Memorial Day Four Elements Ritual

This Memorial Day, I was asked to lead a short, interfaith ritual for a group of women.
One woman was inspired to read the Gettysburg Address to set the tone and begin the ritual.
I followed by reading the Charge of the Star Goddess.
Then we spoke about sacrifice.
I created four questions about sacrifice; one for each of the four elements.
I asked each person to answer each question, aloud, or in her own heart.
To close the circle, I asked each of the four elements to lend us their aid and assistance.
Although Memorial Day is now over for another year, each of us can answer these questions and make our own person commitments at any time.
I invite you to try it!

Begin with the element of Air, which offers us integrity, logic, and clear communication.
As we open to the element of Air, think of the people who have made sacrifices for you, and hold them in gratitude.
Who are the people you have sacrificed for you?

Move to the element of Earth, which offers us our sense of home, well- being, and abundant resources.
As we open to the element of Earth, think of the sacrifices you have been able to make for others in the past, and hold gratitude for those opportunities.
In what ways have you sacrificed for others in the past?

Move to the element of Water, which offers us the ability to be compassionate, heart-centered, and to know love.
As we open to the element of water, decide what you are now willing to sacrifice for the good of others.
What is the commitment that you are willing to make?

Finally, the element of Fire supports our passions, our creativity, and our spirituality.  Here, we will make a sacrifice of a different kind.  Here, it is time to let go of something that no longer serves you. It could be something from the past,a habit, or a way of thinking.
What are you ready to cast to the fire? What is it that no longer serves you?

May the power of Air bring you clear thought, honest speech and right action.

May the power of Fire bring you passion, creativity and spiritual connection.

May the power of Water open your heart to unconditional love.

May the power of Earth bring you abundant health and wealth.

Christiana Gaudet

Christiana has been a full-time tarot professional for more than twenty years, and is the author of two books about tarot. In 2008, Christiana was granted the title of Tarot Grandmaster by the Tarot Certification Board of America. Christiana provides readings by phone, Facetime and Skype, and in her office in Palm City, Florida.

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