my life as well. But, something about a country setting and getting lost in nature and the woods has a settling effect on me. 

This brings me to another aspect of this card, the "fine and simple things in life", and while I often am grateful for these things...they can often be thrown aside and forgotten to an extent with this modern day world. Taking on of too many projects and running myself(or you) thin. It's okay to be a multi-tasker! Sometimes we forget that it's also okay to just take on one thing at a time. 
"Peace, quiet, and leisure" along with "walking and resting"...all things we take for granted sometimes. I plan on doing this to the fullest this year.

A year older, a year wiser, and a year closer to my own truths. These things take time, and sometimes we have to step back and realize what is right in front of us. I see so many opportunities this many avenues and goals I wish to take and accomplish. I will not take this lightly though, and will definitely remember to relax more. Take pleasure in relaxing and knowing that you need to be rested and at your best to accomplish your goals in life. 

The small things are where it's at...and remember that your life wasn't accomplished in a day ;-)


Imbolc Spread


Tarot by Christiana Weekly Newsletter 1/22/2014