Halloween Night (Samhain)


Halloween Night  


From high above the raging sea

That twisted house called to  me.


As I sat at their table sipping tea,

The ghosts and goblins smiled with glee.


Black cats and bats all played together,

And Raven offered me a feather.


A symbol of the world unseen,

Until the night of Halloween.


The veil between worlds is now so thin,

Allowing me to walk right in—


To a world of spirits from the past

Alive this night, but not to last.


For when this time ends, it seems,

I will only see them in my dreams.


They will always be within my sight

In dreams that comfort me at night.


Until next Halloween, Raven, my friend,

Merry meet and merry part, and Merry meet again.


© by Joanne Matthew


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